Current Track: Blabb

Treter: Weary


We stand at the entrance.
Looking inward towards the darker part of the cavern that we were suppose to
meet up upon. But my attention was elsewhere however. To the forest that was
behind us. I exhaled a sigh, wondering why we had to join in onto this when in
fact that there were many and plenty of them that could join in with these
canines. But the sight of Wyott and Wivina had halted my memories and thoughts
for a bit while our eyes had met one another. For I just groaned and remained
silent, casting eyesight towards the side instead. Remaining silent regardless.


Everyone was silent. Even
the atmosphere looming above us. For only the ringing was the constant sound
that I am hearing all of the sudden. The forest itself had also gone silent too
which had me wonder if the animals were just sleeping the morning off or had
went somewhere for the winter. I shake my head at the thoughts and just
returned to the reality of things once more. This time, gazing over to Wyott
and Wivina while they stand in front of the cavern behind them. Glancing to the
darker part of the caverns itself. Neither of us had said anything these passed
thirty minutes; except maybe stifle a yawn from being arouse into awakeness for
the morning.


As Wyott smacked his lips
a bit and Wivina yawning once more, we turned our attention towards the
footsteps approaching from behind and Wyott was the first coyote to notice them
come. For he had brought forth a smile upon his lips before responding to the
approaching silence, “So you guys have decided to come. Join us for exploring
into the caverns?" “Took you guys long enough." I commented, but no one heard
me. The other group nodded their heads; shifting their attention from me to
Wyott and back again. But before they could comment or question, Wyott
responded pointing towards me. “He is the leader. We go when he goes." “Like
right now." I responded to Wyott who glanced over to me before nodding his
head, then returned back onto the other group before smiling “Like right now."
He repeated and we all immediately entered inside.


The cavern was not what I
had thought it be however when we had first entered right inside. The pure
darkness had driven away the light that was surrounding us and in our eyes
which forced our pupils into growing a bit larger than usual in order to see whatever
was there within the darkness. Additionally, night vision. I had forgotten that
most of the canines have this. Well only the Hunters and us however. But it was
never mentioned by Hunter at all. I had also noticed how silent we all were,
only allowing our footsteps to make vibrations off from the grounds underneath
us as we pushed ourselves through the hallway of the cavern. Eventually
reaching the end of it.


Where we had found
ourselves in front of a warning sign. It was spraypainted as golden yellow. A
black arrow was pointing downward, pointing to the abyss that was in front of
us. Nothing else had the sign showed or exposed to us however. But I guess it does
not matter at all since the other group had already threw themselves into the
abyss and left us behind in front of the sign. While Wyott and Wivina watched
the other group go; they turned their attention to me. I nodded my head after
them. Thus, one by one, we entered into the hole.


It was a great plunged
into the abyss below us. Whereas the winds blew heavily around ourselves as the
invisible hand pushes down upon us. Forcing us to become faster in our descent
through the abyss below. I saw nothing upon the abyss walls. Only a thing line
that ran across from one wall to another on either side of me. Lights were
flickering as we gone by which had me wonder if they were cameras or something
along of those lines however. But a shake of my head rid of that thought while
I hanged my head, gazing downward towards an ever increasing hole below us.
“Watch out." I warned the others, just as they had turned their heads over to
me before lowering their heads downward. Gazing at the hole below us.


We had reached several
holes; all spread out evenly from one another. It was more perhaps somewhere
around the twenty mark perhaps. As our attention was drawn towards the last
hole below us, watching the even brightening contrast that awaits for us, we had
entered through it. Disappearing entirely from the abyss's hallway and spitted
out us upon another realm. Or was it the same place like before however? I
cannot tell until we had landed upon the grounds below us which was what we had
done already. As we had hit the grounds, we immediately stand right up.
Although our legs and lower body was still aching from that fall however.
“Everyone alright?" We heard the wolf responded to us and I waved us off,
nodding straight towards him. Just as he had nodded his head silently in
response before departing from us afterwards.


Raising to our aching
feet, we shift our attention towards our surroundings. Gazing down onto the
plains that now stretched farther than we had realized. Straight towards the
horizon in front of us however. Nothing else was here; no village, no city, no town,
no reptiles or canines except for us. I frowned and whimpered; although I felt
a paw against my own side and I turned towards Wyott who just smiled back
towards me. Noting the silence held upon his lips before I just nodded straight
at him. We reflected a smile off from one another, just as Wivina spoke towards
the rest of us. “Guys. Come look at this." “We are coming." Responding Wyott as
he and I ran just to catch up towards the other coyote.


We ran across the dirt
road that was caved through the endless fields of the plains. The flowers
adjacent to us were numerous; the grass seems infinity however. Upon the skies
above us, not a single cloud was upon it. The sun shone brightly, making warmth
upon the grounds we walked on as well as the plains that had surrounded us too.
While we had walked the length of the pathway straight towards Wivina and the
sign before us, my attention was drawn towards somewhere else. But it was not a
shadow figure or an enemy or the plains itself, rather it was about the warning
sign that we had just saw earlier before we had entered through the hole.


While I had pondered, I
felt a paw onto my stomach that forced me to stopped immediately. I blinked,
perked my ears and rose my head high. Gazing out in front of myself. Whereas I
had noticed something in front of us; that same sign that we had noticed before.
Onto an earlier time it had seemed. Back again here to be posted or dug upon
the dirty grounds below just as I looked upon it in interest. The words were
the same as before; that arrow seem gone this time around. Instead, it was
replaced by an exclamation mark with a golden yellow triangle surrounding it. I
stared at the sign for a moment, turned my attention towards the other two who
had remained silent at the time. Only raising their shoulders, dropping it off
afterwards just as I exhaled a breath and shake my head, following the path
instead while we headed further from the warning sign.


But we felt something was
off. Something that was horribly off for some reason. I felt my heart
increasing its rate unknowingly and I felt something damp hitting against my
own fur.  I had blinked in surprise;
gazing at myself and noticed the sweat pooling underneath me. Wyott and Wivina
were the same however with their eyes widened and gazed down upon themselves
too. Shortly within the silence, Wyott was the first to speak “What is going
on?" “We had not ran like that at all. Now we are sweating?" “Is it hot?"
Questioned Wyott, shifting his attention towards me which I shake my head.
Unable to answer that at once while my attention was drawn towards the


I saw nothing. There was
no more plains; flowers, trees, bushes, or grass anywhere. Just a long orange
ground that stretched far into the horizon before us whereas the sun was
sinking into the horizon, creating somewhat of a red and orange warmth skies above
us however. “How did the time go by so quickly here?" I thought to myself
despite Wivina questioning Wyott the same question who shook his head
responding towards her. I shake my head also following Wyott before turning
around and faced them instead. For my eyes narrowed upon their heads when they
had stopped immediately, meeting my eyes afterwards.


“What we need is to find
whatever we can to get out of this place. And I do not even know what this
place contains or what is its name at all." “So we are going to die out here
instead then." Concluded Wyott as his eyes opened up to the realization that we
are facing. But I just shake my head at him growling “No, we are not. Like I
said previously, we just need to find something that would allow us to get out
of this place." I immediately turned around and pondered, 'what is that thing
anyway?' It was not good at all however. We were stumped even without any help
at all or hints additionally. It was like unabling to answer the teacher's
question at all which perhaps resulted in a bad participation grade or
something along that lines. I heard some chatter behind us and immediately
turned around to see Wivina whispering to Wyott who just nodded affirming about
something. A short while later, they had turned their heads over to me and
Wivina was the first to speak amongst the pair.


“I may have an idea of
what we are finding." “Which is?" I questioned her and she immediately smiled
shortly afterwards. I blinked then sharply turned to Wyott who shrugged, for he
himself was even questioning her about it too or towards himself it had seemed.
I shake my head and turned back towards Wivina who continued her statement,
answering the life long question needed for us to get out. “Tokens. Or rather
loose change as a matter of fact. The warning earlier where we had exchanged
for the desert was the hint to this particular object." “But where are we going
to find some of that? How much do we needed at all?" “Check with the end."
Responded a voice whom we turned immediately, spotting that same wolf again who
smiled only faintly upon us. “I heard that you have needed five tokens or ten
cents as a matter of fact. Just avoid the ex-owner of the place who lives here
now. Forever haunting the place together with his endless numerous minions as a
matter of-" “ There are minions?" Exclaimed Wyott while Wivina and I just
turned towards the coyote and just gave him a dead panned looked.


The wolf just chuckle at
them and shake his head before departing from us. Wyott, on the other paw, just
embrassassedly became quiet while his cheeks had became red and something of a
heat erupted from his back. Wivina teased Wyott further creating more heat and
his cheeks became redder while I just laughed before we all had became silent
after that. For the joke of Wyott had passed when we heard upon the silence
that loomed over us and the long quiet that followed the silence. Thus a
ringing echoed upon our ears, something that I just flattened against my own
head before responding towards the other two instead. “Split up and find these
tokens or ten cents. Additionally, find that exit wherever it is and come find
me instead." Both coyotes immediately left, departing into the shadows and left
me alone.


However during the alone
time that I had needed, my ears quickly pulled back up upon hearing the voices
from my own surroundings. That I turned around and gaze at the surrounding.
Finding nothing there other than my own. Something that I was rather afraid of.
But just tried to keep it for myself instead. Yet the voices grew louder in
time and more distorted. It was like listening to a scratch player or disk or
whatever it is. My ears flattened against my own skull and I had started
whining. Wanting nothing more than the peaceful tranquility silence surrounding
me, whomever those voices were or their owners were not leaving me alone. It
got more spooky when I had noticed something at the distance.


A white coyote; with
pupiless eyes was staring back onto me. I tilted my head, wondering if it was a
ghost or something. But my head shake otherwise, knowing that ghost does not
live within the intertwine realms at all. They just fade into existence. Only
the ascents ones just like that fox who had became a dragon years ago. I closed
my eyes and cut myself off from my own surroundings, listening only to the
sounds of my own breathing and the heartbeat that I had neglected to hear for a
while. For in time, I had grew quiet and tranquil that I opened my eyes and
gazed about. Realizing that nothing was there; the pure darkness was gone.
Replaced by the normality of the nighttime hours. Additionally, my two coyotes
were here too.


They had immediately
reported everything that they had saw around about. From the desert being
leveled, to a white sign at the other end of the forest. I smiled faintly upon
them and gave off a nod, lifting up onto my feet while I led them forward.
Cutting through the desert as suggested by Wivina and reached upon the other
side in no time at all. I had started smiling upon this however. Acknowledging
a nod from both of them, they stepped forth towards the white sign in front and
immediately passed by it. A bright green glow flickered out of nowhere which
was something that I immediately flinched about. They turned around; Wivina and
Wyott tossed the coin back towards me. I snatched it in midair before lowering
my eyes down upon it. Noticing its texture and color however before lifting my
eyes up towards them. Wyott and Wivina gave off a nod and I, upon their
acknowledgement, walked forth and a green brightness flickered also for me and
I bypassed it. We all exited the forest afterwards, returning back into the
plains and the dirty road ahead.


Yet I had felt something
was off and I turned around; gazing at the darkness and the forest behind me.
Finding nothing there instead. Instead, I hear a call from both Wyott and
Wivina and Iturned towards them, remembering that I had stand still upon the dirty
walkway gazing at the forest behind me. My eyes closed, I nodded my head back
upon them before walking to their sides where we had pushed ourselves forth
towards the horizon before us.


Along our walkway into
the tranquility of the silence surrounding and looming over us, our ears
flickered upon hearing something that was onto our sides. That we had turned
and gaze upon a portal that was sitting there awaiting for anyone to come forth
and foolishly entered as a matter of fact. We stepped forth towards the portal;
but someone had stopped us immediately. For I turned around only, spotting the
group of wolves behind us. That same group of wolves that we had met at the
plains of the intertwine realms shortly before this advantage of ours. Although
I was happy ot see them, they had looked rather pitiful for some strange
reason. For their eads were hanged, ears flattened against their skulls and
tails hanging inbetween their own legs as if they were scared of something.


I blinked, tilting my
head at them before questioning. But the lead wolf had interrupted me and shake
his head. Nudging his head forward and lifting his eyes up towards the portal
behind me, he stated “You should not enter there." “And why not? Does it not
ltead back towards home?" “Thati is the other pathway." “There are two?" I
blinked in surprise which the wolf gave a nod to me, faintly smiling following
it afterwards. At the following silence, I just frowned and shake my own head.
I hanged it, gazing at the dirty roads below us before I spoke rather unusually
quietness “You guys will be heading straight here, right?" A quiet nod came
from either of them. I called for Wyott and Wivina, both of which take a step
towards the side. Allowing the wolves to entered right on through.


The wolves did so as
commanded, yet the lead wolf just stared back onto me and smiled. An
acknowledge nod came from him, but it was rather quick and silent. Something
that I had failed to notice due to the blurred visions that surfaced. For
although I was quiet, I was also mentally whimpering before giving off a nod to
the lead wolf who gave a nod back before departing through the portal itself.
For it immediately shut down; gone from our existence. Something that we were
not surprise about for we had noticed that kind of process beforehand. But
without dwelling straight upon which, I nudged my head forth from the direction
of where the portal was just as Wyott and Wivina followed closed behind.


For we had immediately
returned to the entrance of the forest once more and turned immediately towards
the right; taking another path that we had somehow failed to noticed however.
We walked it down, straight towards a portal that was in front of us. We had
immediately entered inside, no hesitation no nothing whatsoever as we had
departed from the peaceful tranquility plains.