Current Track: Blabb

Invane: Forrest Shift


“We surrender!" Exclaimed
Horizoki, waving the white dirty T-shirt into the air. High above that anyone
else could see it however. I exhaled a sigh, shaking my head while turning back
to the horizon while my heart beated faster inside my chest in ponderance about
this so called 'plan' that Harkell and havlut were discussing about earlier on
during this war that had been brought upon. But I said nothing and just waited
for a while before hearing someone shout from the other side. Though it was
hard to hear whatever they were saying, perhaps due to Horizoki still
screaming, I frowned but straightened my ears and listened to the voices that
were far away.


But it was still hard to
hear for some strange reason and with a growl, I narrowed my eyes and yelled
out above Horizoki's screaming yelp or yipping or whatever it is that he was
doing however. “What was that?" “We accept your surrender. But why is it a T-shirt
and not an actual white flag?" “We do not have the resources for an actual
flag." Horizoki interrupted our conversation with me glaring at such said wolf
in response, he just looked at me with a pained expression, sticking out his
tongue at me before responding again. “Regardless, we surrender!" “Alright
then. But we will accept this if you were to grab an actual white flag. I do
not care how you do it just make one and we will talk."


“White peace, white
peace, white peace!" Both me and Horizoki heard chanting, turning our attention
behind us. Spotting Haizyo and Huzizu forming a fist and raising it into the
air above their heads, directly eye contacting into the horizon while they had
continued their chant. “White peace, white peace, white peace!" “Can you all
shut up, we do cannot commit to white peace just yet. We need a flag." Horizoki
responded to them without hesitation, interrupting their little chant as
silence fell over them and eyes were directly to Horizoki. I just breathed a
sigh of relief at the silence and leaned backwards, raising my head towards the
blue skies above me and smiled only faintly. As the chatters of the four wolves
continued for a while, our ears flickered upon hearing someone yell out into
the silent air.


“Lunch!" And then
something huge like a rock was thrown into the air at an arc, straight towards
the opposing side. All four of us were shocked, surprise even as I heard myself
mutter “Oh boy…" “Run?" Haizyo questioned, glancing over to Horizoki who nodded
his head silently. For all three turned tail and ran, I followed them behind.
We ran from the plains of the battleground, submerging from the trenches that
we were hiding upon. Withdrawing from the battlefield behind us, we ran towards
the pair of white gates of Vaster and entered right on in.


“Split up!" Exclaimed
Horizoki as Haizyo and Huzizu ran into the alleyway that was nearby. I was
snatched by the throw by Horizoki and ran the opposite direction. For into the
alleyways we had entered into where the darkness kept us hiding from the enemy
forces. Nearby, the enemy was fast approaching us it had seemed as they had
submerged from the gates of Vaster and shift their attention towards the
alleyways beside them. Shortly after, they had advanced through the streets of
Vaster searching for the prisoner rule breaking wolves.


“Seriously?" I snarled
whispering at Horizoki who kept his eye upon the streets in front of him. “What
was that stupidity all about?" I growled at him. Yet Horizoki kept silent,
often time shifting his attention towards me before looking back onto the street.
I was annoyed, Yes. That I had wanted to strangle him for such a stupid play.
However, my paws were tied to Horizoki which had preventing me from even
remotely doing anything to such said wolf. Luckily, he had removed his paws
from me altogether. Flattened his ears and started whining softly at me, “Sorry
Hunter. I did not know it had came down to this." “Down to this? Idiot. Did you
preordered the 'lunch' and had it voice controlled when someone said so?" “It
was easy and manipulative!" Exclaimed Horizoki, throwing his paws out to his
side staring at me while I met his eyes, still growling however.


“That Haioh would be
saying that? Better yet, Exclaiming 'Lunch'! And then it would fire?" I raised
an eye at him, questioning his lazy methods of war or battle as he just
continued whining at me and shaking his head. Frowning with his eyes closing
and opening suddenly, “I am sorry, alright?" “Man. You have a lot to learn
about surrendering and lying." I muttered underneath my breath, shaking my head
while looking over Horizoki's shoulder. Spotting Haizyo and Huzizu behind him,
walking up towards us as they smiled faintly or fadingly. With silence clinged
onto them, I stepped away from Horizoki and forth towards the pair of wolves.
Although silence filled my voice, I did unknowing slapped them for a reason.
Slap! Slap!


“Hey what gives?"




“You both are idiots for
following his orders." I snarled angrily at the pair as they had realized why
and hanged their heads, “Though it was only partial punishment however." I
exhaled a breath afterwards, hanging my head but raised it to them again as they
smiled “Do not smile." I growled threateningly and they stopped shortly
afterwards. With the pause of silence hovering all four of us, I shifted my
attention to the entrance of the alleyway that we were upon. As I turned to
Horizoki and spoke to him, “Figure out a way to get a real white flag. Or if
not, construct one instead." “Where should we look?" Questioned Horizoki as he
stepped passed the pair of wolves towards me, I turned towards the wall and
avoided his gaze before responding after a short pause “Over there." “At the
wall?" “No." I growled at him, “From the streets. There is one lying onto the
road. Additionally, there is a store nearby from where we are at that holds
construction white paper and tools that we had needed." “Then lets just go there
then." “Not so fast." I barked to Haizyo who was quick on the draw however as I
set my front paw at his legs stopping him suddenly as he gaze towards me in


“With the enemy army
looking for us from the streets, plains or the forest. It is best to keep
ourselves concealed by the shadows. Remember what I had taught you beforehand when
we found ourselves at war?" All four wolves nodded their heads, quick and
effective. Yet I did not believe them even for a second. With my squinting
narrowing eyes laid upon their bodies, I just exhaled a breath and shook my
head while turning around and face the entrance of the alleyway. “You guys head
through the secondary and alleyway roads and halls. Reach your destination when
you see that store." “What about you?" Questioned Horizoki, “I will just find
the rest of our pack."


So we split rather
quickly. The five of us headed our own direction. Me towards the entrance while
the rest of them heed through the darkness of the alleyways that we were upon.
My heart was still beating fast inside of the silence surrounding me, with the
ringing echoing my own ears. I had submerged upon the roads whereas the sun was
beaming its light down from the blue skies above us. I ignored the sun for a
bit and shift my attention towards the empty roads. Realizing that no one was
about. For a responsive smile came upon my own snout, ears hanging back before
I find myself back onto the run. Fleeing from the road itself, I sharply turned
into the pair of entrance gates and out upon the plains I had returned to.


I had forgotten out
peaceful it was. With the flowers blooming and the gentle winds blowing in one
direction. Or how the plains was a mixture of brown and red. 'Wait.' I thought
with a surprise, taking another look upon the plains again noting on how they
were indeed brown and red. There were bodies and corpses on the ground. All
laying in differently. Their eyes were closed. Body unmoving while little flies
hovered around them, buzzing loudly for some strange reason. I had figured this
might be the aftermath of that incident earlier and I had frowned. Shaking my
head before raising my eyes to the horizon before me, I sprinted down the
plains. Or so I had thought however.


In about a few paces or
so, I had spotted the three other wolves that were running forth towards me.
Yet somehow neither of them were cheerful at all however. As I stayed sill and
glanced at them while they closed the gap between ourselves,  Harkell called out towards me with breathless
upon his dried throat, “Did we get them? Did we surrender?" “The idiot group
are getting a flag from a nearby store." I mentioned passively at Harkell.
Harkell and Havlut frowned, but remained silent as their eyes were towards me.
Thus then afterwards, Haioh responded “But how about that code word then?
Pretty slick huh?" “You are an idiot." I responded back to him, growlingly
lowly at such said wolf before adding “We were there at the surrendering phase.
A plan that was made up by Horizoki and why did you say that anyway?" “I
thought it was a pretty good qu-" Before anyone else could speak and Haioh
could finish his thought, we all turned our heads back towards Vaster.


Eyes widened, ears
flattened against our heads as we saw a red rocket into the air busting its ass
whereas the smoke puttered from behind it. Upon the rocket were the three
idiots wolves, all into the air. Huzizu and Haizyo had their paws into the air
with Horizoki holding tightly against the width of the rocket. As it flew in
random directions and drew circuits into the air all the while putting clouds
that would perhaps ruin our ecosystem, eventually, the red rocket smashed into
a window nearby and a loud scream was heard afterwards. “Wow." Commented
Harkell while Havlut frowned and exhaled his breath, waving his head before
speaking to me “Shall we go and see what they are doing?" “I just hope nothing
idiotic comes from either of them however." I muttered, mostly towards myself
as I had unintentionally answered or responded to Havlut as he just nodded
towards me with a smile onto his face. I motioned them all and heed back into
the entrance.


We had indeed gotten
ourselves lost along the way as we had no idea where the building was. Even
thought we had a map, it did not help either for us anyway. We had thrown that
map elsewhere, but it had fallen upon the grounds instead and flew away thanks
to the winds that were blowing it. We continued walking ourselves for a few
minutes more until we ended up upon the building where they are. Immediately;
havlut, Harkell, Haioh and me entered right in where a wild fresh breath washed
us down, nearly drowning us as we had bypassed it. The door closed behind us
and we shift our attention forward. A staircase was towards our right; upon its
apex were the three said wolves, all in wheelchair. But what make this
unnatural was the red rockets attached to the wheelchairs sides. Launching them
forth into the air and passed the stairs as they had no control over the
direction of where the rockets was leading them into. This charade happened for
at least five minutes. After that came…


Crash! Horizoki was upon
the wall. His nose attached to the small hole that his snout and nose had
created somehow as he had muttered something underneath his breath that we were
unable to hear. I nodded to Harkell who smiled back in response, rushed behind
us towards where Horizoki was and opened the door to reach Horizoki above
himself. However, such said door cannot support his weight for some reason and
indeed, break off from its stem. Tipped itself forth and hit Harkell in the
face allowing him to hit the grounds first underneath him. Then the door hit
him again, creating a huge thin line underneath them both before they fell in
between it and disappeared upon the basement below us.


Crash! Our heads snapped
towards the second largest sound where Haizyo found himself overtop of the
grandfather clock which chimed and sent a large bird from the mouth of the
clock; hitting the head of the wolf as he grew to annoyance and started swatting
the thing anyway. Harkell fled from our group. Head straight forth to the
grandfather clock where Haizyo was and started climbing such said item. Despite
me and Haioh warning him, it did not help when both Haizyo and Harkell started
screaming as the clock fell face forward. Through the grounds below them and
disappeared altogether.


“Is this building curse
somehow?" Haioh questioned which I shrugged, frowning in response. Before we
turned our attention towards the third crash which I am pretty sure you guys
know who it was and who ran forth towards him to save him and how they fell through
the ground. So let just skip it altogether alright? “Hey!" Haioh's voice called
out from the grounds underneath me, “That is so not fair!" “Life is not fair,
Haioh." Responded Horizoki while a couple of agreements chattered. The voices
underneath continued until someone started munching onto something which all
voices fell silent for a second before collectively exclaiming at the
perpetrator. “Stop that, Horizoki!" “Sorry. I just get hungry." “Did not we
just ate before this story started?" “I thought that was breakfast." A pause
before another smack and Horizoki started whining again.


Anyway, with all the
wolves gone and fighting amongst themselves underneath the floor that I was
upon. A click was heard. Spotlights started showing in the darkness. Waving for
a few seconds before they all landed their lights towards the white door in front
of me. For it opened while a drum rolled across my vision and stopped in front
of the door in front of me. My head was tilted to the side while I gaze at the
drum for a moment then towards the door behind it. Just as it had opened and
revealed another wolf from the shadows inside. Oh yeah, and white grayish smoke
started submerging from the door for some strange reason. Covering the grounds
of which I stand on and making me shiver for some strange reason too. As the
shadow wolf stepped forth and revealed itself, my eyes became deadpanned and a
serious look was upon my face. I exhaled, but no breath came this time around.


The such said wolf in
front of me was a different wolf than the ones that I was used to. His fur was
a bit lighter than mine. Pointy soft ears compared to the sharp edge ears.
Snout and body was looking more or less the same than normal wolves. But that does
not matter at all. For what does matter was this wolf looking at me for some
reason as a plaster of a smile came across his snout, running up towards me and
grabbing onto my back as he spoke with a cheerful voice in his throat, “Hello
and welcome to the show! My name is-" Disk started scratching in the distance
while laughter came from behind the wolf and me when we turned around, gazing
at the opened door in front of us.


“This is a show? More
like a desperate attempt to haul friends or something along that line."
Horizoki said as he submerged first, “Why on earth is he here in this place
where all the cool rides are upon? Is he some sort of an amusement park wolf?
Is he the owner of the place?" “Beats me." Responded Huzizu to Haizyo's
question as the two started mocking him with their skits. “Tsk. I was hoping
for a better performance by a villain wolf than this." Growled Harkell who was
already annoyed as his eyes laid upon the wolf in question, ears already laid
back and eyes narrowing while he was smacking his lips or wetting his lips with
his tongue, I could not tell. “That grandfather clock nearly 'clocked' me!"
Exclaimed Haioh at an attempt on some jokes, but none of the wolves were
laughing as silence fell again and crickets started chirping at a distance.
Haioh frowned and hanged his head shaking it “Yeah sorry. I will just stick to


Harkell came last as he
started stretching his body, hearing some cracks and snaps from his bones while
he moaned for a moment before turning back towards us who just looked at him
weirdly. Even I heard Huzizu muttered to Haziyo about something, but it was
hard to hear what they were stating. Although for some strange reason, Harkell
seem to have noticed it and shot a glare towards the pair of wolves who tripped
over their own feet and hit the grounds hard. Despite the chuckles from Huzizu
and Havlut, I turned my attention towards the new wolf in front of us.
“Alright. Enough games, who the heck are you?" I demanded, stepping up towards
the new wolf in front of us. Getting up right onto his face as he blinked,
reeling his head back and frowned. All at the same time however.


For with silence hovering
over us, the wolf in question exhaled a breath and spoke out towards me “My
name is Hazzor; I was a pup who joined your group. I-" “Which pup?" Questioned
Huzizu glancing to him which Hazzor blinked in surprise and stepped back from
him, ears pointing outward as he met his eyes “What. What do you mean?" “We had
three other pups after you. We never knew where its parents were however, so we
just took care of them." I explained, “Why were they orphans?" “Hey," Responded
Havlut poking at his flake, “You were too, remember." A pause of silence fell
Hazzor's snout as he silently nodded at us before returning back to his
original statement,

“Anyway, I am Hazzor.
That pup who joined your group…" And a long unwinding history of his was
blattered out and I am sure it was boring, at least for the time being that is.
Regardless as Hazzor started talking nonstopped, the wolves surrounding him nodded
their heads just to make him keep talking.


For in summary, Hazzor
was indeed that pup who joined our group. Then he left unexpectedly. Perhaps to
go explore the world or something. Discovered that he enjoy dancing and being
an artist just by drawing upon the ground or making swirling lines upon the
water current during his bath and took up drawing and dancing as his talent.
Creating this… weird show upon this abandoned building for some reason alone.
For when he was done and the silence loomed over us again, I coughed and
allowed all wolves to turn their attention towards me, including Hazzor who
just frowned at me. I stepped towards Hazzor and stick out my tongue. But
instead of licking him completely, I took out a waterhose from nowhere and
started spraying Hazzor with it, making him wet like a horse as he stared at me
dumbfounded. A chuckle escaped my lips while the other wolves chuckled or laugh
in response as Hazzor continued to frown and gaze at me and the others before
responding, “Is this how you greet somehow? Spraying them with water?" “Oh no."
I responded, a bit amused at him “There are plenty more. This way, you will be
easy to identify." “How?" Hazzor exclaimed, before tilting his head backwards
and smelling something of a familiar scent and reeled his head back.


“And that is how." I
continued, “I see that you wolves are different than the normality of wolves
around the plains and forest." Hazzor muttered to me, perhaps towards himself
for some reason. Regardless, we knew that he was not happy with his reinstallation.
With the laughter dying down, drawn to just a trickle of chuckles and laugher.
All heads turned back towards me as I assumed position and barked “We need to
leave. Based on the showy of lights and amongst other stuff that Hazzor showed
to us, I bet that the enemy forces will be coming and flooding quickly towards
this place." “Then let go then!" Haizyo exclaimed running back for his
wheelchair as Horizoki Huzizu started for theirs too. I blinked in surprise at
them while all three wolves slapped their knees, urging the rest of us to go
forth towards them. In no hesitation, we all hoped onto their laps as the
rocket reignited and colorful sparkles came from the butts of the rockets. We
all were rocketed forward. Hitting and crashing onto the door; but we were fine
afterwards as the rockets lifted ourselves into the air, soaring with the door
that was broken from its stem thanks to the hard hits that it had took because
of our wheelchair rockets.


So we 'flew' westward.
Back onto Vaster. But upon our arrival, the rockets themselves hiccupped and
withdrew their spark. Fading in and out until only black smoke submerged from
their butts instead, we fell into the grounds below us. Nice and hard. Luckily
however, none of us got injured which was a miracle at best! And even better,
we were right in front of the store too. “Quick! Before it closes!" Exclaimed
Huzizu while he, Haizyo and Horizoki chased after one another and entered the
store, leaving the rest of us behind. As Hazzor questioned the rest of us just
while we dragged ourselves out from the pile and hide ourselves upon the nearby
alleyway, neither of us answered him and were preoccupied with our own thoughts
anyway. While Hazzor pouted and crossed his arms frowning, Harkell and Havlut
promised to explained what had happened during his absent. Onto that was when
he relieved himself from it and stepped out from the alleyway. Snapping his paw
as a light from the sun started shining down onto him.


It started heating him up
while he does his little numbered dance. And although music was not playing, it
was playing in his mind however while he started 'dancing' or so he thought
were dancing moves however. For the rest of us, they were perhaps cringed as
heck as they were sexual stripper dances from somewhere else. How Hazzor knew
these is beyond me, considering that such dances were banned from Reptile and
Canine realms alone. “Make it stop!" Exclaimed Havlut while Harkell brew some
tea and started splashing it against his face. “Oh thanks." “No problem." then
they went right back to being cringed.


The bell ring. The sun's
ray stopped 'shining' down onto Hazzor as he just laid there warm and hot.
Panting with his tongue out from his snout with his eyes closing, resting from
his 'cringy' dance. The enemy forces and ourselves shift our attention towards
the door whereas Horizoki, Haizyo and Huzizu submerged from the shadows of the
store behind them. All of them looked determined as smirks, smiles and
something else was plastered upon their own snouts. All eyes narrowed, glaring
at the enemy faction in front of us and them while Haizyo drew out his
'weapon'. A white flag. But also another white flag too! The enemy forces were
shocked and surprise; that color of their furs and everything that they were
wearing screamed and ran off. Fleeing on foot somewhere else. Which had left
the enemy forces with black and white however. Not that it had mattered anyway
while I pointed out towards the enemy and exclaimed, “See! We had surrendered.
Now leave us alone!" And they compelled with our offer, packing up themselves
in brown little suitcases that magically appeared out of nowhere and fled on


There were cheers and
celebrations; I turned towards my pack as they congratulated each other on a well-deserved
victory. I snorted at that however. Remembering that in real life, the white
flag does mean surrender and we were forced as POW. But my head shook in
response which had earned some glances over towards me. For as they crowded me
suddenly, I was grabbed from my legs and hoisted into the air while they
cheered. Then afterwards, at the evening skies above us, we all lifted our
heads and howled to the moons just as it was peaking out from the horizon. For
then it would be a while before night falls however. Onto that duration we had
decided to head back to Virkoal Forest with our new member in tow.


It was a brown rope tied
to his neck as he slumped upon the ground frowning with his underbelly burning
against the rough and burn edges of the road underneath him.