Current Track: Blabb

The diversity of foodstuff at the city festival was astounding. All sorts of cultures and races brought in signature dishes, each representing the finest dining they felt deserved to be shared with the rest of the world.

Some of the dishes may have seemed less than tasty to some of the other groups represented at the event. There was simply no way you would convince some people that the more exotic dishes, such as the fried crickets brought by the lizardfolk or the raw shellfish offered by the Hylotl were even edible, much less tasty. But other dishes were a pleasant surprise and a popular treat: The minotaurs brought a vegetable medley, with grilled pieces atop a bed of leafy greens. Then, of course, were dishes that everyone expected but were no less popular: dwarven ale, elvish wine, draconic sausage, and numerous other tasty classics that had become classic for good reason.

Though this harvest festival was only once per year, some of the groups chose to stay in touch, sharing recipes and other delicacies throughout the year, warm thoughts and feelings throughout the long, cold months ahead.