Everyone in the cave are asleep, except for me. Its already been several hours ever since my first meeting with the only human I have ever talked to, Casper.
Casper...Yes, he's so kind and yet he's a human. But it doesn't make any sense, I thought all humans are like that, but to Casper he's different. So different than all the other humans, I had encounters with humans before and they always tried to hurt me with those things they carry, those weird looking sticks that shoot fire at me.
I shut my eyes at the thought, Casper's not like that. I can feel it he saved my life from that crocodile, and I can never repay him for it. He seems trustworthy, and not to mention he's so kind and affectionate. I know I like being with Leon, but Casper seems more interesting than everyone else. Besides I want another friend anyways, I don't have a lot of them, everyone here always treat me like I'm their princess, not their friend.
I feel like I want to see what's out there, away from my home, and I think Casper can give me a way out of all this, and experience new things. Yeah, that would be great.
Well might as well get some sleep, I'm the only one awake here.
I closed my eyes and got to sleep.
I awoke in my tent with a yawn, morning has come to the camp.
About time I was tossing and turning all night, well might as well put up with everything until this afternoon, and then that's when me and the others are leaving to find Jade. I hope she's not planning on hunting tonight, because we're going to the cave since that's where she and the pride are staying.
I seriously hope I know what I'm doing, I mean hey it's not like the whole pride trusts me now, I'm like a celebrity to them, I saved their princess, I'm a hero to them, yeah maybe it won't be so bad.
But then why am I getting this weird feeling that something bad's about to happen?
Maybe it's because I'm bringing my sister and friends along with me today, maybe I'm afraid they'll screw up. Maybe....Oh hell I don't know anymore.
I'm not going to let my conflictions get to me, I'm going to prove everyone that I'm not crazy, that every word I was telling is true, I just hope things go smoothly than yesterday.
Sure they will! What am I so worried about? What could possibly go wrong today?
I pretended nothing was going to happen today, practically all morning. But I still had my sights on my plans for today. Find Jade.
Jade, she's probably bored without me, heck I know she's a lioness, but she's not that bad, she seems proud, happy, and kind. Even though she was rude to me when we first met. But nevertheless I still like her.
I found a new friend in Africa, and she's an animal.
I don't care if she's an animal or not, a friend's a friend, and that's what counts.
I wondered around camp when the deadline to when I'm leaving came to a close, I went to the edge of camp without anyone seeing me. When I arrived Shawna, Eileen, and Walker were already there. Perfect!
I beamed at them as I walked toward them, "Hey guys, you made it. I figured you wouldn't resist meeting a lion."
Shawna was about to say something when Eileen interrupted her, "Look Casper, Shawna has been telling some really weird shit that you've been telling her. First of all Lions can't talk, second, I think you've been out in the sun for too long, and third, you're freakin crazy."
I just shrugged, "So what? Just because you think I'm crazy that doesn't stop me from finding my friend."
Walker piped in, "Yeah speaking of which, this Jade of yours, is she really nice to you? Even her whole pride? I got to say seeing the whole pride really took a lot of guts. I'm surprised you weren't eaten!"
"Yeah tell me about it. So you ready to leave now? Did you pack up some water?"
Shawna held up a bag, "Yep several bottles of water are packed and ready to go!"
I beamed at her, "Excellent."
Eileen said this, "Casper I still think this is REALLY crazy, I mean seriously can't we just drive to that spot? I mean walking all the way will get me all sweaty and then bugs are going to eat me alive!"
I was already ahead of them by the time Eileen was finished, "Too late I'm leaving, you guys coming or not?"
Shawna and Walker just giggled and ran after me, Eileen however let out a whine then she sighed and ran after us.
I laid out in the sun soaking it all in. It always feels so good to be out in the sun, lying on my back on this rock that I like. I sighed. Suddenly the sun was blocked by a figure and it was my father. He grinned at me.
"So, you enjoying the sun daughter?"
I looked up at him and smiled, "Well I was until you showed up and blocked the rays."
He still grinned at me, "You look just like your mother when you smile like that. You look like a splitting image of her." Then he looked glum and lowered his gaze to the ground.
I got up on all fours and went to nuzzle him, "It's okay daddy, I miss her too. I wish she came back to us, to see me all grown up right now."
After she was done nuzzling him, he smiled at her, "I know you do baby, and I think she would be proud to see you take her place as the queen of these lands."
I giggled, "Yeah and maybe she would like Casper as well, he's really nice. I know I would!"
My father sighed, "I don't like the look of this 'human' visiting the pride, I don't trust him."
I scowled at him, "Now father you just don't know him pretty well, I trust him."
He gave me a hard look, "And what about you? You only known him for how long? Yesterday? You should know it's too early to start trusting him so soon. You know that."
I closed my eyes and sighed, "I know father, but still he saved my life, so I think that counts for something."
He nodded at that, "Yes it does, he seems alright so far. But I'm not going to let my guard down."
I nodded at that as well, "Understood, only you can decide to trust him."
My father decided to change the subject, "Say Jade, you want to go walking on the trail with me? You know the trail that me and your mother used to walk on together?"
I smiled at the idea, "Sure! I love to."
He smiled, "Alright then, shall we?"
Me and the others walked in the savannah for a long time, trying to find the spot where I met Jade. Once we find that spot, we should be close to that cave. I know which direction it is.
I looked back at the other, "Hey guys, how are you holding up?"
Shawna just beamed, "I'm good!"
Walker raised his hands high, "Same here."
Eileen just let out a whine, "It's sooo freakin hot out here!"
I let out a groan, "C'mon Eileen, you're just not used to the sun yet. It feels great out here!"
"But it's so hot!"
That's when Walker chimed in, "You know what Eileen? I really am getting sick and tired of hearing you complaining about everything! Ever since we've been to Africa, and it's not even over a week, you have been complaining nonstop about every freakin thing. I don't get you."
Eileen shot him a glare, "I don't know maybe it's because I'm a girl and you're not."
Walker shot back at her, "So what? I get sweaty a lot ever since we've started living here, get over it!"
Eileen shot at him again, "Why don't you just shut the hell up already instead of getting on my case all the damn time!"
I pretty much had enough of this crap, I said, "Why don't both of you shut up? We got a lioness to find."
Walker turned his gaze away from my sis and onto me, "Yeah speaking of which, where is this spot you keep telling us? Where are we going?"
I looked around the scenery but no pond, "Well I can't remember how far I've drove yesterday to that pond. All I remember is that it's kinda far."
As usual Eileen whined, "Can we go back now? I'm hot!"
I turned around and glared at her, "For god's sake Eileen! If you're so hot, then go back to the camp by yourself!" Then I looked at both Shawna and Walker, "What about you guys? Do you want to back down?"
Shawna shook her head, "No we're still going with you, right Walker?" Then Walker nodded.
I smiled at both of them, and then looked at Eileen, "Well?"
Eileen sighed, "Where the hell is that damn pond?"
I turned my back on her, my eyes gazing on the dirt road, "Well lets follow that dirt road, we got to be there sooner or later."
That's when Walker said this, "Alright people lets go!"
Eileen shot at him, "Oh shut up Walker!"
While Casper, Shawna, Eileen, and Walker are walking away, something in the tall grass was watching them.
As soon as they were enough distance away, it started to follow them.
Stalking them.
We took a break on some big rocks we found, I honestly think we're all going to give up, but I don't want to yet. That pond's probably not far by now, I hope.
Walker's voice broke my thoughts, "Hey Casper."
I looked at him, "Yeah?"
"You heard Jade's voice right?"
"Yeah, what about it?"
"Does it sound sexy or something like that?"
My eyes went wide from that question, "Walker, what does it matter? You do know she's an animal right?"
Walker nodded twice, "Yeah I know, I was just wondering if it was sexy and what not."
I shot him a glare, "Buddy that ain't happening, even if it was, it ain't happening. So can you just drop it already?"
Walker raised his hands in defense, "Ok, ok man whatever you say."
Shawna shot Walker a glare, "Yeah seriously? Why would you even ask Casper that question? I mean seriously why?"
Walker looked at Shawna, "Nothing just curious."
Shawna rolled her eyes and sighed.
I looked down at the ground, and Shawna noticed. "Hey Casper, you ok?"
I looked at Shawna and said, "Yeah, I just feel bad for getting you guys lost. I didn't mean it. I thought I knew where we were going."
Shawna just smiled at me, "It's not your fault, I decided to stay by you."
I smiled back at her. Then I heard rustling noises from the tall grass nearby. "Huh? Hey what's that?"
Eileen looked at me, "What's what?"
I pointed at the tall grass, "There."
Eileen, Shawna, and Walker followed my gaze, then Walker said, "I don't see anything."
"I hate to break it to you guys, but there is something hiding in the grass."
Shawna said, "Are you sure? Maybe it was the wind."
I looked at her and said, "No, there really was something over there."
Eileen sighed, "You know what guys? I don't know about you, but this whole thing is really getting annoying. And you know something else? I'm gone so sayonara!"
I was trying to call out to Eileen, but she was walking away to fast. I jumped off the rock to run after her, when me and everyone heard that noise again. Not in the tall grass, but in a different place. Up in a tree!
Walker must have seen it as well, because he asked, "Casper, what's that?"
Suddenly we see something big has jumped down from the tree, it's a lioness.
Eileen gasped, and she got close to me, so did Shawna and Walker.
Here I was being the voice of reason I said, "It's okay guys, it's her she won't hurt us."
The lioness was advancing towards us, slowly.
Eileen shivered in my grasp, "Are you sure? She doesn't seem to be happy."
The lioness growled at them, menacingly.
Walker had a flicker of fear in eyes, and turned to face me, "Well? Talk to her dude!"
Then Shawna turned to me as well, "Yeah, tell her it's you."
I shook all of them off of me, "Ok, alright." I took a few steps toward the lioness, "Hey Jade, it's me Casper remember?"
The lioness stopped and had a shocked look on her face, then she went back to growling again and lowered herself to the ground getting ready to pounce.
I raised my hands in defense, "Whoah wait a sec, it's me Casper I-"
The lioness pounced at me and I dodged before she landed on top of me. I rolled on the ground away from her. After I got up, the others got close to me again. The lioness looked shocked that I dodged, and she took her gaze on us again. She growled.
I was trying to form words, shocked to figure it all out. "Guys I don't think that's her."
Eileen looked at me and said, "What makes you say that?"
"Because Jade would never attack me. Not after how I saved her. This is someone else."
The lioness advanced slowly, taking slow strides.
Walked meeped, "She doesn't look happy."
I said, "Just back away real slow."
All of us backed away real slowly, but the lioness doesn't seem to relent. I decided the only other option we have, "Run now!"
All of us turned and ran as fast as we could, I looked back while we were running the lioness is chasing after us!
"Run guys keep moving, she's gaining on us!"
I wasn't kidding she was moving closer to us. Lionesses can run fast after all!
Eileen called out, "What do we do now!?"
Walker yelled, "Well maybe if we split up, we can outrun it!"
I yelled, "Good idea! Scatter guys! Split up!"
Walker and Eileen went in one direction, me and Shawna went the other way. While me and Shawna were running, the lioness seemed to be confused about what happened and stopped for a only a second. But then she went back to running again, this time after me and Shawna!
"Keep running, go, go!"
Shawna screamed in a high pitch, and I called out for help. "Help, help! Somebody help!"
The lioness was gaining on us again, and while we were running, Shawna tripped and fell to the ground.
Shawna screamed, "Casper help!"
"NO!" I turned back and ran to her. Before me and her can get up and run, the lioness was just inches away from us. Getting ready to pounce.
I yelled out to the lioness, "Wait!"
The lioness started growling.
Shawna and I screamed really loud. Then before something bad could happen to us, all of us heard a roar behind us. The lioness looked shocked, me and Shawna looked back and we saw a lion and a lioness baring fangs.
It's Jade and Bron! We're safe! I held onto Shawna real tight, shielding her from whatever pain might inflict on her. I watched as all three lions stood their ground, especially the lioness I never met before.
Then I heard the lioness simply said, "Bron."
Then Bron said her name, "Karone."
My eyes went wide. Karone? Is that her name? What does she want from us? I turned and looked straight at Karone her staring looked menacing.
Karone looked at Jade and sacarstically said, "Jade."
Jade in anger said, "Karone."
Then Bron yelled in anger at Karone, "What are you doing in my lands?"
Karone just smiled and said, "Oh, just doing a little bit of hunting today. And I came across these two humans, you're interrupting my hunt."
Bron just sneered, "You know you're not supposed to hunt in these lands, I banished you and your followers to the exiled lands. Now if I were you, get out!"
Shawna gasped, I shushed her. Then I asked Bron, "Bron, who is she and why is she doing this?"
Then Karone said, "Aw, so you know these humans eh Bron?" She giggled and then said, "Pretty tasty to me."
Jade roared at her, "You stay the hell away from my friend!"
Bron shushed her, then his gaze went back to Karone, "I don't know what you're planning and quite frankly I don't care."
Karone just smiled wickedly at him, "I told you I'm hunting for me and my followers. We have little food and less water."
Bron just snapped at her, "You know you're not supposed to be here in my lands!"
Karone yapped back, "I don't give a damn what your laws say!" Then she closed her eyes and said "However." She opened them and looked straight at me and Shawna with a hungry stare, "If you were to give me a few pounds of flesh, I'll take it." She looked at me, "I'll use the boy as an afternoon dinner, and..." She looked at Shawna, "I'll make a mid morning snack right out of the girl here as well." Then she looked at Bron, "So do we have a deal? Or don't we?"
Shawna wimpered, and I was silently pleading for Bron not to let her eat us! Bron looked at me for only a second, and then he looked at Karone, and said, "You leave them alone and get out of here...We're finished here."
Karone just smiled deviously at him and said, "Oh don't worry Bron, it's already begun." She looked at me and giggled evilly. I gasped when she looked at me, she's definitely got under my skin. Right after she said that, she turned and ran off to wherever she came from.
Shawna started crying, and I looked at Bron and Jade, "Guys?"
Jade looked at me happily, "Casper."
But Bron stopped her with a paw, and then stared at me, "Casper I want you and your friend to go home right now."
I looked at Bron and said, "But Bron I-"
Bron just shot me a glare, his glare said it all, "Go now."
I didn't argue with him, and while Shawna was crying I urged her to come with me, her eyes buried in my shoulder. Jade looked at me while I was walking, I silently told her I'll come back to you I promise. Jade smiled at me and me and Shawna kept walking.
We were a little far away from Bron and Jade when I remembered the whole reason why me and Shawna were out here. I turned in front of Shawna, looked her in the eyes and asked, "Did you hear them? Did you hear them talking? Come on Shawna, did you hear Jade, Bron and Karone or not? Did you really hear them?"
Shawna looked at me with tears in her eyes, she sniffled, "Just take me home Casper."
That wasn't the answer I was looking for but I'm not going to press her about it. She's been through a lot, we've both been through a lot. I decided to take the initiative and we kept on walking. Shawna crying in my shoulder.
It's been a few hours the sun was starting to set, we finally made it back to the camp. Shawna finally stopped crying the poor girl. When we made it, we saw Walker and Eileen already made it back before us.
Eileen ran and gave me a hug, "Casper! Thank god you're alive! I though you and Shawna were dead!" Then she stared crying.
I returned the hug, "I'm fine Eileen, I am, Guess I can't say the same thing about Shawna though."
Walker said asked me, "What happened?"
My eyes told Walker not now later. Then Walker got the message and nodded.
Then as I imagined, I heard my parents voices calling out to me and Shawna. "Casper! Shawna!"
Mom hugged me real tight, so tight I could hardly breathe! Mom looked at me and said, "Eileen told us that you and Shawna were being chased by a lioness, is that true?"
I gave a sharp look towards Eileen, she turned her head away.
My dad said to me with a sharp tone, "Don't blame your sister this, you started this! Now I want to know what's going on and I want to know right now!"
I looked at mom and dad and said, "It's a long story." Which it's true anyways.
Then mom piped in, "Then you better start talking."
"Guys why won't you listen to me!? I really was talking to a lioness, and you don't believe me!! I thought you guys cared about me." I cast my eyes down to the floor.
My parents and aunt Tabitha dragged me in the mess hall, and gave me a harsh discussion, after I told them everything! About Jade and the pride, everything! But what do I get in return? Harsh words. That's right they won't listen to me.
My dad glared at me, "Casper you need to stop that alright? You're not a little boy anymore. Don't you get it? You're too old to make up imaginary friends."
I glared right at dad, "What?! But guys I'm not lying to you, why won't you listen to me?!"
Mom shot at me, "Because talking animals are not real Casper nothing more nothing less. Look your little adventure today almost got you and Shawna killed, and what's worse you put Eileen in danger! Don't you even know what you're getting yourself into? You disappeared yesterday and now you almost got eaten by a not imaginary lioness! You need to let go of your childhood fantasies and grow up!"
I sneered at all of them, "You know what? Maybe I did imagine it. Maybe I did imagine the lioness, I don't know. But the reason why I probably imagined her is because you and dad are not always around, only Tabitha! She's the only person who ever talks to me anyways. But you don't! You always run off when I need you the most and you're never around. So you know what? Why don't we just cut through all the bullshit already!?"
All three of them gasped at my meltdown, can't blame them at all. Tabitha took a step towards me and put her hand on my shoulder.
"Look Casper, I know it's hard to make friends. But doing something so dangerous won't change anything. You could have been killed! You need to let go of this fantasy an-"
I cut her off with a glare, "You don't believe me either Tabitha!? I thought you were different than everyone else?"
"I am different than everyone else, but I just don't believe there is a talking lioness out in the savannah."
I just backed away from Tabitha and shook my head, "It's not fair."
"Now Casper."
I yelled at them at the top of my lungs, "I HATE YOU!" Then I ran out the door outside, I heard them calling out to me but I didn't stop, I didn't want to see them again! I ran all the way to my tent and flailed on my own bed and started sobbing.
Morning came and I didn't come out of my tent all morning. I didn't want to see anyone ever again, I've never felt so humiliated in my entire life. This is the worst summer vacation ever! I hate mom and dad, I hate Tabitha, and I hate...What else do I hate? I guess I can't hate Jade, it wasn't her fault that they don't believe a word I'm trying to freakin tell them.
Jade...I hope she's alright, after what happened yesterday, speaking of yesterday that lioness who was chasing me and the other. Who was she? Who's Karone? Jade haven't mentioned her yet. It's pretty obvious that Karone doesn't like them, especially Bron. I wonder what Karone did that made her get exiled. Whatever it was she did something very terrible and I bet that several other lionesses were following her lead. God she really gives me the creeps.
I need to sneak out of here and talk to Jade, I feel like I haven't seen her in a long time. She's probably worried about me as well. Hell after all she appears to be the only one who cares about what I want.
And speaking of not caring, I heard Tabitha's voice through the entrance of the tent. "Casper, can I come in?"
I would have told her to go away, but what good would that do? I decided to not say anything and let her instincts do the talking. After only a minute of silence, she came in slowly and sat down beside me on my bed. She asked, "Casper, are you okay?"
I turned away from her, not looking at her face.
"Look Casper I really am sorry. I mean I really really am. I mean what can I do? Play along in your fantasy? You know I can't do that Casper and you know that. Look Casper we really care about you and your mom and dad really feel sorry for you, they were just trying to protect you. They're also very sorry that they haven't been there for you like you wanted them to. They're scientists that's why, and nothing's going to change that." She placed her on hand on my shoulder, "Look Casper I will always be there for you, no matter what. And if you feel like you have a problem, you can talk to me about it. You're my nephew Casper and I love you, I never had a child and you're like a son to me. Please Casper, I'm sorry about last night...Can you forgive me?"
I looked at her face, she smiled at me. I let tears falls down on my face once more and I embraced and cried in her shoulder in loud sobs.
I went to the savannah after I forgave Tabitha, I haven't exactly forgave mom and dad yet but maybe I will, can't stay mad at them forever. I told Tabitha I wanted to go to the savannah, to have a walk. But of course she was hesitant to let me go, then she talked to mom and dad, and she decided to let me go. I'm glad she did, no wonder I like her so much.
I've found the pond where I first met Jade, just glad I didn't get lost like I did yesterday. And after I found it I'm now traveling to the cave where she lives. I was going under a tree when a big figure landed right in front of me and yelled, "Hi Casper!"
"Ahhhhh!" I stumbled back and landed on my butt. It was Jade and thanks to her she scared me to death, and now she's laughing hard at me, rolling on the ground holding her ribs.
I scowled at her, "Damn it Jade! You scared me half to death!"
Jade finally stopped laughing and looked up at me, "Gotcha good, didn't I?"
I rolled my eyes at her, "Whatever girl, after what happened yesterday, I'm kinda scared to death of walking around in the savannah on my own."
Then she rolled her eyes, "Oh don't worry about it, nobodies going to hurt you now, besides you are in my lands so there's no threat of you know who coming to get you."
I gave her a questionable look, "I thought it was your fathers lands?"
"Well there's that too." Then she laughed.
I laughed along with her, when I stopped I said, "Actually Jade since we're probably going to hang out together for a little while, can I talk to you about something?"
She smiled at me, "Sure, what is it?"
I was hesitant to ask but it's now or never, "Who's Karone? I mean who is she really and why does she hate you and your father?"
She had a glum look on her face and she looked away from me.
I felt guilty for asking, "I'm sorry Jade you don't have to tell me if you don't want to."
She looked at me and said "No it's okay, it's...Personal."
I put a glum face on as well, "Oh."
Jade gave me a smile and said, "How about we go to my favorite rock to sit around and talk? I think that's the best place for it."
I smiled at the idea, "Ok."
I followed Jade to her favorite rock it was a little bit away from her cave. Which I can honestly see why she wanted to go to her favorite rock. It feels like you're away from everything. Because as of right now, it's just me and Jade.
She laid down on her belly on the rock, and I sat down beside her. Both of us looking at the savannah, the beautiful scenery.
She sighed and I sighed as well. I took a glance at her, then I looked straight ahead, then I looked at her again. "You know Jade, I really like this rock. Don't see what's so special about it, but I like it." I giggled.
She giggled as well, and said, "Well this rock is meant for me to get away for a little while. You know away from everything."
I just playfully grinned at her, "Including me I suppose?"
Jade looked at me with her head up and said, "Ha! No, I don't want to get away from you. I find you pretty interesting actually."
I patted her on the back, "That's what I thought."
She giggled at me, "I can get away from you, if you want."
I looked at her shocked to hear what she said, "What? Hell no, I don't want to get away from me either!"
She laughed so hard and I laughed with her.
After we were done laughing, I decided to jump the gun, "Jade...About Karone...."
Jade just shook her head, "No it's ok, it's not your fault you never even knew about her. But I'm sorry you almost got hurt or even worse than that."
I shook my head, "Well it's nobodies fault, just hers."
"I know Casper." She sighed, "I know."
I looked at Jade and asked her, "Who is she then?"
Jade giggled, "You really don't give up do you?"
She laughed, "Yeah, I didn't think so." She looked at me and then she looked at her paws. "Do you really want the truth?"
I looked at her, "That's why I'm asking."
She sighed, "Ok, well you see...Karone's not just my enemy she used to be in my pride years ago, when I was a cub. Until one day she did something that was so terrible, that even I changed how I feel about her."
I looked at her with a confused look, "What are you talking about?"
Jade said, "Well...She's my father's sister. She's my aunt."
My eyes went wide and I gawked at her, "What?!"
She buried her face in her paws, "Yes Casper she's my aunt and she's evil, alright?"
I heard her crying, I tried to talk to her in a soothing voice, "Jade, you don't have talk about it."
She lifted her head from her paws and said, "No, you deserve to know the truth. Ok?"
"Yeah, ok."
Jade looked into the skies and started telling her tale, "Yes she was a part of my family, WAS, but yes she is still my aunt, and even I still feel for her sometimes. You see me and her we were close, when I was a cub I used to play with her a lot. It's like I said we were pretty close, in fact she almost treated me like I was her own daughter, even though she already has one."
I asked Jade this, "So why did you play with Karone a lot? Didn't you have your dad?"
"I also had my mother. but the thing is they were the King and Queen back then, they never had time to play with me. That's the reason why I played with Karone a lot. I loved my aunt a lot, she was like a mother to me as well. But one day things changed."
I asked, "What happened?"
"Other than having a mom and dad, I also had a sister her name was Ruby. She was older than me and then she died." She tried to hold back a sob when she tried to continue, "My aunt found Ruby alone one day, and....She murdered her."
I looked at her feeling sorry for her, "Why?"
Then she had a angry look in her eyes, "Because she wanted to be the queen in my pride. She wanted to get rid of mom, dad, and even me to get what she wants. She's so power hungry she would do anything to get what she wants. She played everyone, even me for a fool! And I hated her for it. Not very long after she killed my sister, she was exiled by my father to the banished lands, alongside several of her followers that she conspired."
Jade went on, "Not very long after all that happened, my mother disappeared. It was like she just up and left without saying goodbye. My father and the whole pride tried to find her but there was no trace of her anywhere. In all honestly sometimes I think she's still out there somewhere, somewhere watching us. But even that's a dream, I never saw her again for a long time, after she disappeared." She closed her eyes tight and I saw a few tears roll down her cheeks.
Now I feel really sorry for her. "Wow...I'm sorry...I...Don't know what to say."
She huffed and glared at me, "Well don't say anything, ok? It's over, my sister and my mother are not coming back. They'll never come back, not even visit me in my dreams." She started sobbing, "Why? Why did all this stuff have to happen to me? After they were gone I hardly had anyone to talk to, except for my father but he's too busy to even stop and talk to me, about what I feel. I know I have Leon as my best friend, but sometimes its like it's not enough. He just doesn't understand the pain that I went through! I hate Karone! I hate her for everything she has done! And for what? To become queen? Well that's the disgusting reason why I hate her so much. I feel alone Casper...I feel so alone and I feel like I want to get away from everything and everyone. I miss my mommy, Casper. I really do." Then she finally broke down and cried in her paws again.
Now I really, really don't know what to say. But there's one thing I can do for her. I crawled toward her face, and when I got close to it, she peered at me from her paws.
The only thing I can say to her was, "You're not alone. You're never alone. No matter what happens, I will be with you. No matter what." I took her cheeks in my hands petting her and comforting her for all the pain she went through. Jade looked right at me, and without hesitation she wrapped her paws around me and hugged me tight, I can feel her crying in my shoulder I returned the hug as well, and I was shedding tears along with her.
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