Current Track: Blabb

Venturing: Crush Night

“Now then." Yang remarked, throwing her eyes all over us as if she was trying to keep us in order. “Here are the teams that I had assigned you all for." 'oh here we go…' I thought without hesitation, raising my eyes up onto the blue skies above me watching the white clouds drifted by us towards the westward side. I had wondered where their destination was about. But ignoring that following thought, my ears were erected and my heart pounding against my chest as I waited patiently on the assigned teams were. Before she could even spoke a word, Natty stepped out of line and blurted out. Loud and proud as if she was the king of the universe. Man… Somethings I had hated her for her boastful on cheerfulness personality sometimes. And said nothing as all eyes were upon her but she stared face to face to Yang whose eyes were narrowed back. “I have an idea! This is a good one." “How is any of your ideas any good, by the way Natty." Remarked Kyro as I unknowingly gave a nod agreeing with Kyro on that matter. But she made a face responding to her mate, never growling or frustration upon her as she looked staring to him before darting it away and faced Yang.

“Me and Kyro will fly off to integrate Kesir, Virkoal's mother." Natty suggested, “You and Ling can stay here and investigate the town." She smiled brightly and darted her eyes over to me before winking saying nothing in response. I had wanted to burst. Or blow up. Anger? Excitement? I would not know because of the mixed feelings I had deep within my stomach. As much I had wanted to just run up to her and hug her tight killing her perhaps, I refrained myself and breathed deeply to contain the feelings I had inside my bag. And glanced over to Yang to see her answer. She was frustrated or disappointed in Natty; it was hard to tell due to her pinching her nose with her claw. Her eyes were also closed but never tight. With her head slightly down, she shook her head and growled only lightly. 'Was she mad for Natty to suggest that?' I wondered in my head, but pushed it to the side ignoring it while I returned into the reality of things. I had noticed also that silence had fallen upon everyone while I was thinking too.

Then came Yang response, she never split her mouth or confirmed the teams with Natty. She just stared back onto her and Natty responded with her own. It was like a staredown between the two. So much so that I should get Kyro and Zander to build a wrestling stadium and have the two fight one another. Chuckling softly to myself, both dragonesses turned to me and shut me up. As I stood there watching them both, Kyro stepped in between us and spread his claws out wide. “Alright alright, let us just go. We are wasting precious airtime, you know." “Airtime?" Yang asked, tilting her head to the side as she looked to Natty who shrugged, “Must be some kind of television show he watches…" “You should really cut off his time there and go to bed." Yang suggested, lowering her voice as Natty nodded in the following silence. Kyro said nothing towards them and turned to his mate, grabbing her by the claw and spread his wings out before flying high. Thus disappearing from our sights and still hearing a screaming pink dragoness in the skies above, that left us with me and Yang. We turned to one another. SIlence fell without hesitation. Then, with an awkward initial talk to break the ice that we were standing on, I started.

“We should… I mean… What…" I spoke, stuttering often as my face had started heating up. Yang stared at me for a short glance and chuckled. Then glanced away and looked at somewhere else, she said “There was this restaurant that I had wanted to try out." “Restaurant?" I answered, tilting my head to one side adding into my sentence “But I thought you guys were-" “We did. But Natty got distracted by a fancy one adjacent to where we were investigating at." Yang answered, I said nothing and smiled only faintly. “Well. Lets go there then. Cannot hurt to try what they had to offer." “Are you sure about this, Ling?" Yang asked, raising her head to me. I nodded answering her, “Yes. Now please lead the way. I am not sure as to where it is-" “Its where you first saw the clear jewel." Yang remarked, raising her claw pointing to a nearby walkway. I blinked then turned to her. She said nothing but to walk forward, leaving my side as I watched her go. I followed behind. Indeed it was a short distance away from where we were standing.

Entering in onto the entrance of the walkway, I raised my eyes up onto the skies. Suddenly realizing that the sun was sinking down faster than I had expected. With the air rising its warmth and replacing it with the cold frosty air that swirls around us, I shivered and shoved my claws onto the pockets of my pants as I lowered my eyes to the horizon. Staring down onto the two parallel lines of buildings on either side of us. Most of the buildings were dark and empty. Perhaps the owners were gone, out of business or simply locked for the night. All except for two or three. And all of them were on one side of me. As I turned looking onto them, Yang grinned in excitement as she draws near towards one of the two or three buildings. And reached the door grabbing the handle, pulling it from its hole as the door opened allowing us to get through. A burst of cold air washes over us and freezes my body and Yang's other claw. As we entered walking through the door, we were also met with the cold air that filled the atmosphere around us. Thank Goodness that we were cold to begin with. 

The room we were in was a medium size. Almost no customer or employee were inside. The place seemed empty. Tables and chairs were in a ratio of one to two. Sometimes one to three or four at most. Before us stands a halfway; three cashiers standing on top. All of them black and gray with LCD small pole hanging next to them. No one was behind the cashiers. And even beyond it were empty as well. As I shifted my attention towards Yang, raising an eye in question of her suggestions. Yang shrugged and said nothing afterwards, but turned around and started for the door. I followed afterwards until we were outside. The sun had finally set. Stars shone above us. As the red and orange colorings mixed in with one another, I lowered my head to the sidewalk below us giving a sigh as I felt a claw upon my shoulder. Feeling her, I felt warm mentally as I looked up to her. She smiled faintly before pointing with her other claw on the other building next door. We tried that place. But the door was already locked. Yang was shocked that she grabbed tightly onto the handles and pulled all that she could. The door remained still like stone and I stepped in shaking my head. For in answer, she pulled away. Sadness followed as revealed upon her face, I felt sorry for her somehow but my mind was elsewhere.

Standing alone onto the empty abandoned sidewalk when the sun disappeared and in its place was the moon shining shimmery above. We fell silent. But grew comfortable with each other's company. As our eyes turned meeting with one another, I felt a warmth feeling rising above from my stomach onto the edge of my neck. As my heart pounded, I suddenly spoke. “We should start looking for clues that would perhaps help into the investigation. Instead of us just looking at the restaurant and eating." “But we worked all day yesterday and the day after that! Should we not just chill out and relax just for once?" Yang complained to me. I looked to her again and noticed her blushing. Her arm was grabbed by her other claw as she gaze down towards the grounds. She fell silent. I said nothing before chuckling, “Then come on. Lets go home and do dinner. 'Relax and chill out' as you had wanted to." I replied to her, air quoting as to tease her. Her face was brighten, red disappeared. As she looked to me without hesitation, she laughed nudging me “Stop air quoting me." “Why?" I asked as we started for home.

I guess maybe we do need a break after all. Six maybe seven stories we had been working hard into finding the secrets of the jewel and the link towards the massacre that happened at school three days ago. As I had remembered that memory, hearing the screams and shouts coming from the other side of the door while gunshots emerged, my mouth lowered its edges and my mind pumped blood in ponderance of who was the culprit. It was a hard mystery after all; knowing full well that it was a fox and a silver dragon that came up with the scheme. But what were their names? Why did they kill? Why the jewel? So many questions pumped back into my brain that I had thought I buried them all into the  mental graveyard. That as I regained a headache that began pulsing, I groaned psychically and snapped my fangs together while Yang looked to me with widened eyes, kneeled down in front and threw her claws out upon my face.

It was indeed a lot to take in. And everything that we had learned; did not make any sense. With thoughts swirling and my mind arguing with itself, I groaned in pain grunting in frustration until. I felt something on my cheek. And thus opened my eyes and stared at Yang in front of me. Her face pure red that she had lost the scale color. She stared back and we stood like this for the duration of the silence. As a mental whip vanishes every thought that was in my brain, I opened my mouth and rose to my feet. Utterly silence and overwhelmed that the only thought I could muster was, “You kissed me?" “It was the… only way for you to clear your head." Yang responded with hesitation in her voice. My heart pounded, I wanted to kiss her back but I refrained from doing so. Instead, I smiled faintly and nodded my head slightly as I asked her. “We should head back to the station. It is already nighttime." “What about the restaurants or the sidewalk where the jewel was hidden?" I swatted the questions and shook my head, faintly smiling “Do not worry about it. Natty and Kyro had it all covered. Do you not remember?" I asked her, she nodded her smile brightened upon the darkness surrounding us “Yeah. They should be back by now." “Let us see what they had acquired with from her." I concluded and together we walked back onto the station. It was a long way there from where we were standing.

Returning onto the station, we stopped in front of the door. I heard Yang breathing calming herself down from the excitement that was drifting from her mouth. As I had not noticed of us holding claws, I raised my other claw onto the doorknob and grabbed it. Opening it wide before leading Yang inside. No warmth air had washed over us. All we got instead was neutral. If that was even a word. As we drifted away from the small room we were in, entering back onto the walkway, we glanced around the place. Looking for either Kyro or Natty. But it had seemed that the two were gone for the moment… Or was it? As we confirmed in our eyes that no one was about, I turned to Yang and called out her name. She listened and turned facing me in response. My heart pounded again as I heard voices in my head urging me. But my mouth remained sealed tight as if someone had stuck glue inside of it. Preventing me from speaking the words. However, I struggled to say the words. Stuttering and speaking incomplete sentences were the result of things before Yang pressured me. It was me who felt embarrassed. Red as a rose was my face replacing that blue scale coloring I was born with. As I remained silence with eyes widened staring onto her, Yang blinked a couple times in response.

I inhaled then exhaled. One breath before I had confessed. And my mouth split apart as I started telling her, “Years on end. I had thought about you. From when we were hatchlings to where we are now. It is amazing to think that we had reunited again after twenty years. However…" I trailed, and closed my mouth while my mind started searching for the words that I would pick up. “I wanted more than a friendship we had all these years…" I trailed again and raised my eyes up onto her face. Noticing her shocked, I smiled only faintly in response chuckling and teasing her, “You do not have to be that surprise, Yang. You know that." “Yeah I know." The dragoness answered, laughing again as I joined in afterwards. With the laughs dying down, we looked once again before we thought on the inevitable amongst the silent darkness that-

“So you two finally made up huh?" “Natty! Kyro!" Yang and I exclaimed, pulling away from one another as the pair emerged from their hiding spots. “You pulled this trick on us did you not?" Yang remarked, her face turned red and steam emerged from her ears. I was surprise to see her like this and turned my head over to Kyro who smirked confidently, often times chuckling at the two dragonesses fighting one another as I walked over to him. Tapped him over the shoulder, he turned to me and crossed his arms as he winked. I blushed red rosy before shaking my head of the thought and asked, changing the subject. “On the regards of Kesir, the mother of Virkoal, what have you guys found?" “Oh. There are lots to tell you." Kyro replied nodding his head, “But the important thing is. You need to seal the deal." “What… What do you mean by-" I started but he lowered his claw down. I followed him and stared onto the ground before blinking, answering him. “I do not-" “Your bulge from your pants." Kyro answered, chuckling. “I thought dragons needed to merry before breeding?" I questioned but Kyro shook his head. “Nope. Those are fictional erotic stories. This is not." “This?" I asked him raising an eye as Kyro nodded.