Current Track: Blabb

Unknown Worlds: NewVenture

It was a week ago since the departure of my friends. Their
distinctive laughter into my brain as memories began to flow through me and I
was left sobbing for them. Raising my head onto the skies and felt the surface
of the waters touch my scales. My wings were spread out onto the waters. My
tail slashing against it, propelling me forward until it hurts often. I… I do
not know where I am going. Just as long as I get away from the place where I
had returned my friends. So here I am at the sea. Going into who knows where. I
think it was north west north… How do others navigate without a compass? More
important, how do I know which direction? Heck, I do not even know where I had
put my personal belongs in my room. Making my own room messy as hell that it
would be impossible to navigate through without using a compass or anything.
And we dragons do not have such a thing, so you know.

Regardless, here I am floating on the water. One week had
passed and I am still floating here. How did I survive you may asked? By a
healthy diet compose of salt water and fish! Sometimes sharks. Okay never mind me
drinking the salt water. It just taste funny on its own. As for the fish, the
water was warm so surely then there would be some fish swimming about. Lurking
within the deep or shallow waters waiting to be feasted on. I had wondered what
was going on through their minds as they were being eaten or haunted for. I
like to imagine that their life would flash before their eyes as with most
dying animals. So while I was floating on, minding my own business. I sighed
lately to myself. Feeling sad and isolated away from my own friends that I was
beginning to feel… well, I do not know how to say it into words however. Dark
thoughts had entered into chat-… I mean, my mind. Typing out anything that
would popped into my mind. Like dirty dark thoughts almost… I think;

I frowned and whimpered when hearing them mentally. While I
opened and closed my eyes trying to blink they away into a far away land.
Hoping that I do not have to deal with them. They just keep coming back. 'Why?'
I asked myself, growling while flapping my wet wings. Creating tidal waves that
would washed onto shores and… wait, wait. They are just waves, false alarm
animals. Sorry. I shook my head from one side to the next, trying to remove any
thoughts that would infest onto my mind. Like a virus to a sick animal! But
those thoughts persist and I was losing a battle in my mind. Sighing, I came to
a standstill. Almost accepting my fate that I was to die out here into the sea
where perhaps I would be famous of becoming an mythical animal like that animal
in Scotland. But coming to reality of that, I would not be alive by then.
Unless of course, I evolve. Is it possible?

Staring out onto the blue skies above me, I noticed
something there. Like a series of black dots flying overhead. They would
disappear and appear into the white and dark clouds that came onto them. Head
on it seems. Not that commercial mind you. I flapped my wings and shouted
whining as loud I could hoping to get their attention. For after about fifty
times or so was then I noticed the dots moving downward, decelerating in
attitude. I had thought that one of them got shot down by the other dots that
lurk within the clouds and I panicked, frantically getting away while I raised
one paw over the other which was inside the waters itself. I swam as fast I
could; getting far away from them. But they already had caught me by the
shoulders and pulled me out of the warm waters into the vast skies where
silence soon over took me. I rose up into the clouds. Silence was in my snout
as I pouted. Crossing my arms, I muttered something while someone behind me
spoke after diving underneath its wingman and said, "Hey man. You the dreg
that kept on screaming and whimpering about like a hatchling?" "I was
not whimpering and screaming frantically, mind you." I shot back at him,
"It's called, 'getting help'" "More like a screaming for help,
am I right?" Spoke the dragon who had me in its shoulder. I snorted and
said nothing. The pair of dragons laughed among themselves for a short while
before turning their attention to me and asked, introducing themselves.
"I'm Xenao. This is leonar." "Neriax." I replied in kind.
"Neriax huh?" replied Xenao, "You are a long away from land
aren't ya?" "Yeah… basically." I hesitated.

"Where ya from?" Xenao asked, I said nothing in
reply while I turned my head over to the blue skies on my left. My wings were
wet but were beginning to dry off thanks to the cold weather wind that we were
having up into the air. Though the yellow sun was somewhere off within the
clouds, I sighed again knowing that I was in the mercy of their claws and
replied, "Nowhere." "What?" Xenao asked, "You cannot
be from nowhere?" "Nowhere from here." I answered completely
forbidding them from saying anything more while the rest of the trip was silent
and quiet on the way to some island.

Before they landed, they dropped me without special care and
onto the sands I got face planting onto it with my face imprint on the sands. I
had to say, it really got my personality. I smiled at it before turning my
attention towards the pair. Both of which landed behind me and smiled, flapping
their wings as they adjusted their feet onto the sands. They threw every harsh
wind gust at me however. But as a dragon, I was able to withstand it all! Once
they had landed, they walked towards me. A short distance away from one
another. As they do, Xenao replied "Well if you are not from around here.
Let's have you introduce yourself to the rest of the crew." "You have
a crew? What are you a group of workers building something? What's your job? Maintaining
the stability of the island?" "No silly." Leonar remarked,
giving off a grin upon his mouth, "We're pirates."
"Pirates?" I asked, then thought for a while. "er… A baseball
team?" "No." Leonar chuckled. "Not the baseball team,
pirates. We're dragon pirates. Sailing the seven seas and one vast blue skies.
Often times diving into the waters to either play or hun-" "Wait,
wait, wait." I interrupted him, "How can you be sailing when you have
wings to fly. Do you have a pirate ship or something?" "Well…"
Started Leonar who trailed in afterwards before shifting his attention
nervously to Xenao who frowned also, "We used to."

"What happened to it?" I asked them and they said
nothing afterwards for a while. Feeling concern about them, I tilted my head to
one side still staring at them. With my tail flickering demanding an answer,
Xenao looked up from the sands and brighten his smile. Waving off to the other
dragons that were behind me, I turned around and was surprise to see a legend
wind dragon here among my eyes. Three other dragons sits behind me. All of them
were looking cheerful and happy amongst each other's presence. It was not until
that the wind dragon took notice and blinked, narrowing his eyes meeting mine
while I hesitated and stepped back touching the scales of Xenao. "Who… is
this guy?" Spoke the wind dragon, "He is Neriax, Shinron. A time
dragon, I think." "H… How did you know that about me?" I asked,
gasping at him but he smiled in response and raised his claw to his forehead.
'I know.'

"A time wizard huh? Can you rewind and forward time
like a DVR?" Shinro asked, I blinked glancing at him then opened my mouth
but no words spoke out. I felt stupid having no answer on that while I breathe
a sigh hanging my head unable to answer such question, Shinron looked up at
Xenao. Tucking his white wings behind his back, he spoke at him "I think
he's a defunct." "What does that suppose to mean!" I snarled
back at him, having found my clearing confident voice before Xenao hanged
something onto my neck. It felt cold to my touch; but I was curious as to what
they hang me on. Looking down, I spotted a red sign that bears the meaning of
whatever was Shinron was saying. I growled back at them; neither of them
laughed as Xenao removed the sign as Shinron asked me calmly, breaking the
silence between us. "So… Why are you here? Where are you headed now?"

"One, I do not know. Two, your pals brought me
here." I argued back and he nodded in response before turning his back to
me, "Join us then and we will fulfill your questions with answers."
"And how are you going to do that?" I asked, raising an eye at him.
Though no answered, he snapped his paw and the other four dragons stood at his
attention before he and the others walked back calmly. Leaving me behind while
I shifted around my head, looking at my surroundings, sighing as I ran in after
them shouting afterwards, "Hey guys! Wait!"