I was sitting on the furs in Sierra's cave, which is now have become Rain's cave. I was in there about maybe forty minutes ago, since I was done swimming with my friends.
I giggled to myself as I trailed my eyes along the ceiling of the cave. Geez, if Rain and Sierra were together here, I can imagine them screaming at each other about who owns the cave.
I'd pretty much imagine Rain declaring, 'it's my cave!'. Then Sierra would argue, 'no, I had it first!'
I laughed to myself, my laugh echoing off the cave walls. Boy, that'd be a hoot!
I let out a sigh after I stopped laughing. Man, I wish I've met Sierra.
If she showed up, then the whole gang that Wayne created would be complete. It doesn't seem complete to me now.
Sierra and Wayne started the gang together and they've stayed together. Until, sixty six years ago. I let out an unhappy sigh. I feel sorry for Wayne.
Losing a best friend like that and never see her again for years. I can really feel his pain.
I don't know how I'd feel if Rain suddenly disappeared. I don't think I could live with that. I wouldn't .
Just like I wouldn't live with any of my friends disappearing. Just like I...Wouldn't live with mom being gone from this world.
I wonder what you're up to right now? Denying the fact that Gerry's evil? Or are you just all alone in our house, crying for me to come home? I took a deep breath and let it out in a long whoosh of air. A bit of a worried look on my face. Mom...
I heard footsteps echoing in the cave and I took my gaze off the ceiling to see Rain is padding towards me, taking step one paw at a time. She grinned at me as soon as I was looking at her, "Hi there. Cody told me you were in here."
I smiled at her as she got right in front of the furs, "I knew that he'd pass along the message to you."
Rain sat down on her haunches right in front of me, "I'd take it that you figured that I would come looking for you after disappearing from my sight?"
I was widening my smile, showing my teeth and nodded, "Yep."
Rain laughed and asked, "And why is that?"
"Because I'm your best friend and you don't want me out of your sight."
She waved her paw at me, "I would let you out of my sight. But when you're gone for a long time, that's a different story."
I playfully frowned at her, "I've been gone for almost an hour, you overbearing dragon."
She reared back her head and narrowed her gaze at me, "Don't call me overbearing, I'm only looking out for you."
I asked, "Why? Afraid that bigfoot's going to kidnap me and rape me?"
Rain had a quizzical look in her eyes, "Uh....What?"
I laughed and shook my head, "Forget it. There's no such thing as bigfoot."
Rain gave me a smirk, "I don't know what a bigfoot is. But I did remember the time that you thought that dragons didn't exist, so you could wrong about bigfoot."
My eyes went wide at her statement and then I was laughing again, "Oh god, if bigfoot really existed I would be in total shock mode!"
Rain giggled at my outburst, "Well if bigfoot kidnapped you, I'd tear him apart with my teeth and claws."
I snapped a finger, then I pointed at her and suggested, "Or breath fire at him, until he's turned to dust!"
Rain shot up her head, and exclaimed, "That too!" We both laughed together at that.
I was done laughing and I muttered, "But I still don't think that bigfoot exists. I think that bigfoot crap is a bunch of bull."
She lowered her head to my level, and said with a concerned tone, "What I'm really worried about is you getting attacked by wolves like before. I don't want you to die."
I smiled at her concern for me, "Boy, you really are committed to protect me."
She got her nose closer to my face, with a look in her eyes confirming my question, "I'd bet you'd do the same for me."
I reached out to touch her nose and gently rubbed it, "You're right. I would."
Rain had a curious look in her eyes, "Really? You would really protect me?"
I pulled my hand from her nose and answered with determination in my voice, "If anyone tried to hurt you, I'd protect you from that person."
She asked, while still had her look of curiosity, "Even if it was from another dragon?"
I nodded, "Yeah, even I'd protect you from another dragon. I would have done ANYTHING to protect you."
Rain's face lit up and she replied, "Thanks, Brandon."
I gestured my hand to her, then back at me, "Hey you'd protect me, I'd protect you. That's what friends do."
She nodded, "Right." Then she glanced away to stare at the cave wall, she had that look on her face again. That glum look.
I frowned at her. It's that look again. Why does she have it? I asked her, "Rain, are you ok?"
Rain put on a smile and answered, "Sorry about that. I was just....Thinking about something."
I nodded slowly, "Let me guess, Tommy?"
Rain only said this, when she glanced back at me. Pain is shone a bit in her eyes, "Something like that."
I asked again, "Are you alright?" I gave her a smile, "Because you know me, I'd comfort you when you're sad about him and-"
Rain just bursted out laughing, "Oh, I really like your concern, but I'm fine. I really am."
I said, "You sure? Because you looked really-"
Rain moved her face toward mine and she nudged her nose with my chin. She repeated her answer, more sternly this time, "I'm fine, Brandon."
I raised my hands, showing her that I get it, "Alright....I get it now."
Rain raised her head above my level and asked, deliberately changing the subject, "So what are you doing in here alone, anyways?"
I shrugged my shoulders, "Well nothing really. I was just...Sitting in here."
She cocked her head, "Any particular reason?"
I looked up at her and patted a spot beside me on the furs, "Here, come sit by me." I motioned my hand toward the hard, cold, cave floor, "I don't think you would like sitting on the cave floor like that. You wanted to sit on something soft."
Rain nodded and got up off her haunches, "That's what the furs are for. For something soft to sit and lay on."
I gave the spot beside me a hard pat, urging her with my voice, "Well come on, big girl. Come sit by me."
Rain was strutting toward me to get behind me, snorting at me in annoyance, "Hold your freakin scales, I'm coming." After she got behind me, she turned around behind me, to face her whole body toward me and she laid down on her stomach slowly. She let out a satisfied growl and said to herself, "Comfy." She let her long tail lay straight out behind her, while her wings just relaxed on her back.
I grinned at her, "I knew, I've picked a good spot for ya."
Rain lowered her neck and head all the way down to the furs, until her head is now laying down on the furs beside me on my right. She moved her eye to look at me and grinned, "Yeah, you did good."
I reached out to pat the top of her head, my hand between her horns. We were both just sitting like this together in silence. Just for about ten minutes, until Rain shifted her head closer to me and asked, "So why are you in here alone? You still didn't tell me."
I kinda giggled a bit and answered, "It might be a stupid reason why."
Rain laughed and said while she only moved her eye to look at me, "Trust me when I say this, from everyone else, I've heard stupid reasons before. So try me."
I let out a breath and said, "Well...I was sitting right here, just imagining you and Sierra sitting here all alone in the dark. I was just picturing it."
Rain's face had a frown, "Really?"
I nodded and glanced at her, "Yeah. I was just thinking about what it was like living in here since you brought us all here. And I'll be honest...It feels depressing."
Rain let out a sigh and looked ahead, "It does feel that way. It is a nice cave to live in, but it just gets lonely in here. There's no one to talk to. No humans, no dragons, nobody. Just you all alone in a dark, cold, cave."
I said this to her, "It doesn't feel cold in here."
Rain gave me a giggle, "I know that, but you kinda get the point."
I nodded, "Yeah, cold, lonely, and depressing. I get it."
Rain sighed, with a unhappy expression, "You know something?" I just stared at her head beside me and she said this, "When I was living in this place for many months at a time. I really knew what Sierra was going through. Only she lived in here for a thousand years. I don't get it, how can she live this way? Living alone like that?"
I answered that question, "Because she thought that she was a monster."
Rain had a sad look on her face, "Yeah, that's right. She thought that she was a monster." She took a deep breath and let it out.
I asked her, "Are you okay?"
Rain answered, "Just a little." She shifted her head on the furs, until her face was looking straight at me, "I was just thinking about...The time when I first met you and Jessie. How I brought you guys here and how I was treating you two, before I took you to the city for the first time. How I was scaring Jessie so much, that she screamed at me."
I giggled a bit, "Hey, I was screaming too....Sorta. When you were chasing me."
She had a guilty look on her face and in her eyes and said to me with guilt in her voice, "Brandon....I'm still sorry about all of that. I just...Didn't trust you guys."
I waved her off, "Oh, Rain. Don't worry about it. You know that all is forgiven."
Rain raised her head a bit off the furs, her nose was close to my face, "Brandon, it was the way I was treating you. It's just, when I really think about it right now, it makes me feel like...Like a...."
I asked, "Like a what?"
She took a deep breath and answered with one word, "Monster."
My eyebrows went up and she went on, "I feel like I was a monster, treating you guys so badly. Snarling at you, scaring you two, distrusting you, threatening you. I just...I just..." She shut her eyes tight at that, "I feel a bit horrible about it now."
I reached up to stroke her neck, "Rain, you were never a monster and you know that. Sierra thought that way just like you did and she never was. She never was the whole time."
Rain gave me a smile, "You really think so?"
I narrowed my gaze at her, "Rain, quit worrying about what happened. Me and Jessie don't think that way about you, and we never will. I would never think of you as a monster. Because I'm your friend and you're mine too." I let out a breath, "Besides, if we did, we would've left the city by now, like days ago I mean. Besides that...If Tommy was here and if he never changed, he'd say the same thing. He would say that you're an angel and not a monster. And I have to agree with him."
Rain lowered he head back on the furs and looked at my face with her eyes, "Well still, I should have gave you guys a warm welcome. It wasn't really fair, since you kept telling me that you weren't going to tell anyone about me and you said that you won't kill me. Not to mention that you insisted that you'd be my friend and never leave me."
I softened my look and asked, "How can you? Since you thought the whole humanity changed and they'd kill you on sight, so how can you really?"
Rain gave me a curious look, "Now I think about it now, I wonder why you and Jessie weren't affected by whatever changed humanity? You're...Not exactly acting like Tommy, when he tried to kill me."
I shrugged my shoulders, "My guess is that, we weren't born or living around that time. What happened back then was a long time ago. So I can be sure it only affected the humans that lived around that time. And I'm sure that several of them are old."
Rain held a sad look, "Yeah...Just like Tommy."
I gave her a look of sympathy and apologized to her, "I'm sorry, Rain. I'll shut up now."
Rain giggled, "I'm fine, Brando. Don't worry." She glanced away with only her eyes and looked back at me again, "Hey Brandon? Just to change the subject, can I ask you something?"
I nodded, "Sure." I gestured to her with my hand, my fingers brushing her nose, "What?"
Rain asked away, "I was just wondering....Do you really believe that Sierra will come back? I mean...How can you be so certain? I mean, you've told Amanda and all of us today with this strong confidence that you have, saying that she'll come back." She shrugged her shoulders behind me, "So how can you be so sure? For all we know....She might be..."
I raised a finger, "She's not dead, Rain. Don't talk and think like that."
Then Rain had an uncertain look, "But how come she hasn't come back to the dragon city for years? What if she won't return to Wayne? What if Amanda will never have her mother figure back? What if my friend will never, EVER come back?"
I gave her a comforting smile, "Rain....I just have faith and I just choose to believe it." I shook my head, "I know she has been gone for years, for an unknown reason, but I'm not giving up on her. I never met her before, but like I said before, if she's anything like you, I'm not going to give up that hope." I nodded to myself, "Just like I'm not giving up the hope that I'll see my mother again. I can hope that she'll leave Gerry."
Rain rolled her eyes to her left, glancing away from me, "But still....Why did she disappear for a long time? What's really keeping her? What is she waiting for?"
I shook my head, my eyes full of wonder, "I don't know. But I wish I knew where she was, then I'd reunite her and Wayne back together."
Rain had a curious look in her eyes, when she looked at me again, "Can I ask you this question? You know, for being your friend." I nodded and she asked, "If I disappeared for some reason, would you search for me? Would you...Not give up on me?"
I looked up at the ceiling, deep in thought from that question. I was doing it for a second and I finally answered, "You know...If you were out there somewhere, like you were in trouble or something. Or if you wanted to get away from everything without telling me where you're going." I looked at her face and said this, "I probably would have searched the whole world just to find you."
Rain was grinning at me, "No joke? You'd really do that for me?"
I answered, "You know you didn't have to ask me that, but I'll answer it anyway." I said all those words to her so honestly, even my eyes were showing all of that honesty, "I'd do it, because you make me feel so alive and happy. Because you're the best thing that has ever happened to a guy like me. We were both strangers meeting in this cave and now we've gone from strangers, to best friends." I shook my head and went on, "I wouldn't really live without you. Besides...Who else is going to give me rides? Your brother? No thank you, he wants Jessie to ride on his back."
Rain was chuckling at that, "Yeah, he definitely prefers Jessie as his rider. Even though, she does bark orders at him." I was laughing at that and I nodded.
Me and her were in silence again for a few minutes, staring at each other, smiling at each other. Then I reached out to cup her cheek and started caressing it, she moaned a bit at my touch. When I was done and I pulled back my hand, Rain said this after that, "Hey Brandon, something has been bothering me, since we were swimming together. I want to ask you this question, if that's alright?"
I nodded, "What's that?"
Rain frowned at me, while trying to find the words to the question, "You said to me that if it wasn't for me, you wouldn't have singed at the Braveheart last night. And today before you." She giggled about what she was going to ask, "Took off your clothes to go swimming with me and the others, showing us your dragonhood, you said it was thanks to me that you've done that. That you've found the confidence to do it. To do both those things. I have to ask, why is that? Why do I bring you that confidence?"
My eyes went wide a bit at her question. I...I never thought about it. I never did figure out why. I slowly shook my head twice, "I...I don't know." I shrugged my arms, "Every time I was feeling so scared, I look at you and I don't feel that way anymore."
I gestured my hand toward her face, "I think...It's because of your smile mostly. That confident smile you always give me. When I see it, I don't feel nervous or scared. Either that, or it's because I just trust you so much, you really give me that confidence."
Rain was giggling, "Wow, I wonder how Jessie and the others would feel if they heard you say that behind their backs? That you trust me more than them. I think they'd take offense to that."
I giggled back and rolled my eyes, "Whatever, big girl." I let out a sigh, still trying to figure it out, "I don't get it, Rain. Even I still don't."
Rain raised her head off the furs and so did her body, she was getting up on all fours. She said this while I was looking up at her, "I'm still glad you've believed in yourself, because of me. It...Actually means a lot."
I smiled and got up on my feet, "I should be thanking you. You helped me get over my fear for singing in front of a big crowd. Not to mention....Helping me taking off my clothes in front of everyone."
Rain rolled her eyes, "I think my brother's wrong about you. You really have a big dragonhood and you just had to believe in yourself. That you could do anything you put your heart and mind to."
I said to her, as she lowered her head to my level, "I've tried to build the guts to sing in front of a big crowd for...Three years. And now, I have. Thanks to you."
Rain was smiling at me and she shook her head, "You don't have to thank me anymore. I think I had enough gratitude from you."
I put both hands to her face and I leaned my head to plant a kiss on her nose. Then I leaned my forehead onto her nose, "Rain....You really are my black scaled angel. You...Really helped me through my fears."
Rain said this, while my forehead is placed against her nose, "Can I tell you something?"
I said, "What?"
"If anything would've happened to you, if you disappeared without a trace, I would search for the end of every land to find you. I...I would never give up, until I find you. I would search for you, until I grow old and die."
I pulled my head back and she raised hers to plant her snout against my forehead, giving me a kiss. Rain pulled back and peered deeply into my eyes with her loving, caring own, "I'm...Very happy to be with you. You really make me feel so alive and happy too. And I thank you for everything you've done for me."
I smiled at her and gave her nose a rub, "Rain, you needed a best friend, since Tommy was gone. And you have me. You know I'd never forget about you and you know I'll never, ever leave you."
She asked, "Promise?"
I nodded, "I know that I have made that promise to you days ago. But yes, I promise."
Then she quickly sat down on her haunches and pulled me close to her chest with her foreleg. My eyes bugged out of my skull, when my body was pulled real close to hers. She gripped me tightly with her paw and wrapped her head around me. She said with care in her voice, "I'll never let you go. I won't."
I giggled a bit and she finally let me go. She let out a sigh and said, 'Well I think that's done."
I nodded and she started walking off the furs away from me, "Alright, lets get out of this cold, dark, depressing cave."
I replied at her, "Right." I started to walk right behind her, following her lead. As we got around the corner of the cave and as we both saw the sun peeking through the mouth of the cave, that weird fuzzy feeling came to me in the pit of my stomach. I stopped for a second and started rubbing my stomach. Curiosity filled my eyes.
What's going on? That feeling just came back to me. I haven't had that feeling since yesterday and it just came back to me. Was I...Thinking about Jessie again, just now? Or something else?
Arrg, I can't put it together now! I wasn't paying attention and that thought just left me.
I didn't wonder that feeling for long though, cause Rain has already left the cave. I pushed my curious thoughts aside and jogged after her.
After I ran out thought the mouth of the cave, the sun shined down on my eyes. The sunlight blinding me for a second. I shielded my eyes from the sun, when I held up my hand to my face. I let out a sigh, as I caught up to Rain. Still leading the way. I walked a bit more, until the shade from the trees gave me enough cover to shield my eyes from the sun. I let out a breath and continued to follow Rain back to the others, the two of us walking on a trail.
But while I was following her, I heard a stick snapping nearby and I stopped where I was at. The sound came from far off in the woods and I turned to the noise. But I don't see anything in there.
Rain saw that I stopped and she turned around slowly and asked, "Hey, what's going on? Why did you stop?"
I was frowning at the trees and said to her without even looking at her face, "I thought I heard something."
Rain gave me a teasing grin, "Better be careful, or bigfoot will kidnap you."
I closed my eyes and laughed my head off. I looked at her and pointed at her face, "Rain! You crack me up!"
Rain tossed back her head and laughed too, "I think I do!" And when she was done laughing, she motioned back with her head and said, "C'mon. Wayne and the others are probably done swimming now."
I looked back at the woods for another moment and nodded, "Alright...Lets go."
Rain whirled back around to get back to walking. Before I could go after her, a thought crossed my mind. Now wait a minute....
I looked around the woods and then a pit was forming in my stomach when I was thinking about it. Why do these woods seem familiar?
Are they...The ones that I was in, in my vision today? The ones with that...Dragon jumping out of the trees to attack....Me?
I glanced back at the woods again, at the direction of that noise. Then I shook my head, and said to myself at this ridiculous thought, "There's no crazy dragon trying to kill you. There's no crazy dragon trying to kill you." I started to walk after Rain now, taking fast strides, not looking back at the woods that I was staring at, "There's no crazy dragon trying to kill you."
I repeated again, letting my words finally sink in, "There's no crazy dragon trying to kill you."
The lone dragon watched Brandon walk away in fast strides from a far distance. Despite the nose that it made, Brandon didn't see it.
The lone dragon padded softly through the woods, making as less noise as possible. The dragon stopped from where it's at, when it heard laughter in the distance. It sounded like it was coming from the trail nearby.
The lone dragon can now see a big and small figure up ahead. It's Neal and Wayne, sharing their howl of laughter together.
The lone dragon kept its distance as it watched them walking to Jessie's car. Right where they're staying at. They were met with Brandon and Rain soon afterward.
The lone dragon started to whirl around and treaded quietly through the woods. Since it's now getting hungry.
Horace was cleaning the bar with a towel, since business is just slow today. He was humming and mumbling to himself, as he was cleaning. When he was done, he flopped the towel over his shoulder and went into the kitchen, through the kitchen door. He let out a big sigh as he flopped the towel into the sink, close by.
Then he went back to the bar through the kitchen door and saw Diana's standing around in the middle of the building. He put on a big smile as he saw her. Saying this to her in a booming voice, "Hey there Diana! Been awhile since I've seen you."
Diana looked like she had this depressed look on her face, but despite that, she gave him a smile, "Hi Horace." She trotted her way closer to the bar, to talk to Horace, "I know that I haven't come in here all that much these days, but I think you know me all too well that I'm a busy woman."
Horace crossed his arms and had a concerned look, "I take it that you're busy worrying about Brandon? I heard on TV that he ran away from home."
Diana let out a very sad sigh, "You can say that."
Horace gestured to her, "Want something to drink? Just to help you take your mind off of things?"
Diana nodded slowly, "Can you give me a shot, please?"
He nodded and he found a shot glass and a bottle to pour the shot in. After he was done, Diana picked it up, put it up to her mouth and dranked it. She sighed and put the glass back on the bar. Then she took a seat afterward, her elbow on the bar, with her forehead laying on her hand.
Horace gave her a worried look, "Are you feeling alright?"
Diana shook her head, "No, I'm not." She let out a huff, "I honestly feel like I'm the worst mother of all time. First, Sebastian's dead, and now my son ran away from home. And it's all my fault."
Horace shook his head at her answer, "Oh, quit talking like that, you're not the worst mother of all time." He started to joke now, "You want to know who's the worst mother? That chick, Lindsey Lohan. I think she's the worst of all time."
Diana moaned in sorrow and muttered, "I'm not in the mood for jokes, Horace. I'm not." She glanced down to the floor, "I should have listened to my own son. My own flesh and blood. The only flesh and blood that I've had. He ran away from home because of me."
Horace had a curious look and he placed both hands on the bar and leaned his head toward her, "Why?"
Diana sighed again, "I think you know, Gerry Graham? You heard that he's my boyfriend?" He nodded and Diana went on with an angry expression, "Well for two years he abused me and I didn't do anything to get rid of him. I was blinded by my feelings for him and never even saw the truth. That Gerry didn't care about me, not to mention he was just a womanizer. He never stopped drinking and he never tried to get help with his problem. And Brandon was telling me all that for two years. Two years and I didn't even listen to him. I thought Brandon didn't give him a chance. Because Gerry wasn't his father."
Diana looked like she was about to cry, because there were now tears forming in her eyes, "He's gone and he's probably dead and it's because of me. I'm his mother and I didn't protect him, let alone protect myself." She shook her head in sorrow and sadness, "I'm such a fool. I'm such an idiot. I've lost both my husband and my son. I'm...Such a failure."
Horace reached over the bar and placed a hand on her shoulder, "Diana, don't beat yourself up over this. What happened to Gerry? Is he still at your house?"
Diana giggled a bit, "I actually called the cops on him, after I found out that he was cheating on me. After he hit me. I wasn't going to let him hit me ever again. And it took only Brandon running away, to help me open my eyes."
Horace gave her a smile, "Well good, I knew that bastard by his reputation. I heard he was with you, but I didn't think and believe that he would do this to you. I was in denial myself." He pulled his hand off of her and had a pity look on his face, "No wonder Brandon comes here after school. Poor kid."
Diana finally looked at him and asked, "Horace...The police are still looking for him and they still haven't found him. What if they can't find him? What if he's....Dead?"
Horace shook his head, "Brandon's not dead. And it's not your fault. It was Gerry's."
"But I didn't stand up to Gerry sooner. I let him hurt me and get away with it. I even said to Brandon once, that I was the reason Gerry hit me. That I keep making him angry. But it wasn't. He was the one who's always angry and he always started it. I'm opening my eyes to everything and I realized I've been a fool. A stupid fool." She trembled her body as her throat tightened, "My son was abused by him too and I didn't protect him. I'm such a fool."
Horace came around from behind the bar and strode his way to her, Diana's eyes trailing his movements. He stopped right in front of her, looked directly at her eyes and said, "Diana, listen to me. I don't blame you at all. And it's not your fault, it's Gerry's. Gerry's the devil in these parts, not you. Judging by everything you said, all that asshole cared about was himself, he deserved to go to jail."
Diana had a few tears fall down her cheeks and Horace went on, "I know that for a fact and you're a good mother." He nodded after that, "Yes, you should've done something sooner, but that doesn't make you a bad mother. You just didn't know what to do, or what to think."
Diana said this with a trembling voice, "I've lost my son." She placed her hands to her face and balled.
Horace shook his head, "No. He's alive. I can feel it. He's just like his father. He's tough, just like him. I'm sure he's not dead." Horace reached out with both hands and softly grabbed Diana's wrists. He slowly pulled her hands off her face and her face was full of tears.
Horace looked intently into her eyes and said, "Diana, you finally did a good thing. You got rid of Gerry. That's what Brandon would've wanted. Besides, if you've stayed with him, you would have died by him. I know that he's a raging alcoholic. Brandon had to get away, because of Gerry." He smiled at her, "But now since he's gone, and you're safe, that's what matters right now. Brandon has opened your eyes, before the worst came."
Diana shook her head softly, "That doesn't bring Brandon back. I don't know where he is."
Horace assured her, "Diana, he's alive. I know he is. And you didn't drive him away. Gerry drove him away. And don't ever say that you're a bad mother, because you're not. And Brandon will come back to you. Just give him some time."
"Brandon's been gone for days. How much time does he need?"
Horace slowly wrapped his arms around her and sighed, "I don't know, Diana." He was rubbing her back up and down with his hand, "But I do know that family always reunite together. Brandon will come home, I'm sure of it."
Diana said this as more of her tears came streaming down her face, "I hope he knows that Gerry's gone and mommy's all alone in her house." Horace chuckled a bit and Diana returned the hug, burying her face into his shoulder pleading to God, "Please God. Please bring back my son."
She started sobbing into him and repeated her prayer, "Bring him back. Please, bring back my only son. Bring me back Brandon." She said this through a sob and with a sniff of her nose, "Sebastian, if you're watching Brandon, keep him safe. Watch him like you always would. Don't let our son die. I...I can't lose him too."
Horace said to her in a soothing voice, shushing her, "Shush, Diana. Shush." He was still rubbing her back in a comforting way.
Diana took a deep breath as another sob wracked her body, "Help me. Please, Sebastian...I need your help." She didn't say anymore, as she went back to just crying into Horace's shoulder.
Jessie was lying on her back on a towel with her eyes closed, soaking up the afternoon sun rays. She let out a comforting sigh. Only her top was off and her breasts were soaking the rays.
While she was still on her back, she was thinking about Brandon. She hummed and slowly started to smile as she was thinking about him.
Goodness, Brandon. You really showed some balls today. Like literally showed them!
I mean, you just took off all your clothes right in front of all of us, and that's a shock. Even your dragonhood wasn't small at all!
Jessie giggled at the word. Dragonhood...I should have known that's what it was. Talk about a better term for his 'thing.'
But hey, that's what I get for not figuring it out sooner. Like Rain and the others said, you've been warned. And I definitely been warned!
Then she started thinking about her parents and she had her smile melt away. She let out another sigh.
I know that I ran away for a reason. To get away from that life and start my own. I just...Couldn't take it anymore.
But I know where I really belong, for days I have.
And it's living with the dragons and...Brandon.
For several days, I felt like I was really one of them. A dragon. Or in dragon terms for a female, a dragoness. I feel like I'm a dragoness now.
That being a dragoness feels like you are living your own life, that you have no one telling you how to live it. That being a dragoness means that you get to soar through the skies and live. REALLY LIVE.
She let out a disappointed sigh. But I wish that I was literally a dragoness. That I could change into one and have wings on my back.
I know that I've flown on an airplane before, but flying on a dragon's back is a lot more better!
Frankie really came through for me and I would really trust him for anything.
I know that he's pretty macho with his behavior, but hey that's Frankie for you.
He maybe macho and may have a big ego, but he's really kind and caring.
He was a mean drake when we first met, but he really changed...For me.
He really is my best friend, just like his sister. Just like everyone.
She smiled again. Mother and father, I can imagine that you're worried about me and I sure as heck know that you've called the police on me. But I'm not coming back.
I'm not going back to that life, never going back to that complicated life, because I've found a place where I belong and I have friends now. REAL friends. Friends who like me for who I am. Not because I'm rich, but for just being ME.
I hated the so called friends that I had back at home. Several girls and guys from school only wanted to be with me, because they've heard about what I am. A rich girl. I'm pretty sure, I didn't feel any connection with them. Not once. I even...Didn't feel connected with you, mom and dad. All you guys did was treat me like a princess, not as your daughter. And you even planned to let me live, just like you. But what about what I want? You never asked once what I wanted.
But for Rain and the others, they didn't care about what I am. They accept me for who I am. They'd treat me like I'm their friend. They'd never treated me like I'm rich or that I'm a princess. They treat me like I'm a normal girl. But of course, they don't know that I'm just a rich girl who ran away from home. Only Brandon does.
He's really different than any boy that I know. He's real different, indeed.
He's very kind and sincere. Doesn't lie to me about himself. Doesn't lie to me about his feelings.
His feelings....Toward me.
Jessie laid her hands on her stomach now and let out a breath, as her thoughts went on. I really like him, in all honesty. I really do.
Brandon is the very first guy that I've met, that I really like. One that really makes me happy, doesn't judge me for my appearance,
I wonder when will me and him be together that way? I wouldn't mind trying it out. I'd give it a shot.
I...I think I love him.
For the very first time in my life, I really love someone.
I have kissed some guys before, but it didn't feel like there was love at all. It was just kissing.
Oh Brandon...When will it happen? When will it come?
Then a big shadow was over Jessie's body, blocking the sun. Jessie flung her eyes open and saw that Frankie's looking down at her with a cock of his head.
Jessie shot her torso up from the ground and she held up her arms to cover her breasts. Being modest. She put on a freaked out look on her face and snarled at him, "Frankie! What are you doing here?!"
Frankie answered with a grin, "Thought I come and find you. You have been gone for awhile."
Jessie was still looking up at him with a glare now, "Frankie, I told everyone that I was going to get a tan, and I didn't want to be disturbed!"
Frankie asked, "Why?"
Jessie blushed at his question and answered with irritation, "Because I'm naked, that's why."
He lowered his head to her level and looked at her arms still covering her breasts, "Is that what you're angry about? Because you're naked?" He shot up his head, "Pah! I still don't get the reason why your kind is modest about your bodies. I'm naked all the freakin time."
She removed one arm off her body and pointed at him with a finger, "And I told YOU, that humans don't like getting naked in front of others! We're always private!"
Frankie shot back, "Brandon took all his clothes off in front of all us, and we had a very big glimpse of his dragonhood." He raised a claw and adamantly said, "Which I think it's still small, in my opinion."
Jessie pulled back her arm to cover her body and let out a huff, "That's because he didn't have swimming trunks with him and as for your opinion, it's not small at all!"
Frankie raised his head high up and laughed, "Oh brother. You LOVE him so much, you'd defend the size of his dragonhood!"
Jessie rolled her eyes, "You know what, you big black dork? I think the reason why you'd say it's small, is because you're denying for a fact that his dragonhood's actually bigger than yours!"
Frankie's eyes went wide at her joke and he narrowed them with a hiss, "MINE IS NOT SMALL!" Jessie laughed real hard while still covering herself. Frankie grumbled in annoyance, "He's a human and his dragonhood's smaller compared to me!" Then he had a devious smile spread across his snout, "Want me to prove it? I can show you mine if you want? Mine's bigger than you think."
Jessie's whole face turned red and she said this with a squeak in her voice, "Frankie!"
Frankie laughed so hard at that, "Now, that'll show you who'll win the whole who has a bigger dragonhood war! I have a spear that's bigger, compared to him!"
She repeated his name with a low voice in embarrassment, her face was turning a deeper shade of red, "Frankie."
Frankie shrugged his shoulders, "Girl, us dragons are very open to those things. I don't see the problem that you'd see."
Jessie nodded, while her face is still red, "I can tell. You wouldn't mind showing off your pride."
Frankie smugly said, "A very big pride indeed."
Jessie finally narrowed her eyes and gestured her hand repeatedly to shoo him away, "Frankie, will you leave me alone right now? I'm having a private time to myself." And she said this with her voice raised, "And you're blocking the sun!"
Frankie slowly laid down on his stomach, "Gee and I thought we were friends."
Jessie let out a sigh and nodded, "I am your friend, Frankie. But I wanted to enjoy this private time in peace and you're ruining it."
Frankie's frills spread out and he angrily said, "I'm not doing wrong anything to you."
Jessie shot back at him, "You were looking at my breasts!"
He got his head close to her and she scooted away from his head, "Hmmm, and I see you're still hiding them." He shook his head, "Jessie, there's no shame in showing them to me. I won't bite." He shook his head again, "I wouldn't. Because all of us dragons always show off what we have."
Jessie shyly looked away from him, "Frankie....I just don't feel comfortable doing that."
Frankie cocked his head and asked pretty bluntly, like he figured out my secret, "You never showed them to anyone, have you?"
Jessie looked back at him, flashing with anger in her eyes, "Excuse me?"
"You never showed them to anyone. That's why you're pretty shy about it. That's pretty much why you're being so modest about it." He nodded and went on, "Of course, I can see that every human woman is modest about it, still don't understand why though. No shame in it after all. But...I bet you never showed them at all to anyone, am I correct? Or am I wrong?"
Jessie slowly started to relax a bit and she let out a small sigh, "I...I'll be honest with you...I never had."
He asked her this, "You never had a mate before also, had you?"
Jessie glared at him, saying with an irritated voice, "Frankie..."
Frankie held out his paw at her, "Alright, calm down. I was just asking."
Jessie nodded while her glare was melting away, "Yeah, asking very personal questions."
Frankie let out a breath, his warm breath washing over her body, "Well we're friends, are we not? Don't friends ask personal questions?"
Jessie took a deep breath and let it out, "Well yeah, they do ask personal questions to each other. But...This feels VERY personal."
Frankie appeared to be a bit hurt judging by the look on his face and he glanced away, "Look...I'm sorry if I'm making you uncomfortable. And I'm sorry for making a joke about it, before we went swimming. I just...Never saw anything like this in my life. I only saw what a human dragonhood is. Dragonesses, don't have." He gestured his paw to her chest, "Those things on your chest. Truthfully, I'm just curious. Curious about what makes a human female so attractive to the human males. Other than their curves, of course."
Jessie felt pity for the dragon and she let out a breath. Then she had an apologetic look on her face, "I'm sorry for snapping at you just now and I'm sorry for snapping at you before. I just don't...Feel comfortable about being naked in front of everyone, including you." I nodded and added, "I can deal with Brandon and Wayne getting naked just a little, but as for me and Amanda, that's different. We're just human girls, we're not exactly dragons."
Frankie looked at me and asked, "But do you sometimes feel like a dragon? When you're now living in the city, do you feel like one?"
That question caught her a bit off guard and she smiled and nodded, admitting it, "Yes...More than once, I feel like one." She giggled a little, "When I was flying on your back today, I feel like I want to fly, just like you. Have wings on my back, you know? So that way, I wouldn't have to fly on your back."
Frankie formed a grin on his mouth, "You'd probably make a good dragoness."
Jessie asked with a tilt of her head and that smile still on her face, "A beautiful dragoness?"
Frankie chuckled at that and nodded, "Yes, I'd picture you as beautiful."
Jessie then asked another question, "Even more beautiful, than my human self?"
He rolled his eyes at her question, "Oh please, woman, I don't care for comparisons." Jessie laughed at that and so did he.
Frankie then raised his head so high and asked with a comforting smile, "Jessie...Do you trust me?"
She nodded, answering his question, "Yes. You know I do."
He gestured a paw to her and back to him, that look still on his face, "Look, I know we've been through this, but there really is no shame in showing yourself to me. I wouldn't judge you for that, since it'll be your first time doing it. I wouldn't even tell anyone else about it, if that's what you want." He nodded and asked, "But do you trust me for that? Do you trust me to show yourself? Just for my curiosity? I promise you as your friend, I won't embarrass you and I won't say anything. Do you trust me for that?"
Jessie stared at him with a bit of an apprehensive look in her eyes, as her arms are still clutching to herself. Uncertainty clouding her mind.
He washed the smile off his face and waved a paw at her, "You don't have to do this. I'll just close my eyes and then you'll be back in your clothes again. I won't make you uncomfortable and-"
Jessie then said this after a moment of consideration, cutting off his sentence, "Alright, I'll tell you what." Frankie's expression went wide and she pointed at her breasts with her finger, then her top close to her leg, "I'll let you look at them for only a second, before I put this back on. That's it, ok? And yes, I trust you for that. Just...Don't make it real hard on me." Then she narrowed her eyes at him, "And don't tell anyone else this either, ok?"
Frankie started to soften his expression and he smiled again. He nodded, "Alright and don't worry, I won't make it hard on you." He shook his head, "I won't tell anyone about this, for you, I won't." Then he raised a claw and put it back down, "And remember, this is out of curiosity." His eyes told her that he meant it. Meant every word.
Jessie had a calm expression now and she nodded. She only stared at him for a few moments, his eyes not taking off of her. She still was pretty nervous about this, but she fought through that feeling right away. I trust Frankie and he won't make it hard on me. He's pretty sincere about it and he's pretty sincere about everything. I can see it in his eyes. Besides, I'm only doing this because he's curious. And plus, I wouldn't plan on doing it again, anyway.
She took a deep breath, let it out and then she slowly uncovered herself. Her arms falling to her sides. She was now showing her breasts to him. She bore a blank expression on her face. She was taking slow deep breaths as he looked at them.
Frankie was lowering his head to her level real slowly, looking intently at them. He hummed and slowly tilted his head, as he got a good close look at them.
Jessie actually began to smile as her nervous feeling was going away in time. She asked with a calm voice, "Your curiosity satisfied?"
Frankie answered by looking at her eyes now, "I believe it has."
They were like this for a bit, as more than a second went by. Now only three seconds has passed and Frankie never said anything to her. He only looked at her, as his curiosity was being filled. He went true to his word. Course, Jessie knew that a second already went by, but she never said anything. Since she trusted him so much and he's behaving really well, she wanted it to last longer for him.
Five seconds have went by, until Jessie then reached for her top near her leg and flung it over her breasts now, putting it on. She tied the strap behind her back real tight, making sure it doesn't fall off and she said this to him, "Well, that's over now." She started to get up off the towel and said to herself, "I was almost done with my tan anyways."
Frankie giggled and said shyly, "I'm sorry for interrupting your alone time. You really were gone for a long time."
Jessie shook her head and reached out to touch his nose, "Don't worry about it. I was just surprised that you've showed up out of nowhere and looked at me without my top on. But I'm over it now." She giggled and said, "And sorry for leaving you alone for a long time, I guess me and you should have had a tan together. I wouldn't mind having you with me here now."
Frankie asked, "Really changed your mind about the whole thing, huh?"
Jessie gave him a big smile and replied, "Can I be honest with you? Since it happened?" Frankie nodded and she gave his nose a rub, "When you were looking at me, at my breasts...I didn't feel nervous anymore. I didn't feel uncomfortable and I didn't feel judged. You...Weren't acting like a big black scaly pervert."
Frankie pushed his nose into her hand, wanting more of her touch, "Like I said before, I'm sorry I was making you uncomfortable before."
She leaned forward, moving her hand out of the way and placed a kiss on his nose. She said this to him, "Don't worry, big guy. I could never be afraid of you. It's a normal reaction among human girls. They don't just show off their guns just like that." She raised a finger, so he could see it, "But this was my first time anyways."
Frankie nodded, while her face is close to his, "I know. But still...Did you overcome that fear?"
Jessie thought about it as she lowered her hand to her side and hummed, "Well...I know that I don't feel weirded out by the whole thing now, not to mention not feeling any shame about it whatsoever. I really did feel like a dragon when I did that. Not afraid to show my looks." Then she playfully narrowed her eyes and wiggled her finger at him, "But I wouldn't plan on showing them every day with you, this was a one time thing, only to fill your curiosity. So don't get any funny ideas, you horn ball!"
Frankie chuckled and shot back, "Horn ball? You calling me a horn ball? That really the best you got?"
Jessie laughed and nodded, "I guess so." Then she gave his nose another kiss and said, "Hey Frankie...Thank you for not judging my looks. And thank you for not making a joke about it. And thanks for not making me feel uncomfortable about it. You came true to your word. And I'm...I'm glad you're sensitive about what I feel. I don't know a lot of guys who'd do that. You...Really are sweet."
Frankie shook his head and assured, "I wouldn't hurt you, Jessie. You're like my best friend now and I really like your company. I...I don't know how I'd feel if you were gone...Because of me."
Jessie gave him a reassuring smile, "I won't be gone. Because I'm right here. Just don't get any funny ideas."
Frankie rolled his eyes and joked, "Human, I'm sure I'll be seeing them again one day, when you're taking a bath."
She playfully smacked his face at his joke, "Shut up, or I'll slap your nose again." She was laughing, while Frankie just let out a snort from his nose, blowing her long hair a bit by his air. She backed away from him, "C'mon, lets go back to the others." Frankie nodded and got off his stomach and onto all fours. Jessie picked up the towel off the ground and started walking away with it.
Before she could walk any further, Frankie stopped her with his voice, "Hey Jessie." She stopped and whirled around to face him. He was giving her this assured look and he said, "About what I said...About you being a beautiful dragoness...I wouldn't lie to you about that. You really would make a beautiful dragoness. I can really picture it."
Jessie smiled and asked, "What about me as a human? You said you don't care for comparisons, but I wanted to ask...Do you think I'm beautiful as a human too?"
Frankie gave her a smile and nodded, "Yes...Yes, you are."
She giggled and asked again, "No bullcrap?"
He shook his head, "No bullcrap."
Jessie stared at him, feeling happy that he gave her that compliment. And she only said two words to him in gratitude, "Thank you."
Frankie bowed his head and Jessie whirled around on him, saying this over her shoulder, "Lets go."
And with that, she started strolling away from him, but Frankie only stood there to stare at her. Watching her form disappear further up away from him.
Frankie was still standing there and before he would move a muscle, he started to feel something in his chest. A weird feeling. He reached up to his chest with his paw and touched it. Then he started to realize what it was and he let out a very big sigh. Even though it's the first time he felt that feeling, he figured out what it was after a few moments. His father told him about that feeling years ago, before he died. And his father told him that one day, he would feel it. Frankie started muttering to himself, an uncertain look on his face, "What am I doing? What in the world, am I doing?"
When Frankie knew what that feeling really was, he knows he can't go for it.
He knows that Jessie makes him more happier than he as been in a long time. She was the first human who changed him, made him into a better drake.
Before they became friends, no matter how much he was angry at her, she didn't falter. She never gave up on him. She stood her ground like a dragoness would. She really wanted to be his friend. She has put up with his attitude time and time again. She even has an attitude, just like him. She didn't even feel afraid of him when he was looking at her body, only because of his curiosity. She even got over her fear of flying on a dragon, by riding on his back. She trusted him, more than anything. She even sleeps close to him, keeping him company. He even felt his heart fly high, when she hugs him, places a tender hand on him, and kisses his nose and cheek, every time.
But now he realizes there was more to it than that all that. That there was a big reason why he liked being with her. Why he likes being with her so much. Why he feels happy with her. And he just now began to realize it.
And he knows that there are some things he can't have.
He was beginning to like her. He was starting to love her.
He knows he wants her, but he can't have her. No matter how much he liked her, he can't be with her. He...Doesn't want to frighten her. He doesn't want to scare her away because of how he feels. He held a sad look on his face, Jessie running through his thoughts. I wish you weren't a human right now. I wish that you were the dragoness, that I just pictured.
I'm just like you, Jessie. I never had a mate of my own in my life. We both never had one.
You really would make a great dragoness. And if you were a dragoness right now...I would ask you out.
Because I feel happy with you, Jessie. For the very first time since mom and dad died, I'm very happy being with you.
Frankie let out a sigh. But...You're not a dragoness. You're a human.
There are some things that just aren't meant to happen. But...I wish it did.
I care about you, Jessie. I do.
Frankie thought he heard Jessie calling out to him and he perked his head up. Then he shook his head from those thoughts and padded fast after her.
I was sitting close to the edge of the river, crossing my legs. The stream flowing smoothly and several fish are swimming fast below the surface.
I was looking at a photo of me, mom, and dad before he died. Seeing all three of us looking happy and cheerful. Such good times we had. I smiled at the photo.
I really wonder, what it'd be like if you were alive dad? Wonder how you'd take it if you met Rain or any other dragon that I know?
I let out a pleasant sigh. Rain would've liked you. In fact, she would probably say that you remind her of me. Even though that I look like mom most of all, but Rain would still say that you remind her of me. I'm sure of that. She would even take you flying. I'm sure you'd be real happy about that. I giggled to myself and looked up at the sky. The sun's already about to set. Late afternoon has finally come.
For our first day of staying out in the woods outside the city, today has went by real fast.
I let out a breath and looked at the river. I smiled at it. I remember all the times that I've went fishing in the woods with dad.
How that dad always caught the fish and I didn't. How he was always trying to teach me, his own son how to work the fishing pole. I wasn't a very good fisher, but me and him only went fishing so that we had our time together. Just like any father and son would.
This river reminds me of that spot we always fished. But I know that this isn't the spot. It's pretty far away from here.
I let out a sad, lonely breath. Dad....
For three years since you died, I tried to fight my fear for singing in front of a large crowd. I was always searching for that solution to fight it. But for a long time, I haven't.
I've always been singing in that bar in front of small crowds. I didn't believe in myself that I would do the real thing. I was always scared from that thought. I...Didn't have a big dragonhood back then. I didn't have the eye of the tiger back then.
I started to smile as last night came into the picture. But three years later, the search for fighting my fear is now over. And it was all thanks to Rain.
She gave me that confidence. Her smile gave me the confidence to do it. When I was looking at her while on that stage, I wasn't afraid anymore. With every second as I was singing in front of so many dragons, including Rain and my friends, it became natural to me.
That they're just an audience, who wouldn't judge me too harshly. That I shouldn't be afraid to sing in front of large crowds after all. That when I have the confidence and when I believed in myself, I could do anything, and it was that.
The search is over for fighting that fear and it was thanks to you, Rain. I'm not afraid to sing in front of a large crowd anymore. It feels natural now.
I did it, dad. I did it.
I bet you're very proud of me. And I'd certainly bet that you're proud of Rain for helping me out. She would appreciate your gratitude. I know it that much, I've thanked her more than once. She would feel very humbled by you, father.
The Search is Over, dad.
The Search is Over.
I heard a voice behind me, "Hiya, Brandon." I put my photo in my pocket and looked over my shoulder to see that Sebastian is the one behind me.
I smiled at the old bronze dragon, "Hey there, old man. What are you doing here?"
Sebastian strode up to me, until he was standing beside me, looking down at me, "I was gonna ask you the same question." He cocked his head and smiled down at me, "Having your alone time again and I'm interrupting it?"
I laughed at that and shook my head, "You're not interrupting it. I'm just sitting near the river. I just found it."
Sebastian sat down on his haunches and asked, "Can I join you? I promise, I won't ruin it."
I motioned my hand down, "Go ahead and join me. I don't mind company. Let the two of us enjoy watching the fish swim by."
Sebastian then laid down on his stomach beside me and we both watched the fish in the river swim by. Big fish of the same kind swimming pretty fast.
Sebastian hummed at the show he's watching down there, "Talk about a lot of fish." He giggled, "When I'm thinking about it, I don't think that you could catch any fish with your hands."
I laughed and turned to look at him, "You're perfectly right about that." Then I raised an eyebrow, "And you think you could do better?"
Sebastian shot up his head, "Oh sure. I've eaten fish from a river before." He looked straight at the fish, "I would just catch any fish with my paw or with my jaws. Skin the scales off with my claws. Then cook it with my flame and chew the sucker in my mouth and swallow it." He shrugged his shoulders, "Pretty simple enough, if you're a dragon like me."
I giggled and looked at the river, "Gosh, even dragons are good at catching fish. You guys really seem to make it easy."
Sebastian said, "Well it's not always easy, living the life of the dragon. Of course, there are so many wondrous moments, but there's always a price for everything." He looked up at the sky and said this with sorrow in his eyes, "That when you have family, sooner or later, they'd die, or you'd die first before they do. By anything that threatens the life of a dragon." He shook his head, "Nothing lasts forever."
I shook my head in agreement, "You're right, nothing does last forever." But then I added, "But that doesn't mean that you can't create many more wondrous things when you don't have a family. You still have a life and you should cherish it while you still live."
Sebastian moved his head to look down at me and smiled at the thought, "You know something kid...I have seen a wondrous thing and it came from you last night."
I knew what he was getting at and I said, "You think me singing was a wondrous thing?"
He nodded, "I never saw a human sing before. Not once in my life. Not to mention the human music that I've heard from your mind, it's a lot different than the human music that I've heard back then."
I tilted my head and asked, "Really? And you heard music from back then? How?"
Sebastian answered when he looked at the trees after that, "I remember that when I'm near a human village outside the dragon city, far away. I keep hearing them playing music. But...It sounded different than the human music you had in your mind. WAY different."
I nodded, "You must have heard their music back in the days when knights and castles were around. Music wasn't advanced back then."
Sebastian nodded at my statement, still looking at the trees, "And I'm really surprised that kind of thing really changes, just like that. That the humans change their music as so many long years go by. That the dragon slayers don't exist anymore, and that the castles don't exist anymore either. That humanity has really evolved, into something different from back then." He looked at me and asked, "Is that what you told me before? That things really changed outside in the world?"
I nodded and replied, "You really haven't been outside the city much these days, have you?"
He shook his head at my question, "I don't travel much...Since my family died."
I reached out to touch his leg in a comforting matter, "It's alright, big guy."
Sebastian grinned at my comforting gesture, "You know...When I'm with you and your friends, including Rain and Jessie, you all feel like family to me. Family that I haven't had for years. Family to an old drake like me."
My face lit up when he said that, "Yeah, we really do act like a big happy family." I turned to the river and said, "That Neal, Cody, Wayne and Frankie would be my brothers. That Amanda and Rain would be my sisters."
Sebastian curled his neck into a shape of an s as he looked at me, "What about Jessie? Would she be considered as your mate?"
I blushed a bit at the question, but I nodded slowly after that, "I guess so." My blush went away and I looked back at him, "I mean, I like her pretty much, but even I'm very nervous trying to talk to her about it. But of course, she does feel that way as well. And she's nervous too."
Sebastian tossed back his head and laughed, "Oh, I know what that was like. I was nervous trying to be with my mate for the first time and so was she. I can even remember how nervous we were at our first mating together. Mating is a powerful thing to do, especially when you do it for love and reproduction."
I asked, "What about for pleasure?"
He nodded, "Oh, that too. But then you wouldn't have hatchlings if the female's not in heat. You're only doing it for pleasure and love."
I nodded, "Sounds about right."
Sebastian let out a sigh, "But if you're only doing it for JUST pleasure and if it doesn't have love with it, if you weren't interested in that female in a very loving matter. Then that means you're a fool for not seeing what you've been missing. That the female would feel disappointed that the drake didn't love her at all."
I nodded again, pretty much agreeing with him a hundred percent, "Too true. What's the point in having sex, if you don't love the person at all? Humans do the same thing, like any dragon would."
Sebastian let out a big hiss, "Yes, and I've heard that drakes and dragonesses usually do it just for pleasure and not with love. But there are a lot of life mates as well. That they would stay together, until one of them dies."
I gestured to him and asked, but I was being careful of how I ask him this, "I'm just wondering...Have you ever tried to find someone else to be with? Since your mate died? Did you ever try?"
Sebastian let out a very big sigh, "I'll be honest kid...I tried. I have tried to find someone who's just like her. The same curves, everything. But the truth is, there is always that one dragoness in the world and there wouldn't be another one like her. There are so many different dragonesses for me. Different than my loving mate."
He had a bit of a guilty look on his face and took a deep breath, "Of course....When I was drunk one night at the Drake's Tooth, a dragoness came up to me. Looking for a drake to have fun with. She said that...She knew what I was going through and she'd make me feel better." He shook his head and went on, "I didn't know what gotten into me. I didn't love her, and plus she was younger than me. But...She kept raising her tail for me and suddenly my instincts kicked in."
I asked, "What happened to her?"
"Well after we did it, she got up and left me. I had a feeling she didn't love me that way. She was looking for pleasure. It's really a common thing among dragons." He sighed, "I felt like I've betrayed my mate in death after that night. Just for doing that. Not to mention betraying my son too. Even when they're not around, I can feel their eyes staring at me in anger."
I shook my head, "I wouldn't say that. You were just feeling lonely and you wanted that kind of company. You just...Wanted to be happy. You didn't want to feel alone anymore."
Sebastian nodded and closed his eyes, "I'll admit it...I did want to be happy. I just...Couldn't resist her and all the nips and all the nuzzling and all the kissing. But I around that time, have regretted it. I would mate only for love and pleasure. Nothing more to it than that. I didn't love that dragoness. Not at all. I just...Didn't control myself."
I got up on my feet and turned my whole body to him. I reached out to touch his shoulder and reassured him, "It's okay, Sebastian. Really it's okay. Sometimes it's hard to resist those things."
Sebastian turned his head to me and opened his eyes, "Yeah, I know. I don't really feel guilty about that anymore. I don't remember how long that happened actually. Years ago, I think...Because I've felt a bit younger around that time. Still don't know how many years went by right now though." He sighed and looked straight at me, "I guess when you have a dragon's sharp mind, you can't forget the past."
I nodded up at him and got close to his chest, placing my hand on it, "Even I know that. Dragons do have sharp minds. Sharper than humans." I then asked him this, "Can I tell you something?"
He answered with a nod and I said, "I don't think your family would hate you for what you did. They would understand why you did it. Even I can understand it."
Sebastian gave me a smile since that part of the conversation started and he said, "Brandon...Can you promise me something?"
He stared intently at me, "Promise me that you'll find the one you really love. The one that really matters to you and make sure that female loves you back. And you'll only mate for both pleasure and love. Unless if you're into males, then follow with the same advice. It's basically the same thing."
I giggled a bit and shook my head, "I'm not into males, I'm into females."
Sebastian giggled too, "I know that, but I had to make sure." Then he bore a serious look, "Do you promise me that, Brandon?"
I nodded at him and said, "I promise."
Sebastian smiled at me, "Thank you, Brandon." Then he said this with a curious look, "Look uh...This question has been bugging me for days, so can I ask you something?"
I nodded and he asked, "I know, Sebastian's not really my name, you were the one who gave me that." I was frowning at him and he went on with the question, "Why did you name me Sebastian? Where did you get that human name for me? Was it...From someone in particular?"
My eyes went wide, as I never expected to hear that question at all. I never did tell him that. A few days after giving him that name, I still never told him. Even when we were talking to each other for a long time, I still never told him.
The reason why I gave him that name...Is because he reminds me of my dad. My late father.
I really did consider Sebastian as my father. Just like my real dad, the human Sebastian. The dragon really reminds me of him.
I even wanted to call him dad, more than once. Even at the garden back in the city. Because of what he went through.
I...I wanted to have him as my father. I wanted to be his son.
Sebastian's voice cut through my thoughts, "Brandon?"
I shook my head and looked at his face. I let out a breath and removed my hand off his chest. I started to answer his question, while glancing back at the river, "Well...I named you after my dad. His name was Sebastian."
Sebastian's eyes went wide, his voice in disbelief, "Really? Your father's name is Sebastian?"
I was grinning at his voice and I looked back at him, "Yeah."
Sebastian started to cock his head at me as he was curious as to why I named him after my father. I spoke before he could ask me anything, "The only reason why I named you after my late father, is because you remind me so much of him." I gestured to him, "The way you act, that fatherly personality, the way you talk to me, that we both went through so much in life. You really remind me of my dad."
Sebastian lowered his head to my level and asked, "I really do?"
I was still holding that grin, "Hard to believe, huh?" I crossed my arms and asked, "Why do you think I like being with you so much?"
Sebastian was about to answer and I said, "Because of that. Because you're like my dad. My...Father who died three years ago. He always called me kiddo, always never judged me, always never hurt me at all, and he was like a hero to me." Then I reached into my pocket and pulled the photo of me and my family out of it. I held out my photo in front of me with one hand and showed him it. He lowered his head a bit to look at it. I pointed at each person in the photo, "That's me, my mom and that's my dad, before he died."
Sebastian looked at it for another moment and he raised his head back up. He hummed, "You looked so happy together."
I nodded while putting the photo back into my pocket, "Oh, we all were. We were like a big happy family. Everyone at where I'm from, knew me and my family." I gazed at the river again, "I even went fishing with my dad more than once. Trying to catch fish from the river." I laughed a bit at the memory, "I was bad at fishing, but dad didn't care. We always had our father and son fun together. It was our perfect way of bonding."
Sebastian's face lit up and he nodded, "I can relate to that."
He still had a bright smile as his memory was brought up, "My son and I always played together in the woods." He motioned his paw around the area, "Just like these woods here." He laid his paw back on the ground and went on, his eyes on the river now, "We even look at the fish together, in a river too. Watching them swim by, my son would try to swipe at one with his claw." He chuckled at that, "He was so cute back then and grew up to be a strong drake." He had a bit of a glum look, "Strong to be like his father. And he never returned to me."
I let out a sigh, and my grin melted away. I stared at the river in silence, until I said it with a sad voice, "I miss him so much. Three years have passed and I miss him. So does my mother." I slowly looked at Sebastian from the river and said, "More than once, when I think about it....I wonder what it would have been like if he was still alive?" I looked down at my feet, "That maybe I wouldn't be here, talking to you. Or meet Rain for the first time, or maybe I never would've met Jessie at all. My dad was very good at giving advice. He would tell me how to pick up any female and tell her how I feel." I giggled a little at my wonder, "I probably still be a happy kid, who has a father alive and well with him."
Sebastian got his head closer to mine, his snout just inches away, "I'm sorry for your father, Brandon. I really am. And I'm sorry for your poor mother too. She misses him dearly, I can imagine."
I nodded without looking at him, "She does and so do I."
Sebastian started nuzzling my forehead with his nose. After he did that, I actually pictured him doing that to his son, when he was a hatchling. Just like he's doing that to me.
Suddenly, my memory of when I leaned about dad's death that morning came to me in a flash and I felt the guilt in my chest, like I did before.
I didn't tell Sebastian everything. I...I didn't tell him how dad died.
That I didn't save him. That I saw that vision three years ago and didn't warn him at all. That I got my father killed.
I never told mom this, never told anyone this. Not even Rain.
I didn't save my own father. My memories came flooding back when I recalled them. I said this out loud in guilt, while shutting my eyes tight, "Oh dad.....I'm sorry."
Sebastian stopped nuzzling my nose and rose his head with a quizzical look, "Are you talking to me?"
Now I feel like I want to tell him the truth. To finally let the truth out just this once. I still didn't look at him and I said this out loud to him, finally saying this, "He's dead because of me."
He cocked his head, "Huh?"
I repeated what I said more sternly this time, "My dad's dead, because I didn't save him. Because I didn't do anything to save him."
Sebastian's eyes widened by the revelation and he shook his head, while saying this in a low voice, "Oh, don't talk like that. You shouldn't say it was your fault."
I shook my head, my hands were balling into fists, as I fought the tears that were about to build in me, "No...IT IS MY FAULT."
Sebastian asked, "Why?"
I looked up at him finally and shouted, "Because I saw it happen!!"
Sebastian jerked back his head from my shout, his face in shock at it. I never yelled at him before, this was the very first time it happened. I went on with a fierce gaze toward him, "I saw my dad die, in my dream!"
Sebastian had a confused look on his face, "Huh? What are you talking about?"
Since I just told him that part, now the truth's really going to come out. I said this to him with my guilty look, the truth finally coming out of my mouth like the river in front of us, "Three years ago, I saw that dream. I saw dad, die in my dream."
Sebastian was eyeing me, all confused now. Not understanding this at all. I said this, "I don't know if you'd believe it, but here it is...I sometimes have visions."
He asked, "Visions?"
I nodded, "That sometimes I see things, especially when I'm sleeping. I always have weird dreams just like the one with dad, but they're usually not real."
Sebastian shook his head, "I don't understand."
I groaned and turned around sharply, my back's now turned on him. He got up off his stomach and turned his whole body to face mine. Sebastian pressed me, "Brandon...Talk to me."
I looked over my shoulder and Sebastian said this with his paw to his chest, "You said that I remind you of your father, right? Well let me be your father. I know that I may not be your real father at all, but at least let me help you out with this. I...I do care about you. Like you are really my son."
His words touched my very heart and I looked ahead and sighed, "I thought that dream was just a dream. I always had weird dreams like that. Until after he died, I began to find out that I'm that kind of person who just has visions. Visions that come and go and they can be real. That the dreams that I have would come true. Not all the time, but a few times, it really happened."
Sebastian asked with confusion in his voice, "Like your father dying?"
I whirled around to face him, shooting this at the old drake, "Sounds odd, huh?" I let out a breath, "I didn't think it'd happen. I really thought it was just a dream. That my dad wouldn't die." I took another deep breath and let it out, as I went on with my tale, "My father was a firefighter. Which that means he's the human who fights fires. Saves a lot of people, puts the fires out, that kind of thing. He...Really was a hero. He was good at what he does."
I let out a trembling sigh as I was looking at the bronze drake in front of me, "But my dad was saving a child in an apartment fire and he didn't make it. He died doing that." I felt the tears were getting ready to form in my eyes, "I saw that dream and I didn't warn him. He died for real, a few days later. An officer came to my house and told me and mom everything. He said...My father died in that fire. Just like what happened in that dream."
Sebastian muttered in shock by my weird and sad tale, "Ancestors. I...I didn't think that kind of thing is possible."
I let out a huff and went on, "My father's dead, Sebastian and it's my fault. I didn't warn him. I didn't save my own father. I KILLED HIM!!!"
Sebastian shook his head and reassured me, "No, you're wrong. You didn't kill him."
I shook my head as well and shot back, "No, I did kill my father! I didn't do anything! I didn't warn him!" My tears started falling down my cheeks now, "I'm his son and I didn't do anything to save him. How does a son not save his father?!" I shot my hand down in anger towards myself, "A horrible and stupid one, that's what! I'm so stupid!"
Sebastian took a few steps toward me, "You're not stupid. You just didn't know that could really happen." He shrugged his wings and shoulders, "How can you know? You thought it was just a dream."
"But if I at least told him everything, he'd remember what I said and he still be alive!"
Sebastian lowered his head to my level, "And do you think it would've made a difference? What if you did tell him and he would still die, have you ever thought about that?"
I was staring at him, staring at his face. I muttered this in total guilt, "I killed him, Sebastian. I killed my own father." I started shaking my head repeatedly and looked down at my feet, "I...Made mom so alone and miserable and it's all my fault. I killed her husband and my father. And she never knew the truth. That her own son right in front of her, killed him."
Sebastian got his head closer to mine, "Brandon, don't talk like that." He shook his head, "You could never have killed your father. You're such a good kid. You're not capable of something like that."
I looked at him as my tears were still coming down and I sniffed my nose. He went on, "Don't even think that you killed him, because I beg to differ with that. I...I know what it's like. I was like you. I blamed myself once, for losing my mate and my son, but it was never my fault and we both know that. But I still deal with the pain of losing a family, just like you." He shook his head, "It was never your fault that he died, he's your father and you're his son, so don't even talk like that." He took a deep breath and let it out, "And you know something else?"
I asked with my voice trembling, "What?"
"That you said that if he didn't die, you wouldn't be here. I think there really is a reason for that. The reason why he died. Everything happens for a reason. And for some reason, you're here because of what happened." He shook his head, "I don't know if he would've lived if you did tell him. But there are a bunch of good things happening to you after he died. And I'm one of them."
I said this with a sob, my face wet with tears, "I want my father back. I...I love him."
Sebastian said this with a sad look of his own, "I know you do. I want my son and mate back in my life too. But they're never coming back. But despite that, we always live on, because they would want us to." He started nuzzling my forehead with his nose again, "You're like a son to me and I'm glad we met at the park. And I'm glad you met me, because I'm like a father to you." He pulled back from my forehead and said with a few tears of his own, "You and your friends, have made this old drake happy. But it was YOU mostly that made this old drake happy and I can only repay you with kindness. The kindness of a father."
I looked deeply in his eyes for a long time after he said all that and when I looked at them, I let out a sharp gasp.
I know that I have looked at his face before. But right now when I see his eyes, I can see that he has...My father's eyes.
He...Really is like my father.
I said this to him, as my sobs were threatening to take over my body and voice, "Dad...."
Sebastian said this as tears fell down his face too, "Son..."
Him calling me son, really struck me and drew me over the edge. I closed my eyes and started sobbing right in front of him. After a second happened, Sebastian sat down on his haunches, his head still lowered at my level, I ran into his chest and wrapped my arms around his neck, hugging him real tight. Sebastian wrapped his paw around me. He was caressing my back while I was sobbing real loud.
I cried into him for a long time, crying into his chest scales. I must have cried for a long time and he has shushed me with the tenderness of what a father has.
Back then before dad died, I didn't think there would be anyone else quite like him. But there is and I've met him a few days ago. The old bronze drake who's comforting me right now. That I gave my father's name to.
He really is like my father after all.
And days ago, I found my father, my new father.
I finally stopped sobbing and Sebastian stopped crying too. I pulled away from his chest and Sebastian let me out of his embrace. I backed away from his chest and turned to look at his face. He sniffed his nose as his tears finally stopped. Just like me.
Sebastian smiled a little and asked, "Are you alright?"
I filled my lungs with air then let it out slowly. I nodded a bit and answered, "I...I think I am."
His face lit up and asked, "Really?"
I nodded again, "Yeah, because you're actually right. It wasn't my fault after all. Maybe dad would probably still die, if I did warn him. And me and you were right about one thing." He cocked his head and I went on, "I'm here, because dad died. There is a reason why he died." I smiled at him, "And I think that reason's right in front of me."
Sebastian's nose was inches from me and I said, "Me and you were supposed to find each other. I lost my father and you lost your family. We were supposed to find each other at the park. And we both did."
Sebastian said this with heart, "I promise you, that it would never be your fault. Like I said, everything happens for a reason. And we're both here, right now."
I waved my hand and asked him this, "Look...About what I said to you. That I have visions. Can you keep this secret with me? I just don't want everyone else to know this, ok? I...I don't want everyone to think I'm weird."
Sebastian nodded, "I'd never think that you're weird for telling me all that, not even your friends. But if that's what you wish, I won't tell a soul."
I nodded and sighed, "Thank you and...There's one more question, I want to ask you. I want to ask you this, because I've been wanting to ask you this for a long time."
"What, Brandon?"
Then after that, I asked him this very important question, in a nervous tone, "Sebastian....Would you...Would you be my dad?"
Sebastian leaned his head to start nuzzling my forehead with his nose once more and answered, "Of course, Brandon. I'll always be your father. And you'll always be...My son."
I giggled a bit as my heart was beating happily by his answer. When he nuzzles my forehead, I really am a son to him. That I'm his child. I closed my eyes and said this to him in almost a whisper, "I love you, dad."
Sebastian said this back, as he continued to nuzzle me with his nose, "I love you too, kiddo."
I giggled again. He called me kiddo. Just like my real dad. I let out a pleasant sigh.
And we were like this for a long time, while the sun continued to set above us.
There really was a reason why you died. And I'm here now with the old drake.
And you know something else?
I don't think it's my fault that you died anymore. I'm over it now. I'll never let it get to me again.
Sebastian...Thanks for being with me.
Thank you...Dad.
Amanda hollered while she wandered in the woods under the sunset filled sky, "Cody!" She stopped where she was at and she trailed her eyes throughout the area. She took a deep breath and let out a huff in frustration. Damn it, where are you?
Amanda walked to her left, walking on a dirt trail. Continuing her search. She hollered loudly again, "Cody, dinner's ready!"
Her arms were swinging back and forth as she strode on in fast strides. She let out a grr in her throat when she didn't get a response. Come on, I'm hungry and here I am, looking for you!
I should've made Neal do this crap. He's the one with wings!
She had an angry scowl across her face, and started muttering angrily to herself, "You know what Neal? if you weren't a lazy ass right now, your girlfriend wouldn't be searching for our friend, who's not little anymore. Who is now big and tall and is being a smug ass like you." She shook her head and sighed, "If I get lost, I'm kicking both their asses."
Amanda looked up at the sky and said this to herself, "It's going to get dark soon. Cody, where are you?" She turned to walk to her right and hollered again, "Cody!"
Still no answer.
Crap! Where are you?
Amanda let out an annoyed huff and said this out loud. Loud enough for anyone nearby would hear, "Cody, if you're playing a joke on me, try it and I'll kick your stones." She giggled and said this, "Or maybe slap you across the face for scaring me. It's not like I haven't done it before."
Amanda stopped and trailed her eyes around the woods again, trying to see the green scaled dragon in sight. She let out another grr. Curses! Cody, why did you have to go for a walk like that? Where did you go?
She cupped her hands to her mouth and screamed for his name real loud, "Cody!!"
No answer.
She let her hands flop to her sides, saying this softly to herself, "Damn it." Then she heard something in the woods way behind her. Like something was walking over there. She whirled around to look at the area, at the area filled with trees and bushes.
Amanda took a step toward that area, frowning as she tried to get a good look, "Cody? Is that you?"
No answer, nothing but the woods making their noises.
She took another step and tried again, "Cody?"
But before she could walk any further to that area, she heard Cody's voice nearby, "Amanda! I'm over here!"
She stopped where she was at and turned her whole body around real fast like. She let out a whoosh of air. About time.
She heard Cody's voice again, "Amanda!"
Amanda hollered back, "I'm coming, stay where you are!" And with that, she started jogging to where he's at. Since he doesn't sound very far away from where she's at.
But after she was gone, something was coming out of the trees and bushes in very slow strides. It was coming from the area in the woods that Amanda was walking slowly toward to when she heard that noise.
The lone dragon strode out to the spot where Amanda was standing at before she left. It lowered it's head to the grass and sniffed it. Then it raised it's head off the ground and from where it's at, it can see Amanda and Cody not very far away. From what it looks like, Amanda was chastising Cody and she grabbed his ear and twisted it. The lone dragon can hear Cody howling in pain from where it's at.
The lone dragon didn't stand around to watch from this spot for too long, so it started strutting away. To go back in the woods before someone else sees it and gets caught.
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