Current Track: Blabb

Unknown Worlds: Lockets

We turned our attention towards whoever was walking forth
towards us. I froze in fear, but kept my wings spread out while I took a step
forth away from Kesir. She gasped in response and looked at me. I projected a
fainted grin upon her in response before whipping my head around gazing at the
shadow figure before us. It walked forth to us taking one step at the time. I
growled and waited, poised almost ready to unleashed my claws and kill whoever
was in front of us. However, it stopped and carried a familiar voice that both
of us recognized suddenly that our ears perked and my head was raised upward.
Easing my scales, I gazed before muttering. "Zawar… Is that… you?"

A short nod confirmed my question. I smiled brightly and
said nothing while Kesir ran up to him and hugged him close. Her claws wrapped
around his chest while I looked envy at them almost growling at them turning
away. But before I could, Zawar replied to the silence between us. Turning
himself around and raised his paw upward, he pointed to the westward direction
to the horizon beyond us while I tilted my head wondering what he was pointing
to. So, I asked him. "Where are we going? Where are the others,
Zawar?" "By the gates." Zawar replied, I spoke back afterwards
"Gates? Are we heading to an airplane or something? We are dragons, Zawar.
We are our own-" But an look from his face, cut my sentence short while he
slowed down to a stop. I did too. For we gated at one another in silence,
hearing the footsteps of Kesir running off somewhere like a hatchling looking
for her favorite toy.

"We are getting out of this building. Stick it into
your brain, Neriax." Zawar replied, speaking his words as they entered
into my ears. I nodded back, "I know that we are exiting out. But there
are no exit doors about. How did you find a gate? I thought it is im-"
"Can you just shut up for one second." "No." I barked back
and he growled in response before shaking his head, he stomped away almost
looking as if he was angrily or something. As he walked, I tailed behind and yawned
before staring at his tail. It swings off in my eyes from one side to another.
It looked almost delicious to say the matter. Without thinking, I bit into the
tail. I heard a cry and running. Taken for the ride, I tried to hold onto it
for as long I could. Closing my eyes tightly while my fangs bear against the
scales of the tail and I was dragged across the flooring below me. Before long,
he stopped and so did the tail. I let go and frowned. Zawar turned his eyes to
me angrily. I smiled in response before raising my eyes elsewhere turning to
the purple vertex that swirls around before us. Next to it were Salix and
Ajiro. Both of which were trying their best not to laugh.

We gathered with them. Salix said nothing in response to
both of us. However, Ajiro burst laughing and pointing her claw over to Zawar
while she tried to speak whatever was within her mouth. She could not thanks to
her laughing getting into the way. All of it had caused Zawar to blushed red
and turned his head to the side, a rumble of growl emerged from his mouth
probably to me considering what I had done. I sat in front of him, my tail
wagging playfully while I stared at him with amusement further causing him to
lash out at me and I spoke back, "What? Do not like your tail getting bitten?
I thought you like it." Salix stopped us before a fight could break out
while silence fell over. I sighed and scanned around my surroundings, hoping to
see Kesir where ever she was.

Its been hours since and no sign of Kesir anywhere. I
flickered my tail to one side, growling impatiently as I wondered where she
was. Shifting my attention to one side, I noticed Salix was equally getting
impatient too. Deciding to speak up and shatter the silence around us, I piped
"I will go and find her. Just go on ahead without me. That goes for you
too-" me and Zawar looked at one another with our claws pointing to each
other. With a gasp of shocked, we growled throwing our claws pointing
ourselves. "No! I will go! Not you!" this conversation had gone off
for a while before Salix slammed his tail onto the ground shouting at us,
"Both of you will go. I will have no further converse with this."
Then he and Ajiro turned their backs to us returning to the portal before
entering in. Leaving me with him. Ugh!

Narrowing my eyes, I shifted them over to Zawar who mirrored
me angrily. Our claws pointed touching fingertips and I growled at him.
"She is mine. Back off." "She does not need you. Much less she
barely even knows you. If its anyone that can find her in this mess, it is me."
"Not you!" I shouted back onto him screaming at his ears over taking
his words and sentences. My voice traveled through the airless atmosphere
rattling some walls and pillars that were about closest to us. With our eyes
turned from one another, we gazed to the walls then to the pillars before
frowning. Quickly, I ran forth towards the vertex behind us and threw both my
paws on either side of it before drawing them closer to one another. It was
shaped like a diamond. Glancing back onto Zawar, I had saw him ran off already
probably in search of the dragoness that was gone missing. I growled groaning
frustratedly at his self ego before standing still and breathed slowly.
Allowing my tail to glow white and my horns moved along on their own.

Both of them pointed directly to the north and westward
position from where I was. With a faintly smile, I exhaled and allowed the
relaxing state of my body to go away while my tail stopped glowing returning to
its normal status. I threw opened my wings spreading them out to my sides and
flapped them, raising myself into the air. I carefully flew across the air,
glancing downward upon the flooring below me hoping to see both Zawar and
Kesir. But from where I had flew, they were not there at once. 'Probably
deeper.' I thought to myself, snarling mentally before flapping my wings
gliding them across the air. Raising my eyes upward through the horizon and
darted my eyes about hoping to find them. Eventually, I did. But it was not
what I had expected at once.

Zawar and Kesir were trapped underneath a pile of boulders
made of pillars and walls that closed in onto them when they were not even
looking upon their surroundings. My ears flickered and stretched outward,
returning the sounds of the collapse surroundings registered into my head. I
gasped in shocked realizing that a wall was coming forth from my right. It hit
me and injured my wing. I was thrown into the ground just inches away from the
pile as the wall came at me without hesitation. Getting up onto my feet, I ran
quickly straight for them. Dodging anything that came my way including pebbles,
rocks, they are the same right?, pillars and walls. Quickly I dived into the
pile, encountering both dragons as they turned their eyes to me. I smiled
faintly and reached around my wings and scales, pulling out the diamond shape.
I threw it to the ground and it opened up before us. The same purple vertex
swirling in our eyes as Kesir and Zawar fainted grinned before jumping into it.

It only left me. Isolated and alone, I took one look around
my surroundings before jumping into the vertex. However, it did not go as
planned honestly. Before I could jump into it, a giant sized pillar struck into
it making it impossible to entered in without moving it to the side. I was
desperate and scared that I whined frighten before stepping back. My eyes widen
and I could hear everything crashing around me. Then it all stopped afterwards.
The rise of dust emerged before settling onto the ground. My eyes glanced out,
I peak through the shelter that both Kesir and Zawar had made and noticed that
I was alive. Injured but alive. I smiled happily and opened my wings. Wincing
once I had remembered the pain exerted from my right wing. So I gazed around
and crawled through the opening where the giant pillar had made and exited from
the shelter. The place, however, was in ruins. It looked as if some twister had
came by and tackled the entire building to pieces hacking it down until it
looked like this. I sat down and sighed to myself, hanging my head. My mind
raced as I wonder how I would get home.