Current Track: Blabb
In the early morning, I was surprised to find Lucas laid against me. At what time did he have time to get closer? I had no idea, but he must have done it when I was asleep.

I couldn’t blame him, he’d passed a night well shaken. And then, his thick fur was soft-touch and kept me warm. And by judging his little meowing, he appreciated the contact, too.

While freeing myself from his hold, I got up. So, I tried to wake him up by playing with his whiskers. Wrong strategy because he replied by growling. I tried again by licking him the muzzle: results were very efficient.

“Hello there.” He whispered me.

“Good morning, So, sleep well?”

“My head hurts a bit, but it’s okay, I knew worse.”

“It’s good to know. I let you wash your wash, the time to make breakfast.”

“It works.”

While Lucas was in the bathroom, I hurried up. I was prepared and put coffee, croissants, juice, toast and jams on the table. Everything was almost ready when he’s coming in the kitchen. And clearly, he was struggling to recover about his piss-off last night.

“Watch out, it’s hot.” I warned him by giving him a coffee cup.

“Thank you.”

Without saying nothing, we ate. At least, Lucas has got his appetite back, it’s a good thing.



“I want to thank you for yesterday evening. I wasn’t in the best light and however this, you helped me a lot. And I’m very grateful for that.”

“That’s normal, you would do the same for me.”

Visibly, he remembered again from last night, although his memories should be confused again.



“Let me ask you a question but I want to answer me, quite frankly.”

“Veery well, I listen to you.”

“Do you like me?”

At that moment, I was missing to choke with my croissant, so I didn’t expect it. Until now, we’d scratch the surface, but neither of us took the step.

“Like isn’t a word enough strong to describe what I think about you.”

“Okay but you didn’t respond to my question.”

“I think, yes.”

“I see.”

In an awkward silence, I held my breath, waiting by what he was going to tell.

“You know, Akio, ever since we meet, I often asked myself what my feelings towards you were, but I didn’t say nothing because I was worried about your reaction. But this night, you stayed next to me, when I was in a difficult position. As a result, I tell myself that it must have something special between us both… Do you understand?”

Instantaneously, I nodded. I saw all too well what he was talking about.

“Maybe it’s something else or I don’t know what… In any case, we are much more than just friends.”

“And what do you want to do as a result?”

“You accept me such as I’m, and you gave me your confidence. So, I would like to try my luck with you… if you want that.”

“Wait! You… you would like to have a date with me?”

“I heisted a lot before but this time, I take the plunge.”

Secretly, I kept this thought for me. And this day, I learnt we were always on the same wavelength. So, why hesitate?

“Listen, I would love to, but there’s no chance to be weird between us?”

“Naah, I don’t think so. Just say things will be… different.”

And it’s when he smiled me nervously, that I tell myself: Frankly, there’s no more doubt about it.

“In this case, I want to take the leap with you.”

“Awesome. And now… what are we doing?”

“We can begin by changing our friend-status at boyfriend-status.”

“Yeah, it’s a good start.”

Just by thinking about it, I got chills. He, who was so introvert, had the courage to say what he felt without hiding, and I found this wonderful on his part.

This is it, we had officially become a couple. It was a big step for us both and we were going to climb many other.