Current Track: Blabb

Treter: West


So it had fallen to
morning where the sun was high into the air; the rays touching the grounds,
walls and all of its surroundings. We were walking down the street, minding our
own business however. Noticing that the reptiles and canines were gathered
around upon this street. Chatters and talks conversed as it filled the streets
with their voices, filled up into the mid air surrounding themselves and us
while our attention was drawn towards each of them.


It had seem that each of
their conversations were of a certain topic. What that topic was is very
unknown for myself and perhaps for the others together with me too it had
seemed. For often times than not, we usually find ourselves tilting our heads
to one side in question. Whether or not were their topic related things were
directly upon ourselves or to any of the f actions within Canine and Reptile
realm. But I shrugged, exhaling a breath before continuing on while the others
tailing behind me continued walking down the road in silence.


For surprise, no one had
talked to me or to one another in whispers. All eyes were directly towards my
backside as I often glance back towards them in tow. Wyott, Wovan, Wivian and
Whitti had said nothing in turn as their eyes were direct upon my own. I frowned
upon them in response, before splitting my snout questioning them “Why are you
all silent sudden? Where are all the talks that you used to do?" “it is too
loud in here." Commented Wivina with a frown of her own, flattening her ears as
she glanced towards me whom I had met my eyes upon before shaking my head and
turned around; facing the horizon again before resuming to walk afterwards. We
had continued walking down this road for a few more seconds or minutes;
watching as the reptiles and canines bypassed us by completely ignoring us as
their conversations had grew louder and more frequent it had seemed.


Yet I had stopped. I did
not know why however. But it had something to do with one particular
conversation that I had been hearing lately. For suddenly, I turned my head
over to the source of that conversation where I had spotted that deer standing
by at the sidewalk. A noticeable smirk or smug was upon her lips as she called
out towards the roaring talkative crowd before her whom no one had noticed
except for ourselves. Suddenly, my surprise or curious look were replaced by
growls and something else while I walked over towards the deer and spoke, lowly
perhaps towards a mutter I guess. The deer had taken noticed of me and smiled;
that smugness or smirk faded away. We had met eyes only briefly before she held
her hoof down and lay it upon the grounds a few inches away from where I was
sitting upon. We all stared onto it, yet I rose my eyes to meet her while she
explained what she was selling however.


“This is an magical bean.
While it does not grant any wishes, it does sprout items objects and things
that the user had wishes! Whether it be fame! Riches! Or killing someone!"
“This is insane!" I exclaimed interrupting her completely as she fell completely
silent and turned her head back towards me, once again meeting my eyes as she
began to smirk again. That sense of confidence which had me flinched suddenly
and I take a step back. That growls or narrowed dark looked I once had, washed
away and replaced with something different. My ears flattened against my own
skull while the deer responded to my silence. “Well if you think this is
insane, try it for free then?" “Sure!" Startled Wovan and Wivina as they were
handed one seed from her. They backed off towards my line, their heads hanged
while staring at the such object beneath the surface of their paws,  a stupid looking smile plastered upon their
faces while I glanced to the two coyotes, frowned before growling back at the


She held her paws up and
laughed so suddenly, responding to my growl “You lose Wissyon. Even your
packmates have been completely under my spell." “They will not use it for their
own greedy things!" I exclaimed, huffing while turning my head towards the others,
growling and nudging at Wovan and Wivina whom whined but compelled with me,
walking forward down the road as I glanced back over my shoulder. Glaring at
the deer suddenly whom waved back to my group before returning to the sale at
hand. We once again hear her voice called out into the loud conversational
group surrounding her. But it had seem that she had no luck however. As her
voice fades into the distance where only the silence welcomed us instead, I
immediately slapped upon Wovan's paws, knocking the seed upon the grounds
between us. Wovan was surprise; but he never reacted at all as his head hanged
to stare at the see below us. Then raised his head high and responded, “Should
we eat the seed?" “What makes you say that however?" I exclaimed, shocked by
his suggestion. “Sure," Responded Wivina and Wovan dropped his head and picked
up the said seed from the ground with his paw. Raising himself up and opening
his mouth, preparing to eat such said seed.


However, Wivina knocked
the seed from his paws which had startled him suddenly while he had glanced to
where the seed had landed then back towards Wivina who faintly smiled.
Commenting, “You should not eat seeds like that. Raw." I exhaled a breath of
relief, silently thanking Wivina for having such common sense in this time of
insanity. “You should have it with salt!" “Do not dare!" I growled at her
suddenly, stopping her from whatever she was doing. Wivina smiled faintly, ears
sprayed backwards while her eyes glanced anywhere else besides myself as I had
found my growling vibrating underneath my throat. This confrontation had last a
few seconds when Wyott had stopped both of us however, getting in between
ourselves and interrupting something that had sparkled between us. While I just
huffed and looked away, Wivina blushed and hanged her head staring at the
grounds below us. For she was unable to say anything upon the following silence
looming above us with Wyott glancing at both me and Wivina in silence, shaking
his head and exhaling a breath afterwards before muttering something underneath
his breath that was hard for both of us to even hear him say.


Disregarding him, I
stepped towards Wivina and licked her face. She immediately turned towards me,
eyes bulged and widened as I had stopped immediately and said nothing back
towards her. For in the silence, we held our gaze upon one another before I
snapped it away and glanced towards Wovan who was glancing at the seed upon the
ground a few inches away from where I had slapped it away from Wivina's paws
suddenly. I started stepping towards him; yet Wyott had stopped him however. I
turned towards him, he suddenly shook his head and take the lead instead.
Walking up adjacently towards Wovan who snapped his attention towards him.


The two talked for a
while. Their conversation held between themselves and completely oblivious to
everyone else that was surrounding them. When Wovan nodded his head to Wyott,
he smiled in response before nodding his head in acknowledgement before turning
back around and faced both me and Wivina. Both of us were a bit surprise by
him. But that was gone from my own face as it was suddenly replaced by a smile
so suddenly however. Thus shaking my head, I walked up towards the pair of
Coyotes rejoining upon the group held between them before responding “We should
get back at that deer again." “But do you think we can sell this at a
reasonable price? It perhaps maybe worth something." “Like how much?" I
questioned Wovan who fell silent before shrugging again, frowning follows which
I mirrored at him before turning to Wivinia who had said nothing responding to
the group however.


Onto this silence was
when I shook my head and laughed a bit. Or rather chuckled, I guess. I could
not really control myself at the moment however and I really do not even cared
about it either. Regardless, I nodded my head and spoke towards my group “Fine.
We will sell this for ten bucks." “Ten deers!" Responded Wovan while Wivinia
and Wyott licked their lips, making it moist so suddenly as all their eyes
watched me with interest upon their eyes and I smiled back upon each of them,
nodding silently. “Yes. Ten bunks is fine I guess. Just enough to fill
ourselves and take revenge against her instead." For onto that moment, we
retrace our steps back towards the market.


The sun was hanging at
its apex above us by the time we had returned to the market once again. We were
a bit surprise into seeing more reptiles and canines here; all gathered upon
the crowded space surrounding them. We all halted our steps; just stopping
outside of the market however and I spoke towards the others “Quick. Fine the
deer. Let just see if she is there." “Does not look like it however." Responded
Wovan, cupping his eyes with his paws and glance out towards the horizon before
him. “Agreed." “Aforative." Responded Wovan and Wivinia as I find myself
frowning upon them, shaking my head and exhaled a breath before returning my
sights upward front back towards the crowded place before us. “Fine. Guess we
are doing this the hard way then." I started, perhaps muttering more towards
myself than to my packmates surrounding me. For we walked forth towards the
entrance gates of the market and entered right inside.


Thus our visions had
turned dark so sudden and quick that Wovan and I flinched upon Wivina screaming
so loudly upon our ears. Whereas we had flattened them and narrowed our eyes
upon her, yet she had continued for some strange reason. We had halted our steps
and remained in place while we all turned towards Wivina. She found herself
shaking violently as her tail was between her legs, ears flattened upon her
skull and her fur standing on one end. “Calm down Wivina! It is just the
crowded reptiles and canine surrounding us." “Say." Wovan questione with him
and Wyott patting her back and licking her cheek to comfort her, “Why did all
of them arrived here? Even at the same time too?" “That is a good question." I
responded, although I never had an answer. For I had became quiet, my own ears
flattened while my eyes hanged around upon the grounds below me. Wyott and
Wovan turned their heads over to me and I shook my own, unable to answer them.


“I do not really know
actually." “That is a surprise." Responded Wovan, muttering mostly to himself
with Wyott chuckling adjacently to him. I rolled my eyes upon them, shake my
head and walked up towards Wivina who raised her head high to meet me before raising
herself to her feet, knocking both coyotes to the grounds that were adjacent to
her before nodding, acknowledging me “Ready!" “Alright." I responded with no
hesitation turning around and resumed my walk forward. The others tailed me as
the short silence loomed over us to which I had spoken toward them suddenly,
“We had wasted a bit of time trying to comfort Wivina however. The deer had an
advantage over us in terms of distance. So, I guess we will resort towards
tactics for now." “What is the plan then?" Questioned Wovan with Wyott and
Wivina nodded their heads silently at me to which I nodded back upon them and
spoke again, “We will just hang around the rooftops this time around. They
surely will give us the advantage in height than distance however." “Since our
visions will be enhanced greatly." Commented Wyott with a smile, realizing the


So we all split up
suddenly. I take the Northeastern building that was closest to where we were.
Wyott took the building opposite of where 
I was heading towards. Wovan started for the building a bit further away
from both of ours altogether and Wivina started for the west, heading down a
couple of complex roads. Bumping into a couple of reptiles and dragons while
making her way forth towards the building she had desired. When all of us had
arrived upon the apex of the buildings together, we rose our heads high into
the blue skies before us and cast our eyes down upon the roads beneath us where
we had gazes upon the roads as they intersection with one another. The streets
were empty of that deer. For only the reptiles and canines were still there,
gathered amongst themselves so it had seemed.


With conversations
roaring in volume and reaching upon the blue sunny skies hanging above us, I
exhaled a breath and closed my eyes as my ear flinched upon hearing Wovan
howled out into the air signaling us. “Move up!" Everyone moved a building that
was adjacent to them; once again looking down onto the streets searching for
our target. But it had seemed, like last time too, that the deer was nowhere to
be found. Gone was she from the streets and the crowd that was increasingly
gathered amongst the street. It was getting a bit more difficult each time too
when we had tried to find her. At Wovan's signal again, we repeated our course
of action. Trying to search for the deer. But to no avail. We had tried the
park; the sea beaches that was far eastward from the city. The plains that was
upon the outskirts of the city. The streets Northward, Northwestward and South.
But nothing.


It was as if the deer had
completely vanished out of sight.


Upon which; Wovan and
Wivina just growled as their eyes stared out into the horizon before them. Then
back towards me. I shook my head, shook in disbelief. Yet I was surprise into
seeing that such a target. Like the deer we are targeting however, would fade
from society like that. Gone like the ghost fading from a haunted mansion or
something along that line. As I growled lowly, a thought popped onto my mind
and I suddenly glanced towards Wovan and Wivina as they turned towards me
suddenly. “ I have an idea. If she is not here. We should try the outskirts of
the city. Try out Liverpaw's place or Virkoal Forest for example. Looking
towards the forest that were not known to the public by either Vaster or Canine
however. We have to find her quickly!" Each of them nodded their heads and
immediately ran through the streets, fading from my eyes as they turned the


For onto that moment, I
just exhaled a breath. Closed my eyes to clear my mind a bit before opening
them afterwards as I returned back towards the reality of things. The reality
of the city street of which I stand on however and I found myself shaking my
head, breaking into a smile before tailing them. Just by running down the roads
where as we had found ourselves, exchanging road after road. Bypassing familiar
buildings, reptiles and even canines. There was even a silvery werewolf here
too however that was minding its own business however. We completely ignored
that werewolf and just moved onward, until we had reached the entrance of the
city itself. Where we had take a step forward, exiting the city altogether and
returning our steps back upon the opened plains before ourselves. I take a long
deep breath, exhaling relieved upon feeling the freshly cold crispy air
surrounding us however as to which Wovan gave a nod of his head. The other
coyotes nodded in acknowledgement, complying with the earlier order that I had
given beforehand. For thus immediately, they had all split up.


Once more; Wovan had went
Northward towards our home forest. Wyott returned to Liverpaw's home hoping to
see if the deer was there. Wivina was left besides me, sat down upon the grassy
plains underneath her while her eyes stretched into the blue peaceful horizon
before her with the silence looming over us instead. In all honestly, there
really is not much to say beyond this point however, right? Considering that
the deer, hypothetically had escaped somewhere where any of us would had not
yet uncovered upon our vast realm upon us. I just suddenly exhaled a breath and
once more closed my eyes and laid upon the soft grounds below me. Wivina was a
bit surprise by this gesture that she turned her head over to me. But I was
oblivious to her however.


I find myself staring at
the horizon before me. A silence looming over us as if neither of us had
nothing else to say upon this point. My ears flickered, listening to the
soundless ringing that was echoing in my ears while an exhale of a breath
drifted from my snout. Something that Wivian had grew to annoyance however as I
had felt something touching my arm. I immediately turned towards to whom was
there; a bit surprise into seeing her still there, lingering besides me. Our
eyes met suddenly; yet I narrowed my eyes upon her and growled “Why had you not
head into other forests then? Why are you here?" “There are not other forest
besides our own, have you already forgotten that?" She answered me. I fell to
silent watching her then shake my head, chuckling “I guess I did had
forgotten." I responded immediately and with no hesitation from me to which she
breaks into a smile, returned her gaze back up upon the horizon. And we were
silent once more.


By evening's hour; Wyott
and Wyott had returned from their trips. Regrouping together with us. I gaze
towards them just as they had ran forth through the fields with their tongues
lingering outward from their snouts. I had wanted to laugh upon their antics,
but I kept a stone hard face while I barked towards the two just as they were
closed enough upon us. “What have you two found? Where is she?" “Surprisingly,
she is gone from Virkaol Forest. There is abandoned based westward from Virkoal
Forest. It was covered up with leaves, trees and among other stuff as well. I
fear that someone else might use it for their own benefits." “Something like a
foothold upon this realm?" Wivina questioned Wyott who gave a nod towards her,
immediately frowning. I shake my head, growling to gain all three's attention
as they returned their heads back towards me, I returned back onto the topic at
hand. Questioning them about the base and such and what was upon and inside it.
They had answered all immediately and no hesitation for confidence was behind
their voices. Onto which I had smiled only faintly, before exhaling a breath
and returned my gaze towards Wivina “Guess we will have to find out where she
is right now then and…" I trailed, glancing to both Wyott and Wovan. Both of
which had flinched upon my gaze as I raised my paw towards them and spoke, “And
destroy the two bases that you both have found."