Current Track: Blabb

Invane: Awareness Hoo


Early morning, I found
myself opening my eyes and yawning. Getting up onto my feet, I glanced around
upon my surroundings I had noticed that none of my wolf packs were around and I
frowned. Rolling my eyes as I thought of what they were doing. 'Great.' I
thought while walking a few steps forward. Already reaching the town's entrance
before me as I entered through and glanced towards the left. A row of buildings
settled before my eyes. They were a various of building heights. Horizoki was
there raising his paws in front of himself. Stabbing the hard stone with a
needle that he found somewhere upon the ground, he set the paper upon the
needle and stepped back a few. I walked towards him and muttered onto his ear;
startling him as he glanced at me with widened eyes and stretched ears. Though
he was happy to see me that he tackled me hard upon the grounds.


Already his face was to
mine, smothering it with licks and wet kisses. As I growled to make myself
heard, he paused and stepped away. Tail hanged behind him and all as he glanced
at me. I ignored him questioning about the other wolf members and I was
surprise to see him do a quick change around that ends with him happily
speaking to me. “The others are in other parts of the town, raising awareness
for the outlaw creator that the VPD had warned us about." “Not an outlaw." I
narrowed my eyes at him forcing him to flinched in response, “Awareness of the
missing canines and reptiles that had gone missing since the police had snapped
pictures of their last whereabouts." “Do you think that they were the ones who
took them?" Horizoki asked with a tilt of his head, but I shook my head quietly
at him. “No. I do not think so." “Then who would do such a thing?" “I do not
know." Horizoki then continued with the why question which forced me to answer
anything that he asked underneath the sun.


It was to the point that
my head was already aching from coming up with make believed answers for the
wolf behind me as I had already walked forth towards the poster upon the wall.
Raised my paw high and stabbed upon it's surface as I said, turning to the wolf
in question. “This is the guy missing?" “Yeah apparently." Answered Horizoki as
I nodded, “Continue the work then. I will go see what the others are doing
right now." “Hope they do not stab people with those needles!" Joked Horizoki
but I ignored him as I walked away. Yeah, a bunch of animals such as reptiles
and candidates have indeed gone missing and the VPD had snapped their last
known locations. Though I could not help but wonder if it was them who took the
animals and pictured. As I exhaled and shook my head, my mind started objecting
to that statement knowing full well that the VPD would be fired on the spot by
the chief. I said nothing now as I continued northward and away from Horizoki
behind me.


Across town came another
set of various heightened buildings, I had wondered why the reptiles were so
fond of them however. 'Like, why not create buildings that were the same height
or something? Or lower so the flying creatures can overcome them?" I thought.
But another objection had my mind reeling in anger as I felt the heat upon my
forehead; I growled and grunted. Grounding my fangs together while I returned
towards the reality of things. I had not realized that I was just standing
still however. Realizing this, I had decided to walk onward and shift my
attention towards the left again. Gazing down onto the white long wall before
me whereas a line of posters was upon me. All of the posters said the same thing:
the same missing animal and the reward. I suddenly thought back upon Horizoki.
Wondering if he had that reward thing on him. But a shook of my head got me
back towards the reality again as I continued walking parallel towards the
wall. Then, something stopped me.


My eyes narrowed upon a
poster. It was bulgy and crooked that it seemed unprofessional. I exhaled and
walked up towards the poster; raising my paw towards the edge of it. Starting
to rip it off from the wall and stared upon the thing that was behind it. Only
for a body to fall from the wall and flopped upon the grounds before my feet as
I stared at it in disbelief. 'Darn it all.' I thought to myself, wondering
which wolf had committed a crime. A body of a reptile was lying upon the
ground, unconscious with a red stream running from its forehead. Something was
struck against it and I rolled over the body to inspected it further. A small
hole stands upon the forehead; black red it was where that line of red
submerged and pooled from. I nearly gagged, but it was swallowed nonetheless.
Knowing that the VPD would be watching and patrolling very soon had me concern
as to where to hide the body as I stated looking upon the surroundings of the
path that I was upon. But during the mists of my finding, a wolf called out
towards me.




“Huzizu." I said, now
dead serious. “Did Haziyo do this?" “Do what?" The wolf asked, lowering his
eyes towards my paws. Then widened his eyes in surprise as he exclaimed. Then
raised his eyes towards me questioning, “DId he struck a needle straight onto
the forehead?" “Apparently." I answered him, exposing the hole. “Where can we
hide it?" “Where is he right now?" I growled threateningly at Huzizu as he
flinched in response and became quiet afterwards, “I do not know." “ugh." I say
and shook my head, dropping the body afterwards as I walked off with Huzizu
following behind me, “Where are you going?" “To find Haziyo." I yelled back at
him, already reaching the end of the path and entered onto some sort of market
before me. Where thousands of fruits and vegetables were about, stored upon
their large boxes that fitted upon a store stand apparently. A black sign was
adjacent to me, words were written but I never cared however as I wonder where
he was.


Searching around the
market, I spotted Haziyo together with Harkell and Havlut. All three were
straight ahead of me, raising their signs and shouting words from their snouts.
Whatever words they were actually caught the attention of the audience before
them which resulted in many reptiles and dragons circling them watching them as
if it was a performance or something. “What are they protesting about?" I
questioned Huzizu who also stared at the three wolves before him and shook his
head, exhaling as he answered me with a mutter, “About the killer of the
missing animals. He really does think that another animal did kill these
missing animals." “The VPD never mentioned anything about a killer." I say as
Huzizu shifted his attention to me. We met eyes in silence; though I frowned afterwards
and shook my head in answer, “Guess someone was not paying any attention."
Commented Huzizu as I started growling at him but he just laughed afterwards.


After a short pause of
silence, I questioned Huzizu “How are we going to get them?" “LIke we always
do. Yoink them from the audience sight!" “Unless you are a magician." I say
which prompted Huzizu to turn my way. Suddenly, a puff of magic came out of
nowhere and was between us. We started coughing and hacking that our eyes were
closed. Stepping away from the puff, we spotted Horizoki raising his cape into
the air as his paws were hanged high above his head; he had the most stupidest
grin upon his snout. Yet his eyes looked directly towards us, “Did someone say
'magician'? “No." I spoke deadpan at him, “And are you not suppose to be
working on those posts?" I added, “Finished." Horizoki lied confidently and I
just glared at him suddenly. But with a smile that did not falter, he turned
his back towards us and shouted out towards the audience before him. At this
moment, they were distracted and raced over to Horizoki. They gathered in
thousands; it was rather surprising however. As me and Huzizu were forced back
by Horizoki's 'magic', it was just us auto taking a step backwards, we race
towards the end of the path and hide ourselves there.


“Alright so the audience
are distracted! We can rescue  the three
wolves from their misery then." Huzizu remarked with a smile upon his face, “If
only it was that easy." I say deadpanned and a sudden frown as he looked at me
curiously; but all I had to do was point towards the three other wolves
growling and shouting at the audience ahead of us. “Those three was so dead
point upon making their voices heard." I commented while Huzizu chuckled
silently with a smirk upon his snout, “Easy pickings, I say." “What does that
mean?" I asked him back; but he went silent for an answer afterwards. I shook
my head and changed the topics a bit. For a first few seconds we had a
discussion on how we were going to approach this. My suggestion was the easiest
way; just either go around the square or upon the rooftops; scoop up the three
wolves and leave very quickly. However, Huzizu wanted things complicated as he
suggested going underground, pull out a fishing rod and start taking them one
by one. A slow but forceful approach however.


In the end however, we
ended up doing it my way. Not because I am the leader of the pack. But because
my way is a lot simpler than his. Huzizu grumbled and crossed his arms
forcefully as his ears were flattened. Yet he did nothing more than to comply
with my suggestion as he circled around the square while I climbed to the
rooftops above. We raced across the square and towards our destination in short
time at all. For once we reached there, Huzizu exposed himself out first.
Snatching Harkell and Havlut from my sights. I nodded in acknowledgement while
Huzizu said nothing; yet taking hits from the two british wolves as they
started cursing him out and continuing hitting with their fists. I set my eyes
towards Haziyo who was still shouting out towards the audience who was ignoring
him at once. For after two seconds of hesitation, I leaped from the rooftops. A
lightning strike came from nowhere despite the day being clear of any skies and
such. Landed upon the grounds and rolled a few inches forward, scooping up
Haziyo from his feet and make a break for it. All the while sealing his snout
with my paw despite him already biting into my fur.


Regrouping with Huzizu;
he smirked confidently at me. Though I just narrowed my eyes warning him as he
just laughed or chuckle. Harkell and Havlut tired themselves out and fell
asleep upon Huzizu's arms while I dropped Haziyo onto the ground with a hard
hit. He responded and held his paw high onto his head; glaring hate towards me
as I just smirked smugly upon him. A short while of silence broken before
Haziyo got up onto his feet and asked us “Where is Horizoki?" “Distracting the
audience." Huzizu answered, stabbing his thumb behind his shoulder. Dropping
both Harkell and Havlut as they both woke up so suddenly. They hit the grounds,
but no other sound came from them. As the three of us looked on with surprise,
Haziyo shook his head and kicked both of them onto the stomach forcing them to
wake. With their eyes opened, they peer out towards me, Huzizu and Haziyo
before sitting upright. Harkell was the first to speak for the pair, “What
happened?" “You guys tired out and napped for a few seconds." I commented,
“Oh." Remarked Harkell as he glanced around us again and asked “What about-"
“Horizoki? He is fine." Finished Huzizu as his head shook and rolled his eyes.


“Come on, we got more
important things to do anyway. Horizoki will join us later." I ordered, loud
and clear for them to hear as the three other wolves turned to me and nodded
their heads. Harkell and Havlut rose to their feet as I led them away from the
market path towards another part of town.


It was the afternoon
hours, we were all gathered around. Poised to do our stuff as I started humming
for no apparently reason. Other than to keep the silence away from us while I
turned my attention towards the three other wolves adjacent to me. Huzizu was
dressing up Haziyo while Harkell and Havlut were looking onward with a mixture
of confusement and excitement upon their snouts. As I looked onto them with a
small smile upon my face, my thoughts turned me over my shoulder while I
pondered about Horizoki and how he was doing with the audience at hand. Shaking
my head to rid that thought for I knew confidently that he would leads them all
here… right? A concern whine erupted between my mouth as the other wolves had
caught onto it and shift their attention towards me. I shook my head again to
confirm my reliability as they went to continued onto their work. It had taken
perhaps another ten seconds or so before the costume was complete. On that


I howled. Horizoki howled
in response. Then the next thing I knew, I heard a rapid stampede of animals
which forced me and three other wolves to look that way. Yet our eyes were
widened surprise to see a large cloud of dust coming at us in full speed. It
had forced me and Huzizu to dash towards the sides and away from the audience
that Haziyo would soon have. As Haziyo looked worried when Harkell and Havlut
dashes to join either me or Huzizu, the audience and Horizoki gathered up to
Haziyo while the latter wolf started introducing  the killer. And just like that; in a few
seconds broke the crowd. They all fled in all directions, screams and yells
filled the air as I found myself glaring at Horizoki who hanged his head and
whimpered. Harkell and Havlut started laughing; Huzizu groaned disappointed in
Horizoki. Haziyo kept quiet; though his red rosy blushes were easily noticeable
as he uncomfortably stood adjacent to Horizoki, kicking off his high shoes
suddenly too.


“What was that Horizoki?"
I growled at him, he only whimpered in response to me. “That was a bad
introducing. You could had said something else; but why the killer?" “Why are
you so work up in this?" Huzizu questioned me, “Because, this will raise
awareness for-" I stopped, my ears perked up upon hearing something. The sudden
silences and kept the other wolves upon me as I looked about and stretched my
ears a bit, listening to that weird sound that echoed through the silence of
the atmosphere. As my head tilted to one side, I spoke towards the others. “Do
you hear sirens?" “Is your brain working, Hunter?" Haziyo questioned me, I
scowled at him and he said nothing back while Horizoki widened his eyes
suddenly; and threw himself towards Haziyo. He started pushing him back,
separating themselves from the rest of us as me and the others looked on with
confusion before Harkell turned towards me, asking. “What is next on that
glorious list?" “We fly." I comment.


We walked out of the town
and back towards familiar grounds. Where the grassy plains felt chill beneath
our feet and the cold refreshing air sent our fur back; I breathed a sigh and
turned around towards the three other wolves who were silent as they pondered upon
what I had in store. A little off from the town behind us and we had came
across a unused working plane. A lone strip of paper was attached to the tail
of the plane, waving in the air. Seeing this, Harkell and Havlut frowned
shaking their heads as they started complaining to me, “How are we going to fly
that thing? No canine or reptile had ever flown?" “Save for dragons?" I
countered, Harkell just narrowed his eyes at me. Huffed and said nothing more.
For with a satisfied smile, I climbed onto the pilot seat and settled myself
there. It felt comfy to the touch as I felt comfortable. The controls and
wheels were easily within reach; something that I had secretly adjusted before
showcasing this plane to the rest of my wolfmates. As I went to grab a helmet from
the side of the plane, I heard Huzizu spoke out over the engine and I look over
to him. He gave a thumbs up; though he was looking a bit worried however.


I just shook my head,
smiling as I propelled the wheel forward. The plane started moving. Cutting across
the grass underneath me as I pulled the wheel and lifted the plane high. Rising
in elevations, I felt the winds soaring above and below me; I smiled with glee
and turned over my shoulder glancing at the white strip of paper behind me.
Onto the words were 'Have you seen these canines and reptiles?' I exhaled a
sigh, leaning against the seat behind me while I watched over the peaceful
revelations that were upon the horizontal skies leveled with me. Peaceful was
upon my surroundings as the roar of the engine echoed kept me awake for the
time being. As I continued soaring and cutting through the skies, I lowered my
eyes down. Upon the smallest grounds beneath me, I stared at the crowd
underneath. Having noticed that they were gathering around; screaming and
shouting at Horizoki. I frowned upon this noticed and shook my head while
maintaining the elevational height that is required.


Things had gone into
silence, at least for a few more seconds. As I circled around the town having
reached the other end of it, my ears perked upon and I started seeing black
smoke come from my tail wing. Constant beeping and other noises echoed my ears
as I looked on with surprise shock and something else while I started pressing
different buttons and such. The plane gradually losing altitude. The audience
stopped and fixed their attention towards falling plane as I continued pressing
buttons and flicking switches then growled and rose my paws high as I turned my
attention towards the right glancing a book that somehow was adjacent to me.
How? I would never know but I never hesitated into grabbing upon it. Rapidly
flipping the pages into the one that I had needed, I quickly pulled one paw off
from the book and grabbed onto the wheel. Pulling it back but also losing the
book at the same time, I landed the plane safely without any sort of injuries
or death and I jumped from the cockpit. The plane continued moving at constant
speed; heeding towards some gift shop that was ahead of it.


They crashed. But at
least the plane stopped however.


With smoke and fire
rising from the cockpit of the plane and an angry employee shouting with its
paws high above its head, I dusted my paws and smirked before leaving the
scenery immediately.


“Well that failed
spectacularly." Responded Huzizu as he spotted me. I nodded with no hesitation,
but a small smile upon my snout as the silence came to be. Following the
silence, Huzizu yawned and turned his attention towards me “What is next then?
Or can we call this story closed right now?" “I wished." I frowned with a shake
of my head as the others groaned in kind and frowned. “What is it this time?"
Moaned Harkell who like me, wanted this story already over with. “We are to
dive into bodies of waters and-" “There is no way that I am getting myself
wet!" Exclaimed Horizoki as the rest of us turned towards him. His eyes
narrowed towards me; ignoring the others. With silence falling between us, I
exhaled a breath and shook my head. “It is not a good plan either." I answered
“Just for curiosity why do we have to dive into bodies of water…?" Trailed
Huzizu shifting his eyes towards me as I spoke out to him in answer, “For
awareness." “Yeah no…" Huzizu answered back with a couple of them nodding
already. I just nodded along side of them and exhaled another breath, lifting
my head towards the blue evening skies and spoke “Lets just head home, rest up
and see was other crazy stuff comes up this time." “Agreed." Spoke the rest as
we started heading back towards Virkoal Forest.


However, at Vaster;
purple clouds are now forming above the peaceful city. Lighting flashes often
and the roar of dragons filled the silence.