Current Track: Blabb

Invane: Saturance


“So we are told to
gathered pages and balls for the lizard right?" I questioned the group as they
turned towards me and nodded their heads. Though it had seemed that some of
them were confused about the request at hand. As all eyes fell upon me, I
exhaled a breath and shook my head. Glancing back upon them before nodding my
head and spoke to Huzizu, “Alright then. First things first is we need to get
into a nearby store and find some paper for him." “Why paper and balls, by the
way?" Asked Horizoki, tilting his head to the side as he frowned. Ears
flickered to the side as he added, “Why not dog toys and something more
playful." “Guess he was looking for his own lost dog." Started Harkell, without
even looking at the pair as he turned his attention towards the nearby stores
closest to us. “He has a dog? What breed?" “Ask him instead of me."


I stretched and yawned.
It was a fine morning. The sun was hanging high in the blue skies with dark
clouds scattered and surrounding it however. 'Luckily that the sun never had
any money.' I joked, snorting on my own which caused some heads to turn forth
to me. I just ignored them afterwards and kept going. In case anyone wanted to
know, we were on the streets of Vaster. It was quite empty to say the least. No
other dragons or reptiles were about, commuting to the grand old morning time
which had disturbed me at best. Despite what my packmates were saying about
them however. I just shook my head at them and kept my eye upon the lists of
stores nearby. Walking down them as I mutter towards myself, 'The reptilian
store', 'The Wing store', 'The-' “Wait there is a wing store! Lets go inside
here!" Exclaimed Horizoki while Huzizu and Haziyo pushed that wolf inside the
store. For all three immediately disappeared from my eyesight only for a
second, which had perhaps surprised me at best however as I turned behind me
and glance at the empty sidewalks. Starting to noticed that they were gone from
my sights even that I even turned to Harkell and Havlut.  Both wolves shrugged and went onward. I
followed them from behind.


But not even three steps
in was when we heard the bell rang behind us that had forced all three of our
heads to turn around and looked behind. For there, we had noticed all three
wolves sporting dragon wings or what we had presumed were even wings at all.
Horizoki had red, Huzizu had gold, Haizyo had green mixed with black. “Poor
color choices, Haizyo." Commented Harkell as he sniffed a laugh causing such
said wolf to growl at him, holding his head up high as he spoke back “Oh yeah?
Well watch these wings as they fly overhead. Soaring through the air and-"
“These things are indeed plastic!" Exclaimed Harkell as he suddenly waltzed
over there and grabbed one of the wings. Causing Haizyo to jump back in
surprise and blinked at him for sever seconds before commenting back “Alright
you forced my paw. Now witness as this takes me to the skies!" He threw his paw
up above his head. His eyes narrowed poised as if he was ready to take flight.
But for a few seconds more and beyond, nothing had happened. For he was just a
wolf and those things are indeed plastic.


So with a raised paw onto
my forehead, I closed my eyes and growled at them “Put those children toys away
and help us out here, you dolts!" I exclaimed, growling a bit by the time my
eyes opened up and I glanced at them in response, “We need to find some paper
and balls inside these stores. Not something to play with or make believe" “We
are wolves after all. Not so fantasy thing in whatever story that was in."
Added Havlut, but I just glared at him forcing him to shut up suddenly. A wave
of groans erupted behind me, but nonetheless complied with the order and walked
behind me while my head was hang high and glanced over to the side. Turning
towards the store names beside of me with hope of finding what I was trying to
look for after all. Perhaps it had taken some time. Perhaps it took a long
time. I would not tell however because I never looked of where I was going
however, despite what the other wolves were saying behind and to the side of


For the next thing I
knew, when I turned back to stare at the horizon once more. I immediately saw a
silver grayish pole before me. Hitting it with my head that rang in the
aftermath, I groaned and growled at the same time. Sitting back onto the
sidewalk with my butt as my head rang in. My ears were flatten so I would not
be able to hear anything beside of me however. Yet the wolves surrounding me
started talking and speaking towards me, no voices were heard from either of
them unfortunately which caused annoyance and irritation. Yet despite it, I
shook my head and exhaled a breath. Muttering underneath it afterwards so only
the wolves surrounding me would hear, I spoke “Just find a store that holds
paper and balls and lets moved on already." “Got it." Responded Harkell while
the rest of the wolves nodded their heads. They split up immediately and left
me alone adjacent to the pole as I frowned, hanging my head gazing at the
grounds underneath me in the silence that followed.


It had taken some time
before the wolves gathered back up towards me. Harkell and Havlut have gathered
all eight pages however. Horizoki, Huzizu and Haizyo however held something
different For in Horizoki's paws were a rubber duck, Huzizu had a stapler and
Haizyo… I do not want to think about that right now. For as I turned towards
them, getting up onto my four paws and waltzed over to them. I nodded towards
the two wolves and glanced unamused at the rubber duck and stapler however. I
held my tongue, not wanting to question them about such unimportant items that
are related towards our case. Instead, I just find myself staring back onto
them in silence. Such said wolves flinched and closed their eyes, Horizoki
glanced away while I opened my mouth and spoke nothing of them. For instead
said, “Lets just go onto the next thing." I exhaled and turned around. “Should
we split up this time?" Requested Horizoki, raising a paw as he pointed
something intelligence for once. But the silence was held. Nothing answered him
as I led the group crossing the road. Heading forth towards a new location


“So we have to do this in
a library?" Questioned Huzizu as he shifted his attention towards me, I nodded
silently. Only smiling directly at him as he remained silent. Tilting his head
nervously at me that his ears started flattening out suddenly, but I shook my
head and spoke not towards him, but for everyone else “We are to head into that
library and find some books to photocopy." “Into these blank pieces of paper?"
Questioned Havlut, adding “Is this not stealing?" “Its 'borrowing'." I
corrected him, “Same difference." He growled and the short argument ended there
with no other protest other than the shuffle of feet rapidly moving passed me,
heading forth towards the building itself. As I sat there and watched them head
onto it, I was surprise to see them still outside the door. Glancing at the
knob in silence with their tails wagging suddenly. That I walked up towards
them and barked; causing their ears to flickered and Horizoki, Huzizu and
Havlut to turn around glancing back onto me while my eyes narrowed at them and
spoke, “Why are you all outside the library door? Get inside!" “There is a sign
posted here. Says 'No canines allowed'." “I-" I started speaking, but stopped
immediately before glancing at the post written onto there.


I said nothing in the
following silence. For my eyes was kept staring down onto the post before me. I
grunted responding and shook my head as my eyes started closing. When they were
opened, I spoke towards Havlut “You still have that brown coat that you wore
last winter?" “Back at home, I presumed." Havlut frowned, shaking his head and
I exhaled a breath before becoming silence. “The only other thing we could do
is-" “Break down this barricade!" Screamed Horizoki with a fist pump into the
air. Huzizu, Haziyo, Havlut and Harkell joined in with him as they raced away
from the library. With their faded footsteps, all I could was just shake my
head at the idiocy of their nature. But with ears flatten, I resign towards
that fate and just stepped towards the side and watched as the roars of
footsteps came charging right onto in. With screams, yells and other noises
that Huzizu was saying; the four wolves came charging by and onto the wall
before them. Crashed right through it, creating black wolf holes in their wake
as they had entered right inside. However, just as they had entered inside.
Additionally came some red loud wailing as the darkness was replaced by red
shades of color that started moving about.


I exhaled a breath and
turned  towards the library doors.
Finally spotting a note adjacent to the schedule. 'We are closed for the
holidays. Sorry.' “Figures." I muttered, recalling that a day in Vaster does
exist. However I do not know what kind of day it was. But I never cared anyway.
As I howled towards the other wolves hoping that it would overcome the alarm
wailing and them running away from me, my ears flared up upon hearing some
sirens from the outside. “VPD." I recalled, eyes narrowing and looking over my
shoulder. Glancing down onto the dragons that had already landed upon the roads
and glancing right onto me. There were only five dragons it seems. Blue was the
leader which I presumed was Ling, Red and pink dragons were behind the blue.
Walking directly towards the window inspecting it suddenly; they were Kyro and
Natty. The black dragon hanged back, just staring at the overall scenery laid
before him. While Ling was talking to me and snapping his claws growling, I
found out that the black was turned to face me too. Though it seems that he was
a bit uninterested. I did believed that Zander was his name however.


“Hey Hunter." I turned
back towards the window where Huzizu popped from the inside. Holding a pile of
papers in his paw as he spoke “We got the papers and photocopies of the book.
Now-" “Run you idiots." I growled lowly which caught upon his ears. He darted
inside. Disappearing. Zander, Kyro and Natty raced inside through the doors
too. Following after that wolf. Which did left behind me and Ling as he started
turning his head back towards the window, then back towards me. For with a
smirk, he spoke to me something that I never listened to him. He lowered
himself down to meet my eyes, but I spit at him before running away. I know.
Not my proudest moment however. I additionally never knew that the library was
rigged to the bone either. Like who would do such a thing? Were the librarians
worried that someone would 'steal' or 'photocopy' their copyright books?
Thousands of other questions reside my mind while I pondered over that
question. But such a question never needed an answer at all as I just kept going
with the officer tailing behind me.


Evening had passed. Thank
goodness it took that long for the sun to sink into the horizon. For I never
knew how long I had needed to run away from him. 'Escape' was my only thought
in mind as I found myself breathing heavily and glanced my attention towards
the roads. I was silent. Head, body, feet and tail were all over the piles of
bricks behind me. It does seem like I was attempting to camouflage like those
chameleons back in the world however. I remained still, unmoving while my ears
were spread out and listened to the loud ringing that was upon my ears. I only
breathed when nothing was there. However, a whisper in the air that was
adjacent towards me echoed into my ear. I turned towards the source of it and
was surprise to see that my pack was still there. Standing fine and tall,
smiling brightly as if they had accomplished something in their lives. I, on
the other paw, just stared at them and tilted my head towards the side.


“We got the goods." “You
stated that as if you were a gangster." I pointed out while Haizyo smiled again
and countered, “Was that not the point?" I just shook my head and dropped the
conversation then. I had to tell you audience, we are really bad at these
things. Robbing and all that other jazz, was not really our thing. Except when
it comes to Virkoral forest however. I raised my head towards the darkening
skies above us, remembering that the nighttime was coming. So with my eyes
closed, opening once again before turning back around. I motioned my pack as I
led them out of the alleyway and back onto the streets once again. Where
immediately that lizard popped out of nowhere and called towards us, I flinched
immediately and on response while Havlut stepped forth in my place and glared
at him. “We do not. Just a couple of photoshopped papers and plastic balls from
a nearby store." “I gave you the money to purchase such items." THe lizard
exclaimed, screaming at him while I just grunted and looked away.


A pause in silence fell
between the two. Neither of them said anything else other than the silent
conversation held inside of their minds. For while Havlut continued growling at
the lizard; Huzizu, Haziyo and Horizoki jumped into action which had surprised
all three of us however. They leap from their positions, jumping overhead of
Havlut whom stared at them with eyes widened. Raced over to the lizard and
grabbed onto his arms well I mean, Haziyo and Huzizu that is. As the lizard
struggled, Horizoki pulled out a wand and started saying some magically words.
During this, the lizard stared at the wolf with widened eyes. His voice of
confidence faltered and he now started speaking gibberish or fast talking or
whatever. Havlut nudged me with a smile, I just said nothing after them however
and kept eye onto Horizoki after he started saying his trance and pointed his
wand directly upon the lizard. He screamed and a burst of light popped into the
air. Blinding everyone but Horizoki whom had sunglasses however. Following that
came a loud scream which we had presumed to be the lizard. His footsteps faded
into the horizontal silence just in time for the nightfall to come forth.


At this, I started
smiling at them. There was no words to be held. Just a silent nod or slight nod
coming from the other wolves towards Horizoki who chuckled, laughing as if he
had saw something funny upon ourselves. As we had tilted our heads towards the
sides, pondering as to what he was laughing about. He conjured up a mirror and
showcased it towards us. Upon the next minute saw the wolf pack, that is us by
the way, running and chasing after Horizoki with growls, howls and among other
wolf sounds while Horizoki himself was screaming at us “Do not hurt me! I am
the great magician!" “More like the poor amateur magician!" Screamed in rage
was Harkell as he and Havlut snarled at him. I think we had chased him all
night. Towards early morning where we had ended up upon the entrance of Vaster.


The white gates behind
were opened. Two dragon guards emerged from the inside, taking post as their
eyes were dragged forth. Yet they were surprise to see us, gathered about and
lying onto a pile snoring and sleeping. At the bottom of the pile was the wizard
Horizoki who donned a black hat that magically popped onto his head. Now fell
over onto its side with a hermit crab snatching it from him instead. Overetop
were us; Huzizu, Haizyo, Havlut, Harkell and me at the apex of the pile. The
dragons walked towards us, I had presumed. For all I could hear was footsteps
gradually approaching us in response. And an afterwards tap which had stirred
us awake. I opened my eyes; Havlut and Harkell yawned. Haizyo shook his head
which forced Harkell to fall over from the pile. As he growled at Haizyo who
said nothing at him in return, I got up onto my feet and leap off from the apex
onto the ground which was now furry all of the sudden.


One by one, the wolves
fell off from the pile. None of them said anything else because it was already
dawn of the next morning. As their eyes were turned towards the guards then
back towards me, I said nothing as I turned around and started heading back.
Back towards Virkoal forest where we had belong after all.


It had seem the morning
had came. Nothing unusual had came as our pack started its morning routine.
Harkell and Havlut sipping their british tea that was exported from oversees.
They were hot and toasty, perhaps that was what they liked it after all. It had
made me wondered though how did they a hold of that tea and suddenly like it?
But my head shook of the question, yawning once more as I had recalled morning
had already started. 'Oh that is right.' I thought to myself while I yawned
once more. I turned around, away from the pair of self drinking wolves and
walked a bit towards the lake that was nearby. This was where Horizoki, Haizyo
and Huzizu were at. Playing around themselves, getting scrubs while they tried
to splash each other with the stingy water soap that they suddenly dropped into
the lake itself. Fishes of all sizes, shape and color float to the surface of
the water, dead. I chuckled silently, recalling such a scene like this. However
it was only briefly when I started calling for the three wolves.


They turned towards me
suddenly. Eyes turned to meet mine own. For as they nodded their heads, they
doggy paddled their way towards me and climbed towards the shores of the lake.
Dripping wet however. “Shake yourselves to dry." I ordered them as they nodded
without hesitation. Shaking themselves toward dryness. I shielded myself with
my paws as my eyes closed to prevent any soap from stinging my eyes also. While
I growled towards them, but said nothing stern as I led them back into the
woods where Harkell and Havlut were waiting for us.


All eyes were upon me
with the silence suddenly hovering over our heads. The birds chirped
surrounding us as my facial expression was changed and I spoke of good news.
“Great and breaking news everyone!" I exclaimed with excitement rising from my
own throat, “The lizard is caught and had been sent to jail." “How was that
good news?" Exclaimed Horizoki with a frown, “Now do we have to rescue him?"
Started Huzizu as Harkell and Havlut shift their eyes towards me whereas I
shook my head and answered them, “No we do not have to. The responsibility of
our actions are our own. We should lay low because of the robbery inside the
library." “You mean 'the great photocopy of the library!" Exclaimed Haizyo,
raising his paws towards his shoulders, opening them and started evilly
laughing. Luckily that was short lived when Havlut threw a cup of tea at him
which splashed onto his face. Leaving his eyes popped, staring down onto Havlut
while Harkell started laughing.


For in the next moment or
two, I guess. I find myself stuck inside a tea cup fighting club between
Horizoki, Haizyo, Huzizu and Harkell and Havlut. I groaned at this with teas of
cups splattering all over my face and body, donning an unamused smile while I
wait for this 'celebration' to end.