Current Track: Blabb
Soon after, I went back up in the daily grind, that is: wake up-breakfast-lectures-lunch-lectures-work-dinner. And this, for two years, non-stop because I almost never fall ill.

Happily, for me, there are holidays and days off.

However, it's during one of those rest days when I've finally met the big leopard. By chance, he will not read those lines because he would've surely bawled me out for nickname him this way, hi-hi.

Anyway, usually, I take coffee, I sit myself down and I watch the surroundings. In my opinion, there is nothing better than contemplate the emerged atmosphere from the street.

And then, one fine day (a Wednesday, I think) the feline has been disrupting my routine. Just like me, he placed an order and he settled close to a pane. As a result, I have focused on the entire of his body, and I didn't hesitate to search it.

Nevertheless, on this voyeurism session, I wasn't not at all discreet, he could've given myself away easily. By chance, I was fast enough to look away before him noticing.

At least, it's what I thought. Thus, I lend myself to this little show several times.
Then, it happened, what must happen: I stared him with more attention once and he caught me in the act.

As a result, I instinctively to turn myself, thinking he would not give me a roasting. I was wrong: not only he got up, but he went to stand in front of me.

Me who wanted to see his eyes closer, I saw them very well now. They are of a magnificent emerald green, but on the moment, I was more frightened than they glared me.

“Can I ask what's the problem?"

By hearing him, he seemed riled up well, but I suspected something else, but I didn't succeed to put my finger on it. So, I played the denial card.

“Problem? I don't see any problem."

In normal circumstances, we would've smashed my face in, except this guy who preferred dialog; which suited me a lot. Thus, I kept defending myself tooth and nail.

“So why are you watch me that way?"

“Wait, that's the problem? I'm allowed to watch around me, it's forbidden as far as I know."

“No, at contrary, when we stare somebody with such indiscretion during several days, there is reason to be suspicious!"

PAF! I didn't see this one coming. If I understand well, he caught me red-handed. My face became scarlet red, I was so ashamed.

“Now, answer me. Why are you watch me that way? Do I disgust you?"

“No, it's not it, it's… err…"

I contented to stare him. But visibly, he didn't care if I was embarrassed or not, he wanted his answer. Well, to the point where I was, might as well tell him the truth.

“Well, I… I find you rather c-c-charming and it's… it's why I've watched you as much."

“Really?" (I nod, avoiding eye contact.)

To my great surprise, he too became all red. Honestly, I had anticipated all kinds of reaction except this one. “Òh, I'm sorry… I'm not expected to… wow…I… I never heard that one before."

By this moment, we could feel the unease.

“Frankly, excuse me, it's an awful misunderstanding."

“No, you don't have to apologize."

With the continued silence, I judged it was wiser to slip away, I was enough humble myself. Not worth it to add more.

“I better leave."

“No, wait!"

Before I get time to clear off, I had time to hold me back by the paw. Passing by, he had a strong grip, the guy.

“Listen, I think we don't start fresh, so I suggest restarting on the right foot and get to know one another. What do you say?"

“It seems honest."

Suddenly, the leopard holds out the hand to me. “Well, I introduce myself. Me, it's Lucas Bonnet." At first, I vaguely hesitated. However, his smile built my confidence, so I finished by shaking him.
“Akio Ono."

We didn't know again, but this handshake marked the beginning of a long story.