Current Track: Blabb

It had been a long growing season, but that time was about to end. The harvest was extensive, with fields ripe for the picking. The group set out, consisting of all manner of herbivores and omnivores, to pick as much of the ripe fruit, vegetable, and commodity crop as they could.

Jobs within the field were divvied up based on which creatures could most efficiently do it. While anthro, they all had sizes similar to natural, non-anthro counterparts. As such, the smallest species - such as mice - focused on root vegetables. Slightly larger folk such as rabbits and a few house cats worked on their share as well, plucking items off bushes as needed. Trees and particularly tall canopies were saved for particularly tall species such as horses and llamas.

Between all the species, they were bringing in more than enough food for the long winter ahead. The animals would have enough for the difficult weather, sparing them the danger of going out in the snow. All winter, they would enjoy the ripe produce.