I woke up when I heard the flight attendants voice saying we're getting ready to land, guess I slept for a long time after all Africa is a long way from home.
I'm sorry, before I get too ahead of myself, I think I better introduce myself. My name is Casper Shepherd, and I'm just a young man from Miami, Florida whose planning on spending his entire summer vacation in Africa. Tanzania, Africa to be exact. Well actually I never planned on going to Africa at all. Not once in my life that I planned to go there. You see my mom and dad are scientists, and basically my parents hardly spent any time with me, they're always busy. So one day not very long after my summer vacation from school started, my father sent me and my sister a letter saying we're inviting you and Eileen to stay in Africa with us for the whole summer. Of course I never did decline, I wanted to get away from Miami, it's always so crowded there! Not to mention I feel like I don't fit very well there anyway so that's why I jumped at the chance to go. And my sister Eileen as well alongside my friend Walker Doyle, and also my aunt Tabitha.
You see the reason why I don't like Miami that much is...I don't really have a lot of friends. At least I try to make friends but the truth is nobody wants to try to be with me, a lot of kids around my age treat me like I'm some kind of freak which I don't know why. But everyday when I get through school I try to make the best of it. But even I still feel lonely. At least I don't have to deal with all that now!
No, it's not that I don't like having friends, it's just people treat me differently nothing more. Hell they treat me differently than everyone treats my sister, it's pretty different with her.
Eileen's my sister about two years older than me, and it seems strange that nobody treats her like a freak like everyone treats me. Maybe it's because she's a girl, I guess, even I never had any idea why. She had a lot of friends actually but I never was jealous of her friendship making. Well okay maybe a little, but she's still my sister and I care about her and she cares about me. But hey at least it would keep her away from electronics for a while, that's actually the only reason why our parents invited her. They want her to experience new things other than facebook and all that stuff. I'm not into it by the way.
Aunt Tabitha is always my favorite person to be with. She's so kind and understanding, in fact she's about the same age as my mom, she's my father's sister. Even when I feel lonely I always have her to talk to, when she's not working of course. My parents invited her to come to Africa as well. I'm glad that she had come with us, I would feel so lonely without her. I know that I would have visited my parents while spending the whole summer there, but they would have been busy. They're always busy.
Walker Doyle came along as well, you see he's one of the few friends that I have. He's about my sister's age, and I wonder if they're dating or not. I never did ask though, it's never my business. When I called my parents that Walker's coming with us as well, at first they declined but Eileen convinced them to let him come. My aunt didn't mind it at all honestly, maybe it's because she knows he's not a bad influence on me and Eileen, which it's true, really it's true! He never got into trouble at all throughout his whole life and I guess that's the only reason why we talk to each other. I don't like hanging with people who do drugs and drink. I'm not that kind of person actually.
Anyways we had a long flight to Tanzania, and quite frankly I never been on a commercial flight ever. At first I was nervous because I never been on an airplane before, but I fought against my anxiety. I didn't want it to get to me, I want to get away from the states for a little while. But I wish Africa wasn't so far away, I was so bored sitting in the seat with nothing to do. But at least the freakin plane's about to land.
When we felt the plane land and everyone got up from their seats, me, Eileen, Walker, and Tabitha got our suitcases and we went to the airport terminal. We made it to the entrance to the airport hoping we would see mom and dad, but they didn't come. Which it was no surprise, they were probably busy today.
Eileen looked back and forth searching for our parents, when she didn't see them she asked Tabitha, "Where's mom and dad? I thought they would be here to take us to the camp?"
Tabitha looked at her and said, "Well they said they might be busy today so I think that's why they haven't come."
Walker said, "Are they always THAT busy?"
Eileen said, "Yeah very busy, but that's mom and dad for you, you make plans with them, and they always make excuses to not show up."
Tabitha shot her a glare, "Eileen, you know that's not true. They don't always not show up, you know what kind of work they do, at least give them a break."
Eileen said, "But I do give them a break! But they always have an excuse to not show up. That's what they always do."
I said, "Eileen we just got to Africa, and you're already complaining. Seriously when we get there, you can give them a lecture about not showing up to places you're supposed to meet your children."
Eileen shot back, "I don't complain!"
I said, "Yes you do, everytime something goes wrong you ALWAYS complain."
Tabitha looked at us and said "Kids no fighting, you're acting like you're still in kindergarten." She pointed a finger to me then to Eileen "I want you to be on your best behavior until we get to the camp, understand?"
I said, "Yes."
Eileen said, "Alright, but I hope the lions and tigers and bears don't eat me while I'm staying here for the summer. I hate carnivores."
I said, "Actually, there's not a lot of tigers in Africa, they're mostly in India, so I think you're good with that. Also bears don't live here, only back at home."
Eileen looked at me, "Whatever brother, just don't let the lions eat me."
"Oh don't worry I won't let them eat you."
Eileen gave me a grin, "Good because if you do, I'll let them eat you."
My eyes went wide with that, "What? What kind of sister are you?"
"The kind who doesn't take crap."
I laughed sarcastically at that, "Okaaay, whatever you say."
Walker piped in, "Hey guys, I think that guy's holding up a sign that has our names on it."
I looked at Walker, and then I followed his gaze. Walker's right, I see a man holding a sign with our names on it. Mom and dad probably sent him to take us to camp.
We went to the man who appears to be African, and Tabitha asked "Did Christopher and Angie Shepherd sent you?"
The African nodded and said, "Yes they did, they couldn't make it, so they sent me here. Welcome to Tanzania."
Tabitha smiled and said, "Thank you very much. At least we have an escort."
The African said, "Yeah you wouldn't want to travel in the Savannah alone without a guide. The Savannah's so vast and without a trail, you would get lost."
Tabitha said, "Well still thank you for taking us to the camp."
The African said "Sure, you ready to get on my jeep?"
Tabitha said, "Yes we are. Come on kids lets go."
We rode on the jeep for a little while, maybe a two hour ride. The savannah looked pretty beautiful if you ask me. We saw a lot of animals, even some that I couldn't name. Zebras, Hyenas, Giraffes, Elephants, you name it. It was better than going to the zoo actually, and that's even more better. Makes them free than living in a cage, makes them feel alive. And I'll tell you this much, at least I don't feel crowded anymore. I should have came to Africa a long time ago.
My sister however didn't make it easier, I wasn't kidding that she complains a lot, she does actually. It wasn't even an hour after we got in the jeep, and drove out of the city, and she started complaining about the weather's too hot, or I'm sweating, or the bugs are getting to me! Honestly right now I wish I brought a muzzle so I could shut her mouth. But at least the man who was driving us to the camp said it's not far away, so that means she's lucky I don't shut her mouth, for now.
Eileen asked the man driving us, "Are we almost there?"
The man said, "Yes, it's just up ahead."
Eileen slouched back into her seat, "About time."
Tabitha looked at her and said, "Aw come on now Eileen, the ride wasn't so bad was it?"
Eileen gave Tabitha a look, "Tab, the air conditioner doesn't work and I'm sweating. The ride is so boring and I'm feeling restless and I feel like I want to stretch my legs!"
I sighed.
Eileen glared at me, "You got something you wanna say?"
Actually I wanted to give her several things off my chest, but I only said one word out of my mouth, "No."
Eileen said, "Good, then shut up."
Walker started laughing.
Eileen glared at Walker as well, "You shut up as well."
Walker looked shocked and asked, "What did I do?"
"Laughing at me, that's what you did."
"I wasn't laughing at you, I was laughing WITH you."
"I wasn't laughing with you, you idiot."
Walker let out a gasp looked even more shocked, "Now you're calling me names, that's not very nice."
Eileen said, "Then don't laugh at me next time."
Walker shot back, "Fine I won't."
The jeep finally stopped after a long road trip, and all of us piled out with our suitcases. Tabitha asked the African, "Is this the place?"
The African looked at Tabitha and said, "Yep it's the place."
My head looked around at this camp that mom and dad are working at. There's a big two story building, which it looked like a dormitory and I see a sign as well on one side of the building that says mess hall. Looks like a good to get something to eat I thought. There's also several tents outside, I guess for a few people who want to sleep outside. I see several Africans wandering in the campsite, but no mom and dad yet. Perhaps they're in one of the tents.
Tabitha reached out to the guy who drove us here and shook hands with him, "Thanks for taking us here."
The man said, "Not a problem, but I gotta get going, got someone else to pick up. You take care of yourselves."
I said, "Sure we will, goodbye."
The man got in his jeep and waved, "Good luck to all of you."
Then he drove off, and left us alone at the camp.
Tabitha sighed and said, "We finally made it! Now lets go find our family, lets ask this guy where they're at." Tabitha ran to one of the campers and said, "Excuse me sir, can you tell me where I can find Christopher and Angie Shepherd?"
It didn't take us long to find mom and dad, in fact they were happy to us. And then as usual mom started asking us twenty questions like always like, how was your flight? How is everything? My mom can be a total worry wart sometimes.
Anyways they showed us around at the camp, even the mess hall which it was as big as the cafeteria back at my school. We ate there and it was actually good food. And I got to thinking I'm going to like this place. They even told us the reason why we won't sleep in the dormitory because there are no more rooms to sleep in. So basically that's why there are so many tents outside, which it was fine by me, I like camping outside in a tent anyways. However my parents told me if it was raining outside I could come inside the dormitory until the storm passes, which I also think it's a good idea.
So after showing us around my parents went back to work, and I decided to leave Eileen, Walker, and Tabitha alone. So that way I would get some alone time to myself, I mean hey I rode on a plane with them for countless hours, and not to mention I rode in a jeep with them for two hours, so might as well have time to myself.
I wandered around camp for a while, meeting and saying hello to several Africans who know my language and some who can't speak it. Hell, even I can't understand some of the words they were trying to tell me! But this is Africa, not America, so I might as well get used to it.
I basically wondered aimlessly around, when around the corner of a tree, I bumped into someone, "Ow!"
I looked at someone who bumped into me, and I realized it was a another American, a beautiful blonde girl about my age.
I had a concerned look on my face and reached out my hand to help her up, "I'm sorry, I didn't see you in time. Are you okay?"
The girl looked up at me and said "Yeah, I'm fine. You didn't hurt me at all." Then she reached out her hand and grabbed mine, I pulled her up to her feet. After I did, she dusted herself with her hands, to wipe off some dirt off her legs, and looked at me and smiled. She said, "Thanks for helping me."
I smiled and said, "Sure no problem, I didn't mean to hurt you really."
The girl waved her hand and said, "No really, it's okay."
I looked at her ackwardly, and said "Well alright I'll catch you later." Then I was about to turn around and walk off when I heard her call out to me.
"Hey wait, are you Dr. Shepherd's kid?"
I turned around to face her, "Yes, I am."
Then the girl smiled, "Hmmm, I've heard that Dr. Shepherd's kids were coming over here for the summer. But I never figured that one of them was you."
I shrugged, "Well there aren't a lot of Americans here, so I guess you might as well assume that I'm one of them." I laughed.
She laughed as well, "Well I guess you have a point there."
I gulped and said, "Oh, I forgot to introduce myself, my name's Casper."
She laughed at that, "Casper? Never met a Casper before."
"Well, not a lot of boys at my school have that name. So I guess that's why I feel like I'm a ghost." That's actually true by the way. Everytime I think about it, I do feel like I'm a ghost.
The girl smiled and said, "I like it. It's pretty cute actually."
I smiled, "Cute? Nobody never said it was cute before."
"Well maybe it's because your with the wrong crowd."
"Actually I don't have a crowd."
The girl had a sad look on her face and said, "Oh."
I decided to change the subject, "So um, what's your name?"
The girl looked at me, and smiled "Shawna. Shawna Grey."
I smiled, "Shawna? That's a cute name too."
"Thank you."
"So uh, are you staying here alone?"
She laughed and shook her head, "No, no, actually I'm staying in this camp with my father. I'm staying here for the whole summer."
My eyes went wide, "Really? So am I. How long have you been here?"
"Not long actually, a week ago I think."
"Well I've only been here for a few hours already. And I'm starting to like this place so far."
Shawna shrugged, "This place is ok, but it's kinda boring here. I mean there's not a lot to do here, not a lot of hangouts, not a lot of people with our language, not even a lot of good spas here too."
I shrugged as well, "Yeah I guess I see what you mean, but I think I'm going to like it here. I think I could get used to it."
Shawna laughed, "I hope so, since you're here for the WHOLE summer!"
I laughed with her, "You certainly got a point there."
Shawna set her gaze down a bit, "Yeah."
I looked at her and said, "Hey you know what? I have a sister named Eileen, she could use a girlfriend in this country. She doesn't like this country at all"
She laughed at that, "Oh I know how she feels, all my friends are back at home."
I smiled, "Yeah, so Shawna I-"
"Hey Shawna!"
I followed the direction of the voice and I saw a middle aged man with grey hair coming towards Shawna. "There you are, I've been looking all over for you. You do know you're my assistant right? You're supposed to do one thing I was telling you to do."
Shawna looked at the man and said, "Sorry but I was talking to someone, he bumped into me by accident."
The man looked at her quizzically, "Who?"
Shawna pointed at me "That guy."
I waved at the old man, "Hello there, are you her father?"
The old man shook his head, "No." Then he looked at me and asked, "Hey wait a second, are you Casper Shepherd?"
I nodded, "Yeah, you know my parents?"
"Yes, I see them a lot they're very nice people. Not to mention they're true professionals."
I nodded, "Yeah, they really work a lot."
Then Shawna said, "Well I gotta get going, I'll talk later."
I waved at her, "Alright, catch you later."
Shawna walked off leaving me and the old man alone. The old man introduced himself, "Well Casper, my name's Charlie McBride. If you need anything you let me know, ok?"
"Sure, I will talk later!"
I'm laying on my bed in the tent, my first night in Africa. It seems to me a lot cooler than during the day. At least my nagging sister will stop complaining about the heat now.
I was getting ready to go to bed when my mom peeked her head through the entrance. "Can I come in?"
I looked at mom and said, "Sure."
Mom came in and sat down beside me on the bed. "So how's everything? Considering it's your first night here."
I smiled at her and said, "It's good, I really like this place. I don't feel crowded like I usually am, like back at home."
Then she said, "Speaking of crowded, I'm sorry there aren't anymore rooms in the dormitory. And I'm sorry you're sleeping outside in the tent."
I shook my my head. "No it's alright, besides that I'm a happy camper after all."
Mom giggled at that, "Well your sister's not liking to sleep outside. She said the humidity still gets to her."
I sighed and shook my head, "That Eileen, always got something to complain about."
Mom said, "Well I guess she takes that from me. I sometimes complain."
I looked at her and sarcastically said, "Not as much as you do!"
She giggled.
I decided to ask her the question thats been bothering me ever since I got here. "Hey mom...If you don't mind, can I drive one of the jeeps around the savannah?"
Mom gave me a shocked look, "But Casper you just got here, don't you want to hang out with your sister?"
I shook my head, "No, I want to see what's out there, I do know how to drive you know."
Mom gave me a concerned, "Oh I know, but it's just...." Then she reached out and put her hand on my shoulder "Look Casper, you can't just run off like that. This isn't Miami, the Savannah can be dangerous and besides, what if the car brokes down in the middle of nowhere? You might get lost."
I looked straight at her, told you my mom's a worry wart. "I know mom, but I want to see things you know on my own. And besides that as long as I'm staying on one of the trails I'll be fine.
"Casper, I just don't want you to get hurt."
"I know mom, but you have to try to trust me. I'll be fine I promise."
She sighed, "Well...Alright, but you have to eat before you go tomorrow, understand?"
I smiled at her and said, "Alright, thanks."
"You can borrow your dad's jeep, he'll give you the keys in the morning."
Mom gave me a kiss on the forehead, "I love you."
I smiled "I love you too."
I was walking in the hallways of the hospital, I don't remember why I was walking in the first place. Before I could take another step, I saw someone wearing a ski mask run past me. I was gonna run after him, but then I decided to find out why he ran off. I went to where he came from, and I saw a little sign near the door saying, "BIO-Room." I was about to open it when the alarms went off. I opened the door after they went off, and I could see the whole room was a mess, several vases were smashed on the ground. I was about to leave when I saw someone lying on the ground, and I recognized him. It was me!
I woke up with a gasp. After taking several deep breaths I realized that I was dreaming. I was dreaming that I was in the hospital, seeing that guy in the ski mask, seeing me on the ground. It was pretty weird, it felt real honestly. Like I was really there. But I don't remember being there, do I?
I didn't press myself about it, so I closed my eyes and went to sleep.
I was done eating this morning, pretty much full after eating eggs and bacon, my favorite. I went to look for my dad, and I finally found him near his work tent.
I waved at him, "Hey dad, what's up?"
He smiled as I came to him, "Morning Casper, how was the food?"
"It was good. Hey dad can I have the keys to the jeep?" I wasn't in the mood for a conversation this morning, so I decided to just ask him right away.
Dad laughed, "Don't waste any time do you?"
I laughed as well, "Nope, not really."
Then his face went serious, "Yeah your mom told me you wanted to drive in the Savannah alone."
I nodded, "Yeah, I just wanted to see the scenery."
Then he smiled "Don't see why not. That's what the Savannah's for, to be admired."
I raised my hand and said, "Also the animals as well."
He laughed, "That too, well alright you can have the keys. But remember do not go off the trail and do not leave the jeep, understood?"
"Ok, then I'll go get them, remember no funny business." He went to get the keys, and when he came back he handed them to me.
"I promise."
Since there were no cars anywhere I drove real fast. By fast I mean fast and furious fast! I drove like a maniac. I guess that's the beauty of being in the savannah, there's no traffic. I sped up a little bit more, "Woooo!" See what I mean? Maniac. And I was cranking up the cd player as well, the stereo blaring pretty loudly, I was listening to 'I'm Alright' by JoDee Messina.
That's song's my fav no doubt about it. I was feeling alright, I've feel so alive right now. More alive than back at home!
I was singing along with the song, while driving fast at the same time, it was pure adrenaline rush I guess. I closed my eyes for a second, just savoring the moment. When I opened them, something was out in the middle of the road. I gasped, turned the wheel, and hit the brakes real hard.
I only spun once, thanks to the dirt trail. I was pretty shocked at myself, what was I thinking? I almost hit an animal by accident. Wait, did I hit it? I looked around, but I didn't see anything.
But I could have sworn I felt a bump while I hit the brakes, so did I hit the poor thing? I don't see any blood, but what if it was hurt?
Thanks to my good will nature, I defied my father's promises and I got out of the jeep. I walked to the spot where I saw the animal, there's definitely no blood there, but I couldn't just walk away until I made sure it was alright and not in any pain at all.
I looked to my left then I looked to my right, which way could it have gone? I saw a pond near by, perhaps it wondered over there. I decided to just check it out, see if I can find the animal.
I know it was just too risky, it kinda looked like a feline or something like that. Maybe a Leopard or a Lion, I don't know which. But if it's hurt I have to try and help it. How? I haven't figured out that far yet, until I do maybe I will figure it out.
I drew myself near the pond, the water looked fresh and clean, I stared at my own reflection, just getting a good look at it. While I was staring at myself, I heard a stick snap. I turned around very quickly, and then I gasped when saw it. It was a lioness. Alive and well.
It's a lion! I almost ran over a lion! But it's alive after I thought I hit it. But I didn't, but now I have another problem, it's right in front of me looking menacingly at me, like I was trespassing at its home. I thought about running, but I can't turn back around and run, my backs to the pond. I could try swimming but what if it's not afraid of water? I could try to run past it back to the jeep, but even that's too risky as well, she'll get me by the time I run past her.
The lioness growled at me, getting ready to pounce.
If it got on top of me, it would go straight for my neck! Lions always go for the damn neck!I don't have anything to fight it with, so I'm dead now. Unless I do something like play dead or maybe plead for my life.
I decided to plea for my life, I know animals don't really understand what you're saying, but I still have to try, she'll kill me!
"Wait...Please, don't do this...Please."
The lioness was just staring at me now.
I closed my eyes, hoping it was over. "Look, you don't need to do this. I'm sorry I really am....But please don't kill me. I'm begging you please don't kill me." I felt close to break down in tears, I haven't lived a long life yet. What would my family think when I die? Miss me I'm sure. I still had my eyes shut tight, when I suddenly heard a voice.
"What are you doing here?"
I gasped and opened my eyes, expecting another human to find, but I looked around and there was no one there, except for me and the lioness. Strange I could have sworn I heard a voice, it sounded like a girl.
I said, "Who's there? Where are you?"
Then I heard the voice again, "I said what are you doing here?"
I gasped it sounded like it was right in front of me! But it was just the lioness in front of me. It's not possible, is it? I looked straight at the lioness and I asked her. "Are you talking to me?"
Then the lioness looked at me not in a threatening pose, looked straight at me, and then I heard her, "Yes I was talking to you, are you deaf? I said what are you doing here?"
I gasped, in total shock and awe. The lioness...The lioness in front of me is actually talking to me, like a human! That's impossible!
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