Current Track: Blabb

I woke up in the cave to the sound of chirping birds outside. The sun shining outside. Morning has come.

I sat up on the floor of the cave and yawned. After I was done yawning, I looked at Ben who is still sleeping. I smiled at him, then my thoughts went to last night. When me and him saved Emma of all people last night.

Emma...I can't believe it.

Talk about fate, we've just saved Emma from a bunch of freakin rapists. I mean, those guys were crazy. Not to mention one of them had a knife and he was coming straight at Ben. Luckily Ben's fine. And so is Emma.

I hope she's okay, I mean I know I don't know her THAT much, but she didn't deserve to get hurt. Not to mention RAPED, and thank god we've heard her screaming before they did the dirty deed.

I sighed to myself. I really hope she's fine now and hopefully she can stay out of trouble.

I saw Ben raising his head off the ground and he yawned. His beak opened wide. He stopped yawning and shook his head. He looked at me and smiled, "Morning kid."

I smiled back, "Morning yourself. How was your sleep?"

Ben nodded, "Pretty good. Actually I feel great!" Then he got up on all fours and let out a big stretch. He stopped stretching and sat down on his haunches. He asked, "What about you? How long have you been awake?"

I said, "Just got up, just like you did. I have to say it was the birds chirping that woke me up."

Ben looked outside and he nodded, "Beautiful day."

I nodded in agreement and then I looked down at my feet.

Ben started to get concerned and he asked, "You okay? You're not hurt from last night are you?"

I shook my head, "No I was....I was thinking about Emma."

He cocked his head, "You mean the girl from last night? You know I can't believe that I've met her. Not to mention that she just fainted at the sight of my magnificence."

I rolled my eyes and laughed, "She didn't faint because of your 'magnificence'. She fainted because she was scared of you. You should know that by now, it's not the first time that happened."

Ben shot up his head and giggled, "Ha! Remember that time when I've saved that old lady from getting assaulted by a mugger. Got the way she fainted, it was classic!"

I sighed and grinned at him, "God you really like to scare someone, don't you?"

Ben shrugged, "It's kinda funny in a way. I just like to scare you more."

I laughed and then I had a concerned look on my face, "I'm kinda worried about Emma."

Ben looked at me and he shook his head, "Jason, I know what you're thinking but me and you were on the roof watching her get taken away in a ambulance. I'm sure she's fine."

I said, "I know that. But I can't help it. There's something about her, I mean....I just think...." Then I waved him off, "Never mind forget it."

Ben had a pity look on his face and said, "You're thinking about her as a friend right?"

I nodded, "Yeah...I mean you know me, I haven't had a lot of friends for six years. I mean ever since what happened back at home, I hardly ever talked to anyone. I just think she's nice and I've been lying to her. Every time she talks to me, I've always lied to her face. I...I just don't think it's fair for her. I mean, she's being nice to me and I'm lying to her about my name and all that."

Ben sighed and then he scooted his body to where I am and he wrapped his paw around me and said, "Jason, you had to lie to her for a reason. You had to keep lying to her only to protect your identity, so she wouldn't know who you really are."

I caressed his paw with my hand and said, "Yeah, but I just hate myself for doing that. I mean, it's not the first time I've done that. I just wish I had a normal life just like her."

Ben nodded, "Yes kid, I know. You're getting tired of THIS. I don't blame you. But remember, you're not alone on this. You have me and we have to stick together. We can't take any chances. I mean I don't want anymore more of those people who tried to kill us, find us years later."

I looked up at him and said, "Ben...." I closed my eyes and sighed, "I know Ben, I'll...I'll try to let it go."

But a part of me is saying, maybe you should go find her and tell her the truth. You've saved her life and now you have to talk to her. Tell her everything. Maybe she would understand Ben and not be afraid of him. Hell she's probably not working with the people who tried to kill me and Ben six years ago.

But another part of me says no. NO, you have to keep your secret. You can't tell anyone, not even her. Besides that you're planning to leave Southport so who cares?

I mean I know I don't trust a lot of people, but she seems...Different. She really is kind.

I don't want to think about it too much. I just sat down with Ben in the cave. Just staring at the outside of it. Staring at the birds.



I looked up on the computer screen, trying to look up creatures with heads of a bird and bodies of a lion. And the only result came up with Gryphon.

I frowned at the screen. After last night, after I almost got raped by a bunch of maniacs. I wounded up in the hospital and I didn't stay there for too long. My mom and dad came afterwards and they took me home after the doctor cleared me to leave. Right now it's morning in my house and I'm looking on my computer on Google.

Thank god the police came and arrested those bastards who wanted to violate me. But what I'm really curious about is the two things that saved me. The guy with the ski mask and the creature with big wings.

Who was that guy? And what was that thing?

Right now the only answer I have found is that creature could be a gryphon. That would explain the bird head and the lion body. But it says that the gryphon is a mythological creature. So it can't be real....Can it?

Well it looked real to me, that thing saved my life.

But who is that guy who helped out?

While I was looking around on the computer I saw an article that caught my eye. It was dated two weeks ago. I clicked on the link and it said something about a high school bus full of people were rescued by....A creature with wings. According to the statement by the bus driver.

I frowned still. Could it be the same creature who saved me? Did it save a lot of people on that bus? Did that ski mask dude help?

I guess this town has guardian angels now. But I wonder where they came from?

While I was on the computer, I heard a knock on my door. I hollered, "Come in." I turned around in my chair and faced the door.

Dad came in and said, "Hey...Are you doing alright?"

I nodded at him, "Yeah I'm fine."

Dad sighed and came toward me, "You know I'm still worked up about last night. I mean you've almost got yourself hurt."

I grabbed his arm, "I'm fine daddy. Really I am."

He shook his head, "No you're not. I should have took you home myself. If I wasn't so busy-"

I assured him, "Dad don't blame yourself. It wasn't your fault, it was those assholes who wanted to...Well you know."

Dad had an angry look on his face, "I hope they all die in the electric chair one day. I don't ever want to see them in my town ever again."

I smiled at him, "Dad, trust me. Nothing's going to happen to me now. They're in jail and they'll never come back."

Dad smiled and said, "You know I wish I knew who saved your life. I want to give the person a big handshake for his efforts."

I just stared at him. Dad you really have no idea. I know I asked him if the big creature with wing and the ski mask dude was still there. But he looked at me like he didn't believe me.

But I do know that there's a gryphon out there somewhere. If I find the gryphon, then I can find the ski mask dude.

But first I need to find out where it's staying.

I let go of dad's arm and he said, "Well I'll leave you alone now sweetheart. Do you want anything?"

I shook my head, "No."

"You sure? I can take you to work today, if you-"

I cut him off, "No dad. I'm not going to work today. Besides I'm going to meet up with April, ok?"

Dad then had a serious look on his face and he pulled something out of his pocket. It was a stun gun. He held it out to me, "Listen, if anyone tries to hurt you again, then you use this on them, understand?"

I looked at the stun gun. A little surprised. Dad never gave me that before. I didn't hesitate to take it anymore and I grabbed it out of his hand.

After that dad backed away until he was at my bedroom door. He said, "Later sweetheart. I love you."

I smiled at him, "I love you too."

He shut the door and I looked at the stun gun in my hand. I sighed. Maybe I better keep this from now on. Better safe than sorry.

I then whirled around in my chair and looked at the computer screen again.

I had a determined look on my face.

I'll find you bird.

I will. I just need to find out where you are.


I walked around in town after leaving Ben at the cave. I'm still thinking about Emma.

I need to find her. Just to get it out of my system. I need to be sure she's okay. I mean, there were so many guys after her.

Of course Ben told me to let it go, but I can't help it.

I need to talk to her. Even though I was wearing a ski mask that night and she wouldn't recognize me. But I still need to talk to her.

I walked on the sidewalk. Returning to the alley where she has been attacked. Memoires of the attack still fresh when I looked in there.

While I was looking in there, I heard a voice next to me, "Hey." I jumped a bit and I looked and saw the officer who arrested me the other day. The female police officer. Officer Lancaster.

She wasn't in uniform anymore, only in her street clothes.

Officer Lancaster had a serious look on her face, "You look lost."

I gave her a bit of a glare, "Am I in trouble officer?"

She shook her head, "No kid you're not. I...I came to talk to you."

I frowned at her, "Talk to me? About what?"

She sighed, "About yesterday. I mean, I shouldn't really judge hitchhikers like that. It's not like you did anything wrong. Not to mention you look so young."

I said to her, "Well I'm twenty one, so I'm not THAT young like a teenager."

She grinned at me, "You didn't have your ID, so how am I suppose to believe that?"

I shrugged, "I don't know, maybe you just have to take my word for it."

Officer Lancaster said, "I'm a cop, so I can't just take your word."

I grinned, "I thought you were off duty?"

She nodded, "Oh I am. Its just I thought I should do a little investigating on you."

I asked, "You really don't give up do you?"

Officer Lancaster sighed and shook her head, "Nope I don't."

I sighed and then I asked, "Hey listen do you know where I can find the sheriff's daughter? Emma?"

She had a curious look on her face and asked, "Why?"

I tried to think of an answer and finally I said, "Because...I heard that she was in trouble and I need to fine her. I've met her more than once."

She said, "You know for a stranger, you do seem to care for her."

I sighed, "Look I know I don't know her, but she seems so nice. I mean...To be honest, I kinda don't trust a lot of people. I mean that's why I travel a lot, because I don't trust a lot of people." Then I shrugged, "I guess I trust her, I think." I really do trust her actually.

She smiled at me, "Emma's a good kid, she really has a nice and wonderful family. Even though her father's a stiff, but he's still a great man."

I nodded a bit, "I guess."

She gave me an apologetic look, "Look I'm sorry about how I treated you. Maybe I was wrong about you, but I was doing my job."

I nodded, "I know."

Then she smiled and said, "And to make it up to you, I'm inviting you to stay at my house."

My eyes went wide, "What?"

She went on, "I'm inviting you to stay at my house. Since you don't have anywhere else to stay. I mean, you're new here right? So it's the least I could do. I have a spare bedroom at my house and my husband agreed to it. He's expecting you."

I just stared at her, "But...I-"

She cut me off, "Look you look like a good kid and you're out here living on the streets. I think you're tired of doing that, right?"

I only just stared at her for a moment and I nodded, "I kinda am." I know that was a lie, but I didn't want to tell her that I was living in the woods with Ben. Better to keep it a secret as always.

Hell who knows what she would do if she saw him. She's a cop and she might shoot him. And for what? Because he looks scary.

I better keep my trap shut.

Officer Lancaster said, "So do you want to stay at my house? I think you really need a place to stay."

I know I keep saying to myself that me and Ben are going to leave this town, but so far I'm not arrested again.

I know! I can stay at her house for a month or two, find a job, earn enough money and then me and Ben will get the hell out of dodge.

Unless...I stay here forever and call it home. I better give it some time before I jump to that conclusion.

And lets not forget that me and Ben save people for a living as well and that could be a problem too. If I'm busy working or something, then how am I suppose to save someone?

I'll have to figure something out, but for now I guess I'll take up that officer's offer.

I smiled at her and said, "Yes. I'll stay at your house, Officer Lancaster."

She smiled at me, "Call me Brooke. That's my name."

I nodded, "Brooke? Okay then, my name's Jonas." A part of me wanted to tell her my REAL name, but I kept my mouth shut.

Brooke nodded and said, "Jonas? That's a nice name." Then she backed away and said, "Look I need to get going, do you want to come with me to my house?"

I said, "Sure, but I want to find Emma first."

Brooke then reached into her pocket and pulled out a piece of paper and pen. She wrote something down and handed it to me, "Here, there's my address. Just find that address and knock on the front door. Me and my husband will be home." Then she whirled around and said, "See you there." And with that she walked off.

I forgot to ask her and hollered, "Hey where does she live?" But it was too late she was already gone. I sighed.

Well I guess I need to find her on my own.


April's face went wide and she frowned at me, "What are you talking about?"

I said, "Look the facts are pretty straight forward. There really is a gryphon out there. The features are pretty distinct. I really think it's real and it saved my life last night."

We were both at the park talking to each other. I've told her everything that happened last night. Including the part about the gryphon and the ski mask fellow.

So far apparently she doesn't appear to believe me.

But I'm not giving up yet.

April waved her hands and said, "Girl, you need to slow down. There are no such things as giant birds with wings. I mean, that's pure fantasy!"

I shook my head, "No April, it really is real. I mean, you should have heard that cry it made. It sounded like a eagle, but only louder. My ears still feel hurt from last night."

April just stared at me and she said, "Emma...This is WAY beyond my belief. I mean I can't believe you're talking about this." Then she had a concerned look on her face, "Did you bump your head hard last night?"

I glared at her, "What? No April, I did not."

She said, "Because you did say you were assaulted last night. So maybe they somehow..."

I angrily said, "No one hit my head and I didn't hit my head on the ground and I'm certainly NOT crazy."

Then I huffed and added, "Look do you believe me or not?"

April just stared at me for a few moments. Finally she nodded slowly, "I guess, just a little. I don't totally believe you. But you're my best friend and you wouldn't lie to me. If that thing's real. If some guy is with a gryphon, then I want to know who it was. I mean they saved your life and I want to thank them myself."

I smiled at her, "Thanks April."

Then she shrugged, "But how are you suppose to find them? They could be anywhere."

I thought about it and said, "Well obviously they live nearby. So maybe...I'll think of a place where they could be at."

April nodded, "Well okay." Then she looked at her watch and her eyes went wide, "Oh snap! I need to get going! I'm going to miss my show tonight!" She looked at me and hugged me tight, "I'm glad you're ok. I was really worried when I've heard about you."

I returned the hug and said, "I know April, but I'll be fine." Then we pulled away from each other and I said, "I'll talk to you later, ok?"

April nodded and waved, "Alright girl, later." Then she left me alone in the park.

I turned around and I gasped when Jonas appeared behind me.

Jonas smiled at me and said, "God you scared me!"

Jonas muttered, "Sorry about that. I should have said hello before I got close to you."

I giggled and asked, "So what are you doing here?"

He said, "I came to see you. See how you're doing."

I nodded, "I'm doing great actually."

He frowned at me, "You sure? I've...I've kinda heard that you were...Attacked last night."

I closed my eyes and sighed, "Yeah I did. But I'm fine now."

He smiled at me, "Well that's good. I was...Worried about you."

My eyes went wide and I frowned at him, "Really? You were worried about me?"

He nodded, "Yeah."

I asked, "But I thought you didn't trust me that well?"

Jonas sighed, "I'll admit...I do trust you. I guess I needed a reality check and then I realized I really did trust you. And...I never thanked you for getting me out of jail."

I waved him off, "You don't have to thank me. That's what...Friends do."

He grinned at me and put a hand to his chest, "You're calling ME a stranger, a friend?"

I laughed, "Well we might be friends soon. I'm not rushing it. But like I said before, you don't look like a criminal."

He suddenly had a glum look on his face as he stared at me. I tilted my head with a concerned look, "What's wrong?"

He shook his head and waved me off, "Oh sorry about that. Don't worry I'm fine."

I looked at him for a moment. Just reading him. Then I finally shrugged, "Well if you say so."

Jonas backed away and gave me a smile, "Well I need to get going. Take care of yourself okay?"

I asked, "Will I see you sometime?"

He looked at me and gave me a thumbs up. Then he whirled around and walked off.

As I watched him walk away. Something clicked in my brain. Wait a second! There was something a bit off with him. He had that...Glum look on his face like he did something wrong.

Now that I think about it....The gryphon and the ski mask dude didn't show up until Jonas came to town two days ago. They showed up the day AFTER Jonas came to town.

Could...Could Jonas be that guy who helped the gryphon? Could he be that ski mask guy?

Maybe I'm wrong about him, but...Now I just need to know where he's going.

Perhaps he might lead me to the gryphon.

I sighed to myself. Well I better get it over with. I hope he doesn't see me.

When Jonas was still in my sights, I jogged after him. Just catching up to him, so I can follow him.


I followed Jonas for a while, now he's outside of town walking on the side of the road. I wonder where he's going?

I kept a good distance from him, making sure he wouldn't spot me.

For now I was doing a good job. He still hasn't spotted me.

After a while after we left town, he finally took a turn in the woods. My eyes went wide.

I knew it! He's hiding something!

After he went in the woods I jogged to the spot where he entered and I could still see him walking in them.

I was tempted to follow him, but then I stopped myself.

Wait? I can't go in there yet. I can't go in there alone.

I need to bring someone with me. Just to have a second witness with me.

And the perfect candidate would be April.

I smiled at the thought. That's perfect! If I bring her with me tomorrow, we follow Jonas's tracks and we find the spot where that gryphon is at.

Part of me is thinking that I'm wrong about Jonas. But the bigger part in me is saying the proof is right there.

Jonas is heading in the woods to find the gryphon.

I sighed. I'll come back here with April tomorrow. Besides that it's going to get dark soon.

After I made my decision, I jogged back on the road heading home.

I'll call April when I get home.


Ben squawked and he angrily said, "Jason, are you crazy?"

I sighed when I put my bag over my shoulder, "Look Ben I want to earn some money again. And no one seems to think that I've a thief anymore. So right now I'm in the clear."

Ben lowered his head to my level and narrowed his eyes at me, "And what if something happens to you? If anyone hurts you-"

I held out my hand close to his face, cutting him off, "Calm down bird brain. I'm going to be fine and you will be too. I can't spend the night here right now. That woman invited me to stay at her house. Besides, I think this is perfect! At least I can have a bed and shower again."

He nodded, "Yes and you have stayed in a hotel a time or two when we've traveled, not for very long though. But this is different, you're staying at that house for a month or two."

I crossed my arms and asked, "What the hell is your deal?"

He stared at me and muttered, "I don't trust those people who are inviting you."

I shook my head and had a pity look, "I don't blame you for thinking that. But one day both of us need to stop being so paranoid and just try to do that. We need to at least try to trust someone."

Then I reached out to touch his face. I petted his feathers, "I'm going to be fine big guy. I'm just asking you to trust me on this. Look if something terrible happens, then I'll run back to you and we'll fly the hell away from this fishing town." Then I smiled at him, "I'll come back here tomorrow, ok?"

Ben gave in and sighed, "Cross your heart?"

I used my other hand to pat my chest where my heart is at, "Hope to die." Then I pulled away from Ben and reassuringly said, "I'll be fine uncle. I promise."

Ben still had that worried look on his face and muttered, "Just be careful Jason. Remember you'll be alone without me."

I nodded, "Don't worry, I will." Then I whirled around on him and walked away, bag over my shoulder.

I hope for my sake that things will be okay.

I don't want to get into anymore trouble than I already have. I mean, I don't want to go to jail again!

What am I talking about? I act like a criminal sometimes! 

That didn't make me feel any better, but at least I'm still pushing on to the edge of the woods. To head back to Southport.

To head to Brooke Lancaster's house.


I walked to Officer Lancaster's house. The night came and I could see the lights in her house are still on.

I sighed to myself. Well here I go.

I took the first few steps on her porch until I right in front of her front door. I knocked twice.

I heard somebody coming and the person answered the door. It was Brooke. She smiled at me, "Jonas, you made it!"

I smiled back and nodded, "Yep I did."

Brooke opened the door wider and said, "I'm glad you've decided to come here. It looked like a cold night."

I shrugged, "I was still coming here after all. You offered me a place to stay and I took it."

Brook beckoned me with her hand, "Well come in. Come see my husband." Then she whirled and I followed her inside.

I smiled when I followed her. I know we both got off on the wrong foot yesterday, but now she seems so nice.

Maybe we'll get along after all. I better stay out of trouble.

Well I fight crime with a big show offy bird, so it's pretty hard to stay out of trouble.

I followed Brooke to the living room and saw her husband sitting on the chair. He got up form his chair and smiled at me and Brooke.

He looked like a handsome husband to her. He had thick brown hair and he seemed a bit built.

Brooke smiled at her husband and gave him a kiss on the lips. She pulled back and said, "Thomas, this is our house guest."

She turned her gaze away from him and looked at me. She introduced him, "Jonas, this is Thomas my husband. Thomas, this is Jonas."

Thomas smiled and held out a hand for me to shake, "Nice to meet you Jonas, my wife here told me you were coming."

I reached my hand out to shake his, "Nice to meet you too. And yes, I was coming here. Your wife was nice enough to invite me to stay."

Thomas nodded, "Well just remember the rules, always pay one hundred dollars per month for rent. I'm sure you can find a good job around here. And second, if you get into any trouble you're out of the house. Sound good?"

I shook my head, "No problem."

Thomas grinned, "Good. There's some food in the fridge if you want any."

I waved him off, "No thanks, I just need to have a shower and go to bed."

Brooke looked at her husband and said, "I'll show him around the house okay?" Thomas nodded and she gave him a peck on the cheek.

After that she left his side and said, "Shall we?"

I gestured her with my hand, "Yes, we shall."

She showed me around the house and after a few minutes we both ended up in my bedroom.

I threw my bag on my bed and said to Brooke, "Thanks for doing all this for me."

She smiled and rubbed her hand on my shoulder, "You were still a kid to me. It's the least I could do for you."

She backed away and said, "Alright, the shower is right there so I hope you have a goodnight."

I smiled at her and playfully said, "Goodnight Officer Lancaster."

She giggled at me, "Goodnight Jonas." Then she walked away from me and closed the door behind her.

I sighed to myself. Then I took my clothes off to take a shower.

Well so far so good.

After tomorrow morning, I'm going back to the woods to check on Ben.

I hope he can handle the night without me. He was still worried about me.


I grumbled in my sleep in the cave. I can't get Jason out of my head.

Then I screamed really loud in fright. My feathers puffed a bit.  I breathed heavily.

It was a dream, it was all a damn dream. I sighed in relief.

I was dreaming that Jason was being attacked by several people and I didn't save him in time. Thank god it's a dream.

Ben, get ahold of yourself. Jason had spent the nights in a few hotel rooms before and you've slept by yourself before.

But a part of me keeps nagging at me to find Jason and take him back in the woods. It's not the first time this feeling came to me.

I mean, I'm the only family he has left and I'm responsible for him. After Alan and Cassandra have died, I really did feel responsible for his safety.

And I do now.

I sighed again, just shutting my eyes.


Please keep your son safe, if he's in danger watch over him.


I talked to April on the phone after mom and dad went to bed.

After I came back from following and watching  Jonas enter the woods, I came straight back home.

I didn't tell mom and dad what I was doing, I just pretended nothing was going on.

For a few hours, I've waited for my chance for mom and dad to go to bed and I took it. I immediately put my cell phone to my ear and called April right away. Who was still awake.

I told her everything and now April asked me on the other end of the phone, "Really? Are you sure it was him? That he's the ski mask guy?"

I answered her, "Yeah. I should have realized it before. He shows up in town and then all of a sudden, the ski mask guy and his bird friend show up and save me. It is Jonas, I know it is."

April giggled at the other end, "Well geez girl, when were you going to tell me that you've been talking to a handsome fellow that you've met a gas station? The way you described him sounds hot to me."

I growled through my teeth, "Not the damn point of the conversation."

April on the other end said, "Ok, ok, girl calm down. So what do we do now?"

I sighed, "Well me and you are going into the woods tomorrow and we'll find that gryphon. That way I'll show you that I'm not crazy and you totally believe me. And I'll thank the thing for saving me and we'll wait for Jonas to come back if he's not there before we are. We'll ask him and find out where he and that thing came from."

April sounded hesitant on the other end and finally she said, "Well...If that thing's real, what if it attacks us? I don't think it likes strangers."

I said, "I know you still don't believe me for right now. But if it does attack us, then we'll run away. What else?"

Then before she could say anything else I said, "Look just meet me at my house alright? And we'll go. Just...Don't be late." Then I hung up on her.

I sighed to myself.

Ok...Tomorrow, me and April we'll meet Jonas and the gryphon.

We'll get our answers.