Current Track: Blabb

Invane: At nuater


I yawned. Another typical boring morning with nothing to do. I swear, it was almost like a cycle beyond this point. To the point that the author had decided to become lazy with his stories and not write them at all. I let off another yawn and pulled my ears backed suddenly with my eyes suddenly closed. Opening them again only to peer out upon our surroundings. A cold wind breezed through our fur like a cold paw stroking against our furs. I shivered upon the touch, turning tail in ponderance if someone was already behind me. Alas, nothing was there. I then shook my head and got up onto my four paws. The forest was pretty dull and boring too. With the fall leaves, orange red and yellow mind you, already breaking off from their stems. Descending onto the grounds where they laid their bodies upon. It was perhaps the most boring type of morning that I would wake up too. “To each of their own, Hunter." I heard someone spoke behind me upon that thought as I whipped my head around and looked over my shoulder, glaring with a scowl upon Huzizu.


“Why are you here?" I questioned him, he shook his head “I do not know. I came from the well by the way-" “I know you came from the well. You tricked both Horizoki and Haziyo to go jump into that well thinking there be water down there." “Oh yeah…" Trailed Huzizu, his eyes widened as he had remembered. A small smile submerged upon his face as he had recalled the terrible fate that befell upon the two other wolves. I, in response, shook my head and exhaled before turning away and spoke “Regardless… We got to see if Harkell and Havlut are alright." “Already checked on them." Huzizu responded proudly which caused me to turn right towards him again with a scowl upon my face, “Really? Do you know where they are right now?" “Center of the forest?" “No. At the edge where you left them." I hissed, he stepped back in response. Fearing that I would bite upon his neck. But I did no such thing and left it at that.


Like I said, it was a boring morning day. And with all four of our other wolves already gone beyond our reaches, it would be even a more boring day for me. Not for Huzizu however. I think he was quite the opposite than me. Not that it matters anyway. A sigh escaped from my lips and I shook my head in addition, pondering between sleep or have a walk around the forest, I really could not decide at all. However, it had seemed that Huzizu was already following me from behind. Silence was upon his lips with his eyes draw forth to whatever was ahead of us. Footsteps were our only communications, but it did not last long however when we heard a voice called out from the distance behind us. “Hunter! Huzizu!" I blinked, then turned to Huzizu for what seems to be the third time. Growling at him threateningly before turning tail and gaze at whatever was behind us. Yet my eyes widened in surprise, same as Huzizu when we spotted Haziyo and Horizoki together. Already running straight for us as their cheerful expressions were met with the warmth of the rushing air coming from them. They tackled Huzizu to the ground, perhaps as revenge for tricking them, I would not know however. As Horizoki stopped in front of me, we met eyes for a bit while the silence fell between us. He would speak however after a pause and say, “Huzizu tricked us."


“I know that." I growled at him, “I already scowled at him three times consecutively this morning." His head tilted to the side as he gazed back upon me, “Three times? How do you scowl at someone that many times?" “Not that easy however…" I trailed, looking away. A red rosy blush emerged upon my cheeks as I felt flustered by the warmth and heat that was coming onto my body. With my tail tuck between my legs, I changed the subject again as I heard a yelp coming from Huzizu. “Regardless, we are to meet up with Harkell and Havlut. The poor saps must be worried sick at the edges of the forest." “So that was where they are." Responded Horizoki as he gaze back upon me. I blinked, rather in surprise at him, but said no words while he rush passed me and disappeared somewhere beyond the pair of trees. With Huzizu crying tears streaming from his eyes, I exhaled a breath and nudged Haziyo before pointing to Huzizu, “Carry him." “You mean…?" A trailed question came from his mouth, but I just nod to keep his mouth occupied for now.


Another yelp had came from Huzizu as Haziyo started dragging his leg and body across the dirt floor. Leaving a dirt deep trail behind his wake as I went to follow them. I stayed silent, shook my head and frowned. A line of thoughts emerged upon my mind, pondering about today's events. And how long did the author not wrote anymore of our stories. Although I had wanted to linger in thought some more, I returned myself back onto the reality of things and kept an eye upon Huzizu crying and Haziyo cheering and humming/whistling to himself as he continued dragging Huzizu's leg across the dirty grounds beneath us. A faint smile submerged upon my lips, but I turned around and looked over my shoulder. Staring down onto the trail of wolf fur and line. Remembering that anyone can track us rather easily, I set my paw upon the grounds and started rubbing it. It had taken a few seconds before the entire track was covered. 'But the fur…' I pondered before shaking my head and turned back around, having already noticed that both wolves were staring back onto me.


“Come on! We are to meet with them are we not?" I heard Haziyo responded to the silent winds surrounding us as I growled back towards the pair, “Slow down your excitments there. We are getting there." “Are we just in the center of the forest already? Can we not howl them over here just to save some time and effort?" “No." Haziyo argued back, bit onto his leg which caused Huzizu to cry tears a bit. “Besides, I like this fun." “This is not fun at all!" “Its punishment." “It feels torture!" Screamed Huzizu, “Good." I answered him, interrupting their game as Haziyo continued humming and Huzizu was crying. “Good" I muttered, lowering my tone to a whisper while staring down onto them from the rear end of Haziyo. I sighed and closed my eyes, shaking my head to rid of the other tortuous stuff that I came up with on the fly and just settled with Haziyo getting revenge on Huzizu instead. “Besides… There are other opportunities for me to commit the other acrs anyway." I smirked devilishly which cause fear from Huzizu as he had noticed my dark scowling.


In the end, we already made it up towards the other end of the forest where Harkell and Havlut were waiting for us. The two, of course, were drinking fancy tea as they went on their way to discuss something. Perhaps current events? I shook my head, 'nah. They would not know what happened anyway.' I answered myself mentally while Haziyo dropped Huzuzi's leg and waltz his way towards the pair. Giving off his cheerful bark, the two were startled however and temporarily stopped their conversations as their heads were turned towards the trio of wolves. Harkell groaned and facepalmed as Havlut looked quite worried at Huzizu. Yet he wanted/tempted to know what was going on. He still bite his tongue however and let Harkell speak. Committed to the act, Harkell responded to the short pause of silence, “What in wolves have you done to Huzizu?" “Nothing, just committing revenge." Haziyo responded, “ ' Revenge'?" Harkell questioned Haziyo who nodded slightly. Another facepalm reached as he inwardly groaned, shifting his attention to me. He questioned, “What had Haziyo committed revenge to with Huzizu?" “Dropped him onto the well, thinking there be water below." “Are you kidding me?" Harkell asked, a bit bewuthered. I shook my head.


No one motioned for a few seconds more before Harkell changed the subject again and spoke to us, “Where is Horizoki? I thought he be with you two by now." “Good question however." I started, gazing and shifting my head around the area we were in before settling my eyes towards Harkell, “No idea where he might be." “ 'this might be a problem…' “ Havlut muttered while Harkell turned to his clanmate and nodded silently. “ 'indeed.' “ “What might be the problem?" I asked, taking a step forward to them. Yet their sealed their snouts and kept quiet while Huizuzi spoke out of turn and changing the subject suddenly, “Hey guys… Why do I smell smoke around here?" “You do not smell smoke, you smell…" A trail of silence invoke upon the face of Harkell as his eyes slowly widened and his ears pulled back so suddenly, “FIre!" “Where!?" Exclaimed Haziyo jumping in place and ending up stepping onto Huzizu who grunted as he felt the full force of Haziyo. “ Get… off from… me… please!" He groaned in pain as he felt something cracked in his ribcage. Haziyo complied while me, Harkell and Havlut turned our attention towards the forest behind us. Realizing now that it was indeed on fire, we blinked a bit surprise by the sudden change of flow in our story as I panicked,


“Alright everyone. Get water from every source available!" I screamed at the rest of the wolves, all of which nodded their heads and frowned. But split up amongst themselves and headed each to their own direction. I ran up to the fire burning our forest down and tried spitting some of my liquid saliva upon it. It only evaporated immediately afterwards which surprised me. As I stared at it before backing off a few steps, I looked to my left after hearing some footsteps rushing forth. Spotting Huzizu and Haziyo grabbing what seems to be water bottles, shaking them and peeling off their caps before throwing them onto the forest. The fire swallowed them of course which was bad. While Huzizu and Haziyo spotted smoke rising to the blue skies above with the water suddenly evaporating, they turned tail and disappeared elsewhere. Coming back with a huge box of ice, perhaps stolen by a nearby store somewhere, I would not know just speculating however. Once again, they threw that box of ice into the burning forest and the same result happened.


“Idiots. Why do you think that the common would use such a thing to douce the flames?" I growled at them threatenly while Huzizu and Haziyo pouted, saying nothing in response to me while I Just stare at them before shaking my head again. A sigh escaped from my lips while the two wolves sat down suddenly. After them came Havlut and Harkell, they were carrying an eight oz water jug onto Harkell's back who was already complaining about the huge weight onto his shoulders. As the three of us stared with widen eyes upon the two; Havlut spun around and face us before 'presenting a show'. “Ladies and gentlewolves! I present to you… The water jug!" He introduced the jug. I tilted my head to one side in confusement while Huzizu and Haziyo clapped their paws. “This baby can douse any flame you have! Whether it be the village hut, house, tent etc. etc.!" He continued before slapping onto the side of the jug. That caused Harkell's back to crack at the extra weight and he fell with his legs spread outward. The jug, on the other paw, slipped passed his paws. Hit Havlut in the face and knocked him out while sliding onto a melting ice and slide away to the wild.


I facepalmed and exhaled, despite the snickering and laugher came from Huzizu and Haziyo. I got up onto my feet and walked up towards the pair of wolves. Tapped them onto their shoulders as they woke up suddenly, shifting their attention and eyes towards me while I scowled at them again in silence. “Seriously guys? How cocky were you that you lost the jug that easily? Did you not realized that Harkell cannot carry that must weight on him?" I growled threateningly at them despite it was just Havlut. He shook his head, pouting as he crossed his arms and exhaled in response. “Was not my fault anyway. Harkell insisted on bring that jug anyway." “Where did you guys got it from?" “An office hut." “Of course…" I muttered to myself, raising my head while rolling my eyes as I turned around. I gaze back upon Huzizu and Haziyo which the two looked gleeful upon me. With sparkles coming from their excited eyes, I looked at them with worry before shaking my head afterwards. A small pause of silence came looming over us while I spoke to them all.


“Alright. Since that did not work. We will try something else then." I growled at them, mainly towards Harkell and Havlut where the two turned their attention towards me in surprise. But kept their silent from going out of line or challenging me, I threw daggers at the two 'cocky' wolves before turning around and gaze back to Huzizu and Haziyo, “We will use sodas to fly ourselves overtop the forest where we will dump gallons of water bottles from the nearby marathon race. Perhaps then will douse the flames and save our forest." “Do you really think that would work?" Havlut questioned with a tilt of his head, but me scowling at him shrunk his head in response as silence was his only answer. Huzizu and Haziyo both nodded their heads, clearly thinking of nothing else other than pawing over some water bottles from at the marathon. “There is a nearby station, not far from where we are standing that housed what we have needed. Not to mention that they are free however." “Free!?" Exclaimed all four wolves surrounding me, “Even better than what we come up with!" Haziyo said in excitement while me, Havlut and Harkell stared at him in question.


Yet we never brought it up however while I clapped my paws together and pointed to the Northern direction. “Follow me then." “Hopefully we do not run into any runners. Or officials in this case." I heard Havlut muttered to himself while Harkell nodded in silence. “Hopefully we do not. Even more so that they do not hold any shotguns or any type of guns in this case too." “Shotguns and guns in general?" Spoke Harkell as he stared at me. But I kept quiet and moved on with Huzizu and Haziyo following close behind me. We left the two to their own cases as they stood there for a moment, wrapped up upon their own minds and thoughts however. However recalling that we were leaving them behind, they rushed forth and chased after us. Later on regrouping as we approached the road. “This is more like a dirt road than an actual road." Commented Harkell, “Indeed." Huzizu muttered underneath his breath before shifting his attention towards me, questioning “SO where is this stand anyway?" “Close by and over to the right. Although another one stands some feet far from where we stand also." I responded to Huzizu who silently nodded as he got up onto his feet, speaking “Then me, Harkell and Havlut will head towards that stand then. You guys have fun." “More likely you guys however…" I heard Huizu mutter to himself before I silenced him with a growl.


The three of us headed along the dirty path. Towards some distance where we spotted the stand. It was just as I had predicted. The brown stand had forty water bottles. All filled to the brim. I grinned confidently before nodding to Huzizu and Haziyo who gave nothing while the pair of them headed out. Appearing in front of the clark who was behind them after all. The clark was human alright. White skin, brown hair. His shirt looked ugly however. It was no wonder that he had an orange apron on himself as if he was going to cook something like pie or… 'Great. I am getting hungry.' I thought while my stomach started growling. I held it tight before cutting across the road. Crouched down so my stomach was hitting against the pale grounds underneath me, I slowly crawled my way up towards the clark. Then bit him in the pants and yank him away. He screamed before disappearing into the plains somewhere behind us. Huzizu and Haziyo started clapping, but I growled at them while taking as much bottles as I could. The same goes for the two other wolves. When we think we had enough or at least empty out the shelf, we made a break for it. We started wobbling on hind legs, cutting across the road and made it back upon the forest grounds where we laid all of the water bottles we had upon the flooring.


We heard footsteps behind us. My attention was turned towards them and slightly smiled, seeing the two other wolves having the other forty more. All laid upon the ground, gathered up with the forty that we had. I spoke of the next plan in mind, “Great. With eighty bottles, we should we able to douce the flames now. We just need sodas to complete the job." “Sodas?" Questioned Huzizu glancing at me with a tilt of his head, adding on “How and where can we get sodas? Especially at the forest like this?" “I think the village might spares us some?" Harkell responded, “I doubt it." I heard Huzizu growled at him. The four wolves started bickering one another. With snarls and growls that rise towards the blue skies above us as I exhaled and shook my head. I break from the group and walked towards one of the many bottles, untwisted its cap and poised myself. “Or we can do it the old fashion way and throw these waters into the fire from the side?" “Er…" Came a stream of voices and I smiled pleased with myself as they went to unscrew the remaining thirty nine caps. At the very end however, we all line up with our bottles and started throwing them inside.


After forty bottles later, nothing had happened. We just littered and burned the forest down instead. A groaned escaped my lips as I closed my eyes again and hanged my head. Looking down onto the grounds beneath me. We had lost all hope it seems. “We should perhaps just look for another forest grounds and take that instead?" Huzizu suggested, “But this is what Order and Chaos gave to us? Why would we want to abandoned it already?" Screamed Haziyo. The two wolves started bickering and arguing against one another again while Harkell and Havlut flatten their ears to mute the adjacent sounds they were hearing. As I turned towards them and slightly nod, the silence had came upon my word. None of them responded however. Not a joke. Not a snark remark. Nothing. Having realizing we failed, I muttered something underneath my breath before nodding to Huzizu, “What forest do you have in-" “Stop!" We heard a scream, I got startled that I flinched suddenly and all our attention was towards Horizoki.


Sparks flew in all directions as stars started twinkling about. We all looked at him in surprise yet confuse at the same time as Horizoki stepped off the stage that he perhaps already built and spoke to us. “I have an idea." He held up his idea. “That looks like a…" Trailed Haziyo while he raised his paw towards it. Havlut finished it for him, “A fire hydrant." “Wait a second, what are you going to do with a fire hydrant?" Growled Harkell, eyes sparkling with doubt while I nodded following him, curious on my own however. “Ah do not worry your pretty little heads." He started and shoved the hydrant upon the grounds adjacent to him. Horizoki then stepped to the side, grabbed onto the side of the hydrant and turned it. Suddenly, water started spilling from it. All at a fast motion. We stared at the waters as it douse the flames. Cleaning the forest grounds later on. We cheered and celebrated. Even hosting Horizoki into the skies above us as we continued on. However, in the mists of our celebration, I stopped and spoke towards everyone else.


“Guys." They turned to me, “If the flames are douse. Then what do we do with the fire hydrant and the waters already moistening our forest trees and such?" “Oh shit!" Exclaimed Horizoki after a few moments of realization as he ran up towards the hydrant and grabbed onto the side, pushing it back into place. But he could not for the waters kept spilling outward, hitting trees and branches alike. And thus in the end, created a flood. We all groaned, but me and Harkell scowled at Horizoki who shrinks in embarrassment. As we all looked on with defeat in our eyes, we decided to turn tail and ran for Order. Hoping that the dragons would understand in protecting us from the raged foxes. So thus, we ran with the wind. Southward and away from the sunrise/sunset. Heading home down towards the city where we hope that the dragons would be there.