Current Track: Blabb

Invane: Birthcake Ruincy

“So it is someone's
birthday right now."

“Someone's having a party
right now?" Interrupted Horizoki as he popped onto my view. Me, Harkell and
Havlut blinked at him before turning to one another and laughed suddenly. “No
no. No one is having a party. That was your imagination talking." Harkell
responded immediately, waving him off while Horizoki flattened his ears,
glancing at each of us before whining “But I heard-" “You heard nothing."
responded Havlut with his eyes narrowed at him. Horizoki frowned. Saying
nothing else in response towards him. But went away from our group. Harkell
huffed, Havlut exhaled a sigh while I turned back towards them and continued
the conversation.

Another early morning had
risen upon Virkoal Forest. Yet the forest trees were once again blocking the
sun. Preventing any sort of sunlight from entering into the woods and kept this
place pitch dark however. Despite that, the forest was as lively as ever and we
kept on hearing noises surrounding us. Birds squawking. Faint music somewhere
within the forest and among other stuff however. I exhaled a breath and closed
my eyes. Calming myself down before any sort of chaotic thing happened during
an early morning however. But just as I had opened my eyes and turned back
towards Harkell and Havlut, we heard someone running fast towards us.

Perhaps it had came like
a lightning bolt or a bullet, whatever came first however. But it did knock the
wind out of me however. For in the next second, I did find myself upon the
ground with someone slobbering all over my face as if I was the master. I did
think I knew who it was however. “Haizyo. Did Horizoki put you up to this?"
“Put me up for what?" He questioned innocently, tilting his head as if he was
confuse by what I was saying. Yet I knew what was up. I opened my eyes and
glared at him with eyes narrowed. Haizyo continued licking my face, putting a
fresh coat of 'paint' as I growled at him. “Get off now." “Why?" “Cause, we
have something important to do." “It is someone's birthday is it not?" Came
Horizoki's voice from out of nowhere. Startling me, Havlut and Harkell all at
once as we swiftly turned our attention towards Horizoki who was sitting a few
inches away from us, grinning. Haizyo tilted his head again as he spoke towards
Horizoki “Someone's birthday is today? Who?"

“Yeah who?"

“The lizard's and
Vixen's." I groaned, “Now get off from me!" I say as I threw two paws up
towards Haizyo's chest and pushed him off from me. He staggered for a few
seconds and tripped over his two hind legs. Falling onto his back, he gasped in
shocked. Wiggling himself to finally get overtop, I dusted my fur with my paws
before returning to the group with Horizoki, Harkell and Havlut as the latter
two kept quiet and watched the entire thing. Though they were quiet. I saw some
smiles upon their snouts. I exhaled a breath, pointing my snout upon them and
growled. They were taken back. Ears pulled back while their eyes were widened.
They just stared at me in a short pause of silence before I sat onto my butt
adjacent to them and spoke, “Yes it is the pair's birthday. Now then, what sort
of gift should we-" “Why is it the lizard's birthday?" Harkell frowned, raising
his paw as he interrupted me. “I do not know. Nor I care. Now come. We are
wasting time." I narrowed my eyes at them, seeing them flinched suddenly and
with heads hanged. They turned around and muttered something before pulling
away from the group altogether.

Yes. Today is Lizard's
and Vixen's birthday. Surprise surprise indeed. Yet we were unsure of what sort
of gift we should give towards the pair. Knowing their reputation within Canine
and Reptilian realms, it should be something bad. Why? Because of the horrible
things that they have done there. They should not be able to get anything good
at all. I exhaled a breath again and shook my head; getting up onto my feet
before motioning Horizoki and Haizyo to stick with me. The two agreed and
walked besides me as we followed Harkell and Havlut down the roads. Out from
Virkoal Forest and back onto the plains once more. Thus as we emerged from the
forest's entrance, I spy up ahead Harkell and Havlut whom were gathered around
a lake for some reason. “Cool fishing!" Horizoki pipped up suddenly, running
forth towards the pair while Haizyo followed behind him. I ran behind them.

We all catch up towards
the two british pairs, just as they turned towards me. Harkell narrowed his
eyes and kept his silence while Havlut spoke suddenly “Hey Hunter. I guess you
want to try a fishing game to win a prize for the pair?" “Is the prize a fish?"
I questioned, chuckling while Havlut shook his head and smiled faintly at me
“No. But it could be. All ya have to do is catch one fish." “But that will be
boring." I frowned, adding “And it does take more time in the morning than
normal." “True." “I got a better way!" Exclaimed Horizoki with his risen paw
high above his head, smiling proudly as some weird superhero music popped out
of nowhere. Yet when me and Havlut turned our attention towards the source of
it; we had noticed that Haizyo was playing some sound effects on the radio.
“...And that is not even charged either!" Complained Havlut and I tilted my
head towards one side, before turning towards him again and asked. But right
before I could, he slapped my face across and returned to the conversation

“Anyway, want to try."
“For a fish." I muttered while I was given the fishing rod. It was a thin metal
piece. A thin invisible string was attached to it too, running parallel with
the piece. Although the string was a bit longer than the metal however. The
metal thin piece was red; with black dots at various sizes attached towards it.
I blinked for a moment then turned to Harkell questioning him, “About the
dots-" “Just a design." He waved it off, I shrugged and continued. Five minutes
had passed. Five more minutes had passed. Repeating its cycle again until it
seems to be an hour, I think. When I raised my head up towards the blue skies
above us, noting that a few small birds were flying by as well. I felt
something tug against the metal piece. Blinking while Havlut rushed towards my
side. Yanking the fishing rod from my paws. He pulled back, grounding his fangs
tightly as he started growling. He slid forth as the rod continued pulling him.
He fought back. It was almost like a championship tug of war event. One that I
would be gladly entertained by if the Intertwine realms had one really. But
regardless of the long fighting, or that it was really short and I forgotten
however. Havlut yank the fishing rod up and behind which is now over his head.
Something surfaced from the waters.

Out came Haizyo who acted
like a fish. Or rather, the fish was nibbling onto his lower half however. All
three of us stared at him before Horizoki laughed himself off. Crunched over
and pointing upon Haizyo, he laughed. Meanwhile, Harkell ran up towards him
questioning “What the heck happened to you?" “I joined the fish wrestling
competition and was doing so well-" “Answer the stupid question!" I growled at
him, a bit irritated at his fantasy. Yet Haizyo just ignored me and continued
his fish wrestling story with Havlut just listening on and on. Around this
time, Horizoki finished laughing himself off and rose to his feet. He headed
away from us, disappearing into the forest again. But came back later with
Huzizu who followed him with a cannon trailing behind both of us. When they
stopped, Horizoki coughed and we turned his attention towards him. “Now then!
This is how you fish! Huzuziu, Fire the cannon!"

Huzizu pulled the brown
string after aiming the cannon directly at the water. Whereas he fired, a
sudden cannonball came out of nowhere. Splashed inside the lake and created a
huge water wall that almost covered the sun. All four of us glanced up, ears sprayed
back as we noted with recognized fear that the water was coming for us. All the
while, Horizoki was laughing evilly behind us. For after a second came the
water crashing down onto us. Moistening the water, washing away a nearby spying
deer and dropped the birds from the skies. I had forgotten that the lake water
was a trained sniper place however. When the water receded away or at least
dried off from the grassy plains, we all groaned and moaned. Harkell jumped
onto his feet. Snarling as he jumped Horizoki; grabbing onto his neck with his
paws and wiggled him all the while shouting in his ear which perhaps was full
of water at the time being.

Never wanting to hear
either of them screamed, I picked myself up. Motion the rest of the pack and
started for Vastertown. 'Surely they have a present or item that we could use
for the pair.' I thought in my head as we headed away.

A few hours later and the
sun was hanging high at its apex. Me, Havlut and Horizoki were all together
upon the hot sands of the beach which was just a playground at a nearby lake
however. Havlut was presenting us a huge rocket that would take us anywhere.
Even to outer space as well. While me and Horizoki clapped our paws, Havlut
asked us “Any volunteers?" “Yeah, I nominate Hunter!' Started Horizoki as I
looked to him with eyes widened, perplexed as thoughts started running through
my head. WHile Havlut motioned me forth, I walked towards his side. The ladder
popped from the opening of the rocket and dropped onto the sands leveling with
us. As I looked towards Horizoki with curious, he just shook his head laughing
or rather chuckling for some strange reason. For upon this, I just mirrored me
and exhaled a worried breath, climbing up the ladder into the rocket's opening
where it shut closed onto me and the rocket started rumbling. Gaining height as
it climbs onto the skies. I stared off onto the horizon for a moment, watching
as the town of Vaster disappeared from my sights.

'All the going really
well…' I thought to myself with a smile appearing onto my face, pleased yet
terrified of what was happening. But I guess I had a few more seconds of
relaxation before the worst had to happened or that was just completely off and
would land me somewhere safe however. As the rocket slowed its climbing, my
fear had became reality however and as I looked out onto the skies. Noting the
pitch darkness that was now surrounding the rocket, I instantly became afraid.
Even more than before when the rocket started falling back onto the grounds
below me. I started screaming. Yet the voice was only within the cockpit of the
rocket however. As the rocket tilted one hundred eighty degrees in the opposite
direction, divebombing to whomever was below me. Decreasing altitude as I
reached the ground faster than I had anticipated. For a few seconds more, I
noted the sands below me growing larger gradually. Someone was there, a wolf
whose fur looked like mine. I stared at him before realizing whom it was. The
such said wolf opened his eyes and turned his attention towards whatever was
coming at him. We both started screaming at the same time.

A large explosion
erupted, although it looked like a big mushroom at the time being. The rocket
crashed onto the ground. Its head penetrated deep into the sands that perhaps
would be harder to get it out. Me and Horizoki were lying onto the sands,
adjacent to it. Groaning in pain while we struggled to get up onto our feet.
Our fur were even blacker than ever that all the normal coloring in our fur
faded or were stolen away. I growled weakly. So did Horizoki as we met each
others eyes and flopped upon the grounds onto the next second. I had guessed,
Horizoki slept after that however.

I sniffed. Snorted. My
eyes gradually opened. I yawned and shook my head. Lifting myself off from the
white table in front of me. Gazing around the large room I had found myself in,
I noted that there were a few canines and reptiles around here. Chatting,
cheering or having some fights amongst themselves it had seemed. As I stared
off onto them, my ear flickered and I turned towards the side. Spotting a wolf
donning an apron as he smiled back onto me, “Hunter." “Haizyo?" I frowned,
“What the heck are we doing here. Why are you dressed like a waiter?" “So many
questions, Hunter." Haizyo responded, shaking his head, starting to do whatever
noises he was doing. Gradually, I was growing annoyed by him. But I kept it
together and just become silent as I listened to him.

He started going off onto
the list of food that they had. But somehow, they had felt familiar somehow.
The turkey steak. The fish salmon. Tree bark. Rocketed blast. I frowned, ears
flattened upon my skull while I opened my mouth and asked slowly. “Say Saizyo…"
“Its Haizyo. Hunter." “Right." I nodded, then returned to the normal question I
had, “All that food that you were saying. Are they not the summary of events
that had happened here?" “So you do remember." He smiled reflecting that smile
upon me as I nodded gradually, “Yeah. But where am I anyway?" “The restaurant.
New wolf wanted to join our insanity of a pack. Heard some good things that
happened around and upon us that is." “A chef?" I questioned, Haizyo nodded his
head. A few minutes had passed. Lots of questions were upon my mind however.
But a shook of my head, disregarding everything known and just turned back
towards him. I asked for his name,

“Haioh." “Oh crap." I
mouthed eyes widening and Haizyo shook his head, smiling “That sounds like
Japanese. Are we discriminating against asians now with weird words and
saying?" “I do not think that is relevant.""to what exactly?" I growled at him
grabbing onto his suit and pulled him forward. Yet that had stopped the chaos
that was surrounding us. As I turned to everyone, I shook my head and released
Haizyo for a moment and slumped upon the chair that I was sitting on again.
Staring down onto the table that was in front of us.

A lot of things had
happened in recent past. Guess I could not remember them at all however. A
slight chuckle came from my mouth while my head shook once more. My ears spread
and listened to the conversations surrounding me as the talking and among other
noises were contagious. Yet I just listened and kept quiet while sitting still
for at least a moment in time. Peace had surrounded me once more so it had
seemed and I find myself smiling faintly upon that. Almost forgot to mention.
The restaurant itself was huge. Red coloring make up the walls now so it had
seemed. There were brown tables scattered throughout the place that not a
single space was found upon the floor. The front door of the restaurant was
pointing directly at the road which tells me that we are still within Vaster.
The customers that were talking here all were normal. Normal Clothing. Normal
conversations. It all seems normal and perhaps a bit boring at times however

But that smile of mine
faded after a while; when I started hearing someone yelling from beyond the
door. I turned towards it. Everyone else seem to have too however. The peace
and tranquility; the conversations that were held here in this restaurant. That
all were gone. Gone like the wind. I frowned, raising to my feet. Gradually, I
walked towards the silver metal door and cracked it opened. Peering out into
the kitchen, I noted the chief wolf which I presumed was Haioh smacked a spoon
onto Horizoki. He fell onto the ground groaning, half his face was marked pure
red. As he went to cover it up, his eyes narrowed at Haioh who started arguing
with him. That conversation of argument lasted for a good while. Because, in
that good while however, their pot started boiling and rumbling. The pot was
adjust to them so you guys were aware.

As their argument was
more intense by the second, the pot itself blew its lid. It shot up onto the
ceiling and created a huge hole there. The lid then disappeared into outer
space so it had seemed. The two wolves lifted their heads towards the ceiling
and frowned; tails between their legs with the silence hanging over them.
Turned to one another, they started pointing paws and blaming. However that was
not the end of it. For the pot continued to boil and out from its surface came
a crab. “It is still alive!" Exclaimed Haioh with eyes widening in fear,
Horizoki grabbed a spatula and started smacking the crap to get it back inside
the pot. But somehow the crab dodged all of his attacks and threw itself at the
wolf. He and the crap flopped upon the ground with Horizoki exclaimed and
throwing his paws upon his nose. Shouting and screaming as if someone was
beating him up for some strange reason. Haioh stared at Horizoki for a moment,
frowned before leaving and coming back to his side again in a split second. For
in his paw was a fire extinguisher.  He
blew onto the face of the wolf who now started complaining about his face being
burned. At the same time, Haioh continued blowing onto the wolf's face as the
crap who was on his face. Jumped towards Haioh who smacked it back with such
said fire extinguisher.

It flew out the window
and towards the diner where it had landed onto one of the customers who started
screaming. This had caused a panicked amongst them as everyone started running
and screaming with the crab hitching a ride onto their faces. As this continues,
the door opened and out came the rest of my pack; Haizyo, Huzizu, Harkell and
Havlut all entered in. Greeting me as they took the table that I was on
beforehand. I never greeted them back. Mainly because of the glorious event
that was unfolding before my very eyes. The crowd of customers stopped when
they all noticed the door about the close on them and they all poured out from
the diner and back upon the outside of Vaster.

At this; the four wolves
started laughing. Haioh, Horizoki emerged from the silver door behind me which
I had forgotten that I was standing next to however so it had startled me. I
turned towards the pair of wolves, Haioh was the first to speak as he greeted
me. “So you must be Hunter, right?" “Indeed I am." I responded with a small
smile, nodding as Haioh led both me and Horizoki to rejoin with the pack again.
I never introduced Haioh however. He is a very good cook by the way, try out
his food sometime. Yet despite being a good cook; he is very serious however.
And by serious, he always takes things literally much to the expensed of other
wolves and customers however. Put him together with Horizoki, Haizyo and Huzizu
and chaos is bound to happen! I guess, you can call Haioh the center wolf. He
is neither insane like the three idiotic wolves, or normal like me, Harkell and
Havlut. He is also our seventh member in the pack.

As Haioh was introducing
himself to the pack and pleading with me to join him, I took a note onto his
fur. He had the same coating as everyone else in the pack. HIs fur was long,
perhaps gray too. A hint of black was upon his butt and tail. His head also had
patches of black too. Perhaps his nose as well. I nodded my head at him. Haioh
fist pumped into the air and grinned while everyone in the pack clapped,
congratulating him of joining in.