Current Track: Blabb

Treter: Perplexival


“We have to what now?" I
exclaimed, eyes widened in surprise at the sudden news we were given. Yet the
coyotes before me shook their heads, frowning as they met my eyes. Neither of
them saying anything in the response given upon the silent atmosphere above us
while I just stared at them in response, frowning before hanging my head and
stared at the grounds below us. Sweat started falling from my head, damping
parts and sections of my fur while I just find myself staring at the road below
me. Then, shaking my head I growled at the others whom flinched and rose their
heads high; gazing at me while I turned around and muttered something. Only
that they would hear however. Thus, in the short moments, we fled from the
roads we were on; fleeing from the 'beach' north of us as we had decided to head
deeply upon the Vastertown we were in however.


It was early morning. The
sun was just peaking out from the horizon. Birds chirping about as the streets
of Vaster were empty. Perhaps because of a certain event that was happening
currently. But what was that event? I would not know however. Nor would either
of us care at the moment, considering that we were in a sticky situation that
was presented to us however. Speaking of… We were told by the wolf; the leader
of the coalition group and self proclaimed leader however, that we had to
'deceived' the VPD by planting things scattered across Vaster. This is where we
gotten ourselves in that sticky situation that I had mentioned before. Because
of this order, we were nervous and fearing for these dragons. Mainly because of
their reputation as officers upon Vaster and the stories told by the Hunter's
pack long before this story came into focus.


But I guess, never
minding that now however. Since we are told by the wolf to do such a thing, I
sprinted off from the roads we were on. Fleeing from their sights as Wovan,
Wivina and Wyott blinked their eyes. Surprise by my sudden first move while
they scrambled amongst themselves and sprinted. Trying their darndest to catch
up towards me. We ran across the roads; down its length towards the first
intersection that was a few blocks from us. For once we had reached it, The
other coyotes panted; even Wyott flopped upon the grounds. Frowning as his eyes
raised to met mine. I stared at each of them, exhaling a breath and shift my
head away from their sights. For I scanned around the place surrounding me.
Thousands of buildings were in our sights; ranging from different clothing,
uniforms and toys. Others were restaurants and amongst other stuff that I could
not bear to look at all. As I heard Wovan's voice called out to me, I turned
towards him. A silence look upon his panting hot face had shut his complaint up
while he just find himself staring back onto me.


Exhaling a sigh, I
responded to each of them “Spread out. Heed towards the sites and avoid the VPD
at all cost." Neither of them complied, saying nothing else in response but
just eyes staring back to me. I look towards them and shake my head, alternating
my words while I glanced away “Or just come with me instead." “Where is the
next stop anyway?" Questioned Wyott, frowning as he rose himself from the hot
grounds underneath himself. Taking a step forth towards me which I responded,
“North. Just a few blocks from where I stand, then head-" But before I could
finish, the other two; mainly Wivinia and Wovan, fled from my sights. For they
comply with my order, heeding North whereas they had disappeared from my
sights. In the meanwhile, I just stared at them and shook my head, Wovan
laughed for a bit, shaking his head. Then turned towards me, nodding while I
acknowledged him too. The two of us trailed behind the other two; following
them down the blocks of Vaster roads. Heeding straight towards the destination
spot or at least the parallel of it however.


Three blocks later after
running North, we came across another intersection before us. One where we had
stand our ground and stood still for the moment. Wovan, Wivinia and Wyott all
shift their attention towards me. Including some dragons and reptiles that were
bypassing us. Although we had tried our best to ignore them somehow, Wivini and
Wyott were the first to break and glanced over towards the crowd gathering a
round us. Their eyes narrowed, glaring straight onto the bystanders as they
just walked away from us. I coughed, regaining the other two's attention as
they turned back towards me whereas I shift my attention towards both roads on
either side of us. One of the two was shady; there were shadows looming over
the roads. But these shadows were from the buildings that were upon the road's
sides. So I guess it never mattered anyway?


My head shook, riding all
of the thoughts that were upon my head while I barked towards Wyott who
scrambled upon his feet quickly. I looked to him for a moment, then shook my
head before responding to him in the following short silence. Wyott turned towards
me in response, but said nothing more other than his staring back towards me,
“Get out your map. The one that the wolf gave to us before setting out for this
mission." “Oh right!" He exclaimed suddenly, scrambling through his fur with
his paws. Trying to find it. It had nearly taken him thirty seconds or more
just to find it at least. All of which, I just walked up towards him and sat
down. Watching him with my head held as he scrambled and find what I was hoping
he would look for however. For when he had found it, he pulled it out of his
fur. Though it kinda got caught in one of his fur strings and ripped apart. He
did yelp in pain because of it however.


As Wovan and Wivina shift
their eyes towards him, I just continued staring down upon him while he laid
the map down upon the road. Tears were upon his eyes. Clouding his visions at
best, sometimes it would rolled down his cheeks and gathered at the bottom of
his head. I stared at him, though flattened my ears momentarily. Looking a bit
kinda worried and fearful for his wellbeing however that I just pulled away
from him. Wyott rose his head towards me, I shook my head at him and motioned
my paw at him which he handed me that map he was carrying in his fur. I quickly
unfolded it and stared for a moment. I had not realized that it was a big map
at all. It had surprise me; but I had decided not to show it at once. While
studying the map, Wovan and Wivina stepped forth towards me, I ignored them for
the moment; but could not when Wivinia questioned “Where are we going?" “Head
Westward, we should be arriving straight to our destination." “Is that about
two or three blocks away?" Asked Wovan, I shook my head. Shifting my attention
to Wyott who just look at me before glancing away. Something cold was brushing
against the back of his neck.


Choosing to ignore it, I
responding to the two other coyotes besides me, “Just a block away." “A block
away? Well that is a surprise after all!" Exclaimed Wovan with a smile, Wivina
grinned too. But all of that faded when they met my gaze. Onto that moment,
they fled from my sights. Heeding Westward, disappearing from my visions while
I shift my attention towards Wyott and handed him the map. He looked onto me
for a moment, nodding his head as if understanding what I was saying to him
mentally. While I exhaled a breath, and closed my eyes, sitting down onto the
center of the road and shifted my attention west where the other pair of
coyotes were already headed. Perhaps it had taken them some minutes before they
had returned, and onto that moment; I just glared at them. Questioning
immediately as their heads were turned towards me “Did you plant it?" “Upon the
soil, making it a bit obvious for them to see however." “Why the soil?" I
asked, tilting my head. Suddenly exchanging all of the heated anger for a curious
thought or answer from them. Although perhaps, I was just looking for a stupid
excuse or something.


Neither of them said
anything else. So I just repeated the question. When they answered, our ears
flicked upon hearing something at the distance. For we turned towards the
source of that sound, gazing out onto the distance where we spotted the VPD
rushing west but at a different block and road however. I was surprise that
they were close to where we are that I nearly panicked. Quickly thinking onto
my feet, I shoved my fellow coyotes down an alleyway closed by. Hiding
ourselves from the sunlight and the crowd whom were distracted for a moment.
Upon the solid wall I had came, exhaling a breath while raising my head
straight for the blue skies above us. Relieved that the VPD had not noted us
however. Yet my heart was pounding in my chest; fear and that cold blast of air
rushing down my spine as I found myself shivering suddenly. The other coyotes
took note of this but said nothing else other than to gathered themselves
around one another; shifting their attention towards the map instead.


“You guys do that." I
responded without hesitation as their ears flickered suddenly. Yet neither of
them raised their heads to look upon me, I turned myself around. Walked a few
steps forth and exited from the entrance of the alleyway where I grabbed onto
the edges of it and peak my head outward. The crowds of dragons and other
reptiles were dispersing, though the crowd level was risen high for some
strange reason. It had given me some thoughts as to why; yet somehow I needed
to be sure however. Though shaking my head to rid of the thought of needing to
expose myself to the public, I just scanned the area quickly. Glancing at the
reptiles and dragons about, turning my attention to the buildings surrounding
them and the empty roads in between the sidewalks. I indeed had noticed that-


“We know the next
location." Interrupted Wovan as I suddenly turned around to him. A blinked came
following and answering him, but my face breaks into excitement and smiles. For
I had nodded my head before stepping away from the entrance of the alleyway and
regathered with the other coyotes at once however. Wivina and Wyott pointed at
the locations that we had needed to hit. To which, I was a bit surprise on how
far away they were. Even one of the targeted locations was closer to the VPD
station at the center of the map. My ears flatten, though my head tilted to the
side while staring down onto the map in question before voicing out my concern
towards each of them. “Onto the one that you guys have chosen. Why does it have
to be there?" “What do you mean?" Asked Wyott, tilting his head to mirror me as
I spoke, explaining “Closer to the VPD station I mean. Can it not be farther
away from them. That be easier to get away from the officers?" “Now that he
mentioned it…" Pondered Wyott with a frown, hanging his head and glance at the
floor momentarily while the other two coyotes just stared at him then towards
me. Before walking up towards Wyott in silence and talked it over.


It was a few seconds
later before the three of them break off; eyes forth towards me in silence
while I just stared at them responding. Though each of them nodded their heads
agreeing with my statement, Wyott stopped by my side while the two coyotes before
us stopped upon the edges of the alleyway, glancing out towards the outside
activity surrounding us. “You are right, Westli. The VPD will catch us nearby
their station if we were to plant anything there. The best we can do is head a
bit North from their location and start the planting there." “Considering that
we are not caught by any of them." I protested, glancing back to Wyott who
nodded his head. Before hanging his head, glancing at his snout for ar moment.
He had seemed to be at a daze or something however for he was not responding to
anything that I was trying to say towards him. Surprise by this, I exhaled a
breath and stepped away from him. Calling out towards the two other coyotes
before us as they turned towards me. We exchanged spots while I muttered to
them about Wyott. Nodding, they fled into the alleyway and stand by his side.


Returning to the
entrance, I was surprise to see more of reptiles and dragons about. Scattering
themselves around the sidewalks. Talking amongst themselves. Their chatters
hovered in the air, loud enough for anyone else to hear them besides
themselves. Narrowing my eyes upon the close conversations that I am hearing
about, I just flatten my ears and ignored them all. Trying my best to just
stare at the roads, buildings and sidewalks therein. It was indeed sometime
before I heard shuffling that I turned around, looking to Wyott, Wovan and
Wivina. All of them smiling dimly; nodding at me while I acknowledged them and
said nothing else in response after we had thrown ourselves out from the
alleyway that we were in. “So to recap. North. Reached the VPD station. Then
head a bit upper north again?" Summarized Wovan, glancing at each of us to
which the remaining coyotes nodded their heads and ran off from Wovan who
grumbled for a moment before kicking up his feet. Rushing to catch up with the
rest of us while I expressed glee and happiness upon my snout, something that
was caught by Wivina who was already adjacent to me.


Racing down the sidewalk,
beating all the red lights and stop signs that were there before us. We had
already reached upon the VPD station. “Slow down." I muttered, giving a side
glance to Wivina who nodded his head, a faint smile reappearing upon his face
while we both slowed down suddenly and walked along the streets. The other two
coyotes behind us caught up sooner than I had expected. Yet they had slowed
down too while all eyes were straight for the entrance of the VPD station
however. I felt fear and nervousness mixed in with the others as the coldness
suddenly returned to them somehow. Shifting my attention away from the station
and towards the other three, I barked to catch their attention. Though they had
just flinched instead before looking to me. “Never mind them. We need to
speedrun and head away from here. Remember our destination." A couple single
nods came from the coyotes, having been reminded of why we had indeed came here
for. For quickly  we kicked up our legs and
hit it in high gear, fleeing from the roads behind us. Heading down the other
end of the sidewalk where the station ends and another building begins. For
soon, we reached the shadows and full speed rushed forth down the remains of
the sidewalk we had needed. For we had arrived upon our destination, though it
was not what we had suspected however.


For a statue was in front
of us, its claw held high into the air as if praising something however. It eye
sockets were blank, No eyeballs were upon them. This statue was dressed neat
and simple however. Looking like a war veteran or something from a previous or
major war. I stared at the statue momentarily then shake my head, motioning
with my paw forth towards the other coyotes who nodded and spread out and left
me alone. With nothing to do and the mission almost complete, I had decided to
sit adjacently to the statue and rest for a moment. I exhaled a breath after my
butt had touched the cold cool flooring below me and my eyes suddenly closed as
well. Though I had opened them upon hearing something close to me and looked;
taking note of some dragons and reptiles already taking my picture. Glee for
excitement or something while they hanged their heads, gazing at their cameras
and other electronics devices that they had. I rolled my eyes and said nothing
more, just laying down onto the grounds below me. Saying nothing else while
waiting for their return.


The sun was sinking into
the horizon; pulling away its ray of sunlight away from the heated roads,
streets and buildings that it had touched. Additionally, the crowd before me
was gradually fading in numbers to as I had saw some of them yawning and opening
their mouths; tired from whatever morning or afternoon routine or work that
they had done. I stared at each of the dragons and reptiles in silence,
studying them and noting their appearance at least for future stories when we
returned into VPD however. As my thoughts wondered in my head from studying
them, I heard rapid footsteps to the right of me and glanced over. Noting the
VPD were already returning to their home base as well. There were six of them.
All of different colors. But were the same species. All of them looked tired or
exhausted; maybe irritated as well considering from the mission or whatever it
was that they were doing. While they walked towards the station, one of them
caught my attention. My attention was snapped back into reality when I realized
that one of them was looking my way, though he seemed to be happy somehow and
waved off towards me as if we knew each other by now. Not wanting to ruin his
day, I raised my paw from the ground and waved off responding towards him.


It was only a short while
before the other officers called out toward him that he turned back to his
coworkers and ran. Waving another before he had disappeared from my sights. I
exhaled a breath, lowering my paw upon the ground again as my tired eyes blinked
several times before flatten my ears against my head. Thoughts swirled around
though I shook my head to rid of them however. As another yawn had came, I
snapped my head towards the side. Spotting the other coyotes already heading
forth towards me. Frown faces were upon themselves as I got up onto my feet,
shaking of anything that attached onto my fur before turning to them and asked,
“Did you plant the final evidence?" Wovan nodded his head, though the other two
completely ignored me somehow. I turned to the other two, they continued saying
nothing in response to me as I headed up towards them. Raising a paw and waving
it in their faces while they snapped themselves back onto reality, they turned
towards me. My eyes narrowed at them in response shortly before I asked them
that same question I gave toward Wovan.


The other two nodded in
response; I smiled faintly. But my eyes were stick upon them while I waited for
a pause in silence;  the crowd noise
surrounding us fading into silence. “But did you plant false ones, ones that
would lead straight towards the wolf?" Something had came up and I noticed that
each of them had a smirk, grin or something of confidence upon their snouts.
Upon this answer, I smirked confidently nodding my head before relaxing myself
as the others have done the same, “Alright. Mission complete then, we should
head back into Virkoal Forest then." “Should we report to Chief and the wolf
about this however?" Wovan questioned me, “They have a right to know." “You are
right. But I had just met with the officers already earlier on." At this, they
stared at me with perplexed looks upon their faces, but said nothing more than
the silence surrounding us. In response, I just laughed at them before shaking
my head and fleeing “Lets just go."