Current Track: Blabb

Treter: HigherUps


A brightest of light
shines from the horizon above, illuminating the grounds below it where it grew
brighter than the skies itself. We all watched in awed of the brightest power
before our faces, finding ourselves standing still and just staring up ahead.
No voices. No words or anything had came to our throats or mind as a matter of
fact however. But that event had came and passed; for last thirty minutes to an
hour ago as we had found ourselves here. Standing by the square of the canine
realm, pondering to ourselves about the breakup of the realm. Additionally, as
to whom had desired it at all.


With the waters flowing
from the water jets at the center of the fountain and lots of canines and
reptiles about doing their business of the day; we gathered around in a circle.
Heads hanged downward towards the solid grounds below us. Ears flattened against
our skulls, to ignore the sounds of voices that were surrounding us. Even
though, no canine or reptile was even making a peep. We had still ignored it.
For at our silence, one of us would raised their heads from the grounds below
and spoke a suggestion forth the entire group whose heads would raise
collectively and stare towards the one who was speaking. Thus after the
suggestion we would 'vote' upon whether or not we would comply to it or not.
Then speak of a counter-suggestion afterwards if someone did not like it at
all, failing the collective vote as well.


Perhaps this had
continued for like hours without end. Each suggestion that the coyotes have to
me were just as ridiculous as the last however. That sometimes I just wished to
just shake my own head and frowned; pondering why had I chosen such ridiculous
canines of all of them however. But that thought never dwelled upon me for long
as Wovan had suggested something that had peaked all of our interest at the
time being. Thus, I had noticed that Wivian and Wyott had blinked; turned to
one another in response before nodding their heads. I nodded also to follow
them; thought highly curious about this 'plan' that Wovan had cooked up so


As his smile turned into
a grin; everyone's head turned towards Wivina who just frowned. Her eyes fixed
upon each and every one of us before giving off an exhale of a sigh. Raised her
head towards the horizon above her and responded to the rest of us, “It is your
lost however." “Then I guess we will start Wovan's suggestion then." I started
with everyone else agreeing except for Wivina who does not seem entirely
convinced by the whole thing in general. 'But who was she to complain anyway?'
I thought to myself while taking a glance towards her as she just laid back
down onto the ground, ears pulled back and her eyes fixed towards Wovan and
Wyott. The two seems to be conversating with Westli. The three coyotes gave a
nod towards one another before Wyott stepped forth from the group; shifts his
attention towards me and spoke. “Here is our first suggestion. Think we can
canine nape some members of the canines and blamed them significant to the
reptiles? Thus splitting the two apart from one another?" “That is going to be
a hard suggestion to commit." I responded to Wyott whose ears pulled back and
he started frowning, “Why so?" “Remember, the two faction realms have strong
ties with one another. Regardless if they were in conflict of one another. I
guess they had some sort of connection…" I answered him, raising my head
towards the skies above me before sighing.


“Anyway. That what I
think." I finished without hesitation as the small pause of silence submerged
between me and Wyott before he gave off a nod towards me, “Still." He protested
silently, fixing his eyes to mine as I met him off, “I like to try however."
“Do not blame me if you get chase our however." I responded to Wyott who gave a
nod to me, turned around immediately and left the group as he fled straight
towards the merged realms of canine and reptile. As he faded from my eyes; I
quickly turned towards Wovan, Whitti and Wivina. All three seems preoccupied
with their own minds as their eyes were left staring upon something. Something
that had interest them at the time being. Upon this, I just exhaled a breath.
Barked at them to interrupted their way of thinking and to snapped their
attention back towards reality.


By the time their rose
their heads to meet up with mine, I responded to the quick silence that hovered
above us. “As of now, Wovan had left immediately to try out his tactic. It will
not work however because of the strong bones between the two factional realms.
But anyone had a suggest=" “I got one." Interrupted Whitti whom raised his paw
into the air and growled out loud for me to hear; Wovan and Wivina turned
towards him; eyes widened and ears pointed upward as they glanced upon him in
interest. Whitti just smiled back towards the two; then immediately turned to
me before laying down the suggestion for me. “If the first fails; then we will
reason with them and convinced the inhabitants they were not made for one
another-" “That plan is stupid." Exclaimed Wovan, his voice louder than Whitti
as he and I glanced over to the interrupting Wovan.


His eyes narrowed upon
us; but had his direction shifted towards Whitti. For he rose to his feet and
stomp his way forth towards him and spoke, “There is no way that the two
factions are in disagreement with one another. They were always in harmony."
“You had not seem them when they were separated, Wovan." “Name a suggestion
them, Whitti." Wovan growled back threateningly him. The two just became silent
and bumped heads with one another for a few seconds more before they had
separated. Meanwhile, both me and wivina exhaled our breaths and shake our
heads before I spoke towards the two coyotes in front of me. “Alright both of
you. Stop now." Both coyotes fixed their attention to me while I continued,
“While the plan seems reliable. Take into considering about Wovan's protest.
“He is right." Wivina started, taking off the conversation from me and running
with it while I just stared at her silently.


“The plan seems to be
good at first; but have yourself remember that the two were cooperating with
one another since the Oceanic Federation incident and invasion." “Yet what
about the canine-reptile war that had happened many times within the intertwine
realm? Surely, they are still against one another." A short pause of silence
came before I gave a nod to Wovan, “You are right about that war. Almost
everyone, including the audience, had forgotten about it however." “Indeed."
Smiled Wovan while Whitti just exhaled a breath and said nothing. Yet we took
interest of him when his ears were pointed upward suddenly, silently
interrupting the conversation that all three of us were having as I questioned
her “What is up?" “Wyott is coming. Did not take him long however." She smiled
afterwards and responded to me; I blinked responding back. But remained silent
as the sounds of running and sprinting had came, submerged upon my own ears
with my mind registering it however.


For before soon, I gave
off a nod towards Whitti then immediately turned towards to the horizon.
Spotting off Wyott who was sprinting down the plains of the intertwine, visible
fear surfaced upon his own face as a cold chill was running down his own spine.
His ears were flattened, eyes widened and mouth opened just slightly to avoid
any sort of flies to come forth within him. He sprinted down the plains;
returned to Virkoal Forest and exhaustedly dropped upon the grounds beneath
him. Passing out however. Me, Wyott, Wovan and Whitti gave off a laugh or a
chuckle at this response. Wyott in question growled weakly at us and followed
it up with a response, “You would be if you were in my shoes." “Or rather feet
however." Poked Whitti with a smile while Wyott just rolled his eyes annoyed,
but remained silent for a short time before I spoke towards him. “So what
happened? Was your suggestion a success?"


A brief pause of silence,
or maybe a dramatic flair whatever it was, it was silent and we held our
breaths momentarily. For our eyes turned to interest of Wyott as he hanged his
head and shake it before muttering something underneath his breath. Casting his
eyes towards the side; staring upon the nearby bushes that were close towards
us. With Wovan smiling; he and Whitti stepped forth towards Wyott. Nudging him
onto his flank as he jumped to his feet and glared upon the two coyotes who had
started chuckling at this point however. Yet he had looked down upon the
grounds, he whined for a bit before picking up his voice to the rest of us.
“They were not intimated by my tactics. Rather they just laughed it off,
foreknowing about their poor relationship with one another. Despite me forcing
them to remember about their past wars that were committed." “The
canine-reptile war, canine civil war, Order-Chaos war, Oceanic invasion and so
on and-" “They never needed to be reminded there, Wovan." Wyott growled at him who
gave off a smirk towards him in response


Since Wyott's return to
Virkoal Forest; I gave an exhale of a sigh and fixed my attention towards
Wovan. I gave a nod towards him; he acknowledged it with his own before
throwing a thumb at himself. Stabbing onto his chest with overconfidence
leaking from every bit of fur from his body, “Guess it is my turn then! If they
were not persuaded by Wyott's suggestion about the canine napping and blaming
it straight for the reptiles; then I need to remind them they were not made for
one another!" “never mention the wars to them, they have gotten themselves
cranking because of it!" Shouted Wyott to Wovan who gave a nod towards him just
as he had departed from us.


With the sounding silence
looming over us; I exhaled a breath and spoke. Bringing back the attention
towards me whereas all eyes were faced forth to me. I split my mouth and
questioned “So who has the third suggestion then?" No one answered and I
figured because since Wyott's suggestion failed and they knew that Wovan's
suggestion is going to flop soon. No one dared to speak to the silence. I kept
my eyes upon the silence coyotes in front of me; gradually gaining interesting
and curiosity as to why no one spoke. For the dense atmosphere was silence
which loomed over us at the time being. With the long pause, I just exhaled
again and closed my eyes; opening them again before responding towards the rest
of them. “If no one dares to answer then? I take it we are all ready for the
final one?" A couple of nods and acknowledgments had came; still the silence
was looming. I smiled only faintly and gave myself a nod; shortly before
presenting what I had in mind.


For all the coyotes
opened their snouts; their eyes widened. Yet no one dared to counter mine; no
one had said anything in protest which perhaps was a good thing however. I just
laid back and watched them in silence; pulling back my ears suddenly as I felt
something of a cold chill lifted off from my own back suddenly. With another
exhale of a sigh, I responded quietly towards the others who was still silent
at this time “We will wait for Wovan. If his suggestion never breaks the
relationship of the two factional species and the merge continues, we will take
on this last suggestion." “Will it fail?" Questioned Wyott, tilting his head as
his eyes met mine. I only shake my own head at him, giving off a smirk of
confidence to him “it had never failed in human history however." Thus a
responsive of murmurs had surfaced; yet not one dared to speak to me or
continued the conversation. I had let them be however, suddenly shifting my
attention back into the horizon in front of me. Staring now at the sun which
seems to be at its apex. The sun already shining its ray directly to the
grounds below it. Casting now a single shadow about however.


As I smiled faintly, I
felt my own heart pumping excitedly about this suggestion. Something that I had
been doing for years however long before I had became a coyote. Yet sometimes,
I had wondered how I had became a coyote at once. It was never at my suggestion
however; but I… My sense of thoughts trailed off and I just left myself staring
onto the void before me. With another quick sigh just as my ears flickered and
someone spoke out loud into the tranquility air above us, we all suddenly fixed
our attention up towards the horizon where Wovan was sprinting down the plains,
returning to the entrance of Virkoal Forest. He was rather breathing really
hard for some reason. He also seems to be exhausted as well  thanks to the heavy breathing that he was
mustering. His eyes staggered; he seems to be lost upon his own focus however.
Or was it the fear that was laid by his fellows canines and reptiles however? I
could only shrug upon this point as my attention was diverted from him,
straight towards the other coyotes whom stepped up towards him.


A lot of talking
conversed between the four; I just let them be for the time being. Laying upon
the grounds beneath me and raised my head into the blue skies above, staring
onto the black birds and clouds that was bypassing by. A gust of cold calm
winds blew by, weaving between the trees that came across its path. It even
bypassed me; sending shivers down my spine while I closed my eyes and opened
then shortly after before suddenly fixing my attention back towards the other
coyotes. With me raising to my own four feet; I spoke towards them in the
following silence. “Are we ready then?" “For what?" Questioned Wovan, tilting
his head as his eyes met with mine. But I only gave a confident smirk upon him,
the same expression done earlier onward. But only he gave me a confusement
look; tilting his head again as he pondered. His snout opened; but close
afterwards before shaking his head. Smiling faintly towards me, “Well. Whatever
it is, I am ready then." I gave a nod.


So by the dead of the
evening hours; with most of the canines and reptiles already fleeing straight
into their own homes. We had returned ourselves once more to the entrance of
the merged realm. I was a bit surprise; yet underwhelming upon the environment
that surrounded me. For the buildings from both canine and reptile were the
same. Varies buildings stretched forth into the horizon before me; the streets
laid in between the two rows of buildings on either side of the road. A couple
of canines and reptiles were here; conversing within their own latter of
groups. They had seemed to enjoy themselves somehow however. I only gave a
small smile upon this; then gave a nod towards the other coyotes who stared at
me. Some of them had worried looked upon their faces, but nonetheless complied
with my orders. Thus; Wovan, Whitti, Wyott and Wivina all splitted up amongst
themselves. Each heading their own direction and opened their snouts; for I had
started hearing their voices out into the silence of the evening hours.


I gave a smile; hidden
from the others of course however. I sprinted down the road; coming up to the
first intersection that I had came across upon and suddenly turned towards the
right. I fled from the crossroads; coming up shortly upon a nearby park where
the hatchlings and kits were playing by themselves. The adults; mainly the
reptiles were off towards the side. Staring down onto the buildings in front of
them, looking forth upon something in interest. Or just staring at the void
altogether however. I immediately stopped when I reached the next crossroads
and raised my paws onto my face. Planting it firmly there before screaming out
loud whatever was upon my own mind. Luckily, it was a good one and most of the
canines and reptiles glanced my way. Some were a bit worried; the fewer of them
were scowling and hardening their faces that I had started seeing darkness
written upon the horizon of their eyes. But I ignored their expressions and
remained neutral face; just giving them off a nod for unknown reason which had
changed some of their expressions to confusement however.


But all of them were
showing some sort of dislike and hate towards the other species; which was a
good thing however. More and more of this had spread across the realm until it
was well into the night and the streets had gotten empty. Nothing was there; not
even a canine or reptile however. We all gathered up upon one part of the
realm; pleased with our efforts and the results that had produced upon the
suggestion that I had given towards them. Yet despite all of them feeling it
themselves, a bit of worry and anxious was what washed over their heads. A
quick tap onto their shoulder was what brought them out from their depressed
and anxious state; a feeling of deep stress of what might happened in the near
future if we were to comply with this suggestion however.


None of the coyotes were
feeling it otherwise as Wyott turned towards me and nudged us upon the
direction of Virkoal Forest. I gave a nod towards him, faintly smiling upon it
and we fled from the merged realm. Heading back upon the plains, reentered into
Virkoal Forest where we ended up meeting with the famous Hunters of the forest.
A quick meeting and conversation then followed; before we heard the news that
the canines and reptiles will be splitting following the morning of tomorrow.
This was rather a good thing. However, it was not what we had anticipated of in
the next morning where the realm did split into two; but there were not two
towns separated from one another. Rather, it was two towns within the realm.


I was rather shocked to
hear this however.