Current Track: Blabb

The angry goat screamed so loud it hurt his lungs. Say what you want about Matt, thought Lars sometime later, but nobody can deny he’s dedicated. It was the only reason anyone put up with the singer, since he had the capacity to be pretty obnoxious, and often too intense. Still, Ishmael the Burned was killing their practice session today. Lars felt incredibly positive, like he’d been stuck in a hot room for so long, and now he was free to breathe in the cool open air. He could think properly, he could feel properly, and this came out in his music. He was hitting every single mark, totally nailing his role of drummer, and he noticed that so was everyone else. They were totally on point, playing as a band should, and Lars thought they may even be ready to play at a couple of live gigs. Last week he’d come out as gay to Riley’s dad, and fallen asleep at the boyfriend’s house. Since that night, everything seemed to fall into place in his life. He met the fox for lunches, even going so far as to kiss and hold hands in public. Both the young males were feeling on top of the world, like nothing could break their spirit.

Two days earlier, however, Lars was walking back through the dorms in the afternoon. He’d dropped some files off to another student, and on his way back he passed the dorm of a fur that appeared incredibly morose. He saw it was a young lion, and from the state of the room and fur himself, Lars assumed this was Jason Marks. Since nobody else was around, Lars had peeked in just a little, and he’d seen the lion, sitting on his bed crying. Bags were sitting on the floor, packed with clothes. The tiger guessed after hearing about his son’s forged ‘indiscretions’, the Reverend Marks had told him to come home. He’d withdrawn his financial help until Jason attended an APP (Anti-Pride Pride) run conversion camp. Naturally, Lars learned those last details much later, when Riley told him after reading it from the family’s emails. Sitting there, crying like a kit, the lion looked helpless and Lars couldn’t help but feel a creeping sensation of guilt. He tried to remind himself that this was the same fur who assaulted Riley, breaking his laptop and injuring him simply because he was gay. He couldn’t help it, but he did still feel a little bad.

Since then, he’d attempted to put it out of his mind. The lion deserved the hurt he got, and so did his father. Riley had also paid a friend he knew online, to take some of Jason’s Facebook pictures and doctor them to appear that Jason was engaging in various homoerotic sex acts. These were sent to the Reverend from an anonymous email account, pretending to be a hurt ex-boyfriend. The couple had no way of knowing, but they might have guessed (correctly) that upon learning of his son’s situation the Reverend flew into a massive rage. He punched holes in the wall of his home, and instantly told the son to come home, his university days-for now at least-were done.

No amount of pleading on the younger fur’s part did any good, his father wouldn’t accept any calls from him, and any emails just made it worse. After spending a few days in denial (getting completely black-out drunk, and involved in a few rough fights outside bars) the lion packed his bags.

But all that was separate to Lars right now. At this point in time, the only thing in his mind was finishing this song. He crushed the beat, moving so perfectly along with the tempo it was almost spiritual. He was in the flow of it absolutely, lost to the music for a brief moment, wavering between consciousness and unconsciousness; operating partially on musical instinct. Sweat was dripping down his brow, stinging his eyes, and his wrists ached like no tomorrow…but there was no stopping him. It was a long song, and as they reached the end the pace picked up, building to a massive, explosive drum solo that ended the song. He squeezed his eyes shut, hearing the other instruments cease as he appeared to try and murder the setup in front of him.

When he opened his eyes and returned himself to the real world, Matt was clapping. Anyone who knew the goat for more than ten minutes would be shocked to see him clap, since he was known for being insanely critical, and high praise would often consist of a simple ‘nice’.

“Killer. You guys fucking obliterated that song.” He said, actually clapping Alex on the back. They all started as they heard some more clapping, and turned as Riley stepped into view. It took them a moment to react to the fox, since they were all still a bit taken aback by Matt’s sudden, pleasantly shocking outburst.

“He’s right, that was amazing.” The fox also had an unusually bright smile, and Lars couldn’t help wonder if his own positive mood was infecting everything around him. The goat sipped from a water bottle, rehydrating himself and trying to soothe his burning throat (You know, from the screaming).

“And you are…?” He asked, his voice amicable, but with a harsh edge.

“I’m Riley.” Said the fox, deliberately being obtuse.

“Well…okay, but what are you doing here?” Lars climbed up from his seat, walking over. As he did, he couldn’t help but notice Isaac Marks, the other guitarist in the band, watching from a distance as he packed his bag. He quietly wondered to himself what the younger lion’s take on the situation with his family was.

“He’s here for me Matt, he’s my…err, boyfriend.” Said Lars, walking past the goat to stand next to the fox. He smiled, unsure how the singer might take the news.

“Oh fuck me, sorry dude.” He said, shaking Riley’s paw. Lars breathed a silent breath of relief. “How much did you hear?” He continued, wiping sweat out of his eyes.

“I caught most of that last song. You guys are really good.” Replied the fox cheerily.

“Thanks man.” The goat laughed. “We wouldn’t be anything without your tiger there, he slaughtered it today.” Lars blushed, looking shyly at his feet.

“Nah…we all did well.” He said quietly. Riley put an arm around his waist.

“Aww, he’s shy. You were amazing.” Said the fox affectionately. Then Matt did something that freaked Lars the fuck out. He stepped forward and put a hand on his shoulder.

“I’m not kidding Lars, I think that’s the best set we’ve ever done. We gotta go live soon.” The tiger nodded, that last part he did agree with.

After that all the members of the band were introduced to Riley, even Isaac, who was very cool about it. Lars was glad to see the family’s infectious hatred hadn’t spilled into the youngest lion too. Everyone was in such a good mood after the practice session; Alex suggested they all go out to celebrate. Lars tried to decline, saying he needed to work.

“Well, don’t you work at that comedy club nearby? They serve alcohol right? Can’t we come there?” said Jake, the other guitarist and a nice, if quiet brown fox. Lars attempted to make up some excuse why they couldn’t, but stopped himself.

“I mean, I guess so. If you want, not exactly like Thursday’s are so flat-out busy anyway.” He said, shrugging. The band members all agreed it would be a good idea, and Riley was of course invited along.

They ended up staying at the comedy club for the entire duration of Lars’ shift, which ended after everyone left. He served everyone drinks, as well as drinking himself (Of course, once all the acts had finished and the other customers left).

“So, Riley.” Began Alex the husky, slurring his words just a little bit. “What do you do here, like what are you studying?”

“Science.” Which was technically correct. The husky laughed.

“Just science?”

“Well, no. Cyber Security.” The husky let out a low whistle.

“You the next Mr Robot?” He said, chuckling to himself. Lars saw his boyfriend give him a look. The two had first met here, and Riley had said something about how furs always ask him if he’s like the character from the show. It was a popular program amongst uni students apparently.

“Maybe.” Said Riley, being pleasant for Lars’ sake. He sipped his drink. After a moment of silence, Jake sat forward excitedly.

“Oh my god, I forgot to tell you guys.”

“Tell us what?” Asked Matt, slightly irritated. He was sitting next to the fox and just experienced the shouting straight into his ear.

“You know the story of that teacher last year? Ralph Michaels?” They all nodded; it had been impossible to miss. Ralph Michaels had been a high school teacher, a large and tender bear who by all accounts had been loved by his students. It had come out however that he’d been forcing himself onto more than one of his female students; the girls were fifteen years old. Riley remembered it better than most, he’d tried to get into the bear’s computer and see if he had any photographic evidence on file, but at that point his computer skills weren’t quite developed enough to crack it. In any case, the bear had been found guilty of sexual harassment, but not rape. He lost his job, but only went to prison for four months. The story had outraged everyone who heard of it.

“Well.” Began Jake. “Apparently last weekend someone broke into his house, and killed him.”

“Wait, really?” Asked Alex.

“Yep. Police found him in the morning, hanging naked in his bedroom. Apparently a list of all the students he hurt was stabbed into his chest.”

“Holy shit.” Replied Alex, sipping his drink.

“Yeah, he was a monster. I’m actually disappointed though, I wish he’d spent his life in jail, y’know?”

“I’m not.” Said Riley, emptying his glass. “Some people just deserve the hurt that comes their way.” Lars knew he wasn’t really talking about the teacher. After a moment of contemplative silence, Isaac, who’d been quiet the entire night, got up from his seat and walked outside. Worried about what it might mean, Lars gave his boyfriend a look, which was returned. Clearly they both had the same concern, had Riley given away too much? What could happen if the Marks found out what he’d done? Swallowing away the anxiety in his throat, Lars got up and followed the lion outside, hoping they were just being paranoid.

Exiting the comedy club into the fresh night air, he saw that Isaac had not gone far. The lion was sitting on a nearby park bench, looking up at the sky. Lars went over and sat down next to him.

“Hey.” He said, unsure of where to go from here.

“Hey.” Said Isaac.

“Everything…uh, okay?” He asked.

“Yeah…” The lion thought for a second. “No, actually. Jason…Dad called him back home.” Lars rubbed the back of his neck, realising the trouble that could result from the outcome of this conversation.

“How come?” Asked Lars, still unsure how much the younger lion may know.

“I don’t really know. Apparently Dad thinks Jason is gay for some reason…He’s confused by it. So am I actually, Jason hates gays.” The lion looked at Lars apologetically. “Uh, sorry…”

“No, no it’s okay. I’m pretty sure most furs around here are aware of Jason’s, uh, views.” He said lamely.

“My Dad is an asshole, Lars. Like, for most of my childhood years he ignored me. Jason was the star, he bought totally into Dad’s whole anti-gay thing, and it earned him a place in the family.”

“Oh.” Was all the tiger replied.

“And my brother is an asshole too, I mean you know how many fights he brags about?” Isaac shook his head. “And I always feel like I have him looking over my shoulder here.”

“You do?” Lars genuinely had no idea where the lion was going.

“Yeah, I can’t be friends with anyone who’s openly gay, because he tells my Dad about it, and they both get pretty angry. Which sucks, because I have nothing….I mean I don’t hate people for who they choose to date, y’know? When I was in High School, I couldn’t wait to move out and go to Uni, I mean I thought I could get away. There’s so much hatred in my family, I can’t stand it sometimes.”

“I…I didn’t realise you felt that way, I was worried, to be honest…about introducing you to Riley. Didn’t know how you’d take it.” Said Lars, smiling kindly.

“But that’s the worst part, it didn’t get much better. I thought I’d be okay, but Jason is always watching me, keeping tabs. Always threatening to beat up friends I make that might be gay. You know Leslie Paulson?” Lars nodded, he knew of her; she was a deer in the same group as him. They hadn’t spoken much though.

“Yeah, I mean I know who she is.” Isaac nodded in response.

“Well we were friends for a little while, and she’s got a girlfriend. When Jason found out we were hanging out, he threatened to smash all her car windows.”

“Oh my god.” Lars had no idea the lion had such a capacity for violence, he sounded completely insane.

“Yeah, so I had to stop being friends with her. It was horrible.”

“That’s incredibly unfair, Isaac.”

“But now…he’s going.” Said the lion, looking at Lars. “Dad’s pulling him out and leaving me in, he’ll probably have to go to some conversion camp.” Isaac laughed grimly.

“Gee.” Was all Lars could contribute. He’d helped that happen.

“It won’t be fun, but maybe it could teach him some fucking empathy. I’m so glad though; so happy he’s going. But I was listening…tonight, to Riley talk, about how he’s into computer shit, and how people get what they deserve.”


“I was agreeing with him…and I just, I dunno. I wanted to ask you Lars, did you two have anything…to do with…with Jason going away like that?” He asked, earnestly. Lars couldn’t detect any hostility in his voice.

“What would make you say that Isaac? You saying just cause a fur’s into computer security, he’s probably a hacker?”

“No…no, it’s just…I know Jason beat Riley up. He was complaining that he’d been bitten. Then…Jason’s life explodes, and then you show up dating Riley.”


“I know, but it was just like everything came together just now. Jason beats up Riley, you two start dating, Jason’s life falls apart. Then Riley saying how some people deserve the hurt that comes their way…and I dunno, the way he said it, plus the looks you two have been giving each other all night…” He shrugged.

“You noticed that?” The young lion nodded.

“So? I won’t tell anyone, I swear. I just need to know…can I thank you two?” Lars thought very seriously about the request.

He knew how important the truth could be, he’d lied to himself for years and it caused him nothing but misery. But could the lion be trusted? How genetic was the hate in his family? He searched the young males eyes for an answer, seeing nothing but a vulnerable kit, who had a new outlook on his life. Wondering if he was making the right call, Lars nodded.

“We may have had something to do with it.” He said, looking away. He half expected Isaac to jump up in the air, shouting ‘I knew it!’ and call his family instantly. But that’s not what happened, the kit actually hugged him.

“Then thank-you, so much. You have no idea how much it means to me.” Lars smiled, he’d helped someone feel better and it felt nice. He wondered if this was how Jessie felt, that night he found him crying?

After the band members had left the comedy club, Riley hung around to watch Lars quickly tidy up. The two made jokes to each other about the night, and remarked how easily the metal-heads had taken to the fox.

“See? There’s no reason to be scared of everyone, this is honestly the most common response we’ll get.” Said Riley, yawning.

“I know, I know. I feel really stupid about it now, what the hell was I so worried about all the time?”

“We all make mistakes. Don’t feel bad.”

“I don’t, not anymore.” Said Lars, walking over. The couple smiled at each other, then embraced sweetly. With his arms wrapped around the tiger’s neck, Riley kissed his boyfriend.

“You ready for the real test now, kitty-cat?” He asked teasingly.

“Huh?” Asked Lars, dumbfounded.

“Weeeeellllll…” The tiger frowned; his partner was being unusually coy. “You’ve met my family.” He finished. Lars mouth fell open.

“You cannot be serious.” He said, shocked.

“Why not? You said they’re open minded, they’ll accept you. They sound very sweet.” He buried his head into the tiger’s shoulder. “Don’t worry so much.”

“But…but they live so far away, I have to take a plane to get there. We can’t go, at least not yet.” He said, swallowing dryly.

“Sure we can, the University break is in a week’s time Lars, I can book us tickets and we can fly to your home. I’m sure they’re fantastic.”

“Are you serious about this?”

“I’m serious about everything I say.” Lars couldn’t argue that point, one thing he adored about the fox was his way of saying what he meant.

“I know…I dunno.”

“Don’t you think it would be weird if their son didn’t come home during the break? This is a very typical time for furs to bring home a partner.”

“I know but…” Riley put his paws on either side of the slightly-drunk drummer’s head.

“Man, you stress a lot. Don’t…what’s going to happen? We’ll have a great time and I’ll get to meet your parents.” Lars bit his tongue, thinking. It took him about two minutes to make up his mind, after all he trusted both Riley and his family.

“Okay, sure. Let’s do it.”