Current Track: Blabb

Treter: HighCore


At the peak, we stared
out into the horizon. Staring down onto the streets of Canine, watching as the
canines themselves were to maneuver about. Things had gotten quiet since the
last incident, compared to reptile however where everyday is. I nearly chuckled
afterwards, yet held my tongue and breath when the other coyotes fixed their
attention towards me. I just waved them off afterwards, stating nothing else
other than the quietness that was hovering above us. Thus, I exhaled a breath
and closed opened my eyes upon the quietness of the canine realm before us. It
had seems that Wovan and Wivina shared in the dead silence either also whenever
I had glanced towards them, noting upon their tranquility behaviors and such
that I just shake my own head and fixed my attention forth to the horizon
beyond us.


As I had said previously,
the entire canine realm was entirely quiet and peaceful that I, myself, was
tempted to go and stir trouble just to find something to do. But instead, I
find myself hanging back and staring down onto the realm before me with another
exhaled of a sigh before turning around, signaling my team with my ears while
everyone around me nodded. Turned around and started to depart. But that was
when things had gotten weird. I do not mean, weird in a good way either
however. Because I kept on hearing something at the distance. That same faint
sounds that always erupted upon the canine realm. Every morning, at the same
time too. Whenever we had arrived either also. A couple of other canines had
noted it too and tried to filtered it out, some of them tried to cover their
own ears to block it however. Yet I growled, I had always wondered where that
sound had came from. Much less trying to avoid conflict upon the realm as much


But the curiosity always
won out at the end. To which I just spoke out of the blue which had forced
Wovan, Wivina and Whittia to fixed their attention towards me just as I pointed
them towards the indeed source of where that sound had emerged from. “You guys
hear it right? I am not going crazy at all?" “Yeah." Responded immediately
Wovan and Wivina while Whittia and Wyott blinked and glanced back towards the
horizon, spreading their ears opened and 
blinked another time. Shaking their head after a few seconds of silence,
something that I just shake my own head about. “It is coming from North west
from here, Whittia and Wyott." I started, deadpanned while nudging my snout
towards the intended spot which the remaining glanced over.


For at last, they gave a
nod. Confirming about the noise either just as Wivina commented out “What is
that noise? Had the canines been able to endured it all throughout the
morning?" “The other canines held their ears." Commented Wyott which Wovan
nodded his head, frowning “Must be a bad noise then." “We should file a
complaint about it." “No." I interrupted the conversation while everyone turned
their attention towards me. I had my head shake another time, for emphasis onto
what I just said and that had forced the others to quiet down and kept grounded
for the time being. Just as their eyes fixed upon me, I spoke “We should check
out that noise. See who is playing it. Then break it." A pause momentarily
which the coyotes take by nodding their heads in the following silence, “But we
should also take care of these canines, first. For who knows what that sound
maybe really is." “Indeed, Wyott." Wovan observed, shifting his attention back
towards the streets as he and Wyott exhaled a breath. Muttering something underneath
their breaths, I spoke to the rest of them “We should split into two then."
After that, no one complained.


So we splitted up. Me
together with Wyott while Whittian was together with Wovan. The two coyotes
jumped off from the rooftops that we were upon, landing upon the streets of
canine and sprinted forth towards the ideal location of where I had wanted them
to be. While they were doing just that; me and Wovan prepared ourselves to head
forth towards the source of that sound. But we did not jump off from the
rooftop like the other pair had done. No, we ran along the rooftop. Jumping
from one house and building towards another; heeding forth towards the source
of that noise while it had growned louder and more lively upon my ears. My eyes
narrowed in ponderance while Wovan tilted his head in question, commenting onto
me “I think that sound is just an instrument. Guess we had nothing to worry
about then." “How ya know?" I questioned him, “Distinct ear however." Wovan
answered back with a smile plastered upon his face. But I just shake my own
head and continued, resuming our tactics while we draw forth towards our targeted


For by the time we had
reached our destination, Wovan was a bit surprise that it was not an real life
instrument. Rather, a record player playing something of a musical. With red
blushes imprinted upon his cheeks, I just chuckled at him silently. Shaking my
own head afterwards while nudging his flank, he jolted and turned towards me
while I raised a paw. Pointing back to the rooftop aboves onto which he just
nodded. Thus, we jumped back to the rooftops afterwards and landed upon its
surfaces. Still we had glanced downward upon where we were, half noticing that
we were upon the square of canine realm. Here, the place was lively as before.
The noise still was not louder than the music box that was closest to us. I
rose my eyes towards the square before us; half noticing about the canines that
were here. Minding their own businesses, doing shopping or chores; keeping
their stores and markets clean of anything. Their products were the same just
as I had anticipated however. Fruits, vegetables and a bunch of other stuff
that I was not able to recognized. I just left it at that.


I shook my head while
Wovan glanced towards me quietly. For his lips were sealed, yet his ears
dropped to the surface of his skull. A bit disappointed about not being able to
hear anything other than the musical player that was positioned adjacently to where
we were seated. I just smiled faintly upon him and raised a paw towards his
hide; patting his back while he jolted in his seat. Coldness air bite against
his frosty back while I removed my paw from him. Just in time to hear about the
other pair coming close towards where we were. I turned around, glancing to
Whittia and Wyott just as they had landed upon the grounds of the rooftops,
adjacently to us however. They were lightly panting, 'something must had scared
then.' I thought while Wovan fixed his attention towards the other pair and
reported their findings. Wyott exchanged his with Wovan; and our eyes widened
in surprise by his report.


“Guys. There is a problem
at Northeast of canine realm." “What was the problem? Noises?" Questioned Wovan
tilting head afterwards while I pointed adjacently to the record player. Both
coyotes fixed their attention towards it and frowned, then turned back towards
us responding “That is the problem." “That?" I shake my own head, nearly
laughing to the two while they pouted and frowned following afterwards, I felt
a nudge and it was coming from Wyott as he growled lowly at me. I held my paws
out towards him, growling back “Fine. Fine. So what if it is the music that was
playing by the recorder? Any enemies that comes forth from the horizon or
surroundings?" A pause answers my own thoughts. I just exhaled a breath,
frowning before answering them again “We should not jump into the conclusions.
We should perhaps-" Then a loud gasp came from the crowd before us. A word;
then another. Until everything had became a jumbo mess that both me and Wyott
glanced over to the side. Towards the small crowd that was there.


For quickly, we turned
our attention towards the horizon to the left of us. Gazing where Wyott and
Whittian had came from and the claim of where that music player was playing its
tunes. But we had saw nothing then; just the music from the other player being
played intensified. But nothing more than a normal looking day. 'Something more
of boring however.' I groaned, yawning for emphasis just as Wyott and Wivina
fixed upon one another and crouched down to leap towards the other rooftop
before them. Both me and Wovan immediately stepped onto their tails, preventing
them from even moving just as they let out a gasp; or a shocked and promptly
fell upon the grounds before us. While they narrowed their eyes, growling upon
us; I just shake my own head and frowned. Then spoke my mind upon them however,


“Something is rather off
today." “What makes you say that however?" Questioned Wovan with a tilt of his
head, fixing his eyes upon me while I lowered my head to him and responded
“Think about it. Why were there two musical boxes played at different locations?
One is already intensifying, getting louder even from a distance such as here.
Why did that canine scream out loud about it; yet no one reacted or response
upon it?" my packmates fell quiet after that; though they had glanced to one
another, giving off nods and something else as they had seen the reality of the
situation that was laid out in front of us however. “It makes sense however…"
Wovan trailed off, glancing back towards me as I nodded my head acknowledging
him “Regardless of why these music boxes were playing loudly. Maybe to scare
off something or to bring something forth from the underground to the surface
of canine, we should probably get everyone to evacuate already, no?" Suggested
Whitti while she glanced over to me and the others. I nodded my head at her,
“Good start. I suggest Wovan to do that." “Why me?" Wovan exclaimed, turning
his attention towards me. But I kept quiet afterwards.


As he and I had a moment
of silence, he relented and exhaled a breath. Shaking his head acknowledging it
before hanging his head, gazing at the flooring in silence while muttering
something underneath himself, “Great." I answered him, jolting him awake or in
realization. Whatever had came first however. But  he just shake his head again and motioned to
Whitt who gave a nod towards him; both coyotes had fled off silently leaving me
behind with Wyott who just frowned in silence, watching the two go on their own.
Thus our atmosphere had gone to silence; it was a short while before I spoke
towards Wyott and he turned his attention towards me quietly as I spoke “We
should see what these 'music players' are about anyway." “I thought you said
that these are really musical players?" Commented Wyott tilting his head to one
side in question, but I just shake my own head and said nothing. Just jumped
down upon the grounds beneath me whereas Wyott joined me afterwards.


We hit the grounds. A
loud sound erupted beneath our own feet as we had landed. Wasting no more time
standing about, we sprinted across the square. Straight towards the music box
that we had preseeded to be adjacent to us. Yet to our surprise, it was actually
across from where we were standing. Adjacent to the other entrance of the
square was our target; the box that was painted black. Orange markings imprints
upon the sides of the box; a small silver thin bar was upon its side. An orange
handle appeared upon its end. We ran up towards it. I nomed upon the handle;
temporarily stopping the music from being played and muffled spoke towards
Wyott who tilted his head to one side again. I tried again. The cycle continues
and I just vibrated from my own throat, groaning before responding to him after
letting go from the handle itself, “Stop the box!" “Oh."


Into the next second or
two we started hearing screaming erupted from the tranquility of the
atmosphere. Our ears had picked it up however, it was something to be worried
about as my eyes darted to the source of those screaming. But saw nothing here
other than both of us alone. While Wyott was taking care of the box itself, my
jaws were starting to hurt. Burness erupted from the interior of my own snout
as my own fangs cracked upon the metal bars within. I just vibrated, perhaps
towards a groan and a urgance for Wyott who growled back at me. “Working on
it." “Wyott." I commented, pleading him to go faster. He just repeated the same
old answered again while beads of sweat were falling from his own head while
his eyes kept stare towards the box. “Wyott!" I now exclaimed before spitting
out the handle. For the handle continued playing despite being slippered by my
own saliva. My own jaw was started to hurt; burned from having to tightly hold
the handle. As I glanced over to Wyott; he just muttered something underneath
his breath and attacked the box.


He felt something when
his eyes opened up wide. His ears were erected and I faintly smiled onto him
however. He retracted back; a piece of the box's cover was upon his own snout. Spitting
it out, he gaze over upon the interior of the box itself before him. Quickly
noticing what was operating the box at hand. For he played his own and sticks a
rock within the two 'teeths' of the cogs before him. A loud grinding erupted
from them. Down into a grinding hold until peace was the only thing left upon
our minds. I exhaled a breath, so did Wyott as he and I gave smiles of
confirmation and something else. Though the worth within my own body wanted me
to celebrate, I withheld it and turned around. Wyott noted this and followed me
while we fled towards the rooftop. There, we had spotted Whittia and Wovan.
Both of which were panting heavily. Blackness covered upon their entire bodies
while their heads were hanged. I tilted my head upon them. They lifted their
heads upward to me, speaking inbetween breaths “They are coming." “Who is? DId
you not manage to stop the box?" “We broke it." Answered Wovan, my eyes gone
wide. Cursing, I nodded before quickly turned towards the exit of canine. “Come
on." I screamed upon the other three adjacent to me, all of which were snapped
our of their own gazes and lifted their heads upward towards me, before giving
off a nod.


Just then. We all hear a
roar. A roar that was so loud that it harshly vibrated the grounds beneath us.
“Do not look back!" I heard Wovan exclaimed, Whitti and Wyott gave off their
own nods towards the coyote who glanced towards me. We jumped from one rooftop
to the next; all the while sprinting down them hope to reach the exit that was
in front of us. We heard another roar; vibrating the grounds. Some of the
buildings adjacently to us were shattered due to the 'earthquake' that had
happened. With more and more of the buildings broken and shattered down, we
continued sprinted. Neither of us never glanced back, fearing about whatever
was behind us however.


We heard the sounds. The
sounds of sirens erupting upon the horizon. Filling our own ears as we felt the
urge to rush forth towards the exit before us. Our eyes narrowed towards the
horizon, staring at the exit. More roars erupted into the following silence;
more and more buildings break down. It was chaos; but we were glad that all of
the canines had escaped from here long ago. Although there was a thought that
surfaced upon my own mind, pondering about the monster in connection towards
the box at hand. Though I had wanted to turn around and find out upon that box,
I knew it would not be that easy however. So with that, my eyes just shut
closed while I spoke towards Wyott “Lead the pack." He just silently nod while
I had opened my eyes. Wovan and Whitti noticed this and fixed their attention
towards me; but I just waved them off. For quickly, I turned sharply around and
sprinted back. Recovering the steps needed to closed in onto the other box at
hand. The one that my packmates had missed however.


That was when I had
noticed the monster in front of me. Large as he is; perhaps he is more prone to
falling upon the ground. Such a hard impact would destroy him however and I
smirked upon that thought; but discarded it afterwards while I lifted my head and
eyes upward into the horizon. Gazing to where the monster was. As another
thought popped upon my own mind, my ears flattened upon my own skull as I had
became worried. My breathing had became heavy after sprinting halfway through
the canine realm then sprinted back towards where the monster was become. With
sweat falling upon my own furs damping it heavily, I ran forth towards where
the monster was. Closing in onto the spot where the box was still playing


Where I had stopped
momentarily was the time that I had to look about upon the surrounding. With
another roar erupting upon the tranquility of the silence hovering above us and
me ignoring it completely, I scanned upon the deserted part of the canine realm
where the majority of the houses and buildings were destroyed or burned down by
the fire that erupted from the gas canister left at the interior of the homes.
After a while of searching; there, I saw it. The object that I was looking for
and a small smile erupted upon my own snout. Thoughts popping into my own mind
before I casted my eyes down upon the grounds beneath me. Spotting a pebble. I
leaped from the rooftops. Hitting the ground hard just as cracks appeared all
around. Several pieces of which had 'leaped' or 'popped' from the grounds
before me. All of which had became uneven and hard to maneuver about without
even tripping or something worst however.


I just shake my own head.
Clearing my thoughts as I lowly growled to myself. With another roar erupting
from the monster before me, I crouched down. Tail up. Then started sprinting
across the uneven pavement before me. But I had initial tripped over the starting
lines of the uneven grounds below me. I stood up and growled towards myself;
knowing full well that I cannot hope to get to the box without tripping or
spraying my own leg. 'There was only one thing to do.' I thought to myself and
exhaled a breath and then leaped towards the side, propelling myself forth
using the pavement that was there adjacently. So I played 'leapfrog' with the
pavement and uneven grounds adjacently and before me. Thus in no time at all, I
had already reached upon the box that was continuously playing at a faster
speed. The music was also getting faster it had seemed to; no doubt. Grounding
my fangs and narrowing my eyes, I instantly shoved the pebble straight into the
box before me. But it would not work because the wall of the box blocked the
way of me entering inside.


Snarling upon the one
step that I had entirely missed, I opened my jaw and ripped the 'papers' of the
box. Screams ring true upon my ears and mind; my mind ignoring what those
screams were however while I turned my attention towards the exposed cogs before
me. Once again, I shoved the pebble straight in between them instantly. It had
worked for a few seconds. Silence. The monster poof out of existence anyway. I
faintly smiled. Knowing that I had done it and just as I was about to turn
around, something hit against the back of my own head. Knocking me out