Current Track: Blabb

Venturing: Liar Liar

Unknowingly to myself, it had seen that the two dragoness had seen the light. And with a nod, me and Kyro and stepped back to the dragoness’ sides, awaiting for their theory. We were all gathered in the same spot in the same long hallway. With the brown door behind us where all the massacres from both 2009 and 2020 years had taken place. It was kind of amazing that this many years had passed. Let alone the peace and tranquil that was left upon the school, long before this cycle. Will it happen again in twenty years? After perhaps when we solved this problem? Will, it surfaced again with a new murderer and a new set of officers? Hopefully not. But there was a faint beat in my heart telling me it might again. But despite me trying to understand my feelings towards the subject at hand, my ears were out and erect from my head and listened carefully to the dragoness’ theory to which they had finally turned about and glanced at us.

So now, the silence had fallen. The talks and chattered had died down leaving only the ringing in my ears. I scowled, hardening my face while my eyes narrowed. Hoping to rid the sound, but made it quite worst. Luckily, it was only a short while as Ling had started the conversation with an opening statement, “So… We had gathered every information we can find from our witnesses.’ ‘Yet they all point towards Natty for some reason.” Kyro started making Natty crossed her arms growling at him. I said nothing in response and kept all the thoughts to myself listening to Ling as she nodded to Kyro before resuming, ‘Although many had pinned for Natty and have called for her banishment from this school.” “Hey! That is not true, Ling!” Natty cried, a bit shocked by how harsh Ling was towards her. But she ignored her and continued onward. Both me and Kyro nodded in response, ‘There is one that is not like the herd. Calling out someone else other than Natty.’

“I guess we had not figure out who was this other dragon, however.” I started, pipping in as Ling nodded. ‘Yes. That is correct. So, if the culprit was not Natty at once. Then who was it then?’ Silence fell once more while Ling’s voice faded in the silence. My eyes were turned away and gazed to the hallway on my left. Pondering deeply for the signs to point towards, yet it seems all the information that we had acquired through the two days of searching since the massacre had started, had always pointed towards her. The pink devil. ‘What if there was someone else?’ I thought to myself, frowning. Making a visible face for Ling and Natty to see. I thought through the information again. Every single one of them. But it only made my headache worsen. To the point that I snapped back from my brain and into the reality surrounding me. It had also seems that Kyro received the same endgame as me too when his claw was hanging onto his forehead and his eye was closed. As I gave a flap of my wings, Ling and Natty took it as a signal to continue. They did regardless,

“So. From all the teachers, it pointed to Natty. All but one point to someone else.” Ling responded to the shattered silence surrounding us as I asked her, “But do you know what dragon commit murder?” Ling nodded, “Yes. We do. Our dragon is silver scaled, silver underbelly. That does lower down our visual pool towards a few suspects in mind.” “She is right, you know.” Natty reminded us, I nodded back to her. With the new information, I could see the few suspects in my mind. The majority of them were indeed; different color scales and underbellies. The most common ones were red, blue, white, or black. Or it could be the normality colors that everyone was born with every day. Except for purple. For some reason, that gene had gone lower than usual and I wonder why sometimes. Though with different hypnosis, I sighed with a headache attached to my head once again. Snapping my thoughts out and bringing me back into the reality of things, I turned to Ling and Natty and a quick nod in response afterward as I had not realized the silence surrounding us.

“Of all the dragon populations that live here… Only two attended this school in the past twenty years. Back in 2009 perhaps.” Ling explained, “Excluding me, Ling and Ling.” Natty commented getting a scowl from Kyro. She smiled faintly but sealed her lips afterward. Turning her head over to Ling as she explained further without hesitation, “Both of them were silver.” “Me and Kyro looked through the school records when we were at the frontal office after we had all split up.” Natty added, “What we found written there was surprising for us. ‘Silver dragons’ exactly what our witness had told us about.” “Furthermore…” Natty replied after a short pause, “The silver dragons were the only record in 2009. Yet I was surprised, that neither teacher that worked here recognized the dragons at all.” “Perhaps they perceived them as normal? Like common?” I suggested, Natty shook her head “I do not think so. If they were common, there would be more by now.” “But there was not…” Ling replied Natty nodded. “Yeah. the silver dragons were only recorded twenty years ago.” Then she fell silent. I blinked in surprise that my wings unknowingly spread out instead of folding behind me. As I looked with shock towards the pink dragoness while she was pondering with a faint look upon her face, Ling said “Of the two silver dragons. Only one was named. The other was not.” “Why is that?” Kyro asked, tilting his head wondering.

Natty and Ling nodded, both were wearing the same sad expression on their faces as their wings dropped and folded behind them as if they did not know. Then Ling resumed, “The other was confirmed to be ‘Neriax’. But we do not know who the other one was. Just this name.” “Neriax?” I asked a raised voice from my throat with a confused expression on my face. “He goes to this school?” I added, Ling nodded in response and shrugged frowning, “Yeah. How we did not see this dragon in the past, is beyond me.” “Wait. Are you sure that this dragon is the culprit behind the massacre of both years?” I argued, glaring at Ling while she stepped back and scratched her head, “Well… we do not know, right? He could be or not-” “Hate to break it to you guys but…” Zander remarked glancing at all four of us when our heads turned towards him. The black dragon coughed clearing his throat and crossed his arms against his chest. Asserting a dominance figure and posture, he spoke to Ling with the same tone of voice, “But this ‘Neriax’ dragon is not born in this area. He was hatched in the forest. Did you guys not read his story during your break time?” Zander added after explaining. Defusing Ling’s prosecution wall as she frowned and exposed herself towards the dragon, “Nope.” “Neither have I.” “Same.” All four of us trailed after the other as Zander sighed shook his head and commented, “You guys should…”

The conversation had been shot. Neither of us had wanted to contribute to the silence surrounding us. As our eyes glanced upon one another then away, Natty coughed Ling raised her head upwards towards the ceiling I stood still and Zander and Kyro turned facing one another. It was a quiet turmoil between all of us. However, our creativity thinking had been dried up. With neither of us talking or arguing about the dragon culprits, I gave a sigh and dug my claws into my pockets frowning. Kyro, meanwhile, kicked an invisible rock off to the side before looking up towards us and started “Well… What else could we go through?” “The normality Dragons?” Natty suggested, I shook my head shooting down that “No. Too hard. There are too many comments colored scaled dragons in this school.” “What about the teachers?” I asked, suddenly. I saw their ears erected and heads turning my way as I grinned to them in response; Natty and Ling nodded slowly to themselves, “It could be the reason…” “It makes logical sense honestly.” I remarked adding, “The teachers were perhaps the student themselves back twenty years ago.” “But for what purpose will they hold? What is their grudge against the teachers and students here?” Natty questioned looking to me for answers.

However, I shook my head. Unable to answer it. As everyone went off into the depressing end, our ears rang and with heads looking upward. We realized the time. End of the school day, we had failed our task.