I stared at the lioness for what felt like a minute, I still couldn't believe my eyes and ears. Part of me thinks that I'm still sleeping in the tent right now, and I'm dreaming the whole thing. Me driving the jeep, almost running her over, and hearing the same animal that I tried to run over talking to me!
Animals can't talk to me, can they? That's completely impossible! I mean really I've been to the zoo back at home, and I saw lions there, but they NEVER once spoke to me.
What the hell's going on here?
The lioness spoke again, "Hey can you hear me?! What's the matter with you?"
I shook my head, trying to get my head to register what's happening here, I decided to just ask her another question, "Are you really talking to me?"
The lioness gave me an annoyed look, "Of course I can talk to you! What are you an idiot?"
"Uh....Uhhhh." That was my only response, I'm still at a loss for words.
The lioness gave me a hard look, "I'm going to ask you one more time, WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE? And please don't ignore my question again. Because if you do, I'm going to kill you next time, got it?
I nodded my head slowly.
The lioness just grinned at me, "Good! Now what are you doing here?"
"I...I was...I was trying to make sure you're okay."
The lioness cocked her head, "Okay? What do you mean I'm fine."
"I thought I ran you over with my car."
The lioness cocked her head again, "Car? You mean that weird looking thing that makes loud noises?"
I nodded my head, "Yeah."
The lioness reared her head, "Ha! You're just trying to stall me! Humans are hunters, they hunt my food and they take my food. And you hunt my kind as well. Admit it! You're trying to trick me and kill me!"
I looked right in her eyes, and I shook my head furiously, "No, that's not what I'm doing at all! Please just listen to me. I thought I ran you over, I went to find you to make sure you're ok. And now suddenly, I hear a lioness talking to me!"
The lioness cocked her head once more, "What do you mean talking to you? Are humans really that stupid? We lions talk all the time."
My head is spinning with a lot of information, I still don't understand any of this! Why is this happening to me right now? Did I hit my head on the steering wheel or something? Guess I hit my head harder than I thought.
The lioness glared at me, "Listen, I don't know who you are, or what you are up to, and quite frankly I don't care. But you're invading my territory, and if you don't leave REAL soon, you're going to regret it." After saying that the lioness walked past me to get a drink.
I turned to watch her get a drink, and I said, "Hey wait a second, what's your name? Do you have a name?"
After getting a gulp of water, the lioness looked back at me and said this, "Does your kind really ask a lot of stupid questions?"
I glared at her, "Hey they are not stupid questions, I just never talked to a lioness before, this is all new to me." Actually way more than all new to me, this is bizarre.
The lioness shot a glare at me "Well I'm not in the mood, I'm the princess here, and if you don't show me some respect, my father will banish you forever." Then the lioness turned fully around to face me, "Do you really want to try me? I'm a very skilled hunter, you do know what that means do you?"
I stared at her, princess? She's a princess? I decided not to ask her that question yet, I better agree on what she's trying to tell me, "Yes, I do." I took a step towards her, "But I'm not trying to hurt you, I'm not a hunter, I'm just a...Normal boy."
The lioness sarcastically laughed, "Not a hunter huh? Ha! You really think I don't know what you're doing? I'm not buying your bull crap."
I just giggled, a lioness said bull crap, never hear that a lot, especially coming from an animal. I was gunna say something else when something in the pond caught my eye. I saw something moving just a little bit below the surface, I saw a head. It was a Crocodile! The crocodile is heading towards the lioness, and she doesn't know it! Her backs turned, I gotta warn her!
"Uh, Ms. lioness, turn around."
All she did was roll her eyes, "Yeah right, like I'm falling for that old trick."
The crocodile was getting closer to her, I have to warn her now!
The lioness still glared at me, "I told you I'm not turning around."
The croc was almost to her behind.
I ran toward the lioness, "Look out!"
The lioness turned around and saw the croc, she screamed, the croc was getting ready to attack her, and before it did, I grabbed her shoulders and I pushed her out of the way. The croc almost got me, and I managed to jump backwards before it did get me. After its big jaws snapped missed me, it went under the water again.
I took slow deep breaths, trying to get the fear off of my chest. I looked at the lioness, she was on a tree branch staying high away from the croc.
I walked to the tree and I looked up to see her petrified. "Are you okay?" I asked.
The lioness looked down at me with a questionable look, "Is it gone?"
I nodded, "Yeah it's gone. It won't get you now."
She climbed down from the tree, landed right in front of me, she looked at me and gave me a look of shock, she opened her mouth slowly, "You...You...You saved my life."
I smiled at her, "Of course I would, I told you I would never hurt you."
The lioness smiled at me, "You really saved my life."
"Yeah don't mention it, do you feel okay now?"
The lioness nodded, "Yes, I'm fine now. Look maybe we better get out of here before that croc decides to walk on land or something."
I nodded at that suggestion, "Yeah, good idea."
Me and the lioness walked away from the pond back to my jeep. I really couldn't believe I saved someones life from a crocodile at that!
The lioness looked at me a with a guilty look in her eyes, "You...You didn't have to do that. You didn't really."
I shrugged, "Oh it's no problem really."
Then she cast her eyes down, "No I didn't deserved to be saved, not after how I treated you earlier. I treated you so badly and you were being nice to me." She shut her eyes tight, "I'm sorry."
I had a concerned look on my face, she really is guilty. "No don't be sorry, you just didn't know me. You didn't know me too well and you couldn't trust me. You can't blame yourself for that." I went towards her, and I placed my hands under her chin and lifted her head to look at my face.
I smiled at her, "Really it's okay. It's not your fault."
She smiled back at me, "Thank you human, to be honest...I'm not rude all the time. To be honest, I can be very nice."
I giggled, "Yeah I figured as much, you were following your instincts. And your instincts told you not to trust me."
"Well my instincts were wrong about you, you saved me."
"Well couldn't let you die either, now can I?"
She giggled at that, "No I guess not."
I let go of her chin and I backed a few steps away from her. Trying to think of what else to say.
But before I do, the lioness got up on all fours and was about to walk away to wherever she was going. "Well I got to get back home, it's really nice to meet you."
I shouted at her, "Hey wait a second!"
She looked over her shoulder, "What?"
I ran to her, and she turned all the way around to face me, "Look I know we just met and all, but I never knew your name. Do...Do you have a name?"
She laughed, "Oops, I guess with all the excitement that was happening, I didn't even tell you my name. I apologize."
I motioned for her to tell me.
She smiled and said, "My name's Jade."
I put my hand to my chest and introduced myself, "I'm Casper."
Jade's face went wide, "Casper? That's a beautiful name."
My face went wide as well, I just stuttered, "Ah...Your name's beautiful as well."
She smiled at me, "Thank you."
We just stared at each other for a minute, then I broke the silence, "Well I better get going." I turned to the jeep, and before I could open the door, this time she hollered for me.
I turned around to look at her, "Yes?"
She looked at me trying to muster some courage to ask me something, "Do you um...Do you want to see my home? I can take you to my father. Show him that not all humans are evil."
I gulped at her question. Her father? She told me she's a princess, then that means her father's the king. I don't know If I could do this, he might hurt me or worse than that!
Her eyes were pleading for an answer, "Casper?"
I tried to form the words as best as possible, "Sure...I guess I can tag along. Your father. He won't...Hurt me, won't he?"
Jade put a thought into it, "He might, but if he does, I won't let him hurt you. I'll tell him you saved my life, he'll understand."
Then I put up a smile and said this, "Alright, lets go."
Jade beamed, "Good." Then she turned and trotted away, "Lets go."
As I watched her trot away, I still don't believe everything that's happening. A lioness was talking to me, then I saved the lioness's life from croc, now she wants to take me to her father who might eat me. What could possibly go wrong?
A part of me is still thinking I'm dreaming, so I decided to pinch to see I'm not.
I pinched my own arm, "Ow."
Nope not dreaming.
Then everything that's been happening is real! I'm not dreaming any of this at all. What's going on here?
Jades voice broke my thoughts, "Hey are you coming?"
I shook my head, "Yeah I'm coming!" Then I ran after her.
Tabitha, went to Christopher and Angie to see if Casper's with them. He's been gone for a long time.
Tabitha said, "Hey guys have you seen Casper anywhere?"
Christopher and Angie looked at her and both shook their head. Christopher said, "No last time I saw him, he went driving in my jeep."
Tabitha showed a worried look on her face, "Well I'm very worried about him, he's been gone for a while, he should have been back by now."
Angie's face is filled with worry as well, she placed her hand on Christopher's shoulder, "Tabitha's right Chris, he has been gone for a while. I think you should have a search party for him."
Christopher looked at her and said, "Lets not jump to conclusions, he's probably having the time of his life. I'm sure he'll be back."
Angie shook her head, "No he's never late before, I really think you should go look for him. He could be hurt!" Then she started hyperventilating.
Christopher hugged her tight and said, "Ok, ok, I'll go with Charlie and look for him. Alright? Calm down."
Tabitha went to Christopher and asked, "Can I go with you? He's my nephew after all."
Christopher said this, "No, you stay with Angie, and my daughter. Alright? Me and Charlie will go look for him. I'm going now." Then he let go of Angie and went to look for Charlie.
I walked with Jade in the savannah for a little bit, maybe forty minutes have passed. I have to say time goes by pretty fast in the savannah, I just hope I don't get myself lost. Because if her father tries to kill, I'm gone!
And I really hope that doesn't come to it...
Jade looked back at me while she was walking, "Are you alright?"
I wave my hand, "Fine thank you."
Jade gave me grin and said, "Good, because we're almost there."
She wasn't kidding, we were almost there, I can see a big cave of some sorts up ahead.
And I also see a lot of lionesses lying in the sun. I hesitated.
Jade looked over her shoulder again, "Casper?"
I just stood there, I must be out of my freakin mind!
Jade came back to me with concern on her face, "Casper it's ok, they won't hurt you, I'll make sure of it. I'm the princess remember?"
"I know, it's just..." Then I turned my head away. "I'm just...Afraid."
Jade sat in front of him and gave him a hopeful look, "Don't be afraid, trust me."
I looked at her, "Honestly I don't know how you talked me into this."
She giggled, "Guess I'm a smooth talker."
I giggled as well, "Yeah."
"Look don't worry everything's going to be ok, I can guarantee that-"
Both of us heard a roar, very close to us. My eyes went wide with fear.
No! I'm dead! I'm dead, I'm dead, I'm freakin dead!!!
Jade turned around and both of us saw a male lion advancing towards us slowly. He had a stern look on his face.
I was shaking, a lot of sweat was pouring down my face. This is BAD!
The male lion was looking straight at me, and he was advancing towards me. Jade blocked his path.
"Hi father."
Her father then looked at her and said this, "What's a human doing here?"
Jade laughed nervously, "Well you see I-"
Her father snapped at her, "I thought I told you not to bring strangers here, when I give you an order I expect you to follow it, understand?"
Jade then stood proud, "Yes, sir."
Her father then looked at me, "Now what's a human doing here?"
"That human saved my life."
Her father looked at her daughter again, "A human? Saved your life?" Then he looked back at me, and then he narrowed his eyes at me, "Is it true? Did you save my daughter's life?"
I took a deep breath, trying to calm my nerves. "Yes I...I did. I saved her life. A crocodile tried to drag her in a pond and then eat her. But I saved her in time, before that happened."
Her father never changed his gaze.
Jade broke in, "Father, he's telling you the truth. He saved me!"
Her father ignored her, and asked me a question, "What's your name?"
I tried to ignore my nerves, "Casper."
"You're not trying to hurt me, or my daughter, or anyone in my pride?"
I shook my head, "No, that's not what I'm trying to do. I don't want to hurt anyone."
He stared at me, then he softened his gaze. He sighed, "Then I guess...You have my blessing for saving my daughter."
I looked him eyes wide, "Really? You won't hurt me?"
Then Jade's father said, "Don't give me a reason to."
Then Jade said this, "Father!"
Her father shot her a look, and then Jade faltered.
Her father looked at me again and asked, "Casper right? You can call me Bron. As you may know, I'm the king, and if you cause any trouble in my pride, you'll regret it."
I nodded, "I understand."
Then for the first time since the conversation started, Bron grinned, "Good, because you're welcome here for a little while." He turned around, on me and Jade, "Come, meet my pride."
Jade beamed at her father, and went to follow him. I smiled as well, glad things went well. I followed both of them down the hill near the cave. And all the lionesses that are near the cave looked at me!
I gulped at the sight of the whole pride staring at me. I'm feeling like I'm a outcast now, in the pride.
Several lionesses said hello to Jade calling her princess, while several others were checking me out. I smiled at all of this attention, they're not trying to kill me, they're curious about me. I could get used to this.
Christopher and Charlie, drove their jeep to look for Casper. And after an hour of driving, they finally found his jeep.
Charlie said this, "I don't see him inside."
Christopher silently prayed that he was alright. Charlie stopped the jeep, both of them got out of their jeep and went to Casper's jeep. Christopher checked the front seat, no one there. Charlie and Christopher looked for footprints. They found some heading into the savannah.
Christopher yelled out, "Casper!"
Charlie yelled out as well, "Casper!"
"Casper Shepherd!"
One of the lionesses asked me another question, "Did you really save the princess?"
I laughed and then I collected myself, "Yes, yes, yes I did."
The lioness looked shocked at the answer. The lionesses kept asking me questions ever since I showed up here. Hell I still have questions myself! Like, how is this happening? Or how am I talking to you, literally? How is all of this possible?
My mom and dad won't believe this, neither would Aunt Tabitha, Walker, Shawna, hell not even Eileen would believe this! This is really awesome!
Jade had managed to cut through the crowd of fifteen lionesses, trying to get to me. "Alright, alright everyone. That's enough guys, give him a break! Sheesh."
Jade had managed to lead me away from the crowd. I was glad that's over, whew.
I started laughing, then Jade looked at me.
"What's so funny?"
"Oh nothing, I really was drawing a crowd here! I mean oh my god I feel like I'm a celebrity."
She gave me a confused look, "Uh, what? What's a celebrity?"
I waved her off, "Forget about it, I'll have to tell you later."
Her look became normal, "Alright that's fine, because I want you to meet someone."
"Arrg not another lioness, I can't take anymore of this."
"Oh no Casper, it's not another lioness I assure you. Actually he's my best friend."
She led me away from everyone, then she turned around put a paw to my chest, "Wait here."
"Ok then."
Then Jade was off, and not long after that, she came back with another male lion, though his mane is different than Bron's mane.
Jade and the male lion both sat in front me, "This is the human that I told you about, Casper, this is Leon. Leon this is Casper. He saved my life Leon! Can you believe it?"
I just shrugged, "It's no trouble really."
Then Leon grinned at me and said this, "Well it's really nice to meet you Casper, you saved my best friend's life. If she died, I don't know what I would do without her. Again in sincere gratitude, thank you."
I smiled, "You're welcome."
Then Leon turned his back and before he left, he said this to Jade, "I'm going to go eat something, see if the lionesses caught anything tonight. I'll catch up with you later ok?"
Then Jade nuzzled Leon, "Ok Leon, later."
Leon looked at me, "Take care human." Then he ran off.
Jade looked at me and said, "So...How are you liking all this?"
I looked at Jade, "Well I'll admit, I like all the attention everyone has given me. I never had this kind of attention in my life actually!"
Jade beamed at me, "Glad to hear it."
As I was staring at Jade, I still have questions about how all of this is happening to me. I need to know the truth.
I looked straight into her eyes and said, "Hey Jade, can I ask you something?"
She cocked her head, "Yes, what is it?"
"Well ok, how is all of this ha-"
"Casper Shepherd!"
I looked back at the direction of the voices and Jade did too. Oh shit! It's my dad! I forgot I've been gone for a long time. I didn't even come back and tell everyone I was ok. What was I thinking?!
I looked back at Jade, "Hey listen Jade, can I talk to you later? I need to get home now."
Jade cocked her head at me, "Why, what's that noise? What's wrong?"
"Nothing, it's just that it's my father he's trying to find me. He's calling out to me."
Jade gasped, "Your father!? Can I meet him? I want to meet another human, it's pretty interesting right now. You met my father, I meet yours. It's a fair deal right?"
I panicked and shook my head furiously, "No, no Jade, no, I want you to stay at home and don't follow me, you understand?"
"Why? He might kill me or something?"
"But you'll protect me would you? I protected you from my father remember?"
Before I could reply, I heard dad again, "Casper!"
I cursed at myself, I need to get going already! Before he comes here and starts shooting at everyone here.
"Damn it! I'm sorry Jade, I'll talk later ok?"
Then Jade asked one more question, "You'll come back here, will you?"
I looked at her and smiled, "Count on it. Now goodbye!"
And with that I took off as fast as I could, I ran past all the lionesses, too bad I can't say goodbye to them just like I did to Jade, but that'll come later, right now I need to find dad. He's probably worried sick about me. Everyone probably is dumbo!
I ran until I was running out of breath. I started wheezing, my lungs felt like they're about to burst! I slowed down a bit so that way I could hear my dad better. I heard him call my name again and I followed the direction of his voice.
After five minutes, I finally found dad alongside Charlie, this is going to get bad.
"Hey guys!"
Dad and Charlie heard me and looked at me, "Casper!" He ran toward me and hugged me tight. "God Casper, where have you been? Don't EVER wander in the savannah again ok? Not ever!"
I got out of dad's grasp, "I'm sorry dad there was this cute Gazelle, a baby gazelle, I thought I ran it over with the jeep. I went looking for it making sure it was ok, and then I got lost." I didn't want to lie to dad, but I felt like I had no choice. I had to keep it a secret for now.
Charlie looked at me and said, "Casper of all the things you did, you ran off to find a baby gazelle? Are you insane kid?"
I glared at him for saying that, "Look I said I was sorry ok? I didn't know what I was doing."
Dad came between us and said, "Well what's important is that you're safe, that's what matters." He gave Charlie a look, "Are we good with that?"
Charlie looked at dad and sighed, "Yeah we're good." He then looked at me with a guilty look and said "Sorry."
"It's alright Charlie, I'm fine that's what matters."
I laid down on my bed in my tent, staring at the ceiling of the tent. Still thinking about everything today. About Jade, there has to be an explanation about that. A scientific explanation. There has to be, but I can't tell my own parents this yet. Hell they have been worried to death about me. Not to mention I already told them a little white lie, that I was chasing a baby gazelle. What a lame excuse, but it was worth a try.
My mother was in tears when I got back to the camp, I've never seen her in tears before, not ever, not once. I've felt pretty sorry for putting her through all that. Tabitha was a different story she wasn't crying but like everyone else she was worried. Well not everyone, Eileen knowing her for being my nagging sister, decided to call me a immature brat for running off. And as for Walker and Shawna, well knowing Walker all he did was ask me if I saw any other animals other than the gazelle. Shawna seemed worried about me, and I just met her! I guess I had a profound effect on her already.
Honestly I've felt like I was under house arrest in a tent! But my mom and dad told me you're not grounded, but you're not driving the jeep until further notice. Seriously I feel like an idiot running off like that without even telling my folks that I was ok. I guess Jade's right, I am an idiot. I laughed at my own thought, maybe her own father thinks she's an idiot as well. I guess me and her have a thing in common, ha!
Jade...I didn't want her to meet my father, when I found him looking for me, he had a hunting rifle in his hand! I can imagine seeing him shoot Jade for something she's not trying to do. I mean she looks like a threat, but she's not evil. She's really nice actually, and I don't want anything bad to happen to her.
But she wants to see me again, and so do I. But I can't keep lying to everyone forever, not throughout the whole summer for god's sake!
Hmmm, maybe I could tell a few people about her, maybe. Wait that's it! I'll tell Shawna, Eileen, and Walker about Jade, and then I'll introduce them to her. Once they meet Jade, I'll tell mom and dad about her, at first they might disagree that she's kind and decent, but once Shawna and the others tell them differently they might reconsider about me hanging out with her. We could all get along just fine, maybe even the whole pride could visit everyone at the camp as well. That would be great!
And maybe just maybe I'll prove to myself that I'm not going crazy, they can understand a word she's saying as well. Oh man I can't wait to see Eileen's face when she hears Jade talking to her. That would be hilarious!
But first things first I need to find Shawna, and have her tell Eileen and Walker about Jade. Which it's what I'm about to do to Shawna.
Shawna gave me a weird look, "Wait, What?"
"You heard me Shawna, I was talking to a lioness."
Shawna raised both her arms and said "Whoah, whoah, hold on a sec, you were talking to a lion?"
"And you said she was talking to you? Like a human?"
Shawna still looked at me like I was nuts. I don't blame her at all, I wouldn't believe me either. Who would?
I looked at Shawna directly and said this to her. "Look I'm not making all this up. I really was talking to her!"
"Casper.." She tried to form words, but after a second she finally did, "Casper, did you not drink a lot of water out there? Are you dehydrated? Or something? Because I think you're making all this up."
"I'm not crazy! It really happened, and no it's not a hallucination I touched her actually. Touched her!!
Shawna giggled and asked, "So who did you meet out there? Nala?"
"What? No Shawna."
"No wait I got it! Simba's mother Sarabi, right?"
I glared at her and said, "This isn't a joke, I really was talking to a lioness named Jade, not someone from The Lion King."
She gave me a quizzical look, "You sure?"
I shouted, "Yes damnit!"
Shawna raised her hands again, "Ok, ok relax, look if she is real, what do you want me to do?"
Good now we're getting somewhere, "I want you to find Eileen and Walker, tell them about Jade, EVERYTHING I told you about her, and I want all of you to meet me at the edge of camp tomorrow in the afternoon, got it?"
Shawna gave me a confused look, "Why? What are we going to do tomorrow?"
"All of us are going to find Jade and she's going to have some more human friends, and prove to you that I'm not crazy."
She looked shocked, "Are you crazy?! There are predators out there! We'll get eaten!"
I shushed her, "Keep it down, everyone will hear you. Look I really need your help on this, I know I'm not crazy and I want all of you to come with me tomorrow and help me find her, alright?"
Shawna looked away, fear in her eyes. I put my hands to her cheeks, made her look at me, and I look straight into her eyes and said, "Please Shawna I need your help, do this for me just this once, ok? For me. Please? Please."
Shawna sighed, "Alright I'll do it, but I really have a very bad feeling about this."
I gave her a reassuring smile, "Everything's going to be alright, Shawna I promise. Everything will be ok."
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