Current Track: Blabb

Treter: Arises Levelers


“Cannot believed we are
joining in onto their exposition." Responded Wovan with a sigh that escaped
from his lips, his eyes closed before shaking his head shifting his attention
towards me adding “...And you of all canines too." “Hey." I countered, frowning
at him “It is a once in a lift time experience." “You just wanted to be with
them huh?" Started Wovan, keeping his eyes onto me while the silence fell
between us and Wovan chuckled afterwards before turning his attention towards
the horizon. “Regardless, these wolves that we had been with for so long in the
past stories. I guess they are trustworthy to even keep to our side if things
were to go wrong with the idiotically two however." “Agreed." Wivina remarked,
suddenly joining in onto the conversation with startled both me and Wovan as we
turned towards him.


Although he said nothing
else in response for us, apart from a smile that was plastered onto his face.
Another pause of silence came before Wovan went right back into speaking, “I am
sure. They are insane. But I guess that is a good way?" “Do you ever shut up
right now?" Wivian asked, glancing towards Wovan immediately who just ignored
him and kept on talking. I just nodded all the way through our exploration and
journey straight towards the destination that the Hunter's Pack had insisted to
head over however. Though I was really excited to join them in whatever they
were looking for here; I had to wonder what type of object we are looking for
within the realms of the abandoned factory however. 'Here of all places too.' I
thought in my head, frowning again.


We continued walking
through the forest, although we never knew what type of forest we were in nor
why this type of forest kept whatever was hiding here hidden. Guess we only
knew that it was just hiding here in the forest alone. Nothing else had seem to
matter however. Did I ever mention that it was early morning? Where the sun was
barely peaking through the horizon where the rays were invading upon the pure
darkness of the plains surrounding the forest. But never heading right onto in
because of how thick the forest trees were? As another exhaled of a sigh
escaped through my lips, I peer back towards the two coyotes behind me. Both of
which were silent suddenly, despite Wovan being talkative at the beginning of
the story however. No, instead the two were just staring ahead and keeping
their mouths shut which came as a surprise from either of them. I often did
looked behind myself to gaze upon the two in silence, earning some stares and
confused exchanges from either of the two.


But after a long walk
through the forest, we had arrived upon our destination. We submerged from the
forest which is now behind us and stared up ahead into the horizon where the
tower was located. It was smaller than I had suspected; storing perhaps only
two floors within. With no windows punched upon the building's surfaces, I
started frowning again. Often times glancing to Wovan and Wivina; both of which
said nothing in response. But walked bypassing me and heed to the entrance of
the tower. I, on the other paw, followed them down as we had stopped upon the
entrance of the tower. The red door before us was locked tight preventing
anyone from entering in. A switch was adjacent to the door; shaped like a lever
almost however. As I stared onto it, I nudged Wivina who shifted his attention
to me then towards where I was pointing at. Nodded his head and heed straight
there; grabbing onto the switch with his paws before pulling it towards the
side. The door in front of us rumbled and the ground vibrated. Wivina returned
to her spot, adjacent to me and turned to the door opening itself automatically
as we started heading right on in.


In all honestly, I never
know what would I suspected upon entering through the doors of the tower.
Wovan, wanted to see something interesting inside. Wivina just wanted to go
home and stay there until the next plot however. But when we entered in, the first
thing we had noticed was how pitch  dark
the place was. There was nothing to see except for our own paws and feet. Even
the cold flooring that we were sitting upon below us. Wivina shivered and
flinched upon sitting his ass upon the cold grounds below and frowned.
Whimpering softly towards me which I had ignored. For with a clap of my paws,
the two stopped and turned their heads towards me. I break into a smile before
nodding, speaking that followed after as the words filled the void surrounding
us. “Now then. The wolves expected us to find something here and bring it back
to Virkoal Forest." “Why could not they come here instead? Make our job easier
after all." “Are they not in another tower right now?" Interrupted Wivina while
Wovan turned to him, a tilt of his head in ponderance. I nodded, agreeing with
Wivina “Yeah. That they are however. But what tower is unknown for they never
disclosed it to us. Regardless, we are to find an item here. Beneficial only to
the outside of the two realms instead."


“... And where do we find
such a thing?" Questioned Wivina, tilting his head again as his eyes stared
onto mine. I just stayed silent. Saying nothing more other than the peaceful
silence that loomed over our heads and with that silence, I barked at the two
of them. Causing them to flinched suddenly and snapped their heads towards me
while I started smiling upon each of them. Though they frowned, even Wovan
growled threateningly at me, we still split up into individuals. Each heading
into their own direction where the pitch darkness itself had swallowed each of
us whole, In case anyone was wondering; I headed straight ahead towards a blue
door that was in front of me. Wovan headed left with Wivina started forth the
right. Each of them entering through a doorless passage that get them into a
hallway. Although they said nothing more than this, let just focus upon the
blue door for now. So I walked forth towards the blue door. Grabbing onto its
knob, twisting it to the side and heard a click that echoed through the silence
looming over me.


Pushing the door; it
opened on its own and allowed me upon the other side. As the door opened and
hits against the solid wall behind it, I moved forward and entered into the
room and I stopped immediately, searching around about in wonderance of where I
was. The room itself was bigger yet smaller compared to the main room that
previously. However, there were some interesting stuff upon this room that the
main room did not have. Such as a table; set of stairs leading into the next
floor above and a stove. The stone was not working and the table looked a bit
rotten that smells were coming from its surface however. I frowned, wrinkling
my nose upon it and shook my head to rid of it while heading forward. Picking
up speed to run across the length of the room, straight towards the set of
stairs that was ahead of me. Once reaching it, I climbed the stairs immediately
and without hesitation as each of the steps were wooden. Loud upon slamming my
feet upon each of their surfaces which echoed through the silence in my ears.
Though I had ignored it while climbing, I raised my eyes high to the horizon
and heed into the second floor above. In hopes of finding whatever was up there



Silence filled my ears
after stopping upon the top of the stairs. I glanced upon the hallway that I
now find myself upon. Noticing three more doors ahead of me, each in their own
unique spot. Each of the doors had their own unique color too; from red on the
right towards orange on the left. I find my head tilted to the side, wondering
why the left and center doors were painted such odd colors.I had tried my best
to ignore it however and just moved on. Walking forward towards the three doors
ahead of me; I grabbed onto each of their knobs. Repeating the same cycle with
the first door below, each of the doors opened and allowed me to see whatever
was inside of them. Yet to my surprise, I had saw that each doors were empty
and dark. Nothing interesting were upon each of them and with that, I just
frowned before turning away from them and towards the staircase behind me.


Tempted to head down, I
noted something that was ahead of me. Adjacent to the stairs was a white door.
I blinked, rather surprise into seeing it, and walked forth towards it before
grabbing its knob. Yet while I had attempted to open such; my ears caught upon
someone screaming below me which I had presumed was Wovan. This had led to two
questions; either of them would be answer if I had called him. But I had fell
silent when I heard rapid running came from the floor below and perhaps that
was when I knew it was Wivina however. My head shook again while returning my
attention back towards the contents of the white door. But all I found was the
closest door, full of stuff that were located inside. Nothing more interesting
was found here however which had deeply saddened me. I closed the door
afterwards and huffed, knowing that I had scoured through the floor that I was
upon. I had decided to heed down the steps and meet up with the other coyotes.


There were some silence
when I had arrived back upon them. The two coyotes were conversating with one
another; chatting about some random topic that popped onto their heads. But
upon my arrival was when their silence came instead as their eyes shift towards
me. “Find anything yet?" Questioned Wovan whom was the first to speak after the
silence, I just shook my head causing Wovan to flatten his ear and frowned.
Wivina exhaled and spoke, shaking his head as he does so “Nothing on my end
either. It seems that the tower was cleaned off somehow. Every room left
nothing behind." “Yeah." Remarked Wovan, commenting onto Wivina who just turned
to him. With another pause of silence between us however, I just spoke back
onto them again “We just have to keep on looking. Eventually we will find
something interesting here." “But is there a particular one that the wolves
wanted however? Something that keens their interest." Me and Wivina shook our
heads, answering that question which caused Wovan to frown and tilted his head
backwards. Staring up into the ceiling above me in the following silence that
had came instead.


His back came after a
pause in silence, forcing us to flinch at him and turned towards Wovan. He
raised his paw high, pointing to whatever that he was staring at. We turned,
following his gaze and lifted our eyes high towards the ceiling where we had
saw what he was looking at however. A golden crystal hovering in midair; its
sparks reflected against the sun's rays submerging from our own eyes as we
marveled over it. I grinned in response, nodding my head towards the other two
coyotes who frowned at me before fixing their attention back towards the golden
crystal hanging above us. “That is what we should give to them." “A crystal?"
Responded Wivina, tilting his head to one side gazing at me as I nodded my head
at him, “Yes. It be perfect for them." “But does it have magical powers like
the dragons or canines from their re=" “I do not know." I shook my head already
walking forth to the underneath of such crystal, lifting my head and gaze at it
before stretching out my paw towards it. But it was a bit higher than what I
had suspected and I frowned at this response. With a side glance over to the
two other coyotes whom were just standing about studying me, they too walked
forth towards me.


We climbed over one
another until we made a little tower of our own. Though I reached out for the
crystal above, it had barely touched my tips and I growled at this a bit
frustrating however while Wovan questioned me “Got it yet?" “Need to jump." I
offered, “What?" Both of them said, since Wivina caught into the sudden
conversation as he frowned and lifted his head up towards me complaining,
“There is no way you will survive with both your legs intact! Look how high you
are and the extend of your jump. If you were… you are not listening are you?" I
shook my head and launched forth the crystal above me. Snatching the crystal in
one go while landing back onto the coyote's back beneath me. For in response, I
heard something cracked and a yelp or cry of pain or something. Onto the next
second came all three of us tumbling down. Scattered across the ground. Dust
rose from the ground, covering our blinking eyes as Wovan and Wivina caught and
sneeze to rid of the dust and things that was now in the air.


“Great." I stated,
“Great? You nearly kill us!" Remarked Wovan, shouting at me as I held the
crystal in my paw, “Great as in, we got the crystal." “Was that all we needed
to come here for? Nothing else?" Questioned Wivina who was underneath us,
struggling to get some words out from his snout while the two others lifted
themselves off from him, stepped to the side and watched as Wivina popped back
into his usual self instead. “Much better." He responded shaking his fur and
body to rid of anything there before turning his attention back towards me.
Raising his paw, pointing to the crystal that I was holding. “So what does that
thing does anyway?" “Lets find out?" I asked him despite Wovan objecting to
whatever we were scheming. In the next few seconds, I lifted my other paw to
the crystal in my paw and gently rubbed the surface. I felt the warmth come
from it while it had started to glow suddenly. Brightening up the room a bit;
we blinked and shielded our eyes by closing them while the crystal continued
doing its thing before stopping afterwards.


A pause of silence had
came while all three of us opened our eyes and glanced at the crystal still in
my paws. For nothing had happened to it however nor our surroundings either
which I had became greatly confused about. With Wovan and Wivina shifting their
heads about, glancing around the room that they were in. Everything was totally
normal and silence and pitch darkness however which Wovan and Wivina was
greatly disappointed upon. “We should just return the stupid crystal back to
where it had belong. Just another furniture decoration anyway." “Are you sure
that it is one?" I commented, surprise that he would say such a thing. At his
nod, he snatched the crystal away from my paw and returned it back to where we
had found it. Another blast of light shined from the surface again as it
illuminated the room a bit before fading off into the invading darkness that
had came after it. As we watched it returned to its normal spot and all of that
sequence, I flattened my ears and whined. Wondering now about an object that we
are going to return to the Hunter's pack however. They noted my whining; but
remained silent as their attention was turned from the crystal then back
towards me.


An exhaled of a sigh had
came as we had realized that we had fully explored the place instead. Nothing
interesting in conclusion had happened upon entering into its rooms, fully
exploring the rooms and finding nothing. Much to the disappointment of Wovan,
Wivina and myself however as we had returned back towards the entrance of the
tower again. And once more, exiting out into the plains that stretched out
before us. Evening had came. Time had indeed flown by when we had took our time
exploring the tower and Wovan was already yawning. I took note of this and
nodded to Wivian when a small smile came from him but fixed his attention back
towards the horizon again. I groaned, having recalled that we had needed to
head through the forest again to reach our own home again. Despite pleading
with myself for an timeskip and just ending the story then or completely hang
the story here, we are forced to entered into the forest instead.


The woods was much
creeper at night than at day. For I had saw strange facial expression upon each
of their surfaces. I shivered and stayed close to the two other coyotes whom
taken the lead instead of me, walking forward weaving through the forest. The peaceful
silence that loomed over us was gone. Fled away as if scared about something.
Something horrible that had happended here upon the forest ground. “Stop
complaining." Growled Wovan, already feeling his flank touched by my own. “Gee,
for a leader, he sure is scared of the dark." “Dark forest I mean." Wivina
started, turning his head towards me then back towards Wovan who nodded
silently at him as if agreeing with him. We continued walking through the
forest while I myself shift my attention to the trees. Staring at them, staring
at their branches which howled despite no winds blowing against them. Moving
and shifting as if vibrating to something that was touching them. I closed my
eyes and frowned, reopening again before barking softly at the other two ahead
of me.


“Allow me." I started,
when the two turned their heads to me then to one another before nodding again.
For I taken the lead from them instead and led them through the forest. I
picked up the pace, speedrunning while the two struggled to keep themselves up
behind me. I had felt my own heart pounding in my chest, the sounds of drums
beating faster as time spent inside of this forest goes onward without
hesitation. It was the more reason to get a move on and head onward towards the
edge or the entrance of the forest. Ridding the thoughts and the sounds of
barking behind me which were the complains of Wovan and Wivina behind me, I
just kept going. Kept pushing myself forth despite the burning in my legs. My
ears flickered upon the ringing echoing inside my own ear, but nothing more had
startled me from focusing upon the path straight towards the exit.


It had taken some time
inside of the darkness and the forest itself that we had made it towards the
end. I slowed down to a pause; allowing the other two to catch up immediately
behind me as their tongues were sticking out. Panting while their eyes narrowed
directly upon me, I paid nothing to them but a smirk or a smug before fixing my
attention back to the entrance of the forest. For as we walked the rest of the
way there, I still felt my heart not slowing down however. A sense of fear
coursed through my body, something caused me to flinched. Shivering
unexpectedly while the two coyotes behind me stopped and Wovan questioned me.
But I ignored him and moved. Closing in onto the goal.


For by the time we were
out, it was the only time that I turned my head back upon the entrance of the
forest where a pair of brown poles once stood in the opened. A 'welcome' sign
used to be above the gates of the forest, gone now to something unpredictable.
While I stared at the entrance of the gate, my eyes suddenly narrowed as if
there was something unexplainable that needed to be answer. Like why did my
heart raced suddenly despite me walking so slow? And many others however. But
after a pause upon my own silence was when I flinched again and turned around,
spotting Wivian already at my flank with his head touching it already. His eyes
stared up onto mine, I grunted responding but nodded my head. Taking one last
look at the forest's entrance, returned my head into taking the lead again as I
led the pack away and back towards home.