Current Track: Blabb

Treter: UnderCeeder


It was another boring
day. The morning sun hanged in midair, shining brightly upon the grounds
beneath us. As I stared upon  the blue
skies beyond, I only exhaled a breath and shake my own head upon the boredance
of what we were witnessing at the time being. Things were a bit slow within
Virkoal Forest for nothing had really happened thanks to that boring old party
and the Hunters already leaving the place immediately at dawn. Despite us
wanting to join them however. With another shake of my head, I rose to my own
feet. Growled towards my packmates just as they had turned towards me suddenly.
“We should go do something in the meantime." “And do what exactly?" Questioned
Wyott which caught the attention of Wivina and Wivona as their ears perked,
shifting their attention towards us while I spoke towards them. “Well with
everyone else doing their own things and jobs. And everyone becoming busy so
suddenly." I trailed off keeping silent before exhaling another sigh, “I think
we should go overseas and see what things we can find out there besides the
lands of the Intertwine realms." “Sure." Responded both Wovan and Wivina as
quickly as  they had rose from their


Eyes looking forth
towards me, I gave a nod additionally. Though the look of a paleness upon my
own face had quickly gave doubt upon how this adventure would go however, I
just shake my own head and growled towards the others “Alright. So where is the
nearest shoreline anyway?" “Down south." Answered Wivina, quick and effective
while she gave an reassuring smile to me. I only blinked at her, but nodded
“You mean where the Ravens and Crows were at the time being?" “yeah. I am
certain that Canine and Reptile would not missed us perchance, since-" “They
are busy with each other however." Finished Wovan as he rolled his eyes
suddenly, Wivina glared at him. But stated nothing else except for a nod as he
and Wivian returned back towards me. “Then lets just go already."


We had never done
anything to prepared ourselves for this trip however. For we had just moved on
afterwards, leaving away from the spots that we had kept warm for the time
being. We had reentered through the forest shortly afterwards and found
ourselves weaving through and through upon the forest grounds. Straight towards
the shorelines afterwards where we met ourselves upon the beach in front of us.
“That was fast." “Quite." Commented Wovan while Wivina fixed her attention
towards him in silence. Neither of them said anything else while I stared out
onto the sea waters before me and spoke towards the others. “So how do we get
this adventure going then?" “We swim?" Questioned Wivina while Wovan just
stared at her suddenly, she shrugged shortly afterwards. Stating nothing else
other than her quietness while I just exhaled a breath and spoke to them, “Let
just build a raft or something." “How are we going to get back then?"
Questioned Wivina, turning her head over to me. But I kept silent; ignoring her
suddenly while immediately turning around. Grabbing ont the barks of some trees
and trying to pull them off the ground which proved to be impossible no matter
how much had I done.


Wovan and Wivina just
stood there, watching me. Then towards one another afterwards as they walked by
my side. Grabbing hold onto the bark of the tree and pulling upward too; but it
did nothing. It only exerted us, making us pant as I just find myself whining
afterwards “Too hard. How did these survivors did this anyway!" I exclaimed, no
one answered that question as we all just gathered by the beach. Staring out
onto the sea before us. Things had quieted down since we had tried to pull
barks off from the stem of the grounds beneath us. For we all looked up onto
the horizon, staring down onto the horizon line and the sun that was still
shining before us. I exhaled a breath and spoke towards the others, “Alright.
Lets see if we can-" “There is a ship up ahead." Interrupted Wivina as she and
Wovan fixed their attention towards the object sailing through the waters. I
went back to their side, staring out onto the horizon too. Noticing it as well
when I spoke to them, “Well then. If that were be the case, we just need some
sort of fire to get its attention then." “And how you do that?" Questioned
Wovan as heturned his head over to me. I fell to silence in answer. Unsure of
how to commit to it. Yet it had seem that Wivina had some sort of idea.


For she pulled herself
back from both me and Wovan, grabbing onto some sticks and branches that were
left upon the shorelines. Rubbed them together and, “presto!" She chimed,
catching our attention while we turned towards her with surprise, quickly noticing
the fire overtop of the branch she was holding. “Now surely it would get our
attention!" “it did already." Commented Wovan while he pointed behind us. We
all turned around; surprised and shocked by whatever was there which a shadow
was largely casted over us. We looked on with surprise upon our faces. Yet
neither of us had stated nothing within the silence before something popped up
upon our vision. For we raised our heads high, gazing upon the animal that was
before us. A mouse which was a surprise was before us. A faint smile came from
its mouth; before motioning us forth upon its ship. The three of us stared at
the mouse in question before fixing our attention towards one another. For a
vaged nod came from each of us before we jumped up towards the railing of the
ship, hoisting ourselves up and over. Till we entered upon the surface.


“Welcome to the ship!"
The mouse responded to the silence before us. I wanted to say something to the
mouse. Yet by the comments of Wovan and Wivina, it had seemed I was a bit too
late for that. Ignoring that fact, I just exhaled a breath and rose to my feet.
Everyone else done the same anyway as the mouse conjured up some tasks for us
to do in the meantime. Each of us were tasked with cleaning different parts of
the ship which we had done without any sort of problems in the meantime. At our
silence and work, the ship continued sailing at a random direction. Pulled away
from the realm we had left behind us till it was garbled by the sea's horizon.
It was no more by the fifth minute however.


A long time at the seabed
and nothing special had happened in the meantime. As our attention was drawn
towards the waters surroundings just as we had continued cleaning however, I
exhaled a breath and just went right back onto the cleaning. We held the silence
for a while, till someone shouted out upon the silence surrounding and looming
above us, shattering it suddenly. “Land!" “Is that where the treasure is
located however?" Questioned Wivina while Wovan turned to her in silence,
frowned but stated nothing else. I too heard his voice and gaze out towards the
horizon. Straight towards where that land was. Indeed, something comes from the
north. Coming closer towards us in turn. With excitement running through my
viens, I rushed up towards Wivina and held my paws upon the railings of the
ship, stared out  front to the horizon.
Staring out towards the land.


The ship had suddenly
stopped. Mere inches away from the shoreline however. As we hopped down from
the ship's surface and towards the grounds beneath us, we landed and raised our
heads up towards the forest line before us. It was surprisingly thick with many
more forest trees behind it. Stretched outward into the horizon beyond until we
were unable to see it once again. As Wovan and Wivina turned their heads over
to me, I gave a nod upon them. For thus immediately, we had entered through the
forest and away from the shorelines behind us however. The lands of the forest
ground were quite simple. A straight away road only with nothing but the dirt
roads sinking underneath upon the soles of our feet. The forest trees on either
side of us were taller than we had suspected and bigger and wider too that it
was unusual to see them like that. Regardless, we kept focus upon the horizon
and kept moving down the line until we reached the exit of the forest ground.
But we were in front of some sort of cavern before us.


Another being was here
too; kept watch upon the shadow of silence before him as his eyes were adjusted
to the soundless before him. He started walking in, giving us no time to study
his personality outfit or something. As we gaze upon one another, we said
nothing in the following silence. But to pop out of our hiding spots upon the
exit of the forest and dashed downhill towards the level grounds of the cavern
in front of us. “Why is the pirate here?" Questioned Wovan, as his attention
was drawn towards the entrance in front of him. Neither of us stated that
question; for silence was held upon our own individual thoughts. Though with a
glance to one another, we all entered in immediately and no hesitation what so
ever as we faded from the outside of the caverns.


Pure darkness was what
welcomed us within. The narrowed path kept us only in single line as we walked
along the darken path before us. Staring straight to the horizon ahead. For
nothing was upon the shadows here; all was quiet which was giving me some disturbing
signals within my own body. As I tensed, I muttered something towards the other
two coyotes behind me. Both of which voiced out to me in answer and I sighed in
relieve, knowing that they were still there. We continued further; watching as
the darkness gets more blacker. For lights faded upon reaching at this point.
We stared up ahead into the horizon, watching with faint fears upon our own
faces. Anticipating anything that might come out from the darkness.


However at the sudden red
light; we had anticipated something in front or at the back of us. We stand
still at this point; with me gazing up front and Wovan glancing behind us. Each
of us staring at the red haze at the distance. Waiting in anticipation of
whatever was there. But seeing nothing; I muttered something underneath my
breath called out towards Wovan and Wivina as the two gave their nods. For we
continued further again; noticing the white light at the very end of the routh
we were upon. As it glowed dimly, we walked closure towards it. Unaware of what
was beyond it however. For we had wondered if something would be catching onto
us. But nothing had happened when we had reached upon the light before us which
allowed us to exit out from the path that we were on beforehand. Where we
turned from the cavern behind us, straight towards the viewing ahead. We were a
bit surprise upon what we had saw.


A vast field of
emptiness. Rocks everywhere, blocking every corner of the path ahead. The walls
on either side of us were rough and sharp 
that we would be instantly dead if we were to made contact upon them
however. With a frown, I suddenly turned towards the two other coyotes besides
me. Neither of them stating nothing else other ethan a narrow look upon their
faces, staring out onto the horizon. They had suddenly leaped from the cliff
that we were upon, dropped upon the grounds below. Landing safely as I were to
joined them. We scanned the area; searching for that figure that we had saw
beforehand. But we had noticed that he was not here for the moment's time. Onto
that was when I just shake my head, “Come on guys." I were to say while the two
turned towards me, nodding their heads and joining my side as we walked
together down the vast openness before us.


Everything was quiet. It
was rather unusual however. The tensed gripped upon my own bones and skull as I
felt my own ears flattening against my own head. Wovan and Wivina shift their
attention towards the sides; staring at the walls before us. But saw nothing
then other than the quietness and stillness of the atmosphere hovering above
us. “This is unnerving." Commented Wivina, whispering perhaps underneath her
breath to which I gave a nod towards her. We walked down the vast openness
before us; crunching down the small rocks that came upon our sole's. Yet our
attention was drawn towards the opened hole before us.


“So far so good."
Muttered Wovan after a few seconds of silence; neither of us had said anything
else other than that as we had continued walking. Ears now upright upon the
silence and unusual tranquility of the cavern's atmosphere. Yet we had suddenly
stopped. “How are we going to get up there?" I heard Wovan questioned, fixing
her attention towards the height of the cliff before us that was slightly out
of reach before us. Me and wovan turned our attention towards the sides, gazing
down onto the other platforms that were there. Before long, we had sprinted
forth towards the two platforms on either of us. Leaped forth towards them,
landing onto the surfaces of which. Repeating the pattern over until we had
reached upon the apex of the cliffside, we each turned our attention towards
the main goal which was now in front of us however. Quickly, at once, we leaped
forth towards the main platform in front of us. Yet we were a bit short as we
had picked from a further away spot from the edges of our own platforms.
Immediately realizing this, we grabbed hold onto the edges of the main
platform. Hoisted ourselves up upon the surface and faintly smiled. Yet upon
one another before turning our attention towards Wivina who just nodded back
onto us.


For she had mirrored what
we both had committed and thus shortly afterwards, she had already climbed onto
the surface of the main platform underneath us. We all turned our attention
towards the cavern's entrance behind us, staring down onto the cavern's length.
Noticing how short it was however. Squinting my eyes, I thought I had saw
something there ahead and I frowned suddenly before tilting my head to one
side. This action had caught the attention of the other two coyotes as they
fixed their attention towards me. Pondering and wondering what had I been
looking and wondering us, I just shake my own head. Dismissing it as just an
'imagination' or something similar like that.


For immediately we had
entered right in; plunged the lights from our eyes upon the pure darkness that
had awaited for us while we stared up upon the horizon in front of us. We
watched as the silence of the atmosphere loomed overhead. Emptying our thoughts
and nothing more with only our footsteps being the only sound therein. We
walked the cavern's length, spotting the end immediately afterwards. We
sprinted down. Never caring about anything more as we had closed in onto the
end. Thus, climbing out from the length of the cavern's behind us. We entered
what seems to be a big room. Empty as all the others as well, but the treasure
box which was in front of us. Two pillars stands on either side of the box,
acting as no more than guard for it however. There were no chains upon each of
the pillars. But rather fire flames torches that were attached towards them.
Burning slightly upon the midnight of the night, our attention was drawn
towards the box at the center of them. Thus taking a step, we heard a voice called
out towards us.


“Stop!" We immediately
froze; I turned towards the voice. Glancing to that same pirate that was at the
side. Crashed upon the walls before it. He seems greatly injured for blood
reeks upon his entire body. Pooling upon the grounds beneath himself, he tiredly
opened his eyes and glanced towards us. “Do not go any closer to that chest."
“Why? Its cursed? Or something?" Questioned Wivina, huffing while Wovan and I
became silent. “I think we should trust him." Commented Wovan, surprising
Wivina as she shift her attention towards him and growled. The two argued for a
while; neither of them backing off as usual while I kept my eye upon the chest
at the center of the room. “And why so?" I questioned, goading the pirate in
question which immediately responded to me. “There is something awful about
that chest." “Was that the reason why you were beaten up at the time being?"
Questioned Wivina, Wovan frowned while the pirate gave a nod towards me.


A small pause of silence
had came. Yet neither of the coyotes spoke then afterwarads. I break the
silence, giving a small nod towards the pirate in question. Then turned myself
over to the chest. For I walked forth towards it; no hesitation whatsoever. But
I had not known why. 'Were it because of the false bravery I had from the
pirate itself? Or was ist because I was curious about the chest at question?'
Neither thought had gotten any further from that as my eyes narrowed upon the
chest. I immediately stopped when the ground shook underneath us and something
sprout out from the chest itself. 'Legs. arms.' I muttered rather to myself
while the two coyotes behind me shrieked in surprise upon what they had
witness. An eye popped out from the surface of the chest; then another and
another. Till it was millions. It was rather disturbing at best; but I never
let that irked me however as I find myself growling upon which and charged
forth with poised of attack.


For however it goes, in
the end. I always get my share.