Current Track: Blabb

12. Unforeseeable Face to Face

Usually, when Jack doesn't want to stay in his cage too long, he takes his camera, and goes outside. And as soon as he saw something that caught his eye, he took its picture and put it in his notebook. And even today, it was that he was doing during a walk in a park.

Now, he was sitting on a bench. Suddenly he saw a ray of sunlight pass through, then darken the foliage of a tree. Immediately, he pointed the lens at the stage, and pressed the shutter release. The film immediately came out of the camera. For now, this one was still black, but it would brighten up soon.

Suddenly, someone else sat down on the bench, Jack then had the reflex to turn to his side. It's not what he didn't want to be watched, it's just that he didn't want to be disturbed, and even less that we talk to him.

On his side, Cyrus stretched out, and got his breath back. The walk was short, but it got him a little tired. Looking around, he noticed that he was not alone on the bench, and that he knew this person. From the back, he saw a dense black mane wherein could be distinguished a braid. Although he didn't show it, the mouflon was stunned: no doubt, it was certainly the lion of the party.

Jack was watching the result of the film. Unfortunately, the final result didn't have the desired light. Enough to make him sigh with annoyance. So, he wondered what he could photograph now.

And looking around him, he noticed that he was no longer the only one sitting on the bench and that he had already seen this figure, and especially this broken horn. The lion was also astonished, because of all the places where he thought he'd find again this mouflon, the park was far down his list. However, he didn't turn around. In his mind, if he didn't react to his presence, the bovine would have no reason to call out to him.

Now Cyrus didn't know what to do, because he felt the feline had seen him, and conversely. Should he greet him? Or leave? For if he didn't want to disturb him, he was also curious to know him. If they were reunited, there was bound to be a reason. So, he got going, shy: “Err… hello."

Although the lion stayed still and silent, Cyrus sustained his momentum: “Err… it'd seem it's not the first time we see ourselves… Isn't it?"

Knowing that he was no longer going to be able to ignore the mouflon, Jack reluctantly replied: “No, but it might well it's the last one."

“Oh, please, no need to be so curt. Can I at least know what's your name… please?"

The feline hesitated a little, and then resolved to answer: “Jack. Here, happy?"

“Could not happy more, yes. My name is Cyrus. Delighted to know you"

“Delighted? Meh, it's not the first thing we say about me, when we meet me."

“Oh yes, why?"

“Well, usually, we call me what's-his-name. thing, or the other guy."

“Oh. It's not very nice."

“Perhaps, but I used to."

Now that he had the attention of the feline, Cyrus asked, kindly: “So, err… how are you?"

However, it was the silence which spoke up for itself. “Alright, mister doesn't seem very talkative. Very well, you haven't heard the last of me." The bovine thought, determined.

“And except this, what brings you here?" Cyrus resumed even more.

“Nothing which may interest you."

“Oh, alright. And what do you do for a living?"

“You don't need to know."

“Very well. Except this, what do you do to kill time?"

“I stare at the ceiling during hours, AND I'M BORED S—"


This time, the lion turned to the mouflon. This one continued to stare at him, the fiery gaze. Although the feline growled in his throat, Cyrus remained unperturbed. Jack then realized that he had found an opponent as tough as him.

“You may have guessed why I'm so insistent."

“I know, but I don't give a shit."

“Rooh, seriously? We are not even allowed to talk to someone?"

“Oh yes. But when the person in front of you don't want to talk, no."

“Yeah. Well, it's not very kind."

“Exactly, I'm not trying to be kind. And even less making conversation with a stranger. Now, if you'll excuse me—"

“STRANGER?! WE SAW OURSELVES AT THIS PARTY TWO DAYS AGO, AND YOU EVEN EYE ME UP. Thus… don't pretend like you don't know."

Jack was about to attack again, but he recanted. On his side, Cyrus regained his composure. It was pointless to get angry because he knew his share of the blame in this situation, but he didn't understand how one could be that stoic in front of this.

“Yes, I watched you. But I did it without any attachment, 'cause I didn't think I'd see you again two days later. And in any case, I didn't intend to."

“Listen, me too, I didn't think I'd see you again. But let's admit it's quite a coincidence, no?"

“Meh, nothing to write home about, either."

“Oh, please. Can you say it's destiny which wanted to bring us together a second time?"

“No, and even less than my whole life's influenced by stars and planets."

“Anyway, it's a pleasure to talk with you."

“I recognize the sarcasm, but I already told you, I'm not-trying to be kind."

“Very well, I won't tell you anything more."

“You do that. At least, it will save you from making me lose my time."

In response to this hostility, Cyrus sighed, annoyed. There was no point in insisting. Slanderous as he was, the feline wasn't going to tell him anything on his person. He then tried to find another topic of conversation when he saw the camera in the lion's paw. Which gave him an idea.

“Before I forget, could I k—"


“What? No, no! It's your private life, you do as you wish. No, I just want to know what brand was your camera?"

He was expecting an even more personal question, Jack was dumbstruck. By reflex, his fingers were sticking on the device. “I know it's a silly question, but I've never seen one like this one before. Err… it doesn't bother you; I hope."

Although they have been looking at each other for several good minutes; from then on, Jack guessed curiosity in the bovine's green eyes. Obviously, he wasn't trying to manipulate him, he just wanted an answer. “Err, no, you may be the second person to ask me this." He underlined, nostalgic. Feeling the burden of his pupils, the feline didn't leave him languishing longer.

“To answer your question, it’s a Fujifilm Instax Mini 11.”


“Yes, it’s right.”

“But… it's not any easier to use a phone to take photos?"

“It'd be much easier, yes. But I don't use it to preserve memories. I only use it to catch a light, a landscape, an atmosphere, anything which could inspire me for future drawings."

Faced with this revelation, Cyrus was amazed.

“You, you draw?"

“Yes, mainly landscapes. I find myself quite good, by the way. However, I really suck when it's about making portraits."

After a passing doubt, the mouflon asked: “Do you… do you think you can teach me?"

At the time, Jack froze. Until now, no one except the second person had been interested in his talent. And all of a sudden, this sheep showed up, and in addition to being friendly, he seemed enthusiastic and even ready to learn. It could only be a bad joke.

“You're really serious?"

“Really serious."

“Listen, it won't be feasible, 'cause I don't have the look, or the charisma, or the teacher's patience."

“Oh Jack, how can you know if you didn't even try?!"

This last reply had the effect of an electroshock, for there was only one person who kept this sentence bringing up, as a child. Thus, although he had not yet accepted the offer of the bovine; nevertheless, he wanted to test his motivation.

“Alright, you score a point. But know that, if I do that, I want something in return."

“Something in return? Like what, err… cash?"

“But no, no. It wo-uld be too easy. This way, I mean a favor or something which could arouse my interest."

Faced with this poser, Cyrus reflected about the offer he was going to offer him. Seeing him grimace, Jack giggled: “I wish you luck because I'm far from easy to please."

Suddenly he had the revelation. “Err... Tell me Jack… can you play piano?" Cyrus asked, uncertain.

Here, it was the feline that was caught off guard, for even though he was passionate about music and almost self-taught, the piano was perhaps the only instrument that he was unfamiliar with.

“No, and yet, there's no shortage. I mean, I've practiced lots of instruments before, but never piano."

“Well, it'll be the opportunity for both of us to learn something. You teach me to draw, and in return, I teach you to play piano. It's a two-way street, no?"

Although Jack couldn't help but look for the mishap, he couldn't find one. Is it because this exchange was fair? Or just because that sheep was a skilled negotiator? He couldn't put his finger on it, but it didn't matter here.

“Hmmm. Yeah… Yeah, it seemed honest as deal."

“So, we got a deal?"

Jack stared at his paw and finally shook it: "Deal." And although they couldn't yet affirm it, both felt that this handshake marked the beginning of a strange adventure.