Current Track: Blabb

Treter: Shares Skippled


We were in front of
Vaster. Our eyes peered upon the entrance gates that was in front of us as
silence had fallen overhead. I had found myself exhaling a breath and frowning,
heart beating fast in remembrance of all that times we had entered through Vaster
for some most important things, only to get kicked out each time because our
disturbance to the other reptiles and dragons that were there. As I shake my
head, the other coyotes shift their attention to me. Ears either pulled back or
flattened upon their skulls as their eyes remained in sadness. Neither of them
talked towards me, but we felt how dense the atmosphere was above us however.


“Never minding that now."
I growled without hesitation, setting aside any sort of emotional things and
turmoils that was deep upon my own stomach, “We need to find that treasure!" I
quickly turned to Wovan, Wivina and Wyott. All three kept their eyes upon me as
I spoke suddenly and quick to them, “Wyott, open the map. Wovan and Wivina,
start heading through the gates and hide yourselves inside. Thanks to our
reputation to these guys…" I trailed off, not trying to finish anything as I
had never wanted to think about it ever. The three other coyotes commit to
their jobs. Wyott opened the map that was handed to us; Wovan and Wivina
started heading straight through the gates. Though they were cautious upon
their surroundings upon entering right in.


With the first two
coyotes disappearing from our eyes, Wyott met my eyes and motioned for me forth
which I complied and head towards him. As I gathered with him, Wyott lowered
his paw and take a stabbed upon the map below us. He had pointed into three different
locations that we had needed to dig up. I looked upon the map of which the
three locations that he had pointed out, raising my head towards him. Noticing
his sad look back. I nodded my head without hesitation, knowing what he would
say as he rolled up the map, I walked towards and through the gates.
Reappearing on the other side where the two other coyotes were stationed.


Alas, they were unfounded
upon the gates of Vaster which surprised me however. But I shook my head;
knowing that they be safe while I waited for Wyott to come forth from the gates
behind me. It only took a short while before he had arrived adjacent to me.
Thus, onto that moment, I nodded my head, straight towards the two other
coyotes that were hiding about. To emerged from their shadows of hiding spots
and come exposed into the moonlight above us. They had done so after regrouping
with us and I smiled to them; before responding to a whisper onto them. “Here
are your directions. We need to dig holes in these particular spots. However,
since it is midnight, we know that the VPD are alive and active for they will
be patrolling these streets. Hide if you must, but we are not leaving without
our targeted items." “Treasure?" Questioned Wovan with a tilt of his head
something which I just nodded at him and smiled briefly.


With the silence looming
over us again; Wovan and Wivina split up amongst us and fled into a random
direction. I called out towards them, reminding them about the dangers of the
police force that are active here. Then faded my voice while I turned to Wyott
who almost looked afraid. I found him behind me, under a shadow of a building
for some reason. He was shaking, fearful about something while I just chuckle
at him and shake my head, turning around to face him before barking softly onto
him. His ears pointed upward, gazing down onto me of which I responded to him.
“Come on already. This is not the time to hide. We are running out of time and
need to gather this treasure." “Before what? Sunrise?" Questioned Wyott as he
just laid down onto the dirty grounds below him, I exhaled a breath and
responded softly “No. Before the police catches us and put us outside of the
realm." “That was what I am afraid of." He finished, I said nothing.


For I had closed my eyes,
reopening them again and shift my attention to Wyott who was still at the same
spot as I had temporarily left him upon. A shake of my head later had me turned
around and face the road before me as I walked through the road while looking
down onto it. I heard some running and I quickly turned around, spotting Wyott
already gathering up upon me. Though he was still shaken for some reason. With
his attention up front into the black skies before us, I smiled faintly at him
for a moment before returning my attention up to the horizon again and walked.
“You need to direct us straight towards the target spots, alright?" I ordered
Wyott who nodded his head at me suddenly. No complaints and no hesitations as I
find myself smiling and walking alongside of him now.


We walked the road. The
buildings to our right were straightened into a line. There were strange
invisible bubble wrappers upon the millions of squares and rectangles that were
imprinted upon the buildings that it kinda looked like swish cheese for some strange
reason. As I had pondered why the buildings looked like so, Wyott's voice
caught onto my ear and I turned to him suddenly as he paw was raised high and
pointed NorthEast, “We will take that route upon reaching the first
intersection." “Make sure there are no officers about." I reminded him, “There
are not any at the shallows of Vaster." He responded quick and hard, a smile
came as his response mirroring my own as I just nodded, acknowledging the
command and moving on. Eventually, at the end of the road and the line of
buildings on our right side, we had reached upon the first intersection.


Four roads; split into
one unique direction. Each with their own destination. Me and Wyott stared upon
the four roads on either side of us, before we turned to one another and I
quickly asked him, “Where is Northeast route? I just found only the north and
east roads." “Perhaps that sidewalk?" Questioned Wyott as he pointed to the
sidewalks that was there in front of us which had me turned to whatever that he
was looking at and frowned, “That?" I started to say; but left the rest of the
sentence out while my feet complied and moved on instead. Wyott behind me,
followed me as we cut through the intersection and headed up upon the sidewalk
in front of us. Upon entering onto the sidewalk, I suddenly turned towards him
and spoke “Where to then?" “Up the sidewalk, north until we reach another one
then." “This one?" I questioned, pointing to the one behind us and he gave a
quick nod in response. I gave no smile; but a nod after him before turning
around and headed up the sidewalk with him tailing behind me as always.


We walked the sidewalk
upwards. But ignored the buildings that were on either side of us now. Of all
the home buildings that we had encountered, there were some that were stores
instead. Closed for the midnight however considering that the owner was somewhere
else. I stared at the stores that were on either side of us; bypassing us by
while I turned towards it. Noticing the goodies and snacks that were there.
None of which were editable for us coyotes or canines in general however. I
frowned, having reminded myself that we never had any sort of dinner before
arising upon here. Lowering my tail, pulling back my ears, I exhaled a sigh at
the realization of such while Wyott shift his attention to me, tilting his head
in confusion of what was I doing. But I never gave him any answer. Upon the
quiet streets of Vaster, we were walking up the sidewalks heading straight
towards the next intersection above us. By our arrival, we had temporarily
stopped. Wyott opened up his ears and lifted them up from the surface of his
head as he tiled his head in silence, frowning. I turned towards him,
questioning about the sudden shift of atmosphere above us however.


Though  both of us fell to silence, we heard
something walking on our right side. Thus we had turned towards the sources of
it and looked; quickly noticing that an officer was then arriving upon the
intersection that we were upon. “Quick hide!" I whispered, just loud enough for
Wyott to hear as he flinched upon my voice and turned around instantly, he
sprinted down a few inches away from the intersection and disappeared through
the alleyway that was closed by. I followed him down and entered into the same
alleyway that he was upon, halting my movements but breathing deep while my
eyes were turned to the road before us; as we continued upon hearing the rapid
footsteps upon us. Though it had seemed that the officer had indeed caught onto
our sounds and was made aware of whomever was there. We watched as the officer
make its move, stopping upon the intersection and glancing upon the three other
directions. His face bored a serious look; narrowed eyes and spread wings
apparently. He looked like he was ready to fight or something however.


As Wyott whimpered behind
me, I growled lowly at him to stop or at least halt while my eyes prey upon the
dragon officer upon the intersection. Watching us it stared upon the roads
before shaking its head, then moved on so suddenly instead. Upon him leaving
the intersection behind, we had noticed that he already headed right and I
smiled upon that so suddenly. Much to Wyott's confusion however. But I never
told him anything and instead just motioned for him as we make a run for it.
Straight towards the intersection again and headed down the opposite direction
of where the officer was heading into. Thus, we ended up upon the park. It was
a surprise to ended up here however where the grass and the park was cleaned
up, no trash was left at all which made this all the more surprising. But my
head shook and at the same time, I felt a tap upon my shoulder, something that
I had turned around and gaze onto Wyott momentarily. For he had raised his paw
high; pointing to the streets where an officer was stationed there. Staring
right down onto us in anger. Surprise by the officer yet caught at the same
time, we make a ran for it. We sprinted away from the park behind us while the
officer behind gave chase.


However, this chase was
already over when they had cornered us. Thanks to another officer that was
there on the nick of time. For they snatched us from the grounds and returned
us to the start of the entrance gates where they had kicked us out before closing
the gates afterwards. I skid into the dirty grounds underneath me, the shovel
leaping from my paws and clattered onto the grounds adjacent to me when I
lifted my head. The other coyotes were there too; Wovan and Wivina were sitting
about staring at one another in silence. Wyott adjacent to me, groaning. I
lifted myself to my four paws and growled with narrowed eyes while lifting up
my paw and responded, “I got a plan to enter in and get our prize." At this,
Wovan and Wivina suddenly shift their attention to me before raising their own
paws and accused one another which gradually involved into a shouting match
between the two. I rolled my eyes in response and bark at them, forcing them to
stop as their attention were turned towards me whom I had started smiling once


“So what is the plan this
time around?" Asked Wyott, getting himself up from the ground and walking forth
towards me. Wovan and Wivian done the same. As they gathered with me, I turned
towards Wyott and responded to him “We would need to do disguises. Something
that would fool the dragon officers." “Well think about whom they have a
positive relationship with then?" Wyott suggested raising his shoulders. I
nodded towards him, agreeing with his plan of disguising ourselves as someone
with a positive relationship with them. Thus there was one in mind however. For
with another smile, I suggested out to the other coyotes “We must dressed
ourselves as wolves." “We do look the part however." Commented Wovan though his
own voice was fading. Wivina frowned and shook his head responding to me,
“There is no way any of us can act like a wolf! The dragons would know and kick
us out again." “Who knows!" I exclaimed, raising a paw towards Wivina whose
head retreated further into his neck, “Cannot know until we try it however. So
do we know how to act like a wolf?" “Pretty easy however." Responded Wyott,
slapping his chest with his paw as he smirked at me. Wovan and Wivina frowned,
shaking their heads as we started practicing a bit.


“This is the most
stupidest plan you have ever conjure up." Commented Wovan whispering to me as I
just chuckled at him, shaking my head and gave no other comment to Wovan while
we drifted into the deeper ends of Vaster. At the stroke of midnight, we were
upon the streets of Vaster again; with no disguises except for dying our fur
with either gray or black fur to match with the Hunters that lived into Virkoal
Forest with us however. “If those idiots see us now however…" Trailed Wivina
muttering to himself, shaking his head and frowning with Wyott laughing
adjacent to him, “They would think that we are part of their pack. Regardless
if we all live in the same forest." No answer came after that as the silence
loomed overhead and ourselves continued walking through the streets, retracing
our steps until we had reached our destination. The park.


But before any of us can
arrived upon the park, I scanned the outer perimeter of the park looking for
any sort of officers that were lurking awaiting for any sort of trespassers
that come about. But alas it had seem that the park was undefended for nothing
was there as a result of things. I smiled upon this realization before wolf
barking at the other 'wolves'; Wyott was the first to sprint, following him
came Wovan and Wivina as each of them had arrived upon the park with ease. Thus
they had committed to the original plan and quickly dug through the dirt and
grass underneath themselves, looking for anything valuable awaiting for them.
As time passed, the number of holes increasing rapidly and still no sign of
those officers anyway which had me in a good mood after all. As I laid down
onto the road, paws out in front of me which I laid down my head upon them, I
stared out onto the park that was being ruined by three other 'wolves'. Quietly
snickering to myself upon the treasures that we would find exposed.


But minutes had passed by
and the moon above us was gradually sinking down. It was already passed the
horizon line already. Holes continued to be dug around the park; but still they
had reported nothing at all which had concerned me however. Lifting up from the
ground and settling my four paws upon the grounds once again, I gradually
walked into the park. The other three stopped and shift their heads towards me
where I had met their gazes suddenly. Though I had stopped; lifting my ears
high and listened to the soundless atmosphere surrounding us, I frowned. But
chose to ignore it anyway and kept on walking to the other 'wolves' whom seem
to continue the job after all. A few minutes had passed whereas the moon was
gradually sinking into the horizon line. The rays of moonlight fading from the
streets below us, rending the place as pitch darkness. Although everyone seem
to ignore the lights fading from our own surroundings, we did raised our ears
to listen to the sounds that may popped up.


However, a long time had
gone into the silence with nothing disturbing upon our digging time at the
park. It was getting to us however. I found myself shaking, my paws unable to
continue digging beneath me into the hole that I had once dug. The others remained
as where they are; stationary and frozen somehow  as their eyes continued staring at the
grounds below them. No one had ever motioned for we were like statues in the
end. Staying silent and unable to move at all. The other 'wolves' shift their
eyes towards me, awaiting for anything that might come up upon my lips. But I
kept my eyes onto them in response; unable to do anything while they whimpered
in answer.  We had remained like this; up
until the daylight had broken through the skies above us whereas the first of
the many reptiles and dragons have gone out from their doors; pursuing upon the
daylight's morning as a cold breeze washed over ourselves and them.


Upon the daylight's, we
felt our bodies becoming warmer. The fur returning to normal from being frozen
of whatever was hiding out into these holes beneath us. We turned our attention
away from one another, turning back to the entrance of the park where we had
made a sprint towards it. Additionally, someone appeared upon the corner of my
eye. But I did not had a chance to look at whomever was there. With the winds
speeding passed upon our furs as we passed by the intersection that was a bit
too far from where the park was, we ran down the northern road. Hitting through
the reptiles that came upon our visions. A couple of shouts, screams and
yelling resulted in a dispersed of the crowd making it easier for us to
maneuver by.. However, it also made it easier for the officer tailing behind us
too. We continued down the roads; reaching the very end of the intersection
where we sharply turned to the right and exchanged the road we were upon for
the next road adjacent to us. Yet Wyott was wondering “Why not take the other
road?" “It is not easy." Responded Wovan as his eyes eyed upon the horizon line
before us.


We watched as the sun
rose from the line; sending more rays out into anything that hits it. Thereby
warming it up so suddenly. Feeling our feet warmed up by the grounds below us,
we booked it. Increasing our speed; feeling the winds howled in our ears while
our legs grew fatigued and aching that there were bits of pins and needles
taking stabs against our fur. We flinched and winced upon this injury, yet we
pushed ourselves to continue running as we reached the other end of the
intersection ahead of us, sharply turned to the right. Heading down the
hillside where we ended up upon the entrance below us. Onto that moment; Wovan
and Wivina growled weakly and held their legs and ankles with their paws,
hissing in pain despite not blood flowing out from them. I yelled into their
ears; shouting for them to get up. But they had refused into doing so
regardless. As they cradled upon the grounds, I gradually grew frantic and
panicked. I turned my attention to Wyott whose eyes was widened as he held his
paws lowered to snatch onto Wivina. He turned to me, meeting my eyes before
shouting out loud for me to hear.


“Just grab Wovan and get
out of here!" “Got it!" I snarled immediately, scooping up Wovan into my arms
and make a break for it. We ran towards the road ahead of us. Hearing the
whistles behind us howled in our ears and amongst the roaring crowd of dragons
and reptiles while their attention was turned to us. With some not looking and
witnessing upon the unfolding story before them, we kept running. We ran until
we spotted the end of the road just a few inches away from where we were
standing. I felt my heart beating fast as something deep within my own stomach
became lighter. I picked up speed; Wyott took noticed of this and ran too, till
we were neck to neck however. For by the time we reached the end of the road,
we sharply turned around and exited out from the entrance gates of Vaster. Just
as it had shut behind us.


In the end, we had found
ourselves panting with breath. The sweat flows upon our furs, damping our
armpits and aching legs as the heat dispelled upon the cooling air surrounding
us. My eyes was closed, taking in the chase that had happened in Vaster. Then I
suddenly laughed for some reason which caught onto the ears of the others as
their attention was turned towards me; I just waved my paw at them dismissing
their concern looks and distressed written onto their faces. But as my laughter
was drowned upon the following silence that had came, we all turned our
attention towards the right. Hearing some sort of footsteps upon our ears, we
had noticed the Dholes and Jackals standing before us. Arming themselves with
shovels and among other things. Their eyes met ours; I scowled in response
which prompted the two leaders of each species to mirrored me.


With a short following
silence, I find myself smirking at them confidently as if something deep inside
my mind was surfacing, “You will not make it." “Make out with the treasure
hiding in Vaster?" One of the Dholes responded, I nodded my head at them and
formed a fist with my paw, my thumb sticking out and pointing to the entrance
gates behind me, “The dragons and reptiles are out. It is already daytime here
for the morning sun had came. As I said beforehand, 'You will not make it
through'" “Watch us." Responded one of the Jackals with a returning smirk upon
his face. Our eyes met again before we heed our own ways; the Dholes and
Jackals heading into the entrance of Vaster while we departed from the city.
With only the memories of the thrill chases that the VPD had given us.