Wolfie Steel. ©
Assassin/Bodyguard for hire. ©
Written by Vinnie Van Daz.
A/N: My continued thanks go to the following list of furs, who were prepared to appear as a character in my humble story.
Wolfie Steel : Vinnie Van Daz ©
Wolverine Steel : Proudfur ©
Linkin Doberman : Linkin Doberman ©
Todd Styles : Flipp_HaVok_13 ©
Commander Michael T Nash : Wolf Pup ©
Matt Bond : kashito91 ©
Hammy: Hammy ©
Loboron: Loboron ©
Douglas Darkfang: Carnifex ©
As this story contains references and scenes of a homosexual nature, if you are not old enough to read such literature in your country, then DON'T. If you are not old enough and read it anyway and get caught, I will deny all knowledge. With that warning given, to the rest of you I say ENJOY!
Chapter 22.
Time, 0630 hrs., place, The basement of our house, (Now used as a weight room). It had been too long since my last work out, and my physique was beginning to tell the story of neglect, so with Wolverine's help, I decided to set myself up on a work out routine, starting slow.
I began by lifting 200 lbs, (I would normally lift 450 lbs easily). After ten reps I asked Wolverine to increase the weight, so he put on another 100 lbs, I began to lift again, this time raising my reps to thirty, but I needed more, today I was as nervous as hell, today is the day that Douglas Darkfang makes his adoption inspection visit.
Both Tony and I had spent hours cleaning and checking everything, making sure that we were ready, then I had headed down to the work out room to relieve some of the tension, Tony, on the other paw, was still rushing around, checking and even double checking stuff.
I finish my reps and then speak.
"Wolverine, take me past my personal best, hit me with 600 lbs".
At first Wolverine just stood there with an open maw, then he managed to speak.
"Wolfie, brother, I know that you are anxious about the visit, we all are, but my weight limit is 650 lbs, and forgive me for saying this, but there is no way in hell that you will lift 600, just because your anxious about the visit, doesn't mean that you have to kill yourself to impress the inspector".
I growl at Wolverine, and this time he knows that I mean business.
"Fine Wolfie, you want 600 lbs, you got 'em, but I ain't gonna be held responsible for what happens, just so we're clear on that".
The extra weight was added and I began to prepare myself for my hardest lift ever. I began to breathe deeply and mentally prepare myself, then, with a nod to Wolverine, I take hold of the bar, Wolverine places his paws either side of mine and lifts the weight off it's stand, as I begin to feel the weight in my paws , Wolverine slowly lets go of the bar. Now I begin my reps, I make it to five and the sweat is already beginning to seep through my fur, but I carry on, ten, fifteen, twenty. Suddenly at twenty one, my arms begin to buckle, and Wolverine grabs hold of the bar and helps me to place it back onto the stand.
"Okay Wolfie, that was too fucking close, now enough, your going to kill yourself, you've proved that you can press 600 lbs, now for the love of god stop this macho shit".
Just as Wolverine said those words, Tony chimed in.
"Wolverine, Senior Doberman is asking for you, and Wolfie, as for you, get your ass in the sauna and then get yourself showered and changed".
Wolverine left the room and I headed for the sauna, as I got to the door, Tony grabbed hold of me and spun me round.
"If I ever see that kind of shit again from you, god help ya, because I will kick your ass so hard that you won't know what day of the fucking week it is, do I make myself clear?".
I knew now that I had scared Tony, as he had never spoken to me in that tone before, it was a tone that told me that I had just been very close to losing that what I held so dear, my love for Tony.
After my sauna, I showered and then dressed in my "Sunday Best" clothes, once suited and booted, I head back to the living room, where I find a gorgeous looking Rottweiler, also dressed to kill.
"Tony, I'm sorry hun, I know now that I was a jerk, please don't feel angry at Wolverine, he actually tried to make me see sense. I proved three things today though, first, I proved that I can bench 600 lbs, second, I proved that there are times when I can be a complete and utter ass, third, I proved that I have the love of a gorgeous Rottweiler, which I almost lost. That will never happen again".
My cell phone rings, so I answer the call, it is Wolverine telling me that our visitor was at the gate. I head out of the house and head for the main gates. Upon my arrival at the main gates, I'm surprised to see not one, but two furs, Douglas Darkfang being the first and Loboron being the second. I open the gates and greet my visitors.
"Hi there, welcome to the estate of Senior Linkin Doberman, I must say that I'm a little confused to see you both here, I was just expecting you Mr Darkfang".
The two furs enter and I close the gates, as soon as the gates are closed Douglas Darkfang speaks.
"Originally, it would have been just me, but I have done some checking into your background, and I like what I find, I know that you and Tony are both very caring and loving, and also very hard working, but there is another reason for me bringing Loboron with me, some of the kids at the orphanage saw how you and Tony had taken a shine to Loboron, and they got jealous of the life that they knew that he would have once he had been adopted by you, and they started making his life hell, in short sir I arrive with Loboron, but I know that I will not leave with him, my home visit is merely a formality, just so that I can keep my paperwork up to date".
Douglas' words stopped me dead in my tracks, this is it, today is the day when Tony and I become adoptive parents, today Loboron will end his old life and begin his new life, not as a wolf pup known only as Loboron, but as a son and heir to myself and Tony, as from today, Loboron, will become, Loboron Stone-Steel.
Suddenly, and as if on cue, the sun comes from behind a cloud and bathes three furs in a warm and loving glow.
The three of us arrive at the front of the house that is to become Loboron's new home and Douglas begins his appraisal.
"Very nice Mr Steel, from the outside I can see that the house is very obviously well maintained, which for my job, is a plus point, because it shows that the owners take pride in their surroundings, I also see that there is a lot of grounds to the two houses and plenty of good clean fresh air which will be ideal for a young pup to play in. You are also probably unaware that you yourself have scored some plus points just by the way you greeted us at the gates, you were loving and welcoming, even maybe a little nervous which is a good thing, I also looked at the way you were dressed, I know that this is probably just because you knew I was visiting today, but it shows me that you at least are prepared to make an effort".
We enter the house, and we are met by the smell of baking bread, we head to the kitchen to find Todd busy baking fresh bread and cakes. The carers appraisal continues.
"I see a very well stocked kitchen, and again, though I know that the fresh bread and cakes are purely for show, I do at least know that Loboron will be very well fed, plus there is something about the smell of freshly baked bread and cakes that makes a house, feel more like a home".
We continue our tour of the house, including the home gym room.
"Ah now this is a personal favourite of mine Mr Steel, a very well used home gym complete with sauna and wet room, that tells me that fitness is very high on your agenda, which also points to good health practices".
We head out into the back yard, where the heated swimming pool is located, and again as if on cue, Loboron slips and grazes his knee, I quickly head over to the fallen pup and gently lift him into my arms, we head back into the weight room where I place the pup gently on a chair and head for the medical cupboard, I bring back some gauze, some antiseptic cream and a dressing, I dress the lads wound and then help him back onto his footpaws.
"Ah Mr Steel, bonus points for that, a totally unscripted accident, met with all the love and care of the child's own mother. I now have absolutely no qualms with regard to Loboron's health and well being, that concludes my home visit, I suggest that you, Tony, Loboron and I get together and finalise the paperwork side".
We head out of the home gym and to the living room where we find Tony. Tony looks at me in total shock and disbelief.
"Okay hun, Mr Darkfang I was expecting, but Loboron I was not, what is going on?".
I was about to make my reply when I was cut off by Douglas.
"Mr Steel, things have happened back at the orphanage that kind of forced my hand meaning that I had to bring Loboron with me, I'm sure that your partner will fill you in with the details later, but fear not, I have made my home visit and I now have the results. Gentlemen, for a successful adoption we use a points system, in which the visit needs to score at least 80 per cent to be judges as successful. I'm pleased to tell you that with this visit, I have found a rare treat, a home that has scored a near perfect 98 per cent, however there is one thing that is needed to make this the perfect visit, and that is the thoughts of Loboron himself. So Loboron, you now have a choice to make, if you feel that you do not want to call this your home, so be it, I will take you back to the orphanage, however, if you feel that this lovely home is for you then all you have to do is say the word, and I will leave you in the capable and loving paws of Tony and Wolfie, so young pup, what is your choice?".
Loboron tilted his head slightly as if he were considering all of his options, then he straightened his head and looked directly into my eyes and spoke.
"I have made my choice, I feel the love that this house, no, this home has to give, and I want my share of that love, I would like to become Tony and Wolfie's son".
A smile now formed on Douglas' muzzle, there was a brief period of nervousness between Loboron, Tony and I, then suddenly Loboron jumped into my lap and hugged me, Tony then wrapped his arms around the both of us and kissed us both on the forehead. Douglas now spoke again.
"Now that was what I wanted to see, like Loboron, I feel the love in this.....home, all that remains now is four signatures on one form, and then that's it Loboron will become a Stone-Steel".
Tony and I signed the piece of paper, closely followed by Loboron and then finally to seal the adoption, Douglas placed his signature on the paper, then spoke.
"Okay all done and dusted, Tony, Wolfie, you now have a son, Loboron Stone-Steel, you now have two very loving and caring parents. When I get back to the orphanage, I will photocopy the form, I will send one copy to the courts, and I will keep one copy for my records. Please be under no illusion though, I will still make the odd visit, just to check up on Loboron's progress, that is not a legal thing that I do, it is for my own personal satisfaction, as I told you back at the orphanage, I have a vested interest in making sure that Loboron is well taken care of".
With that, Douglas shook the paws of three very emotional canines and headed out from the room, Todd Styles was waiting at the doorway to show the carer out, he too was very emotional, but he seemed to be coping admirably.
The house was now empty save for three furs, Anthony Stone-Steel, Wolfern 'Wolfie' Stone-Steel and now, Loboron Stone-Steel.
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Wolfie Steel, Assassin/Bodyguard for hire, part 22.
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16 years ago
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