Current Track: Blabb

Floundering Away: AfterKilling

“Welcome to the kingdom, Virkoal!" Ajiro screamed as she swirled around in her spot. Grinning happily with claws spread out and away from her. Virkoal smiled faintly but glanced around her surroundings as her wings folded and tail was flickering about, she wondered why the kingdom was abandoned. No one was about. The streets were empty. The buildings remained vacant and dark. Even the street lights were not there anymore. All the signs were gone. But before Virkoal could do anymore sight seeing, she was suddenly grabbed by Ajiro who pulled her to the side skipping ahead in the path that they were following straight towards the kingdom at hand.

The golden doors sit before Virkoal as she marvelled upon her sight. She was surprise. The doors were huge. Probably reaching towards the skyscrapers  nearby. She lowered her eyes to Ajiro who pushed opened the doors. They fell with a thud and dust emerged upon their surroundings with a surprised dragoness looking towards it. She turned to Ajiro who shrugged and smiling skipped over the downed door beneath her. Heading forth inside where she disappeared, Virkoal however remained focus. There was a question upon her mind. Detailing about the events that had led to the desertion of the kingdom. As her father had explained it, the killing of the king. Virkoal was curious as to who it was and so sought to entered in. Through the doors she goes until she reaches where Ajiro was as she looked over her shoulder waiting for her.

The room around them was huge and big. There were six doors; three on each sides. Each of those doors leads to a unique room. But Virkoal does not care about those room. She wanted to answer her own question. Stairs were centered before their eyes as Virkoal walked forward to them and raised her feet to them. Climbing up towards the second floor above, she heard Ajiro screamed out behind her panting as she does while Virkoal looked at her in return. “H...Hey! Wait up. Where do you think you are going." “I want to know something." Virkoal answered her question despite it not being a question. As Ajiro tilted her head to one side frowning, she insisted on Virkoal elaborating what she was trying to say. With a responsive sigh, Virkoal explained her desire for answers by the questions of her father.

For when she was finished, silence fell over them. It was then shattered afterwards when Ajiro laughed suddenly making Virkoal questioned her “What was funny to you?" “Oh nothing." Ajiro answered and shook her head, adding “Well. If you want the answer to that question. I might as well show you the king's quarters." “Sure." Virkoal nodded as she was led by Ajiro who took the lead. Ajiro lead Virkoal through the hallways as she stared upon the golden shines and sparkles that came up upon her face. The golden statues of dragons that were erected in the corners of her eyes. An suddenly an egg upon a stand. Virkoal stopped when she noticed the egg and walked to it with wonder and curiosity. Staring onto it, she saw her own reflection imprinted upon the surface of it. She extended her arms to it and grabbed the egg; feeling it upon her own claws as to how hard the outer shells was. Sparkle and shines were from the egg, but a scream emerged from behind her allowing her to accidentally dropped the egg onto the ground.

Furious, Virkaol glared her eyes towards the happy go dragoness who shook her head and smiled brightly at her in response. “Ah do not worry." Ajiro started, waving her claw. “There are plenty where that comes from." “Plenty?" Virkoal asked suddenly, tilting her head to one side as she watched Ajiro skipped away heading down the end of the halls reaching upon a door whereas she opened it heading inside. Disappeared from Ajiro's sights, Virkoal pondered as to where she should go or as to where she shall start. Her initial thoughts were to the door that Ajiro had entered through. But she shook her head, guessing that she was probably busy with something inside and did not want to be disturbed at all. With a frown, she shifted her eyes elsewhere towards the other end of the halls where a black pale door stood before her eyes. Curiously, she walked to it and grabbed hold onto its knob. Tilting to the side, she attempted to opened the door and successfully pulled it to the side. Walking in, Virkoal was amazed.

She had stumbled into the king's quarters. A throne was to her left. Faint gold it was. Red fur was the insides of it. That color had stretched from the throne down onto the rug over the small flight of stairs and onto the ground. Another note was presented to her. Walking to it, Virkoal grabbed onto it and raised to her face where she began to read what it had to say. The note commented about an earthquake that had hit the kingdom when Neriax was away towards the pirate seas together with his other friends. His soon to be mate, was a bit worried about the damage and sought to seek the king's for any advice. They talked for a while before allowing her to leave. Settling on a plan that would relief the kingdom from the pain inflicted upon it.

Virkoal frowned. That note did not have anything on the killing at all or as to who was the killer. Shaking her head, she peered onto the grounds. Thoughts entered her mind. Suggestions flowed in and out of her brain while she started pondering. Thinking for herself. As her wings spread and folded behind her, she was startled when Ajiro crept up behind her and latched her claws onto her shoulders. As she gasped in shock and glared while turning around, Virkoal noticed Ajiro who started smiling brightly. Virkoal growled in response to her smiling allowing Ajiro to change her expression as she raised her claw to her face and spoke, “Here is another note." “From the room you were in?" Virkoal asked in question glancing at Ajiro who shrugged. “Probably. Anyway, I will leave you to it. Sherlock Virkoal." She started moving away leaving a distressed and confused dragoness to ponder what she was saying.

“Sher… lock Virkoal? What the heck?"

Shaking her head, Virkoal unfolded the note that she had received from Ajiro. This comment explained about whereabouts of Neriax. The revealed location as to where he had gone off into. SouthWest from the kingdom's position. Far through the vast oceanic sea towards another sandy island where a series of unknown laundering dragons lived. But where Neriax had ended up was upon the shallow seabed. Closest to one of the pirate groups who called themselves the 'first crew' led by a blue dragon whose name is unknown at the time. Virkoal lowered her eyes down towards the bottom of the note; her eyes lit up as it comment something about the initial murder.

It was around morning time. Zawan was still guarding the king. Ajiro was elsewhere. Neriax was far away. Dumped into the sea. And Kesir was worried about him. But this new gal that the king had received. A gift from an unknown group that was identical to the 'Eight shards' during the medieval times. Appeared to them all. She was known as Gavlox. A gardener dragoness. At first impression, neither of us had liked her. Guess everyone did as time went on. Thus allowing the events to align itself towards the murder of the king. It was dreadful.

While we were unable to correctly identify the killer. Here were some descriptions as to whom it was. Virkoal blinked at the comment before drifting her eye towards the corner of the note. Noticing an arrow pointing to the corner, she turned it over and was presented with more words. Before her was a list of words. Each of them detailing the description of the killer at hand. Although this did take place a few years away from the actual murder, it gave Virkoal the time to answer her lifelong question and give the evidence as to whom it was. Virkoal smiled swiftly before hearing something running.

“Bad news! Oh bad news!" Screamed Ajiro as she came upon the door. “The Sharoa eight had captured your friends and are requesting demand about the killer before midnight had arrive. Do we have enough time?" She asked VIrkoal at the end as she looked back to Ajiro in response, frowning before spreading her wings. “Come on then. Let's rescue them and get back my family." “Alright!" Ajiro exclaimed, spreading her beautiful blue sea wings out as they flew through the windows heading southward towards the forest.

But I wonder. With the clues given to me by Ajiro, who was indeed the traitor of the lands...