Current Track: Blabb

Invane: Knocked


“How did we get here?" I
questioned, looking around the area we had found ourselves in. The other wolves
scanned the areas also; but none of them had any sort of answers. For they were
silent by the time that I looked towards them. Concerned about their silence, I
asked Horizoki. Yet Haizyo and Huzizu walked forth from me and towards the huge
hallways in front of us. It was a while before they had spoken, when they do;
they turned over to me and spoke. Commenting as if answering the question that
was a few minutes off since it was blurted out, “We are in school. I take it."
“How you know that?" Havlut asked, squinting his eyes at them and raised his
paw to them. Huzizu first spoke than Haizyo as he raised his paw and answered,
“The school had these type of huge halls just to accompany the brown doors that
leads into classes." “he is right however." Commented Horizoki with a shrug,
faintly smiling as if he knew something we do not.


I exhaled a breath,
Havlut nodded his head and Harkell was just drinking his tea behind us. I do
believe that the tea he was holding was unsweetened tea. How he got it, I will
never know. But perhaps that is irrelevant towards the story as the whole however.
As I turned towards Harkell who was continuing to suck through the white straw
that was dipped into the surface of the tea, Havlut spoke out “Well, if we are
in school. Then I guess we are to find that secret stash that everyone was
rumoring and whispering about." “Outside of story?" Asked Huzizu with a tilt of
his head, gazing at Harkell who nodded his head back upon them. “Yeah." “We
never mentioned it here however." I commented, pointing it out towards the pair
who swatted their paws and shook their heads, laughing. “Let them figure it out
what that secret stash is about anyway." Then; all four of them fled from my
sight. Running down the school halls and disappearing onto the horizon. Fading
from my sights.


I turned back towards
Havlut who was still drinking his tea. But the loud sucking noises that he was
creating was annoying for me to bear. I growled at him annoyingly; eyes
narrowed pointing upon him. But all he did was just turned towards me, cracked
a smile and pulled his ears back while he continued annoying me. “Enough." I
snarled, slapping the drink onto the ground where it splashed between us. The
liquid tea was all gone it had seemed; everything was drained by the wolf mouth
however. As I stared onto the ground and raised my head towards him, he
continued that smile before flee towards the school hallways with me chasing
behind him a few seconds afterwards. The school hallways, I had forgotten to
mention, was a big larger than normal hallways that we had faced before. Empty.
Just brown doors on the sides. White walls on either side of us with large
windows lingering upon the surfaces of those walls. There were perhaps a
million of those windows; all lined up straight and perfect so it had seemed. But
I never cared on seeing those details at all; rather, I wanted Havlut's hide
for some reason and I take it perhaps from that tea that he was drinking


Regardless, we ran
towards the end of the halls where the other four wolves were stationed
however. All four were spread apart evenly; two to the left, the other two on
the right. Harkell and Huzizu on one side; Haizyo and Horizoki on the other.
All four of them were staring away from one another; glancing far onto the
school halls before them.  But they all
turned their heads over to us just as we had bypassed them and hit against the
lockers in front of us. A loud bang echoed the school grounds while Huzizu and
Horizoki walked up towards us, asking “You two alright?" “Does it look like we
are alright?" I barked back at him, my face already heated up with redness
allover while Huzizu held back a laugh, “Does not look like it however." “Shut
up. Just help me untangle myself  from
his body!" “How the heck did this happened?" Started Havlut as he and Haizyo
joined the rest of us. “The two were playing…" “No we are not." “...Then crash
onto the wall here." “Shut up, Haizyo." I growled at the talking wolf who was
giving juicy details about the events that had unfolded. Meanwhile, Havlut
nodded his head. Buying into it however while I just growled onto the pair of


That growl managed to
silenced the atmosphere looming over us. As a pause came and all heads turned
back towards me whom had my eyes narrowed at Haizyo particularly, he nervously
stepped away or to the side where he was at the back of Horizoki. Disappearing
from my point of view however, I find myself grumbling while raising to my four
paws. Shaking anything that landed onto my back and paws as they fell over,
hitting the grounds suddenly. “Despite that mishap. Shall we continued on?"
Harkell questioned, a nervous smile upon his face as his ears were flatten
against his head. The other wolves agreed and silently pulled themselves away
from me while I barked at them, “Oh no. We decided together where we should
go." “Just split up instead, that works fine." Started Haizyo while Huzizu
turned towards him with widened eyes as if he was gasping silently or mentally
towards himself, “Split up? WHy should we split up?" Then an argument came
between the two of them which breaker off towards the larger group of our wolf


With noises submerging
upon the surface and breaking the silence that loomed over our heads, I closed
my eyes and shouted at them “Guys. Stop." At that command, they all turned
their heads towards me as I stepped forth towards them and snarled, “We will split
up. Half of us head straight towards another part of the school grounds. The
other will stick with me." “I call first group!" Chimed Huzizu immediately as
he bit onto Haizyo and Horizoki afterwards, dragging them across the ground
back up the stairs and disappeared immediately, I exhaled a sigh and shook my
head. Harkell and Havlut stared with eyes widened. A bit surprise by the sudden
event that had unfolded before their very eyes. Though the silence looming us
was long; it was shattered when Harkell questioned me “What does 'first group'
mean anyway?" “No idea." I answered him, saying nothing more while I moved
across the halls that pulled away from the stairs behind us. “Just be glad that
he did not pick you guys." “What you think they are going to do upstairs?"
Havlut questioned as his eyes darted from me to Harkell who raised his
shoulders, grunting.


“Whatever they had feel
like to do. Now come on. We need to find this special item." I responded,
answering after a few seconds of silence while continued to walk through the
halls. The two wolves behind me kept silent and maintained their distance behind
me. We walked along the halls. Darting our heads left and right; towards the
brown doors on either side of us. Upon the brown doors we had saw some
scribbled notes and names which particularly pertain towards the rooms that
they guard. Like for instant, the brown door that we had just passed recently was
the Mathematic class which Harkell had taken interest about and break off from
the group to heed straight towards it. As he stood up onto his hind legs, he
raised himself towards the window of the brown door where he peered inside of
the classroom. Yet he never realized that the brown door was so fragile that
like a paper, it fell against his weight forcing himself back onto his four
while he looked across the classroom with eyes widened.


“Oh no." I muttered,
noticing now that Harkell was going to head inside. “We should stop him."
Started Havlut, glancing over his shoulder. I just nodded at him and without
any sort of hesitation, we ran in following Harkell who was already inside the
classroom. Just as all three of us entered in, the brown door behind us
magically raised to fit itself nuzzle against the opened huge hole. A click
echoed in our ears to which I turned around and glanced behind myself. “The
door is locked." I say towards the other two; Havlut nodded his head before
looking worriedly at Harkell who remained silent. Walking around the classroom
a bit with his head darting this way and that. “What are you looking for
anyway?" I questioned him, head tilting towards the side while I gained no
answered for the first few seconds. Yet I remained patient and watched the wolf
as he circled around the room before stopping upon something. For his head was
turned towards it, raised towards the ceiling.


Me and Harkell walked
towards his side and raised our heads high towards the ceilings above us. There
we had saw an huge X mark. Adjacent to it was a diagonal line running from one
corner of the ceiling to the other corner of the ceiling. “What shape is that?"
Questioned Havlut raising his paw above his head with a frown, “That is a
triangle. Right angle triangle." I muttered, mostly towards myself. The other
two wolves turned their heads towards me; but I remained staring at the ceiling
for a moment before closing my eyes for a split second, opening them again and
lowered my head back towards them once more. “What is it?" I questioned, noting
their stares while Harkell added to the conversation, “What you said."
“Before?" “Yeah. It was a-" “A right angle triangle." I finished for him,
huffing for a moment before turning my sights back towards the brown door
again. “Come on." I snarled, walking towards the door. “I had enough of looking
at the ceiling." “Right…." Trailed Harkell as he and Havlut followed me out the


The door opened just as
we had approached it. We raised our heads towards someone that was standing in
our way. To our surprise it was a dragoness; dressed properly like a school
teacher would. She looked surprise also but for a different reason too when she
lowered her head and gaze upon us as if we were unfamiliar with her however. I
was a bit nervous that I stepped away from her, heeding into the lines where
Harkell and Havlut were on either side of me. She smiled faintly at us before
heading straight for her desk, sat down onto the brown chair that we had
somehow missed and continued with whatever she was doing. Harkell and Havlut
shift their attention towards me, I nodded slightly at them. We were out the
door quick and silent that it had seemed she never noticed us however. We ran a
good distance from the brown door. Hearts pounding in our chest; our mouths
opened suddenly. Only I had my eyes widened at the time being however. We
stopped somewhere North East from that door, panting heavily while Harkell and
Havlut shift their attention towards me. I on the other paw, said nothing back
towards them.


Yes it was a question as
to why I wanted to flee away from that dragoness whom was kind towards us for
some strange reason. It was the same feeling that I had felt towards a stranger
and among someone else I guess. I take it was something else hiding underneath
all that persona. But my head shook to rid of that thought away. For as we had
regained our breaths, Harkell was the first to speak than us. He shifted his
attention towards our heads, tilted his own and asked “What of the other group
of rascals? What have they be up to already?" “Them?" Havlut laughed, shaking
his head afterwards “Those fools are probably causing trouble somewhere in the
second floor." “Second floor?" I questioned Havlut, joining the conversation as
I turned my head towards the wolf whom nodded his head. “They are probably
being run out by the mod as we speak." “How you-" Started Havlut, but the
sounds of vibrations rumbled above us and screaming was heard afterwards. We
all raised our heads towards the ceiling; yet Harkell brought in his smirk of
confidence with Havlut shaking his head, laughing and I stayed silent.


“What are those idiots up
to." I groaned, exhaling a sudden breath with the two wolves beside me laughing
their heads off. “Come on you two. We should see what they are up to." “It be a
great joy show!" Exclaimed Havlut with his paws tapping one another excitedly,
Harkell shared the same excitement with him as they followed me down the halls.
Up the stairs and searched about upon the halls for whatever that rumbling was
about. Yet to our surprise, the halls were silent and empty. Nothing remained
here except for us which does beg the question however. I facepalmed and
frowned with the two laughing wolves behind me. Turned around towards them,
putting up a dark scowl to them. They stopped afterwards and remained silent
for the duration of our search. For at once when they were silent, I turned
back around and towards the hallway that we were in.


It remained the same
however. Stretched outward to the horizon where the white doors stands before
us. Adjacent of those white doors were a pair of brown doors; black and yellow
signs were pasted upon their surfaces. Although unknown what they saw because
of how far they were from us however. Behind us and adjacent to Harkell was
another staircase leading to the next floor where another hallway stands
following the entrance of the floor. Straight down towards the intersection
where it had splitted into two other paths. One leading to elsewhere. The main
hall was a short path before the intersection however. There were green
lockers- “Enough with the descriptionary, Hunter!" Growled Harkell as he had
interrupted my narrative, “We need to find the other fools." “They should had
not gotten far however." Responded Harvet as I narrowed towards Harkell, “Fine.
But you own me after this." “What?" The conversation had ended there.


Just like what Harkell
said, we needed to find them quick and short. Yet I never knew the reasons
however. For plenty of them had formed in my mind; some were logical such as
students coming in from summer break or teacher meeting. While others not so
much however. But we will disregard that for now however. Back to the action
ahead, I nodded my head towards the pair of wolves on either side of me and
with a fist pump, we drive ourselves up the stairs and down towards the short
path hallway towards the intersection at the very end. There, we stopped and
Harkell shouted out towards us “Head straight down that left path, I will head
right." “You have the directional paths wrong once again, Harkell." Laughed
Havlut while I said nothing and grabbed onto Havlut by the neck, immediately
throwing him onto the right side path and followed him afterwards. Which did
left behind Harkell as he just stared at me and Havlut, but shook his head
again and returned his sights towards the other path instead.


In the meanwhile, while
Havlut was shouting at me, we continued down the hallway path. It was a long
one and it ends at that single white window over at the horizon. Towards our
sides were white silvery walls; green lockers remained a thing however, so it
had seemed. With the brown doors in between of some lockers, Harkell narrowed
his eyes at me but held his silence as he darted his head away and set his eyes
towards the horizon instead. We ran across the white clean flooring underneath
us while the winds we created blew against our faces and brushes our fur at the
same time. Sooner than we had realized, we reached the end of the halls and
stopped immediately while Harkell spoke out “Horizoki, Huzizu and Haizyo! Where
are you fools!" But nothing came which was a concern for both me and Harkell as
we had found ourselves shifting our heads and met one another.


At this short gaze,
Harkell growled and pulled his head away. Sprinted down the length of the halls
before him which was connected to the halls that we were in now and put the
distance between myself and him. All I did was watch him go as he sprinted farther
from my sights; then my eyes shift towards the side. Gazing at the windows,
brown doors and lockers. Even the green and red trees that kept blinking for
some strange reason. I find my head tilted towards the side, perhaps in
confusion or something else. I could not think for my worries were towards
Harkell who kept on running. Eventually disappearing from my sight afterwards.
A frown formed upon my snout, I arched my back backwards and sprinted down the
length to the halls. The same way as Harkell have done. But shortly after I had
sprinted, I suddenly slowed down. The grounds shook, maybe vibrated and I stand
still. Lowering my eyes towards the grounds, I tilted my head to one side
before turning my sights over my shoulder. There, I had noted a crowd of dragons
sprinting forth from around the corner. In front of them was Havlut, sprinting.
His fear was displayed fully. I can see it in his face.


With his feet dragging
him across the flooring, he noted me and shouted “Run you fool!" “Where are the
other three?" “Where is Harkell?" Havlut questioned, “Harkell?" I questioned
back but he shook his head and immediately grabbed me with his paw. Dragging me
along the flooring; brushing my feet against the cleanness of the flooring
beneath us while I glanced back over my shoulder and asked “What is with this
crowd of dragons?" “The cafeteria does not have any more food." Havlut said
immediately and something clicked into my mind. As I find myself groaned and
raising my paw onto my face, I whispered maybe muttered into his ear or towards
myself; “Was it the idiot four?" “I take it yes." Responded Havlut but asked me
again after a few short seconds of silence between us, “Wait, what do you mean
by-" “Just shut up and run." I said to him. He nodded his head, fleeing from
the sea of crowd behind us. We turned the corner, heading down another hallway
and rinse and repeat however.


Now, we will skip about
five minutes of this running and fleeing and such. The author got tired of
continuous writing these running, fleeing and fear scenes that we will skip
towards the end which was about five minutes however. Quite a surprise from our
wolves is it not? Anyway…


My visions blurred while
I panted. Yet my ears continued hearing the same sounds mirroring me that I had
thought my ears were no functioning however. But turning my attention towards
the other wolves; I saw that they were already out of breaths for neither of
them was able to speak or commit to any action at all. Silence loomed over us
once more with the slight ringing echoing into our ears. It was broken
afterwards when Harkell and Havlut rose himself to their four; glancing around
the place we were in. “Well this place is new." “Where are we?" Havlut asked,
but his head was pointed towards me. I gave a shook of a head, unfamiliar with
the environment of where we were however to which Havlut frowned. But remained
silent. It had taken a while before I caught my breath last and managed to
raise to my four. Standing side by side with the other two. “Great. You are
alright." Commented Harkell as I gave a nod towards him, “Now come on. We need
to find an way out of this place." “The entire place is closed off. There are
no windows, doors or anything!" Complained Havlut while Harkell looked about
noting it and frowned afterwards. I just stared at the two of them then shift
my attention towards the left; gazing down at the painted brown door stationed


Where we are? I have no
idea however. For the place was pitch dark and there is nothing but a bad smell
rising from the floors beneath us. Something that I had dealth with normally in
my past lifetime; yet I had wrinkled my nose to prevent myself from ever
smelling it ever. It never works however. While I was continued to prevent
myself from smelling, I shifted my attention towards Harkell and havlut. Both
of which were arguing about something. 'A british topic?' I first thought,
tilting my head to one side while staring at them. But an immediate head shake
stopped me however as I had figured it might had something to do with our
hiding spot. Yes, we are hiding. In case no body had figured out however after
a five minute timeskip. That sea of dragons was like a fast wave approaching us
with nothing stopping it. It was scary that I had find myself shivering all the
time. As I frowned upon picturing it however, my ears flicked upon hearing
something from Harkell who spoke out loud towards us in turn.


For I turned my attention
towards him, he held something in his paw which was raised high above his head
for some strange reason. His mouth was opened; tears flowing down his eyes
while he stared at something magical. Havlut blinked then shook his head with a
growl; immediately grabbing it from the crying Harkell as he held it up towards
his face. I, on the other paw, joined in with him. It was a diamond ring;
“Someone must had dropped it." Started Havlut, “Its mine!" Exclaimed Harkell,
tackling such said wolf onto the ground as they 'westled' each other into
submission which perhaps would take a while however. I took the time to stare
at the ring that was dropped onto the floor. Picking it up with my paw, I held
it towards my face and spoke which stopped the pair of wolves from fighting.
“This is not gold." I started, “I thought there be gold here?" “What we got is
a diamond ring…" Trailed Havlut as he shoved Harkell off towards the side “It
is useless to our wolves any- ack!" He closed his eyes and raised his shoulder;
but before he could say anymore, he was tackled again by Harkell who growled at
him “Do not say anything towards my prize!" “That is not your stupid prize, you
fool!" Exclaimed Havlut as the two continued their fighting.


I exhaled a breath and
shook my head. Turned my attention towards the diamond ring while the two
wolves were rolling around me however. It sparkled in my eyes despite the lack
of light around the room we had chose. It was shaped like a jewel with a ring attached
towards its underside. It had looked beautiful for someone however that I had
wondered how was it dropped here. Yet despite me thinking and the noises that
was distracting me, the door immediately opened behind us. Everyone stopped and
paused; fixing their heads towards the opened door. Hearts pounding in our
chest, I gulped. Harkell frowned and Havlut whimpered or was about to cry
however. As we kept our eyes onto the door; something came out.