Current Track: Blabb

Treter: On Cause


We had no words after
hearing that devastating attack. For words never came from our own mouths as we
just stared upon the canine that was in front of us of whom had delivered the
news straight towards us. I had wanted to growl; curse or do something to
remove my own thoughts away from such a thing. But my mind was preoccupied with
it however. For it was rather impossible to look to somewhere else.


As the silence had loomed
over us with the birds chirping somewhere in the background, I growled so
suddenly that it had startled everyone else. They turned to me; my eyes
narrowed towards the canine in front of me. Ears flatten against my own head;
darkness formed upon the surface of my own face. Yes, I was that angry. That
suddenly, I barked loud towards my own packmates whom were startled again and
shift their attention back towards me. Eyes widen, opposite of my anger and
aggressiveness, yet none of them said or spoke anything at all which had
allowed me to continue.


“Find him and bring him
straight here into the opening fields of the plains." I started without
hesitation as the words blurted out so suddenly that I had no hesitation or
time to even ponder as to what I had just spat from my own mouth. For I watched
the others nodded their heads; stating nothing upon their snouts as they
drifted off from me. Peeling themselves away from the pack and headed off into
different directions. For they scattered themselves immediately as I turned
towards the canine behind me. He had looked equally as frightened however that
I could see the color of his fur turned a brighter shade of color. For his eyes
widened; ears straightened out as if he was poised to flee at the moment's
notice. But I just stared at him; snorted and shook my head before departing
from him. Still angry about the sudden shocking news that he had brought upon
that I had wished I could had just killed him then. 'But that would makes us
criminals' My subconscious suddenly spoke. I ignored it otherwise.


For those who are reading
this; having no idea what was going on. Let me clue you all in. It is really
that simple however. Virkoal Forest has a mass murderer killing. I did believe
from the news that was spread; many of the canines that had attended Virkoal
Forest had perished. Who could say that even Hunters themselves had so as well.
Ending their series right there and then upon their deaths? I just chuckled at
that however; though it was just soft and to a whisper. I still felt aware of
my own isolated surroundings. Fearful about someone that would noticed my
ponderings and come to take me away from the plains otherwise.


But glancing around the
place; there seem to be nothing here. The plains were empty and isolated at
best. For the inhabitants of canines were perhaps getting along upon their own
way however. I just shook my head and prevented not to hear my own thoughts
just say that while I just ran off into a random direction, fleeing from the
spot of where I had stood to get along with whom the culprit is about. Onto my
understanding; I had believed that it was just five of the canine species. If,
by the chance, it was not them. By proof of evidence that does point to the
reptiles or anyone else other than the canines or by the gossip and rumors that
were already spreading in canine, then I will take action.


But regardless of my own
ponderance, I just kept moving straight ahead upon the direction that I had
chosen. Whereas the plains drifted passed me, the forest grounds swaying by my
own running winds as I drifted passed them. I continued passed upon the edges
of the forest beside me. Into the deeper ends of the plains where Wyott was
standing there. Glancing at the grounds beneath himself, staring at the
yellowish color beneath him. I had called out towards him; his ears picked up
and he glanced over. Meeting my eyes. I walked up towards him; but also glanced
towards the other parts of where he was at. Having noticed that the plains was
empty. Nothing here was a bit interesting and worth for our own time however.


He rose his head and
spoke towards him; a curious look was upon his face as I glanced back towards
him. “I had found some footsteps here. They lead circling the forest that we
had just ran by of." “From the forest behind us?" I questioned him, pointing my
snout over my shoulder; pointing in the general direction of where I had
believed it to be which Wyott nodded his head. “Yeah. Surprisingly or not, he
did came from there. Then circled around and came back; but never reentered the
forest again." I turned back towards him; a long silence was between us. But I
just nodded my head with a drift of a smile coming from my own snout “Then lets
find where this tracks go then." “How were the others?" “I would not know." I
responded, dipping my snout low and sniffing at the grass beneath us.


Indeed, Wyott was right
however. I could smell a distinctive smell from the grass beneath me. It was
between something rotten and pleasant. Although I would not know what is what;
considering that I had never taken a bath before. Shaking my head at that distracting
thought and upon the words of Wyott behind me, I just ignored him and kept my
head low. Continuing sniffing the grass before speaking towards the coyote
behind me, “Come. This way then." “Towards the South?" He questioned,
“Bypassing the forest." I commented, he just nodded without hesitation as I
raised my head and sprinted through the plains with him following me behind.


Just as planned, we
bypassed the forest. Heading a bit further away from our starting point behind
us whereas the plains was somehow getting shorter however. An introduced color
was before us too that somehow clashes with the yellow and greens that surrounded
us. “A color of white." I heard Wyott muttered to himself, yet loud enough for
me to hear him. I gave a soft nod towards him as we continued moving a bit
further. From the forest grounds that was now behind us, drifting far as we
move deeper through the plains. Till it was gone behind us. All we had left was
the plains itself; which somehow turned from greenish or yellowish to not white
and a bit of red sprinkled at rare locations surrounding us. Wyott takes notice
of the red sprinkled and drifted himself closer towards them. Lowering his
snout down to sniff upon them, before raising his head. Turned his attention to
me and said, “These red paint are fresh somehow." “Our killer must had carried
the blood of the canines out of the forest and towards somewhere else then." I
commented, “Think it was the hunters?" Questioned Wyott, a sudden popping
suggestion which I shook my head. “If either of them had gotten insane and
murdered everyone in Virkoal Forest. I would not be surprise if it was indeed
them." A short pause, then I answered Wyott's concerning look “By them, I meant
the Hunters."


Silence came from either
of us as we followed the trail of red paint further. Getting deeper through the
plains as our eyes rose towards the horizon; glancing to where the sun was now
sinking into the line too. With the last of its ray faded from the world and
the temperature rapidly dropping, I shivered and closed my eyes while giving
off an exhale of a breath before opening them again. At Wyott's concern again,
I gave off a smile towards him as we continued advancing through the plains at
the evening's light however. But getting further from the forest and the realms
themselves, we heard nothing but the slight ringing noise into our own ears. It
was something that Wyott had stopped so suddenly that he blinked; flinching
with his eyes so closed as I stopped some steps ahead of him before turning
back, gazing at Wyott in silence.


Watching him as he glance
at both his sides. Looking for that slight ringing that echoed in his ears. He
had looked so panicked and stressed about it with his ears flattened upon his
skull. I just chuckled softly at him and stepped close towards his; decreasing
the distance between us while I spoke almost to a whisper. “Calm down, Wyott.
It is just your inner ringing." “Our inner ringing?" Started Wyott with a frown
as his eyes now turned towards me again. I gave off a nod to him and smiled.
With the silence between us again and the ringing, he claims is now gone,
faded, we continued a bit further until we had stopped.


For Wovan and Wivina were
in front of us; eyes up into the black skies. Watching the stars and the moon
danced before them. They had looked happy for some strange reason as if they
had nothing to care about the realm surrounding them. With their tails wagging
behind themselves, me and Wyott walked forth towards them. Then raised a paw
high; dropping it down onto their bodies as they flinched. Turned around and
rose up to their feet. Wyott started laughing with the two coyotes in front of
us glaring at him. But I shook my head following them and spoke, getting right
into the point therein. “What have you guys found? Why are you guys here also?"
“Just about to ask you the same questions, Whitti." Responded Wovan as his eyes
turned to me. “We had found nothing when we came to this spot of the isolated
plains." Commented Wivina, flattening his ears glancing back towards me which I
gave a nod to him. Yet he followed that up with, “Yet how we came here. We just
followed the blood that was carried from an unknown location, westward from our
starting position." “What 'Unknown location' ?" Wyott blurted out while the two
glance to him answering his question.


The pair had claimed to
be from a cabin that was nearby the forest. Blood trails appeared behind the
cabin leading it straight here. But as I thought over that statement, the more
questions appeared onto my own head. As somehow I felt myself tilted to the
side at the statement physically which had caused the three other coyotes to
turned over to me, glancing at me with those hard on stares as I glance
responding to them. “What were inside the cabin?" “Nothing." Responding the
two, “The cabin was locked from the inside. So that was why we had to look
around the perimeter of the cabin, hoping to find a key." “And that was how you
two found the blood trails instead?" Started Wyott, Wovan and Wiviana nodded
their heads suddenly which both me and Wyott glanced at one another and nodded
too. “Guess that does explain it." Wyott comment and I spoke to them, “Well…
Where is the key then?" “We were hoping that the blood trails would lead us to
it. But it had indeed ended here." Commented Wovan, lowering his head upon the
plains beneath him. With the silence following all four of us, I exhaled a
breath before nodding my head, “Then I guess we can find that key then."


Upon everyone's nodding
head, we all split up from one another. Stretching our cover far from the
center meeting point which was deep within the plains. Passing whatever was
behind us. And in front of another forest grounds. I continued heading
Northward. I was alone for now however as my partner whom was always coming
with me had drifted to somewhere else now I had guessed. As of Wovan and
Wivina, the two went off towards the South and East. Yet neither of them
entered the forest grounds that was in front of us. The forest itself was
something of interest that I had yet to explore about and somehow, I did find
myself glancing back towards it for some strange reason. I shook my head each
time too and just focused upon my own job. But something in the forest was
calling out towards me; something like a voice or a song or something.


I frowned; wanting
nothing more than to walked to its entrance. Hoping to find whatever was
inside. But was hesitated and just stopped immediately; just staring back at
that forest instead. With my feet stopped, I find myself staring and not
moving. At the forest that was now in front of me. I frowned; feeling my heart
beat heavy for some reason. My fur tingled at the warmth. I did unconsciously
flick my ear which had called upon my own attention anyway. As I stared at the
forest grounds in front of me, I heard other shouting out. Their voices were
carried through the silence of the forest. Drifting forth towards the starting
meeting point which was ahead of me. There was running. Sprinting as rapid feet
rushes back. Out came the three coyotes; all of which were panicking for some
strange reason. As I exhaled a breath and closed opening my eyes, I waltz back
towards the group as their voices grew louder with every step closure towards


“I heard it!" Wyott
exclaimed, “What was it?" Wovan questioned which Wyott explained what it was
causing Wovan and Wivina to widened their eyes at Wyott who nodded his head
rapidly as if he was excited about something. The continued conversation
trailed onward; even when I was close to them and find myself stopping so
suddenly that I just sat down onto the grass beneath me and watched them go at
it throughout the young of the night. For by midnight; two hours of long non
stopped conversation between the three of them, they all fell to silence. Eyes
blinking a bit before their attention was drawn towards me. I stared at them
for a moment; they flinched. Startled as Wyott exclaimed “How did you get
here?" “You mean, how long were you standing there?" I corrected him, Wyott
frowned and exhaled a breath, closing his eyes to calm himself down before
looking back towards me, nodding his head in response.


At first, I had said
nothing in response towards them. Because something behind us had stopped our
conversation. As we all turned around upon the sounds of something walking
straight towards us however, we stared into the mists of the darkness. Then at
least several seconds into the tenseful silence surrounding us, we noticed
something sprinting bypassing us. For back into the forest grounds behind us it
had went, disappearing into the forest while each of us flinched and were
startled by such a thing. “What… what was that thing?" Commented Wovan as his
eyes drifted from Wivina who just shook her head, having no idea what or who
that was however towards me who just kept silent watching them flinched. When
all eyes stared to me, I nudged my head forward. Pointing straight into the
horizon whereas that the creature had came from however. All three shivered;
shaking their heads in union. Fearful of what was to come or to whomever was
there within the forest grounds. Yet they all comply afterwards as I drifted through
them. Leading the pack straight into the forest, disappearing from the plains
with the other three following close behind me.


We entered. With no plan
or any understand of what the forest had for us. Our feet walked through the
dirty grounds beneath us where the grass covering our legs and feet, preventing
us from being able to see anything there however. Our attention was drawn
towards the covered horizon where the forest trees were in front of us. It was
rather impossible to see whatever was up ahead however. Regardless, we just
kept on walking. We drifted from the shallow waters of the forest grounds,
gradually getting towards the deeper ends of the forest grounds where it had
somehow gotten darker and more blacker with every step of the way. That the
coyotes behind us had held their breaths, stating nothing except for the slight
ringing that now echoed our ears.


I felt my heart pounding
in my own chest with my pupils glancing scanning the area ahead of me. Staring
upon nothing except for the blackness therein, I never knew if I was shivering
with fear or scared beyond belief upon something that would attack us from the
shadows therein. I exhaled a breath, releasing that stressfulness that I held
within. Though perhaps it had done something useful for the time being however
as we continued walking forward. Glancing and prancing about with the silence
looming over us as if something was indeed watching.


“We should stop." I heard
Wovan comment to a whisper; Wyott and Wivina agreed with that statement. They
all stood still however behind me as I continued moving forward. Drifting the
gap between us before I shortly stopped afterwards and glance over my shoulder.
In no time at all, I had noticed how the three coyotes whom were in my group
gone so quickly underneath a second. Nothing. No one was there. It was like as
if I had came here into the forest onto my own however. I frowned in response;
the fear working against me as I portray my mind upon the imaginable things
that was around me. I rose my eyes to the horizontal skies above me, scanning
the woods. Looking for something there. But it had seem that nothing except for
darkness and blackness. That my own heart was now pounding; increasing its beat
with every second of the way that I am lingering here for some strange reason.


But instead of getting
myself caught by whomever was there. I turned back up front and continued.
Never stopping; never running or turning around in fear. Just up front, walking
straight through the forest grounds. Rising my head to the horizon, meeting whatever
was there. Before…


My eyes slowly lowered; I
had hit something underneath the sole of my feet that it had felt smooth
against the paws of it however. I blinked; eyes widened before lowering my
head. Gazing at the grass beneath me and drift my eyes further up towards my
backside. For between my toes lies a white piece of something. Although it did
look like a paper. I take three steps back; revealing the white paper beneath
me. I had quickly noticed that the paper was blank; but somehow there was
something faint upon the surface of the paper. Something bleeding from the
other side for some reason and I was curious about it to the point that I had
wanted to grab it. But to my surprise, my subconsciousness had done that as
unknowingly, I had grabbed onto the edge of the blank piece of paper tightly.


Gradually, I turned it
around and my eyes widened upon what I had just saw before me. Five pictures
stand before me; all printed upon the surface of the paper. All five pictures
were portraits of my pack. Me, Wyott, Wovan, Wivina and Wissyon. All four were
crossed out which left me to be the only one. And as my heart increased in
beat, I heard walking behind me. I turned around and met…