Current Track: Blabb

Fourteen Years Ago

I was sitting on the porch steps of my house, my head in my lap crying my eyes out. After what happened to me, I ran all the way back to my house that's in the woods.

I hate them! I hate them ALL!

I could hear a car coming up the driveway. I looked up and it's my dad. My eyes red from all the tears. He got home early from work.

My dad opened up his driver's seat door and got out of the car. He shut the door and he walked to the porch. He saw me sitting and he had a concerned look on his face, "Jason? What happened? What's wrong?"

I looked down at my feet and muttered, "Nothing."

My dad sat down beside me and he said, "Well it doesn't look like it's nothing. You look like you have been crying and I could see that...Someone gave you a black eye."

I sighed and without looking at him muttered, "Yes."

Dad put his arm around me and asked, "Something you want to tell me? I thought all of this was over with. You can't keep something like this from your mother and I."

I finally looked at him and let out a frustrated sigh, "It was that kid from school. Even when the principal told him to stop bullying me, he WON'T stop. I hate school and I don't want to go back."

Dad said, "Jason we've already talked about this, you have to go to school. It's very important."

I said in a trembling voice, "But dad, no matter what I do things won't get better."

Dad gave me a reassuring smile, "Sure it will. Look you're still just young. I mean, you're seven years old. Things will turn around eventually."

I got up from the porch steps and said, "But I can't connect with anyone in school. Nobody doesn't talk to me, and I...I don't have friends."

Dad sighed and he got up as well and he said, "Listen Jason, you can't just give up and walk away from that."

I raised my hands in frustration and said, "But I really feel like I want to punch someone and they would see how much I hate them."

Dad's face went wide and he muttered, "That's....A very strong word to say. That you hate them."

I looked at him with a sad look, "Dad....I really hate them."

Dad put his hand on my shoulder and said, "Jason you don't hate them, you're just upset. There's a difference."

I asked, "So what IS the difference?"

Dad answered, "The difference is, if you feel like you hate the world and want to punch someone you would've done it already. But you never did, because you're a good kid. You're only just upset, that's all."

Dad went on, "The only thing I want you to know is, you have responsibility for this world and you shouldn't spend your whole life hating it. One day when you're older, you can either make a difference in the world or just ruin it like all the scum in the world. You know just hitting someone is bad, you should only do that when you're protecting someone. Like someone you love or a complete stranger."

Dad sighed, "The point is Jason....Don't hate the world. Because one day, the world would need you."

I shrugged, "So what am I suppose to do now? Let someone hit me again?"

Dad shook his head, "No Jason, you should always tell someone about it. I mean you're still too young for this and it's not fair. But...One day your mother and I won't be here and we need you to take care of yourself. And there will be a time when you need to defend yourself by fighting back, if that ever happens to you without us around. You're very smart and resourceful and we know you can do it."

I asked, "Are you sure?"

Dad nodded and reassuringly said, "I'll talk to the principal tomorrow, I promise. That kid will be expelled for this, I promise you that much. He won't get away of hurting you."

For the first time since I've got home, I smiled at him, "Thanks dad."

Dad wrapped his arms around me and hugged me, "You're welcome son. You deserve better. But just remember what I said, the world would need you one day and you have the choice to make a difference or ruin it. But I know you can make a difference."

I asked, "Like Batman?"

Dad giggled. He pulled himself away and said, "Well I honestly wish there really was Batman, that way there wouldn't be so much crime in the world."

I nodded, "Well....Maybe I can be like Batman. That way I could make a difference."

Dad laughed and playfully rubbed my hair with his hand, "You crack me up, you know that?"

I giggled and said, "You...Really think I can make a difference?"

Dad nodded, "You're still a good kid. You have a heart. I know you can." Dad then added, "But I think you should be a police officer. That would make a difference."

I shrugged, "But I thought being Batman would make a difference?"

Dad said, "Well...." Then he waved me off and shook his head, "Never mind Jason. You still have a long life ahead of you, I'm sure you'll know what you want to be when you grow up."

I muttered, "I guess."

Dad then smiled and said, "Hey Jason....There's something else I want to tell you. Something I should've told you a long time ago."

I frowned at him, "What?"

Dad nodded and said, "Follow me into the woods and I'll show you. I think it's best I just show you, than tell you."

I titled my head. Huh? What could he want to show me in there?


I followed dad in the woods, on the old dirt trail. Me and him always walk on that trail.

I'm still wondering why dad would take me out here right now, what is it he wanted to show me?

I asked dad while I was behind him, "So what was it you want to show me?"

Dad said without looking back, "There's someone out here I want you to meet. He's really nice."

A question popped up in my mind. He? Who's he?

I asked the question anyway, "Who?"

Dad looked back and smiled, "You'll see. He's not far away now."

I looked around in the trees and said, "And this guy just lives out here all by himself?"

Dad looked ahead and said, "Well my friend talks to me and your mother a lot. Especially when you're at school."

I frowned at him. They talk to whoever when I'm gone? What are they keeping from me?

Soon me and dad walked off the trail and kept walking in the woods. About three minutes later, we came across a cave.

I just frowned at the cave and asked, "He lives in a cave?"

Dad laughed and said, "Well he does most of the time."

"Who is he? Some kind of hermit?"

Dad had a serious look on his face and said, "Listen Jason...Once I show you him, you can't tell anyone about him. He's very special. Your grandfather found him one day and he decided to keep him. He never told the whole world about him."

I looked at dad, "Grandpa George?"

He nodded, "And for seven years, ever since you were born I've kept this secret from you. Me and your mother have kept this secret from you, and so has your grandpa. Wondering if you'll be ready. But I think now you are." He smiled at me, "I think you really are ready and it's time to introduce you to him. To my brother."

My eyes went wide, "I have an uncle who lives out here?"

Dad held out his hand and said, "Wait here." Then he whirled around and went inside the cave. Leaving me alone out here.

Then about a minute later dad came out and then a tall, large figure came up behind dad. I gasped and had a frightened look on my face. I muttered while I was staring at the creature, "Dad."

Dad held out his hands, smiling at me, "It's okay Jason. He's your uncle." Then he looked at the creature and beckoned, "Come on out. It's time for you to meet my son."

The big creature took a few more steps and came into the light. I could see clearly that the creature looked like a...Half bird, half lion. The creature had black feathers on its head and white fur on its body. The creature had its gaze on me.

I backed away a couple of steps. Still unsure about...It.

The creature stopped in front of me and it lowered its head to my level. Then I could see on its beak that its smiling at me. It said, "Hello Jason."

I gasped. It talked! Then I looked at dad, "Dad...What is it?"

Dad giggled and came up beside the creature and patted the creature's neck, "That is your uncle. And he's not a IT, he's a HE."

I looked at the creature and asked, "But what is HE?"

The creature said, "Boy Alan, your son is more nervous than a cat."

Dad gave the creature a glare and he looked at me, "He's a gryphon Jason."

I asked incredulously, "Gryphon?"

Dad nodded, "Yes, your grandfather found his egg years ago and that's how me and him met, we're like brothers." Then he pointed at the gryphon and said, "His name is Ben."

The gryphon who's named Ben looked at me and said, "You know...I haven't seen your face since you were just a baby. It's really nice to finally talk to you." Then he looked at my dad, "How old is your son?"

Dad answered, "Seven."

Ben looked at me and smiled, "Seven years old. He really looks like you."

I just said, "Uh...Uh..."

Dad walked to me and put his hand on my shoulder, "It's okay Jason, he won't hurt you. He could never hurt you."

Ben raised his head and said, "That's right, I could never hurt you." Then he smugly said, "I don't want to ruffle my feathers by having a fight with a kid like you. I'm too handsome to start fights like that."

I actually just smile and giggled for the first time since I've laid my eyes on him and said, "How are you handsome? You look like a giant bird."

Ben shot a glare at me, "For your information young man, I am handsome. You just don't see it that way." Then he showed his wings, by flaring them, "You should behold my magnificence!"

I frowned at dad, "What's his deal? Why does he keep calling himself handsome?"

Dad giggled, "He's pretty vain."

I asked, "Meaning?"

"He admires himself TOO much."

Ben waved us off with a paw and said, "Oh whatever, I'm handsome and nobody would change my mind about it."

Dad laughed and then he pulled a feather off of Ben. Ben squawked and glared at him, "Alan, cut that out!"

Dad had the black feather in his hand and playfully waved it in front of Ben, "Not so handsome without one of your feathers, big guy."

Ben narrowed his eyes at dad, "Why I outa." Then he huffed. Then all of us laughed.

I just stared at him. Wow...He doesn't seem to be a monster after all. He's...A part of my family.

Then I looked at dad and asked, "Where did he come from?"

Dad looked at me and said, "Wait till your mother gets home. We're heading back to the house now. Then we'll tell you everything." Then he looked at Ben and said, "Come on."

Ben nodded and then all of us went back to the house. Ben following close behind us.

I can't wait for mom and dad to tell me about...Ben.

Uncle Ben....I guess a nice ring to it. I giggled to myself.

Ben asked while he was behind me, "Something funny little man?"

I said while staring ahead, "Nope nothing funny at all."

Then we kept on walking.


Present Day

I was out of the cave when I woke up and stretched my legs out. Jason apparently already got up and left me.

I wonder if he's taking a bath in the woods or he just left to go to that town. I guess I should take a bath myself, I want to clean my feathers.

I should always clean my beautiful looking feathers. Or else what's the point in being handsome? I smiled to myself at the thought.

I walked to the lake nearby and then I saw that Jason is taking a bath in there. Just swimming. I walked to the edge of the lake and sat down on my but. I hollered, "Good morning kiddo!"

Jason whirled around in the lake and waved, "Morning big bird!"

I asked, "Having fun in there?"

Jason had a bottle of shampoo in his hand, "Just taking a bath in the lake, so what else is new?"

I sarcastically said, "A female gryphon who would find in the woods, that would be new to me."

Jason laughed, "Well if you find a girl who likes your handsome self, holler for me. I want to see that."

I laughed, "Yeah and if you walk in while we're mating, don't go blaming on me."

Jason blushed at the statement and said, "Why would you guys start mating right away?" Then before I could answer, Jason cut me off, "No wait, don't tell me! It's because you're handsome right?"

I laughed and nodded, "You damn right I'm handsome!"

Jason crossed his arms and said, "I guess I'm lucky you're the only gryphon in the world, because who would love a ego maniac like you?"

I grinned at him, "Another ego maniac, that's who."

Jason laughed and he said, "Well that's more than I could bear!" Then he added, "If you're going to swim with me, to just clean your feathers. I won't stop you!" Then he went back to bathing himself.

I rolled my eyes and I waddled in the water. My front paws went under the water first and soon my whole body went under it. I shivered, "Good god it's COLD!" Then I glared at Jason, "Damn it kid, you could've warned me!"

Jason gave me a devious grin, "You deserve it for being a show off."

I squawked and said, "I don't deserve anything like that!" Then I swim toward him and I slammed my paw into the water hard and some of it splashed onto Jason. He cried out in shock.

Jason shook his head, to get rid of the water out of his hair and he shot a glare at me. I lowered my head to his level and grinned at him, "Now who deserves it?"

Jason then slapped water against my face and I closed my eyes went the water it me. He shouted, "Bird brain!" I raised my head shaking the water off my feathers.

I glared at him and then Jason grinned at me. Then a second later, we both started to laugh.

God I love that kid. He may be twenty one years old and he may still be a brat, but I still love him.


I sat down in the diner booth with April. Since I told her we would eat at the diner today.

I was still having Jared in my thoughts. I can't get him out of my head.

He texted me again this morning, but I didn't text back. Maybe I should...Talk to him.

No, you have to put your foot down, he's not worth the time for your love.

April grinned at me and said, "Hey space cadet, you awake?"

I shook my head and l smiled, "Sorry what?"

April said, "I said, I know someone else you could go out with. Maybe you could go out with...Terry Jenkins! I've heard he's cute."

I waved her off and frowned at her, "No, I don't want to go out with him."

April asked, "Why the hell not?"

"Because I heard that he's just a weirdo and he talks about Star Wars a lot, who does that? Doesn't he watch some other movie or something?"

April laughed and said, "Well I don't see why he's a weirdo."

I grinned and whispered to her, "I've heard he's gay and he looks up gay porn on the internet."

April's eyes went wide and she asked, "He really...?"

I raised my eyebrows and giggled, "Would I lie to you?"

She asked, "Who told you that?"

I answered, "Jordan from work told me that she went out with him and that's how she found it out. He's really gay."

April let out a huff and said, "Well this sucks! Another cute guy bites the dust! I mean seriously how can another cute guy just wash away like that?"

I sighed, "April, I know what you're trying to do and I'm don't want to date anyone for a while. Not after what happened with Jared."

April smiled and had a determined look in her eyes, "Oh come on Emma, you need to stop being a space cadet and at least ask a guy out on your own. Don't wait for some dude to ask you out. That's why I'm helping you out. So that way you wouldn't end up with another Jared."

I nodded, "I know, but it'll take some time."

April sighed and said, "Suit yourself, but I was here to help."

I smiled at her, "What would I do without you?"

She said, "Be bored in this small boring fishing town, that's what you would do without me."

We both laughed at that. I was done eating my food and I left a tip for the waitress and I got out of the booth. April frowned at me, "Where are you going?"

I said, "I'm going to the sheriff's office to see dad today. I haven't visited him there for months."

April nodded, "Well I hope it goes well. I know that your dad is kinda of a stiff."

I sighed. I totally agree with her. Then I looked at here and said, "Yeah, tell me something I don't know. I'll talk later okay?"

April waved, "Okay bye."

Then I whirled around on her and walked out of the diner.


I walked in town today, after I left Ben in the woods.

I know that I thought that maybe I would leave in a couple of days, but I really need some money and I need to look for a job here. I don't want to steal again.

As soon as I'm done with three weeks of work and if I'm paid enough, then me and Ben are gone again.

Part of me wished that me and Ben would stay here, just for once call one place our home. This town doesn't look bad to me.

Even the scenery in this town is good. I wish I had a normal life and just lived here. At least start my life over from...Mom and dad.

As I walked on the side of the world, looking out at the ocean nearby. The view looks good from right here.

Then I heard a car pulling up behind me and I whirled around. My eyes went wide. Shit, it's a police car!

Ok, just stay calm and act natural.

The police car pulled to the side of the road and the officer who was driving it, got out. It was a female police officer with blonde hair. Probably in her forties.

The police officer came up to me on foot, taking slow strides. She stopped in front of me and I shrugged, "Can I help you officer?" I looked at her nametag and it said, B. Lancaster.

Officer Lancaster held out her hand and said, "Yes, may I have some ID?"

I just stared at her with wide eyes and she pressed me, "You heard me, do you have any ID?"

I shook my head, "Actually no."

She narrowed her eyes at me, "I've heard that a hitchhiker came to town yesterday, are you some kind of vet?"

I shook my head again, "No." Then I narrowed my eyes at her, "Look I didn't do anything wrong, can you just let me go?"

The officer crossed her arms and sneered, "Do you have some kind of problem with authority? Because I think you do."

I raised my hands in defense, "Look I don't want any trouble."

The officer just stared at me for a moment and then she grabbed my arm, "Well guess what? You're under arrest." Then she turned me around and made me put both hands behind my back.

I grunted in pain when she twisted my hand a bit. I could fight her but she's innocent, I don't want to hurt her. I said to her while she was putting her handcuffs on me, "For what?"

She answered when she was done cuffing me, "For theft from a nearby gas station. The gas station attendant saw you there and then suddenly a few things disappear from the shelves. Trust me, he's good at remembering things." Then she started to drag me to her car, "You're going to the station."

She opened the door and she shoved me in there, "Watch your head." I landed on my arm in the back seat of the car and she shut the door after she did that. I grumbled under my breath.

Shit! I thought I was in the clear. Guess I didn't do a good job. That guy figured it out that it was me.

I can't go to jail for a long time, Ben would be alone without me.

What am I going to do?


I was sitting in the interrogation room, while the sheriff was just standing in front of me questioning me.

Meanwhile I was just sitting in the chair, not looking at him. Basically I've been ignoring all his questions and I haven't spoken a word ever since I came here.

The sheriff glared at me and said, "So you still don't want to talk? You know if you're hiding something, I could press more charges against you and then you would really go away for good. In fact, if you're a drug dealer coming to town, forget it. Because we've caught you. At least return the items that you've stole and then we'll let you go."

I looked at him and glared at him, "I didn't take anything." I would say anything to get out of jail, anything for Ben.

The sheriff slammed his hands on the table and shouted, "You take us for fools?! Do you think you could just do whatever you want and get away with it?! Bullshit! That's against the law and I don't like punks like you, walking into town and cause trouble."

I shot back at him, "I didn't do anything wrong in this fucking town."

The sheriff asked, "So what's your name? The officer who brought you here said you didn't have any ID. Where are you from?"

That time I just turned my gaze away from him. I muttered, "I don't trust anyone."

The sheriff sighed and backed away from me, "I see what you mean. Trust is a hard thing to come by these days." Then he walked behind me and grabbed me, "Fine, Then you can just enjoy lockup until we know what to do with you." Then he started to drag me out of the room and we walked through the station until he dragged me into the cell room.

The sheriff shoved me in there and he shut the cell door behind me. I looked at him and muttered, "You're still making a mistake."

The sheriff narrowed his eyes at me, "You know something, I don't like your attitude. You can just cool down in there, you punk ass." Then he just left me in there.

I kicked the cell door, and I sat down on the bed in the cell. I sighed in frustration.

God damn it.

I should have left this damn town with Ben while we had the chance. Now I'm stuck in here.

I wish I could fight back, but I can't. I won't hurt innocent people. But god that sheriff was kinda of an asshole. Talk about a piece of work!

I just sat there and then I laid down on the bed for a few hours. Until I heard someone enter the cell room. I turned my gaze while I was laying my back on the bed and saw that the girl form the gas station was standing near the cell. Along with the sheriff.

My eyes went wide. Emma? That's Emma!

What's she doing here?

Emma smiled at me and said to the sheriff, "Yeah that's him, but I still don't think he did it."

The sheriff said to her without taking his gaze off of me, "Look Emma, I don't trust him. He looks like the criminal type."

Emma looked at him and said, "But he was so friendly to me. I don't think he really did anything wrong."

The sheriff sighed and said, "Look you can't just trust someone immediately. For all we know he could be dangerous."

She just shrugged, "Oh yeah and what did he do? You said you haven't found anything on him and you're still keeping him here. Seriously, give him a break."

The sheriff had a serious look on his face, "And what if he really did it?"

She said, "You haven't got evidence. Only the word of a gas station attendant. I mean come one, just because he's not from around here, doesn't mean he's guilty. Besides...He looks kinda cute."

My eyes went wide when she said that. Oh boy. She called me cute.

The sheriff narrowed his eyes at her and said sternly, "Emma."

Emma pleaded, "Come on, give him a chance. He's new here and he wants to start a life here and you're screwing it."

The sheriff talked back, "Emma I still don't think it's wise."

Emma groaned and begged some more, "Come on...Please."

The sheriff stared at her and finally he sighed, "Fine. I'll let him go. Since there isn't really any hard evidence on him anyways." Then he got the keys and unlocked the cell door. He said to me, "Alright you're free to go. Get out."

I just gawked at him for a moment and then I got up from the bed and walked out of the cell. They both walked behind me until I was outside the station.

Before I could do anything else, the sheriff gave me a stern look and said, "Take this as a warning, if I find out you did anything else wrong. I will throw you in the slammer, do I make myself clear?"

I glared at him and muttered, "Crystal."

The sheriff sighed and looked at Emma, "I'll talk to you later." then he went inside the station. Leaving me and Emma alone.

I looked at her, pretty shocked about what just happened. She helped set me free.

Emma giggled when I stared at her and she asked, "Remember me?"

I nodded, "Yeah...You're Emma right?"

Emma nodded, "Yep that's right. And you're Jonas, right?"

I nodded when she said my fake name, "Ah...Yeah." Then I rubbed the back of my neck and asked, "I don't understand, why are you helping me out? How did you know I was here?"

Emma answered, "Because lets just say I was visiting my father today."

My eyes went wide when I figured it out who it was, "Wait, the sheriff's-"

"My dad? Yes."

I just stared at her, stunned. She's the sheriff's daughter. That explains it.

Emma explained, "You see my dad mentioned that some thief from the gas station got caught and then I had this feeling that it was you, because hey who wouldn't trust a hitchhiker right? So I convinced my dad, that you were just some poor stranger who showed up in town just to start a life here. Besides that my dad didn't have any evidence and he was just keeping you here. Because of a gut feeling. Well I don't think it's fair, so I convinced him to let you go."

I just grinned at her, "You know you're taking a big risk doing that. We don't know each other all that much."

Emma nodded, "I know, but there's something about you. When I was looking at you yesterday, there was something...Good coming from your eyes. I just think that dad caught the wrong guy."

I asked her, "You really trust me that much?"

She grinned, "You don't look like a criminal to me."

I just giggled and I said, "Even looks can be deceiving."

She shook her head, "Well you were still friendly to me Jonas. And I should just say, welcome to Southport."

I just stared at her and I just nodded, "Thanks."

Then I was about to whirl around on her and she said, "Hey wait."

I stopped in my tracks and then she said, "Can I show you around town? Just for being the nice girl that I am."

Man she doesn't want to give up. I can't be with her, I probably won't stay in this town forever. Me and Ben will just fly away from here sometime. I can't have any friends.

Part of me is saying do it! But I fought it and shook my head, "I'm sorry, but I can't. I...I probably won't stay here for long."

Emma's face went wide and she frowned, "You sure? I'm just trying to be nice."

I sighed and nodded, "I know that, but there's no point. I just...Don't trust anybody, to be honest."

Emma gave me a mock expression and said, "So you don't trust me?"

I said, "Kinda, sorta. I don't know really."

Emma put her hand on my shoulder and said, "I can see why you travel from place to place. You don't make a lot of friends during your travels and you must have been through a lot to not trust anyone. But at least give this town a chance. You would like it here." She let me go with a smile and said, "See you around." Then she went inside the sheriff's office.

I sighed after she left. I do trust her. But I really have become a thief. She has completely misjudged me.

I wish I could stay here, but...She has no idea what I've been through. Obviously she wants to be my friend, but she has no idea. The reason why I travel a lot, she really has no idea.

Only me and Ben know it

After my whole ordeal with the sheriff, I don't want to take the chance of getting caught again by him.

I can't stay here Emma.

I'm sorry.


I walked back to the woods outside of town, after my conversation with Emma. After my stay at the sheriff's office. The sun was getting a bit dark now, I've been gone for a long time.

For a while I saw Ben sitting around on his stomach in the middle of a large clearing in the middle of the woods and he tilted his head at me, "Hey where have you been? You were gone for a long damn time."

I angrily sighed, "You really want to know?"

Ben laughed, "That's why I'm asking, you little twerp!"

I sighed again and said, "A cop arrested me while I was in town and they really thought that I robbed that gas station."

Ben's eyes went wide and he asked, "What happened? Did you escape?"

I shook my head, "No actually, a....Girl convinced everyone in the station that I was innocent. But she really got me all wrong."

He asked, "What girl?"

"Some girl that I've met in the gas station yesterday. He name's Emma, and guess what? ...She's the sheriff's daughter."

Ben still stared at me with his eyes still wide and he exclaimed, "The sheriff's daughter? Jason what did you get yourself into?"

I narrowed my eyes at him, "I'm not banging her, if that's what you're thinking."

Ben laughed hard, his feathers ruffled, "Oh my god Jason!"

I rolled my eyes at him, "Well let me tell you something, her father is a real piece of work. I'm just glad she convinced her father to let me go. I didn't like jail at all!"

Ben nodded, "Well good, at least I wouldn't be alone."

I smiled at him, "I know, that's what I was worried about." I sighed, "But I'm fine now and I'm here. I just want to move on from that experience."

Ben nodded again, "Well pal, are you hungry?"

I nodded, "Yeah I could eat something and then me and you are going on a flight together tonight."

Ben grinned at me, "Ohhhh, you mean?"

I grinned back at him and nodded, "Yep."

With that me and him went to the cave we're staying in. About over an hour, I had something to eat and soon afterwards, me and Ben were outside in the night. Getting ready for me to fly on his back. I looked through my bag for my ski mask. The ski mask I wear to conceal my identity. I usually wear it when me and Ben are out saving anyone and stopping any criminal we could find.

I finally found my ski mask and I put it on. I sighed to myself.

Ben looked over his shoulder and grinned at me, 'I know I always say it, but you really do look pretty mysterious with that mask on."

I walked up to him and said, "Well I wish I had a better mask to conceal my identity. I just look like a criminal, not a superhero."

Ben gave me a mock expression, "Do I look like a criminal?"

I giggled and reached out to rub his feathers, "No big guy, you look magnificent."

Ben smiled, "Damn straight. So ready to kick some ass, if we find any?"

I nodded and then he lowered his body to the ground. I climbed up, swung my leg over his back and now I'm sitting down on it. My hands gripping on his feathers.

After I got myself settled in, I muttered with a determined voice, "Lets roll."

After I said that, Ben started to flap his wings and I held on to his feathers tight. I tucked my legs in. Soon we were over the ground and over the trees.

And with a burst of speed, we flew forward on our way to Southport.


I started to walk home after I was done talking to dad, the night has come to town. The streetlights shining down the streets. Guess I visited my dad for al long time.

I sighed. He wasn't really in a talkative mood today. I mean, there wasn't much going on in town today. Not a lot of criminal activity and he just ignored me.

Except when it came to Jonas, he didn't ignore me about that. All dad cares about is work.

Work, work, and more work. Mother keeps telling him to take a break, but he keeps telling her no.

I know I love him, but he sometimes frustrates me. Hell I didn't even tell him about Jared. That Jared keeps texting me, that kind of thing.

My god, why can't I have a father who would listen to me? I wish he does listen to me.

I was walking in the middle of town, most of the stores are closed for the night.

I was still walking when I heard someone kick a bottle in the distance. I didn't look back, and just kept on walking.

Not long after that, a hand went over my mouth muffling my cry, "Hmph!" Then the person dragged me into a nearby alleyway. I tried to kick and scream, but it didn't do any good.

Soon while one person held me, six more men came in front of me, all of them deviously smiling at me.

One guy said, "Hey honey, you lost tonight?" Then they all started giggling.

My eyes went wide with fear. What are they going to do to me?

Another guy held a knife in his hand and pointed at me with it. He said, "Now listen to me baby. We're going to have some fun tonight. All of us boys had a long day and right now...We want to have a fun night."

Another guy said, "And let me tell you something, you look good for a banging." Then they all laughed.

No! They're going to...To...

I screamed out, but the guy still had his hand over my mouth. Muffling my scream. I kicked at one of the guys, but I missed.

One guy pointed at a mattress nearby, "Put her over there."

I bit down on the guys hand and he screamed in pain. I tried to run away, but another guy wrapped his arms around me and caught me before I could leave. I screamed for help, "Help! Help me! Somebody, help me!!!"

One of the guys snarled, "Shut the fuck up!" Then they dragged me to the mattress and they threw me on it. My eyes still wide with fear and disgust.

God the mattress smelled horrible. Those guys are sick!

One guy was on top of me in an instant. I tried to scream again, "HELP!!!!" Then he covered my mouth with a hand. He held a knife to my throat.

The guy smiled deviously at me and said, "You really do look hot baby. And now I'm going to put a smile on your face."

I pleaded him with my eyes but he ignored it. Then he used the knife to cut a straight line through my shirt and he tore it off. Leaving only my bra that's still on.

He grinned at me and said, "Now for the bra." Then the knife was getting close to my bra. I squealed in his hand. I kicked and thrashed, but the other guys held me down.

Before anything else could happen, all of us heard a voice nearby, "Let the girl GO!"

One guy got off of me and looked in the direction of the voice. His eyes went wide and he said, "What the hell is that?" Then all of the guys got up off of me and they all stared at whatever it was they saw.

I gasped and scooted away from them until my back is against the wall. My eyes went wide when I saw what they were looking at.

I saw a person with a ski mask and beside THAT person is a big creature with wings. It had a head of a bird and the body of a lion.

What the hell is that thing?!

The person with the ski mask pointed a finger at the criminals and shouted, "All of you are paying for your crimes! And that means, you leave that girl alone!"

One of guys sneered, "Fuck you!!!"

Then the big creature flared its wings and let out some cry through its beak, it sounded like a eagle and it's loud! Very LOUD!

The bad guys all charged at them and soon they started fighting. The big creature shot its head down at one guy and held him in its beak and picked him up off the ground. The guy screaming in terror. The big creature swung its head and threw the guy at a wall in the alley. The guy hit the wall pretty hard with a loud crack.

The big creature swiped at another person with a paw and that knocked him away. Then he swiped at another one.

The person with the ski mask, kicked one guy in the balls. The guy crying out in pain and agony. Then the person with the ski mask pulled back and swung a fist at the guys head real hard, pretty much knocking him out. Another guy came up from behind the ski mask dude. The ski mask guy made a roundhouse kick and his foot connected the guys face. The foot hitting him in the jaw, knocking him down. When the attacker is on the ground, the person with the ski mask kicked him in the head again, knocking him out for good.

Another guy charged at the big creature with a knife and snarled, "Die you monster!" The guy tried to drive the knife into the creatures body. But then the big creature dodged and swiped him away. Knocking him into the dumpster.

My eyes were still wide with shock and terror as I watched the whole scene. They were all down, all except the ski mask guy and that...Whatever it was.

The ski mask dude breathed heavily after the fight and he looked at his partner, "You okay?" The creature actually nodded.

What the hell is going on here?!

The ski mask guy and the creature both looked at me. I gasped again and then I started to feel dizzy.

Then everything went black.


I could hear voices and I felt like I was being taken away on something. I opened my eyes and I could see a couple of paramedics over me.

Turns out I woke up and they were taking me away on a gurney. I sat up and said to the paramedics, "Wait! I'm fine!"

One of the paramedics said, "No you're not, you're still in shock."

I assured, "But I'm fine! I really am!"

That's when I heard a familiar voice in the distance, "Emma!"

I gasped. My father!

I looked at the direction of the voice and I could see him running toward me. He wrapped his arms around me and said, "Oh thank god! When I've heard about the call on the radio, I came here as soon as I could." He pulled himself away and with a worried look he said, "Are you okay? Are you really OKAY?"

I nodded, "Yes I'm fine." Then suddenly everything came back to me. My thoughts are now on the ski mask guy and the big creature.

I asked dad, "What happened to all the guys-"

Dad said, "They're all arrested, I don't know what could've happened to them. One of them had several injuries than the others."

I asked, "Where are they?"

Dad frowned, "I just told you Emma, they're all arrested."

I shook my head, "No not them. The guy with the ski mask and that...Big creature who was with him. Where are they?"

Dad had a curious look on his face, "What are you talking about?"

I went on, "The big creature who was with the ski mask guy, they've saved my life. Where are they?"

Dad shook his head and said, "Emma...You and those criminals were the only ones found in the alley. There was no one else there."

I frowned at my father, "What?"

Dad told the paramedics, "Get my daughter to the hospital now." They complied and with me on the gurney, they loaded me on the ambulance and they shut the back doors.

Soon after that, the ambulance started moving. I laid my head back on the gurney.

My mind was still riddled with thoughts. They...Saved me!

I was about to be raped and they just saved my life. That big creature and that ski mask fellow.

Where are they? Where did they go? Who was that guy? And what was that thing? I've never seen anything like that before. Not one creature like that!

What happened to them?