Current Track: Blabb

Invane: Hazery Drive


“What is first on the
agenda?" Questioned Horizoki as he turned his attention towards me. I shook my
head, jabbing a thumb to Haziyo who actually had the map this time and a weird
looking hat for some reason too. His hat was big that it covered his entire
head. Preventing him from being able to see anything around him however, which
both Harkell and Havlut take advantage of by using wooden bats that they
'found' outside of some store on our way through the roads. With the sounds of
bats hitting the sides of the hat while Haizyo was screaming, I turned towards
Horizoki and shrugged before taking that map away from the paws of Haziyo.
Declaring secretly and hiddenly that he does not need it since he could not see
for some strange reason.


Anyway, we are in a race.
In case you had not notice. The starting bell had already rung and most of the
contestants had already fled from the starting line. Rushing forth towards
their objectives which were scattered across the streets of Vastertown and
disappearing from our sights till we were the only ones left nearby the
starting point. Crowds that was behind bars were cheering, throwing their fists
into the air as their loud voices rung in the air. Havlut and Harkell got
themselves too involve with the crowd as they started pummeling Haziyo with his
large hat however while both me and Horizoki just watched them in silence
before turning our attention to the objective list that I was holding.


It was a medium size or
standard size looking white paper. There were four objectives on our list it
seems. “The first one is what we do." I say pointing to the first objective of
the four as Horizoki nodded his head and kept staring at the paper of where I
was pointing to. “But where do we find a dragon scale? There are not anything
around here since its ban twenty years ago." “Make that ten years actually."
Responded Horizoki as he glanced to me, I nodded “Thanks for the history
lesson, did you make that up overtop of your head?" He shook his head, “I
figured." I exhaled a breath before walking up towards the three other wolves.
For suddenly, I grabbed onto Harkell and Havlut. Then pulled the large hat out
of Haziyo before tossing it out onto the winds which blew it away. As Haziyo
started chasing after it, I gripped onto his backside. He yelped and fell over
as if he tripped. Faceplanting upon the grounds beneath him, he lay still for a
while before he got out onto his feet.


While he was dusting
himself, I said to the three about the dragonscale we needed to capture. Each
of them responded exactly as I had thought of however and I just nodded
afterwards or following after them as if I was agreeing with them. But after a
short while of silence, Haziyo's face brighten and he held his paw into the air
as he suggested “Lets mug someone in the crowd. Someone who has a dragonscale."
“Everyone has a scale, idiot." Responded Harkell, slapping Haziyo as he held
his paw into the air. Glancing with widen eyes to the wolf that hit him before
nodding his head. I just tapped my wrist growling at their shenanigans. They
had stopped after my growl. “Now then. Before we get into any more
distractions…" I say glaring at each of the three wolves following after. They
held their heads and set their tails between themselves, keeping quiet while I
continued in the roaring crowd surrounding us. “Let just find a dragonsscale
and finish this first objective up." “I bet the others have already accomplished
their third and fourth objectives." Commented Horizoki while the silence was
kept. I just glared at him before departing away with the others following
close behind.


We heed the roads and
searched everywhere for someone with a scale. But everywhere we go, we already
see dragons and their scales everywhere to the point that Haziyo and Horizoki
was going crazy. Havlut, me and Harkell had to pull the two wolves away from
some concerned dragons at the sidelines before their scales get pulled apart by
them. I turned the two wolves facing me; noticing that their mouths were
foaming. White thingy stuff coming out from their mouth for some reason that I
just sighed and shook my head. Pulling my head back, I spoke to Harkell and
Havlut “Just find our first objective. We will look at the second." “Are you
sure?" I nodded at Harkell who frowned, his ears pulled back. As he turned to
Havlut who shook his head sadly, the two wolves departed from us and heed
somewhere else. Leaving me along with the two other wolves still foam in their
mouths as I slapped their cheeks again. They suddenly came out from their
daydreams and rose their heads high. Knocking onto mine.


I growled as response,
raising my paw to my forehead and narrowed my eyes at them. Horizoki and Haziyo
rose to their feet. But remained silent as their eyes bore onto mine. Yet their
tails were already wagging. “You two set that up did you not?" I growled at
them, following them. Neither of them confessed and I just sighed as an answer
instead before shaking my head afterwards. Returning my eyes back towards the
white piece of paper held onto my paws, I read the second objective. 'Find and
reverse chase against a lady with razors." “A what?" Startled Horizoki as
something bang behind us. We all turned towards the source of that noise.
Immediately spotting a dragoness with razors for claws. Looking psychotic and
grim at the same time. The dragoness' scale was unknown to us however. But what
we do know was that the dragon is looking about the same size as us. Sporting
sharper fangs, horns, wing tips and etc. “But replacing her claws for razors?"
Shrieked Horizoki as he started complaining throwing his paws out in front of
him with widen eyes, looking fear scared and all rounded excitement beneath his
body. “Just run." I whispered with no complaint as the three of us flee from
this crazy dragoness behind us.


Yet somehow she had
spotted us. How? I would not know. Yet giving this question towards Horizoki
and Haziyo, they had give some weird answers as response. Most of which I would
believed, but few maybe half was unbelievable or just fiction however. “Just like
this story." Commented Haziyo as me and Horizoki looked to him without
hesitation. Yet we returned our sights back up front, remembering that we were
fleeing from someone that was tailing behind us however. We raced across the
golden roads where buildings were taller than us and windows were smaller than
we had expected. The sun's rays reflected to the surface of the roads we were
walking on, heating up our feet to the point of unbearable levels however.
“Wish I had shoes." Complained Horizoki while Haziyo nodded. Both wolves held
their foot with their paws, jumping from one tilt to another like a hopping
rabbit. Though this does cut their speed by half that the dragoness behind us
was gaining distance for both wolves. As I started hearing her voice in the
distance, I stopped immediately and shift my head around about upon the stores
that surrounded me. Hoping to look for anything that would distract her


Thus, in a few glancing
moments, I spotted something useful. A box full of sea creatures and farm
animals. They even had real life cow stuffed into one of those ripped boxes
however. Shouting out to Horizoki and Haizyo, both wolves turned to me. I ran
to the side of the road. Opening up those boxes and pulling out… “Toy size
animals?" I exclaimed in surprise, after seeing a toy cow before my very eyes.
I stared at it for at least a moment, before shaking my head side to side. For
instantly and without hesitation, I grabbed a box and pour it onto the streets
where the heat started melting away the farm toy animals and sea creature. Thus
morphing them into real life animals that stampede across town, running after
that dragoness who started running away. And also spreading her wings before
flying away shortly afterwards. With her gone, Horizoki and Haziyo cheered.
Threw their paws into the air as if they were part of the crowd. Yet I snatched
onto both their paws and shook my head after turning theirs to meet up with my
eyes. “We still have more objectives to do." “Hopefully Harkell and Havlut have
already accomplished the first take." Responded Horizoki as Haziyo nodded his
head with a smile. Yet frowned afterwards as he had remembered something.


But before he could
speak, I tug them away from town. Rolling up the streets of Vaster, heeding to
the western side of Vastertown where a lone house awaits for us at the very end
of the road. “Talk about sudden scene change!" Exclaimed Horizoki while Haziyo
shook his head, “We just ran really fast to get here." “Why?" “We are on a race
remember?" “..." Went Horizoki while Haziyo shouted at him. With the two wolves
bickering behind me, I flatten my ears and kept my eyes upon the house in front
of me. Forth I heed towards its door where I raised my paw onto the surface of
the door, preparing to knock. Yet the door opened before I could get a knock
in. For from the interior of the home came Huzizu, someone that we had never
saw before in this story. “Woah. You are the owner of this house now?"
Responded Horizoki as he sissy slapped with Haziyo. Huzizu nodded in silence
and stepped to the side and threw his paw out in front of him. I looked at the
wolf while the two wolves continued their sissy slap and walked towards us and
the door, entering inside.


“So I guess you are part
of the race huh?" “Pretty much, Hunter." Huzizu responded with a shrug as he
walked besides me while we take our seats upon the table. “Despite the
adventure we had and believe me, they were fun." Huzizu chuckled, I break into
a warm smile. But that parted away after Huzizu responded again, hanging his
head as his tail stopped so suddenly “I wanted to partake into this race as an
owner of something and not a victim of…" He stabbed his paw towards the
direction of where the two wolves are. Already sit themselves upon the bench
seats as their paws were already upon the bottles and such, drinking away and
becoming drunk while trying to recreate some scene from a certain movie or
show. I could not tell. Flattening my ears, I exhaled a breath as Huzizu
frowned additionally too before rushing forth towards Harkell and Horizoki,
growling and whispering something to them as their eyes met with him.


Then, they pulled
themselves onto their feet and started 'dancing' with Huzizu. I blinked,
astonished by their drunken nature that they were able to dance so perfectly
like this. It did gave me idea to set them up for a dance competition when we
had a break from this plotline however. 'There was one indeed nearby. In a
village close to Virkoal Forest however.' I thought to myself with a wicked
grin. But had that fade away as I had remembered we were on set and in a race.
So without further adu, I snatched Horizoki and Haziyo from Huzizu. Setting
them down onto the benches beneath us and sat myself down. I turned my
attention towards the table in front of us. Noticing that half of the bottles
and glasses were already half empty or just plain empty in general. At this, I
narrowed my eyes back upon Horizoki and Haziyo who started burping up the
alphabet, wolf style of course, before they started vomiting all over the
floor. Harkell and Havlut shook their heads, rolling their eyes as I went to
fetch Huzizu to get us more bottles and glasses while also getting a mop to
clean the vomit upon the ground. When all was said and clean, Huzizu positioned
himself at the head of our table. Folded his paws behind himself and kept his
eyes upon his packmates.


He coughed to clear his
throat, closing his eyes as he does so before instructing us as to what to do.
“Today, in this race of course, you are required to make a health regeneration
potion. The required bottles and glasses in front of us contains the necessary
ingredients for such a thing. However, all of the labels are torn off." A
collective gasp came from the other four wolves as I looked to Huzizu with an
amuse smile upon my snout. He reflected it to me before pulling his eyes
towards the larger crowd. Raised his paws into the air and spoke, “You all may
start now." We all turned towards the table in front of us. Staring down onto
the bunches of bottles and glasses in front of us. “Where to start…" Frowned
Harkell as he started scratching his head. Havlut and Haziyo turned their
attention to Horizoki who already snatched several glasses and bottles, pouring
them all overtop of one another as the color liquid inside started changing
rapid. Smoke, gas or whatever that white substance is started floating at the
surface of the liquid as something rose from the bottle itself. We all stared
at Horizoki who continued smiling, pouring liquid after liquid in a
'professional' behavior. Changing a sequence of colors till, he stopped


There was no mess. No
explosions or anything. Yet we all kept our eyes upon Horizoki who held a
bottle of pink substance with a bright smile upon his face. Huzizu was even
more impress too. Yet he kept that emotion hidden as he walked towards
Horizoki, snatching the bottle from his paws and raised it to his lips.
Drinking it, he felt energized and he nodded towards Horizoki who smiled back
onto him. He licked the side of his face as a sign of appreciation before
pulling back. The other wolves and I rolled our eyes before I pulled Horizoki
back. “Congrats!" Huzizu responded to the rest of us with a smile, throwing his
paws on either side of himself as his eyes faced me. “You all passed." “Now
what?" Responded Havlut with a frown, checking his wrist for the current time.
“It cannot be this over already?" “Yeah! We got like one page to go!" Responded
Haziyo jumping up into the air as I, Harkell and Huzizu turned towards him in
disbelief into how he knew how many pages however. Yet before any of us could
addressed our concern, the door was burst into flames and caught onto the walls
of the house. Up towards the rooftop where bricks had started falling from the
skies, I exclaimed to the rest of my pack “Run! Get outside now!" “How is this
on flames?" Exclaimed Huzizu, a bit surprise and overwhelmed by the sudden
change of events happening around himself. Yet we all fled outside of the
house, back onto the beating sun whose rays shine and reflected against our
fur. We all turned around towards the burning flames of the house as someone
familiar submerged from its doors, wielding what seems to be a chainsaw.


“Wait wait… There are no
chainsaws in Medieval time!" Critic Harkell, “Actually… there is." Responded
Huzizu, grabbing his book that he pulled out from his ass. He turned the pages
of the book, stopping temporarily at a page where it shows the ancient
chainsaws. It was really weird looking however. There were lots of pictures
showcasing the ancient types of chainsaws however. For example, a smaller
looking chainsaw with a handle at its side. Pointy tip at the end of the saw


“Enough can we just go on
with the story?" Responded the dragoness, looking rather bore about the
historical tale of chainsaws, “Sorry." Responded Huzizu closing his book and
putting away his glasses. “Go and research about it audience!" I followed it up
while we sprinted away from the dragoness. Back into town where we found
ourselves upon the roads of hell. Rushing up the streets towards its end where
we would exchange it with another road. We had repeated this, time after time
to the point that we were getting tired of it however. So instead, we had
decided to bag her and put away that chainsaw away. We were left panting
heavily. Tongues already rolled out of our snouts as our eyes struggled to keep
still despite the rolling pictures that we were seeing however. While we shook
our heads, one by one, our eyesight realigned itself and we could see only one
picture now. I rose my head towards the orange red skies above us, a bit
surprise into seeing the sunset hours already of the day. It had seemed that the
others were a bit surprise too however.


I shifted my attention
towards the sidelines. Towards the sidewalks where the crowd were to be. No one
was about. It was all empty however. I frowned, wondering if we were taking too
long to finish the race that they had forgotten about us. But my head shook and
I turned towards the other wolves. Addressing this issue at once. “Well if the
race ended and we DNF. Guess we can just head home then." Suggested Harkell,
stretching his arms above his head as he yawned which caught Horizoki and
Huzizu, nodding in agreement. “Well what if we were to throw the dragons of
Vaster a cook off? Just to spend some time with them before we had to leave for
Virkoal forest?" Questioned Haziyo and I looked to him, pondering. Then I
answered him, “The last time we had a cook off like that was in some village
with Liverpaws. You did knew how that ended up however." I said, stabbing
Haziyo with my paw with a narrowed scowled glance at his face. He nodded in
response, laughing afterwards “Yeah. The village ended up burned. Villagers
screaming and rolling around in the dirt. The cats hissing and shrieking while
the leader was left standing there in disbelief."


We all held a share of
laughs. Unfortunately, that was left immediately and we drowned in the silence
following afterwards. For as I exhaled a breath and shook my head, I spoke
towards Haziyo and answered his question, “We could do it. But not inside the
town however. The VPD might arrest us and put us to jail if we committed
arson." “And you do know how prone we are towards stupidity." I added and
Haziyo nodded his head, equally giving off an exhaled breath as he answered me,
“Yeah. Most of the characters living in these realms would not even give us a
chance. Not even the villagers after what we had done that time." “We can mess
with them again!" Exclaimed Huzizu with his paws into the air, grinning evilly
as I shared along his expression nodding my head at him. “Yeah. Lets go do it
then." “Right!" A collective shouts echoed through the sunset as we all ran
Northward towards the outside plains of Vaster where we committed to our plan
and started a riot or insanity upon the villages of the plains. As all the
while, we continued our mayhem. Laughing with glee, evil laughs and intensions
while spreading fire across the realms of the valley.