Current Track: Blabb

Invane: Installing Fear


Another silent day had
came upon us as we were walking through the fields of the road. I yawned, wide
and opened. Having forgotten that we were given a break for nearly a week and
now most of us were pretty lazy for the moment. I growled; wanting to shake my
head to rid of all that tiredness that I had accumulated over the days last
week while my tired eyes glared out into the horizon upon the silence. Harkell
and Havlut were the same apparently when I shift my head towards them; looking
all gloomy and tired. Irritated about something that was upon their minds; or
were tired in general apparently. For they too shook their heads and frowned.
Ridding all of that tiredness they had as their eyes fell to the horizon before


All three of us had
stayed silent. Tails between our legs suddenly as our ears had fell flatten
upon the skulls of our heads. We were tired. But I guess you already knew that
already. Regardless, as for the other three however. Horizoki, Haizyo, and Huzizu
were all full of  energy burst. If that
ever make any sense however. We watches them as they ran around the fields.
Catching the winds tailing behind them as their snouts were opened; trying to
catch whatever invisible were there. I, on the other paw, shook my head and
called out towards the three just as they had stopped. Turning back towards me
while we were on the move on.


For the time being; I had
wondered why the other three had burst of energy and sometimes I had wished I
had that. But half of me wished nothing of it; considering that I cannot
control my own legs when I sprint down the roads. Heading forth towards my own
certain doom. I just chuckled at that which had caused some heads to turn
towards me after I had became silent and just watched those who met my eyes
instead. It was Havlut, Horizoki and Haizyo who stared onto me. The remaining
just said nothing was kept on the move. Drawing closer towards the gates of
Vaster while I just exhaled a breath and nudge my head forward, responding
those who were staring at me. “Let just get a move on already." “Alright."
Spoke some, although I never knew who however. For I just dropped it at the
moment just as we had drawn forth towards the gates in front of us.


Horizoki was the first to
arrive and he rose his paw high; just about to knock onto the gates. He reached
over upon his backside and grabbed what seems to be a large hamstring; or
chicken string I think is what its called. Regardless, he gripped the handle
with his two paws tightly. Drew the chicken string back and started going ham
onto the gates. A loud echoed was emit from the surrounding silence as our ears
were filled with its annoying sound. I growled at Horiozki and stepped forth
towards him to take away the chicken string while Huzizu and Havlut flattened
their ears upon their skulls; frowning as their attention was drawn towards the
source of that sound. Horizoki turned his attention towards me just as I took
away his chicken string and glared at him. He just responded with a smile upon
his snout before retreating to the pack behind me once again. I just rolled my
eyes and said nothing more as the gates adjacent to me opened up and we turned
forth towards who was greeting us.


Yet to our surprise, we
found Haioh and Hazzor. The two other wolves that had gone missing from Virkoal
Forest. We all blinked suddenly; a long pause of silence looming overhead
before Harkell breaks it and stepped forth towards them. Arms stretched out wide
with a wide smile appearing onto his snout. “Haioh! Hazzor!" “Oh it is the
Hunter's pack." Hazzor responded, recognizing us immediately which Haioh smiled
briefly then turned his attention towards Harkell. Both wolves stepped away
from him, recalling about something smelly from him. I just chuckled and spoke
towards the pair “Where were you guys? We were all suppose to meet in Virkoal
Forest." “For a meeting? Or just to goof around?" Hazzor questioned me with a
smirk reflected onto mine as I spoke immediately to him, “Both. However." He
just chuckled in response, shaking his head while I stepped by him. For he
turned around and stay by my side as our conversation drifted from many
different topics.


In the meanwhile, my pack
had gathered around Haioh and barrage him with questions related to food. He
frowned and stepped away from everyone, wanting nothing more than to spill his
own secrets as he turned briefly towards Hazzor and me and ran over. Following
us however. Unlucky for him, my pack followed him down and continued
questioning him with more than what they had said beforehand at the gates
behind us. He frowned respondingly to them and covered his ears. Me and Hazzor
turned our attention towards the group behind us. Hazzor only smiled, chuckling
lightly as I break off from him and move towards Hazzor to protect him from my
own packmates. They got the idea and stepped away from him; keeping silence as
we move right into town.


“Things had been silence
since you had arrived into Vaster twice already." Hazzor responded trying to
get the conversation back on track while I turned towards him in response, eyes
widened with surprise as he just nodded his head, smiling faintly towards me
before turning his head back up front. “Yet in between those times, we had
silence here." “What about Canine?" Harkell questioned, bursting into the
conversation once as his eyes turned to him. Hazzor frowned and stopped
immediately; then turned towards him and shook his head which had confused them


Just as we had arrived
upon the town, we heard grunts and sounds of fighting to our right. Horizoki
and Huzizu grinned. Sprinting off from our group while they yelled about
something that was perhaps ignored by mostly everyone except for me, Hazzor and
Haioh who turned towards the pair. Expressing different emotions however. For
just as I was about to questioned the pair; Hazzor beat me to it by saying
“That being said; things were not the same when a knight had came from from the
North of Vaster. Demanding something along the lines of defeating or capturing
a werewolf that had came through here before his story had even start-" “A
werewolf? Seriously?" Havlut frowned, glancing towards Hazzor who nodded his
head “Yeah. A werewolf." “Those things do not exist in our realm, let alone
that they are fiction and just fairy tales of sorts-" “Well they are real
here." “Show us then." At the end of the conversation, Hazzor just stared at
Havlut then shift his attention to me whom I shrugged sand stated nothing.


He exhaled a breath and
closed his eyes; opening them again before turning tail and nudged his head
forward as he muttered perhaps towards himself; “Follow me." So we walked
following Hazzor. Westward from our original path which was kind of surprising
since we had never taken this path at all towards the destinations that we had
never heard of however. But regardless, we continued to walk forth until we
reached the market place. Thus right in front of us was what Havlut wanted to


Our eyes were opened
surprise to see the werewolf standing at the center of the three knights
surrounding him. A fog had rolled upon in; covering up them all. But when I
looked over towards the side; I had spotted Haioh had the fan high while we was
cooking something. A long line was in front of me with the crowd gathering
around the 'fight' that was happening right now. I faceplamed, muttering
something underneath my breath while Huzizu and Haizyo ran up towards Haioh and
demanded something. Havlut and Harkell, on the other paw, stared down onto the
impending fight unfolding before them. Even one of the two wolves rose up a
rectangular looking thing and flash a picture however. With a goofy grin
plastered onto his face; both me and Havlut glanced over to Harkell who
remained silent. I shift my attention to Hazzor who rose his shoulders and
turned away from me; glancing back onto the fight at hand.


“Alright. Before this
fight beings." I responded to the silence looming over us, “Havlut get Huzizu
and Haizyo. Horizoki; do you have a long string of rope? Go to the battle and
use that onto one of the three knights up ahead of us. It seems that the werewolf
would have no trouble beating two knights at all without breaking a sweat." At
that command; Havlut ran over to the side and grabbed onto Huzizu and Haizyo by
slamming their faces upon the surface of the stand of which Haioh was working.
He was a bit surprise upon seeing his fellow packmates however; but was used to
their antics long enough. Just as Havlut dragged both wolves across the grounds
upon his wake, Huzizu grabbed onto his waistline and pull out such said long
string of rope. He ran forth towards the battle before us and threw it at one
of the three knights. This had surprised both the werewolf and the other two
knights as their attention was shift towards Horizoki. I break into a smile,
Hazzor stared at the scenery in disbelief but shook his head laughing or
chuckling afterwards.


The knight was aware of
what had happened. Despite taking some time into processing what was committed
however. For he narrowed his eyes glaring at Horizoki who grinned at him before
departing from the battlefield with such said knight following after him. But
just as he had taken a step; the string or rope that now laid beneath him
suddenly glow white. Wrapped his feet together tightly which had forced the
knight to fall upon the ground. Unconscious? Perhaps; while I motioned for
Havlut and Harkell. Both wolves stepped forth towards the unconscious knight
infront of themselves, grabbing onto his body with their paws. Dragging them
away, removing them from the battlefield alone. While the werewolf and the two
other knights stared at us in disbelief; even the werewolf glared towards
Hazzor who just sheepishly smile and rose his shoulders, I congratulated all
three wolves while Horizoki. Horizoki, Huzizu and Haizyo rushed to regroup with
us. For upon their snouts were barber equipment that was perhaps stolen from a
nearby store or something.


I find myself staring at
the equipment in silence; then shook my head at them which they had pouted
suddenly. As they departed with tails between their legs, I turned towards
Hazzor questioning him “Where is the nearest lake or river here in Vaster?" Hazzor
just looked at me perplexed and met my eyes for a few more minutes before
raising his paw high and pointing in the opposite direction of where we were.
For upon my suddenly howl; the three idiotoic wolves ran forth and regroup with
us a second time as Hazzor frowned at us; though he tilted his head to one side
curious as to what we were going to do. But just a smirk towards Hazzor and
sealing my own snout; had him more curious as he had decided to temporarily
join us for the moment.


We sprinted across town.
Weaving left and right through the roads of Vaster; dodging dragons whom were
enjoying a nice stroll or walk or bringing their hatchlings home for whatever
reason. But upon seeing us onto the streets of Vaster; all that enjoyment was
out the window. For we had gotten some insanity response and reactions from
them. All I did was just smile at them; never waving at all while I led my pack
down one more path before we had reached the square. Perhaps it was the same as
canine however. Four streams connected to the fountain at the center of the
square. Water fills it to its brim; some of which were overflowing at the
moment's time. As I glance to the four streams, I frowned to Hazzor who raised
his shoulders again and mirrored me. But remained silent while I exhaled a
breath in response to him before turning my head forward and nodded to my
packmates. Horizoki, Haizyo and Huzizu rushed forth towards the two streams
that was closer to us.


Then immediately jump
into the streams, creating a splash that surrounded them. Moistening up the
hard floorings while they grinned and were happy. Pleased with themselves while
they continued to 'play' as Hazzor just stared at me, then towards the other
three wolves in silence. “Alright Harkell and Havlut." I commented immediately,
turning my head over to the right where both said wolves were. They smiled
faintly and in response; their heads nodding just as they stepped closer
towards the three other wolves in front of themselves. One of the two gently
but tightly bit into the knight's arm and circled once before releasing his
grip from him. Hoisting him into the air where he sail at an arc, falling into
the stream at the opposing side of the fountain. A huge splash came afterwards
as a huge tidal wave submerged from the grounds below it. Covering the sun
above us and some clouds as Havlut growled to Havlut who frowned, ears
flattening as his eyes were pin to the huge tidal wave in front of us.


It all came down
immediately and was effective however. For all four of us were dripping and
moist while the sun tried its best to keep us warm and dry. Havlut glared at
Harkell who said nothing responding to him and as he muttered something;
perhaps in a rant or something. I turned to Hazzor who was suppose to be at my
side; but was gone. I blinked surprised at this and turned my head over my
shoulder. Glancing towards Hazzor whom was upon the entrance of the square;
laid down. Ears flatten temporarily but looked to be briefly higher up and
alert for some reason. A smile drifted from my snout. But that was only briefly
when I heard a moan came from the knight. Quickly, I turned my attention
towards the stream that was far from us and sprinted down the short length.
Meeting up with the knight quickly where a sharp yelp came as a response from
him; Adjacent to him was Huzizu who threw a small pile of dirt into his face
while the wolf smirked; or looked frustrated or angry or pissed off by


As Huzizu turned his
attention towards me and suddenly changing his expression; I shook my head and
exhaled a breath for a moment. Then turned towards the other stream where
Haiyzo and Horizoki was upon and noticed that they were gone. A sharp bell rang
in the distance as all heads were rose to the horizon and glance over to where
the pair of wolves were. For there in front of us were the two; their paws were
holding bags of pool rings. Each of them were in different color of course. As
I stared at them in disbelief, yet shaking my head at the same time, laughing
however, the other wolves rushed forward to the pair of wolves. A large cloud
came following afterwards before these said wolves departed from Haizyo and
Horizoki who were upon the ground; stars spinning around them however. I sighed
and walked up towards the two; slapping their faces as they returned to
reality. Raising their heads, meeting up with mine while I just nudged them
getting them onto their feets.


For a large gathering of
sounds erupted the silence behind us and all around the square. As we turned
towards the source of that sound; including dragons and reptiles that were
close by however, spotting such said four wolves ring tossing into the knight's
head who seemed to be tied up. I glanced over to Hazzor who just walked up
towards me suddenly; a satisfied smile upon his snout as I find myself shaking
my head and exhaling with breath upon the wolf while Horizoki and Haizyo
giggled or chuckled before sprinting off from us two to join in onto the fun.
Additionally, it had seem that the other hatchlings have join in too as well as
a large gathering of mixtures of canines and reptiles were about; all ganging
up upon one knight who still seems to be screaming.


Night had fallen. It was
hours since the 'party' had begun and now it was ending quite soon. With the
hatchlings already left from the square; excitedly chatting about the 'game'
that they had played today and the prizes that came with afterwards. Thanks to
Harkell and Havlut for their quick thinking. The square was quelled with
silence that day; with crickets now chirping in the background of the night
skies. Raising my head into the horizon before us; I frowned though my ear
twitched in wonderance about that werewolf however. As my head was tilted
towards the side; I felt someone poking onto my flank and I suddenly turned
towards such said wolf. Hazzor. He smiled faintly to me; yet stating nothing
else as his eyes met up with mine. His snout was split just a moment; then
closed again afterwards while we heard Harkell spoke yelling amongst the
silence surrounding them. “Alright wolf pack; pack it up now." A collective
groans had came from each of the wolves. But they comply with Harkell.


As they packed up, I
turned to Hazzor and questioned him “So do you two want to work with us again?"
“Well Yes actually. I did miss you guys when you went home to Virkoal Forest."
“Why did you not stay with us there?" “it is not my home." He responded so
suddenly; hanging his head as the conversation ended there. Yet I was
persistent and questioned him, “So what about the werewolf then?" “The werewolf
that took on the three knights?" I nodded my head. A short silence came from
Hazzor momentarily before shaking his head and breaks into a smile so suddenly
as he spoke towards me, “I am sure that werewolf is fine. Who knows, maybe we
will meet up with him once more." “In where?"


“Everywhere." Hazzor
started as I find myself rolling my eyes so suddenly. Though I had shook my
head, I turned my attention towards my packmates as they had completely
finished up and cleaned up the square. Leaving no trace of us wellbeing, save
for the crowd of reptiles and dragons that had decided to come and join our
'game' however. But upon noticing my packmates gathering around me, I nodded
straight for Harkell and Havlut whom both mirrored me as they departed from us
immediately; the other three tailed behind the two wolves while I watched them
go for a short moment. Turning to Hazzor and muttered something, “Anything you
wanted to join us. Never hesitated. We will be looking into our next objective
onto our list." A howl came from Hazzor in response, I responded back
immediately before departing from him. Leaving to head forth towards my pack
whom were waiting for me.