Current Track: Blabb

Invane: Vixblock


Today was pretty hectic
however. Or a little chaotic as you audience would say. Why? Let me tell you


Morning had came. The sun
was rising from the horizon. Birds started chirping everywhere. Trees swaying
to the side alongside the winds and wolves started howling. Wait. Howling? No,
no no. We were not howling however. We started arguing. But it was just me and
Huzizu honestly, not the other wolves cause they were busy with something else.
I will explain more later, this is rather important. So at the center of the
forest, me and Huzizu were located somewhere upon the right side of it. Our
voices were carried far from us that everyone else who were not part of the
story or forest could hear us.  Yelling.
Or howling, I guess if that is the term for us yelling wolves. What were we
yelling about and why were we loud? I will tell you why. It is because of the


Yes, it sounds stupid
however. But what you did not know is that the harmonica is played at the
beginning of every story. Even though you guys do not see it at the beginning,
“Cause it is imaginary!" Huzizu interrupted, a bright smile appear upon his
face. “Quiet Huzizu." I growled at him, silencing him suddenly as he pulled his
head back and stare at me in the following silence. Right, now then. My pack
had an unusual talent and it had to do with this harmonica however. As you can
see, the harmonica is used for our story to know that it is time for some of
the most craziest stuff ever committed. “Such as the things and craziest stuff
you had seen in the past." Huzizu replied, “Indeed." I nodded with agreeance
towards him, my eyes closed for the duration before opening them afterwards.


So today, we are arguing
about who gets the harmonica for this story now. It was between me and Huzizu
since Horizoki and Haziyo had already played the harmonica in the past few
stories before. It had not ended however sadly and I hope it would cause I
wanted to do something else within this story too. Oh, I had almost forgot. In the
meanwhile, the other remaining wolves had gotten themselves a pot of gold for
some strange reason. I never knew how they had acquired such a thing cause I
thought leprechauns were a myth like all other things consider. It was this
morning that they had acquired such an item and set it upon the grounds at the
center of the forest. I think they were going to do something with that pot. I
was not sure because Huzizu had dragged me along upon the recent
conversation/argument that we were talking about.


One thing for sure
however, we did hear an explosion. Not a real kaboom type of explosion. Rather
a colorful cloud explosion or something like that I guess. Our heads were
suddenly turned towards them and their pot. Already seeing that colorful stream
of cloud rising from the golden pot. Additionally, something smelled really
good from it that I had wondered, 'What were they cooking now?' I halted the
conversation with Huzizu for a moment as he huffed, recreating his face so he
was looking kinda angry with me. But he had complied and walked with me towards
the center of the forest where the other wolves were gathered.


“Hey!" I responded to the
following silence as the other wolves turned towards me. Haziyo was the first
to speak amongst the small subgroup, “Hey Hunter. Finally finish with that
pointless argument of yours?" “First of all…" I trailed, frowning at him “It is
not a 'pointless' argument. It is important." “Not as important as this one
however." Horizoki interrupted with a smile upon his face, I and Harkell
facepawed and I heard Havlut groaned somewhere. Flicking an ear, I tried myself
to smile at him before nudging my head towards the golden pot adjacent to me.
“Oh this? This is our latest experiment." “What you are guys? Scientist?"
Huzizu narrowed his eyes, staring down onto Haziyo who nodded his head.
Grabbing his imaginary goggles from his forehead and setting it onto his eyes.
Both me and Huzizu blinked at him; but so did Havlut and Harkell however too.
Haziyo and Horizoki walked up towards the golden pot. Yet only Haziyo rose to
his hind legs as he grabbed a black spoon and started circling it around, he
explained to us four


“Again, this is our
latest experiment. We are to determined if leprechauns exist in our plane of
existence." “...And that is why you are using a golden pot and smoke to draw
them in?" Huzizu questioned him with an eye ridge rose, Haziyo nodded his head,
smiling only briefly before that faded off “Yes. It is rather the only way to
bring them in!" “This plan sounds really stupid." I heard Havlut muttered to
himself, fixing his eyes towards Harkell who started slightly nodding. He
whispered something back, but it was rather hard to hear them. “Anyway." Haziyo
started, dropping the spoon back into the pot again “Time for the plan of
action!" He turned towards me. I blinked at him wondering what he had wanted.
“Should you not order us around with your comments?" “Oh? Was that what you
were waiting for?" I asked him, Haziyo nodded his head silently as I nodded
towards the others. “Scatter now." I spoke barely a scream as the three other
wolves peeled themselves off from the pack. Spreading apart and positioning
themselves upon the edges of the opened forest which perhaps leaves Haziyo and
Horizoki together adjacent to the pot too.


I hopped onto a favorite
spot of mine. Somewhere within the edges of the opened forest. However, I never
knew where this one was. It was only instinct that I would come here. But never
minding that now, I hopped right on in. Obstructing my visions from my surroundings
while my eyes were opened. I stared down onto the opened forest before me which
was now blocked by the leaves and feathers? 'Why are there feathered here…?' I
pondered tilting my head to the side before hearing giggling somewhere else.
“Harkell? Havlut? That you playing a prank onto me?" I yelled out, revealing my
position to the outside worlds surrounding me. A quiet response of a 'no' came
back to me, I exhaled a breath and closed my eyes. Turning back towards the
opened forest again; seeing now something in front of me and up close too
however. I yelped surprise and threw myself back which exposes where I was
hiding however. A giggle came as a response as fast running came following


“What happened?" “Hunter,
you alright?" I heard two voices, both of which were coming from Havlut and
Harkell. 'Glad the two are still worried about me.' I pondered responding in my
head before pointing at whatever was in front of me. The two wolves turned
their attention to whatever I was pointing at. Behold, came a vixen. Giggling
in response while watching us three, she muttered something before responding
to the silence surrounding us, “Yes, it was me who scared you!" “Why?" “I
thought it was funny." “You foxes are all the same…" Muttered Harkell, Havlut
turned his head towards Harkell who kept silent afterwards. “And funny too!"
“What are you doing here?" I growled back at her, a smile creep upon her snout
as she spoke to me, “I just came by into this forest and got lost. I was
suppose to find my way towards Chaos. But… forgot which-" “It is over to your
right, our left by the way." Interrupted Harkell monotone was his voice as me
and Havlut turned towards him with surprise. Yet Havlut hopped onto his feet
and nudged his fellow wolf packmate. The two talked for a while as I walked up
towards the vixen.


“So you are part of
Chaos?" “Supposedly." “What do you mean by that?" “Nothing." And so the back
and forth conversation argument ended right there and then which came as a
surprise considering that most canines that I talked to always argue forever
and that does include most foxes and vixens however. Though shaking my head to
rid that thought off, I checked the time by rising my head towards the blue
skies. Already seeing that the sun was high into the blue skies, “Guys." I
echoed. Harkell, Havlut and Huzizu turned their attention towards me before I
lowered my head and met their eyes, “We need to go. We are wasting time
already." “Ah. Had it already been 8am?" Responded Huzizu with a frown, I
nodded my head “So we just wasted time staying here waiting for whatever
imaginary thing that Horizoki and Haizyo are looking for." Muttered Harkell,
“You got to stop muttering, Harkell." Havlut commented, his eyes already to
him. Harkell nodded silently, hanging his head.


“So where are we suppose
to go then?" Huzizu asked, his eyes to me. “Escort the vixen towards the Chaos
realm, I guess." “Finally!" Exclaimed Harkell with a paw pump above his head
while the remaining three wolves turned towards him with surprise looks onto
their faces. “Sorry." He spoke after a while of silence. The vixen smiled
responding to him and towards the others as she turned her attention towards
the opening of the forest, “er. What are those two wolves doing?" “Nevermind
them." Growled Harkell, dropping his head low while his eyes narrowed at them,
“They are just finding a leprechaun which does not exist by… the… way!" he
added, yelling at the very end of his sentence which the two wolves responded
with a scream of their own. I rolled my eyes silently and turned my attention
towards the vixen, “Alright. Let just go then." “And leave them behind?"
Question the vixen, tilting her head to one side.


A moment later, Harkell
and Havlut pushed the two wolves from their golden pot. Towards the edges of
the forest where they disappeared from the society and surrounding. They
rejoined us as I and Huzizu put up with our best smiles we could upon our
snouts, yet looked disturbed towards Haziyo and Horizoki. “Anyway…" Trailed
Haziyo after me and Huzizu dropped our smiles, “What are we gathered here for
and why did you guys bring us out from our golden pot?" “One, The vixen is lost
inside the forest and we are to bring her towards Chaos. Two, leprechauns do
not exist. End. Of. Story." A whine responded from Haziyo as he frowned, but
nevertheless complied with the rest of us. I smiled, Huzizu said nothing and
he, along with all others, turned tail and started moving in the direction of
where that realm was located. Leaving me alone with the vixen at hand, I nudged
my head to the side. The vixen smiled faintly and nodded responding to me
before taking the lead and I upon her tail.


We walked along the
trail. Heeding eastward from the forest. Luckily for us it was just a short
walk from where we were positioned however. Thus, out of the forest we had came
and upon the fields of opened grass where the fresh scented air tickled upon
our noses, causing Horizoki to sneeze onto Harkell who growled back at him. The
two wolves tackled and rolled off for a bit. A bunch of noises and whines came
from the two too. I exhaled and walked up front of the pack. “Come on, lets
go." spoke softly towards the remaining wolves left standing. The other wolves
and vixen nodded their heads, resuming their walk ahead as we started cutting
through the plains once again. “So is this somewhat of a routine for you guys?"
“Routine?" Havlut questioned her with an eye raised at her, “No. This is not
common however." “Most of the time we just go on some sort of unexplained
adventure and see where the insanity takes us." “Much like now…" Huzizu spoke,
nudging his head to the side. Pointing towards the pair of wolves rolling about
in the plains, their noises still continuing as the vixen giggled again, “I


Halfway through the
plains, we heard sprinting. Well not really sprinting. More like fast heavy
footsteps however. Thus we stopped and glance around, already noticing that the
vixen was somewhat gone from our presence. Surprise, we shifted our heads about
and looked upon the surroundings with worry. “How did we lose her that easily?"
Exclaimed Harkell, his snout frowning before turning his head over to Huzizu
who shrugged silently, “Cause no one of us are watching her." “No one want to
look at her private parts!" Exclaimed Harkell, “What are you? A perverted
wolf?" Huzizu commented with a smirk upon his face which Harkell whipped it off
with a threatening growl in response, “Shut up!" Thus the following had fell
upon silence as I sat my butt down and watched my group fall into pieces,
because of that vixen. I had wondered, sometimes, as to why she was here and
what was her purpose being in Virkoal Forest anyway. And as I wondered, I had
thought to myself, 'How did we get ourselves into this mess.' Yet my head
shook, a small hidden smile crept from my snout and I chuckled which halted
their argument completely. 'Nah. This is completely normal.' “Come on you guys
lets just find her and get this over with."


“Found her." Immediately
Harkell spoke with his paw raised to the horizon. The rest of us looked with
mixed reactions and responses as we could not believed what we were seeing
however. In front of us stood the vixen already riding one of the animals of
the wild. That said animal was a tiger. The bear, crocodile and one other was
looking at the vixen in surprise and bewilderment as if they could not believed
in what they had saw. Neither me, Huzizu, Harkell or Havlut too however. Yet
Horizoki and Haziyo cheered her on. She continued riding the tiger for a while;
a wide grinning smile was upon her snout. Her imaginary hat fling in her paw
held high above her head as she laughed and cheered. Encouraging herself to go
onward as she rose the tiger towards us. Me and Huzizu were a bit surprise by
this direction and dive out of the way. The tiger itself was scared since eyes
were widened and pupils shrinking. His heart going fast and his legs were


“Is this not animal
abuse?" Whispered Huzizu turning his eyes towards me which I shook my head,
“Not unless you are a animal standing on two hind legs." “And a bushy fur."
Added Horizoki while I shook my head again “You are not helping." “But I am
helping the audience think of the image!" “What image?" I turned to him with
confusement. But he shrugged and became silent. As for the rest of the morning,
the vixen rode the tiger before getting off from the animal. Setting her feet
upon the soft grass plains underneath her, she smiled at the rest of us and
waved. Haziyo and Horizoki waved back responding towards her as she raced
towards us and regrouped. “Now that it is over." I commented, “We should
continued on." The vixen, Haziyo and Horizoki groaned. But nonetheless complied
with it as we exited from the plains and back towards the second part of the


Fast forwarding a few
hours into the afternoon and we find ourselves adjacent to the river. Peace and
silence seemed into our ears while the ringing continued trying to annoy us at
best. But it had seemed that everyone had ignored it. Me, Harkell and Havlut
were gathered far away from the river. Huzizu joined us too after a nice swim.
Although he seemed to be scared. Shivering like a lost pup on a cold winter
night just because he fears of heading back into the river. When we talked
about it, he did reveal that it was something biting him. Only Harkell and
Havlut chuckled, I tilted my head with confusement before questioning him.
“What kind of biting? Innocent like a fish? Or threatening?" “innocent." He
muttered confirming with red roses upon his cheeks and an unknown heat steaming
from the back of his neck. Harkell and Havlut breaks into laughs; they rolled
onto their backs and strained their laughter. Me and Huzizu turned our heads
towards them, but let them continued as we avert our eyes towards the other
remaining wolves, and vixen of course.


Such said wolves and
vixen were gathered upon the edge of the river. We watched as the vixen grabbed
a bucket and poured water onto it. Haziyo and Horizoki turned their heads to
the bucket with smiles upon their snouts as if they were looking rather excited
by the whole thing however. As the vixen filled the bucket, she started
explaining about something which I had interpreted as a 'magic trick' or
something along that line however. I laid upon the rocks, setting my eyes curiosity
upon the vixen and the two other wolves with thoughts inside my head, wondering
what she could be planning. After filling up the bucket, she became silent and
stepped back a bit. She waved her paw in front of her and the water in the
bucket started swirling around. Haizyo and Horizoki were surprise and
excitement rose from them. I just chuckled seeing them happy for once. But the
trick does not end there.


Oh no. Furthermore, the
vixen grinned upon them and stopped her paw which also stopped the water moving
too. As she takes another step back, she ran forward and dives right into the
bucket. A loud splash echoed in response as the water flew back into the river
again. Everyone was silent as only the birds chirping was the only sound
echoing. I turned to Haziyo and Horizoki; their mouths opened and hanged in
disbelief. Ears erected upward and eyes opened wide. It had seemed they were
surprise and shocked by the 'magic trick' that the vixen had committed. Yet me
and the other wolves knew it was something else. It is just we never wanted to
speak or mention it at all; in case we fragile their fantasy. As the attention
was towards the bucket, we had waited for her to submerge from the waters. But
she had been gone for a long time that the sun had already set in the horizon.


With the river roaring in
our ears, I yawned to commit to the conversation. Huzizu, Harkell and Havlut
turned their attention towards me as I got up onto my feet. “Come on everyone,
we should head back." “Do you think that leprechauns exist anyway?" Huzizu
questioned with curiosity upon his face despite me groaning and wanting to dig
my face upon the pile of rocks. Horizoki and Haziyo quickly joined us, perking
upon the question drove by Huzizu and started a lengthy explanation about why
Leprechauns exist. Yet halfway through, it was interrupted by Harkell who
growled at the pair to shut up which did the trick by the way. Without
hesitation, we fled from the river and started heading back to the opened
fields of the forest. Right back where we started at the beginning of this


Thus, the routine had
resumed. Horizoki and Haziyo waiting patiently for their so called leprechauns
to come out. Me and Huzizu still arguing about the harmonica. Harkell and
Havlut drinking british tea as always. I exhaled a breath and chuckled rather
softly which perked the ears of Huzizu as he looked at me with curious look
upon his snout. Thus, he sticked it onto me and I responded back to him. “It is
kinda funny Huzizu." I say to start things off as he silenced himself so would
encourage me to speak which I took, “This story is far by the shortest journey
there be. Every other ends usually in us being chased, cleaning up the mess or
causing havoc as we always do. But this? This is perfection! And rather peaceful
however…" “You called this peaceful? I thought it was rather annoying."
Commented Huzizu with a smile upon his snout, I chuckled responding to him.


“Say… Want to do one last
thing?" I asked him after a pause of silence and Huzizu turned his head tilting
at me while I smugly responded to him. Getting up onto my feet, I revealed a
hidden ball underneath me as Huzizu blinked and rose his head meeting my eyes.
I explained to him, “Remember that argument we had before the story started?"
“Yeah what of it?" He asked. Then, without explaining to him or giving him
context, I stepped away from the ball and pushed it gently with my head.
Afterwards, I kicked the ball hard that it hurt my paw. But at the same time,
hurls itself into the air in an arc. Right above Haziyo and Horizoki who
shifted their attention towards that said ball and ran towards it. Knocking
over Harkell and Havlut who were screaming insults at them just as the ball,
Horizoki and Haziyo disappeared into the edges of the forest. With Harkell and
Havlut cleaning up the sudden mess, me and Haziyo started laughing.


“And now you know." I
concluded with a smile. Haziyo responded to me in between laughs, “You are
cruel. I love it." “I know I am." I responded.