Current Track: Blabb

(Written by Soven)

Flare pulls into the gravel parking lot of the private airport. There’s a single red plane pulling onto the strip. They park to the side of the hange the plane left and get out. Flare grabs the duffle bag and Vapruro takes his weapon case from the back.

“Now, I know you only had your first dealings with this type of situation the other night, Snow... But you have to steel your nerves. This is to save your sister. I don’t know to expect in Siberia because I’ve never been there before. They told you where to meet them. So go tell the pilot where we’re going.” Flare says while walking towards the plane.

Snow nods and hustles over to the maroon dragon wearing a leather sky jack.

“Uh, hi. Flare told me to tell you where we we going.” Snow says shyly.

“Yuppers. I’ll be your pilot. Name’s Max.” He replies with a wave.

Snow nods and stands there awkwardly for a few second while Max produces a map and holds it up.

“Just point to where we’re going.” He tells Snow.

Snow looks at it for a few seconds and points his index finger at a spot near the northern part of Siberia. He draws a little circle with his claw around it.

“Uh.. I think it’s somewhere around her.” He says hesitantly.

“No problem. There’s only one landing strip remotely close to there so it wouldn’t matter anyway. Go tell Flare we’ll depart when ya’ll are ready.” He says as he walks to his plane and starts running through system checks.

Snow walks back to Flare and relays the message. Flare nods in agreeance and finishes loading the baggage into the storage compartment of the plane. Vapruro waves Max over and everybody climbs into the plan.  Snow is a bit hesitant at first because this is his first time on a plane.

“Don’t worry there, Snow.” Max replies reassuringly. “I’m one of the best pilots of the Zaikon clan.”

Flare laughs to himself and Snow looks over with a worried expression. Vapruro claps him on the back.

“Flare is just messing with ya. Max really is one of the best.” Vap tells Snow.

“Okay, now please fasten your seatbelts this is going to about a five hour plane trip across the ocean. “ Max says happily. “I’ve been informed that we made run into some bad weather when we’re over land but that’s really a problem for old Ethel here.” He says lovingly as he rubs the dash.

Flare chuckles and nudges Snows arm after buckling in. Snow just returns the gesture with an awkward smile and turns his attention to the ground which slowly starts to move. The plane starts to gain speed and the audible sound of metal rattling can be heard as it reaches the need speed. Max whoops loudly and pulls the gear stick back, causing the flaps to raise and the plane quickly. Snow holds his breath for a second as he sees the ground get further and further away. He relaxes and looks around with awe as they ascended and go through a thick cloud. Water droplets tick against the glass windows and in a matter of seconds they’re out of the cloud.

“We’re going to be just above the clouds for the majority of this flight.” Max tells everybody. “Feel free to take a nap.

Vapruro falls asleep almost instantly and Flare chuckles to himself.

“Hah! Flying always knocks him out. He’s not going to wake for anything.” Flare says while looking outside.

“That’s kind of strange for a dragon to sleep while flying.” Snow replies with his own little chuckle.

Flare glances over at him and Snow realises he’s looking and shyly turns away.

“No, no. Snow, it’s nice to actually see you smile and laugh.” Flare says happily.

Snow just nods and smiles slightly. This really is a good family to be a part of. He thinks happily to himself.