Current Track: Blabb

Invane: Raido Hole


“So how are we going to
get over there? And by there, I mean the building far away." Horizoki
questioned fixing his attention upon the horizon where such said building was
located after all. “Glad you ask, Horizoki!" Haziyo responded, wagging his paw
into the air as if he was being dramatic or something else within that sense as
he stepped to the side, showcasing the state-of-the-art cannon! We all turned
to him. But none of us said anything in response for our eyes were pointing to
the cannon. In case anyone needed to know, the cannon had a finishing coat of a
silver like one of those weapons used during the revolutionary war or civil war
I guess. As I raised an eye at Haziyo, I promptly raised a paw at him. But he
shushed me silently, continuing his monologue as if the spotlight was shining
down onto him. I groaned silently.


Haziyo went on to explain
that the cannon can shoot one hundred feet into the air and from any angle!
Whether we are late for work, home or anything that we had needed to go. The
silver cannon will be our last resort. Although, Haziyo did mentioned some side
effects to the cannon. The main thing is the injury and he is not in any way
responsible for it however. But before he could go on, Huzizu walked up to him
and slapped his face. Silencing his monologue as he turned towards his attacker
and frowned. But none the less kept quiet. With the peaceful breeze washing
down upon our gray furs, I exhaled a breath and nudged my head to the side.
Quietly signaling Hazuziu who said nothing but to climb into the cannon. Haziyo


A loud bang popped into
our ears. Luckily, it was short. As our eyes watched the wolf fly into the air
in an arc and straight towards the targeted building up ahead, my ears perk
upon hearing Haziyo questioned us. 'Whose next?' So for the next few seconds,
each of us were fired into the air in an arc one by one and towards the
building. Whereas Haziyo was the last one to be shot out from the cannon.
Meanwhile, I crashed into the window creating a hole at the center of it.
Landing upon the ground and sliding a few inches forward. Thereby burning a few
spots of my fur coat at the same time, I mentally groaned. But growled
afterwards. I raised a paw onto my shaking face, closing my eyes as my ears
flickered upon the silence. While I was pondering and venting mentally, my ears
perked upon hearing the door opened on my right and I turned to it. Spotting
Horizoki together with Harkell and Havlut. Both british wolves had their eyes
narrowed, poised to kill someone.


“Finally you guys came.
What took you?" I smiled brightly to change their attitudes. “We were shot into
different rooms." Responded Havlut, “How are we suppose to know where to look
you?" “Did you try looking out the window?" I suggested and a short silence
fell following our short conversation. Despite the grunts from Havlut and
Harkell, I turned my head towards Horizoki who opened the door wide. “Is Haziyo
suppose to be here? Was he shot from a cannon?" “I suppose he had a different
way of getting here." I said, Horizoki tilted his head to one side questioning
me. But I kept silent and shook my head, reminding them about the objective at
hand. With that reminder, Horizoki nodded his head. Harkell and Havlut groaned
but complied afterwards as they turned themselves over to me while I went to
explain to them. For shortly afterwards, the four of us split up and went into
different directions. I went towards the right side of the second floor's
doors. Opening each of them in wonder what the rooms inside was about.


The first room was messy.
Lots of clothes and other things about. A vibrator was lying upon the ground.
It looked dead however. Amongst the mess, a black inch television was standing
overtop the brown cabin. The cabin itself had three shelves, all of which were
locked and no key was found anywhere else. Ahead of me were windows. Although
dirtied as the germs and other black things were lingering at the surface. I
shivered before turning to the bed. The blanket was pulled back and exposing
the pillows underneath. A pair of lamps turned dead when I tried to turn them
on which sends the entire room to darkness, although I could see better when
the lights seeps from the dark stained windows. I shook my head, I never knew
who messed up this room however and it is better not to know too as I stepped
away from the door. Closing it afterwards and turned back towards the hallway
that I found myself in.


Horizoki came back
minutes later. His fur was wet. He smelled nice although. With his ears
flickering, he squinted but turned from my gaze and towards the stairs on our
side. I blinked at him suddenly, following his gaze down the stairs in
wonderance of what he was looking at or for however. But shook my head
afterwards as I spoke to him, “You found the shower room?" “No. The game room."
He answered me, I tilted my head to one side and then raised my paw at him pointing.
Before I could say anything, he answered to the silence “A bucket of water
foaming with soap was hanging above the game room door which is how I got
cleaned." “Must be security." I concluded as he growled, “I need to find some
mud." “Go outside." I prompted him as he crossed his arms and shook his head. I
exhaled a stress breath before turning towards the stairs, heeding down into
the floor below us.


For by the time I hit the
grounds, I looked to both sides. Spotting a pair of rooms on either side, but
they were different from one another. The room towards my left had a pair of
sofas, lamps and a window all lined up against one another. A brown square
table was on the left side of the second sofa. After that was just a door. “I
wonder where Harkell and Havlut are right now." “Perhaps enjoying themselves
with a cup of coffee or something like that." “Tea perhaps?" Questioned
Horizoki as I turned to him, giving him a faint smile before that faded
afterwards. With that, I turned around and glance at the room behind us. It was
the kitchen, nothing else was new here. Although the room was a bit smaller
than the rest of the rooms within the building, it did had the most items
inside. However, just beyond the room was a brown slightly opened door. “Hey."
I responded, pointing towards that door with a nudge at Horizoki “Can you open
that door?" “Please tell me that is not a prank once again." He groaned both
mentally and psychically as he marched forth into the kitchen.


He approached the door
with no hesitation and reached for the knob. Pulling the door opened, he
stretched his head outside and glanced around. Immediately pulling himself in
and spoke towards me, “The place is dark." “Seems to me that is either the
garage or the basement. Think the two wolves found a goldmine or something?" I
answered him, the said wolf frowned flattening his ears before shaking his head
in response, “I just hope they found a way out of here." He admitted as we
descended the stairs. The darkness thickens with every step. We watched a
single light flickered upon our alterative steps as we pondered why it does
that. But we ignored it afterwarads and kept going. “These stairs sure are long
however." Started Horizoki as I nodded to him, “Where is the end? My feet are
killing me!" He exclaimed but silence followed behind him as we continued.
Watching the darkness grows thicker until it was pitch dark and impossible to
see anything.


We hit the ground. An
sound had differ from the stairsteps. With Horizoki panting slightly and
complaining with whispers towards himself, I scanned the room with my eyes in
interest as I had wondered what kind of trouble did the two wolves found
themselves in however. The entire basement… well it never looked like a
basement for there be no walls about. Just darkness that wrapped around our
bodies. Although Horizoki was shivering and his body flinching a bit, his ears
stood erected and listened to the soundless surrounding us as he walked forth.
I followed behind him. For after a few steps forward, we found ourselves on a
path. A bridge was nearby too with the river running underneath it. Me and
Horizoki looked at one another in silence before breaking off into a run
towards the bridge. We ignored the sounds that our feet were creating as we
soon approached the bridge. Thus crossing it afterwards, we came up upon the
other side.


Right in front of us were
Harkell and Havlut. Both of which were on chairs which was separated by a pink
table. We looked at them in surprise just as they turned their heads meeting
our eyes. They waved in response, only Horizoki responded to them as I walked
up towards them. “Why are you guys here in the basement? Drinking tea?" “Well
we were suppose to find Haziyo." “Not just him." I argued with Havlut, “But the
missing dragons from Order's Vastertown." “I am sure they will come up
eventually." Started Harkell while Horizoki joined up with me, stabbing the
table with his paw and spoke “They had been missing for weeks now." “Right…"
They trailed nodding with amused looks upon their snouts as I narrowed my eyes
at them. They jumped onto their feet, complying with my silent order. “Finish
your teas or coffee or whatever was inside those cups of yours. Come with us,
back towards the first floor." I ordered them with a stern voice as me and Horizoki
turned around and walked away. The two said wolves turned to one another, threw
away their drinks and ran up to catch.


We had returned to the
surface. Harkell and Havlut stretched their bodies as they yawned. Me and
Horizoki lingered upon the brown table, our paws folded as we pondered with
flickering ears wondering where those dragons could had gone. “Maybe not here,
first of all." Responded Havlut with a faint stress smile as his eyes meet with
mine, I silently nodded at him. But my ears pulled back as I replied after the
short silence between us, “Then we will have to look at the villages then.
Surely the folks there know where they are." “And if they do not?" Horizoki
questioned with ears raised, “Then we 'forced' them."I smirked. Horizoki and Havlut
sneered responsible as the silence fell between us three. I relaxed and hanged
back against my chair, hearing it creak while I spoke. Changing the subject
suddenly, “Where is Haziyo?" “That wolf had been gone for three pages now."
Horizoki added, then turned his attention towards the series of white pieces of
paper hanging at the wall, adjacent to the back window behind him. “Almost four
now." “Surely he would come right? He would be missing out all the fun."
Harkell stated with an uneasiness upon his voice, something that I caught


Turning to him, I raised
an eye at him. He shifted nervously and said nothing otherwise. As such, a
short silence fell between us. I continued looking at him then averted from
him, fixing my attention elsewhere. It drew a breath from Harkell while
Horizoki exhaled softly, “I guess we will check the villages then." “Hopefully
they would understand us." I started, “Surely." Havlut responded with a faint
smile as I got up onto my feet and nodded towards the rest of them, “Alright
lets head to the front." “Front door right?" Questioned Horizoki as we gathered
ourselves together, proceed towards the front door. However, before any of us
had reached it; it opened on its own which was a surprise for us. Despite the
sudden screams and sounds emerging from Horizoki and the growls of annoyance
from Harkell and Havlut, I stand my ground and stared at the opened front door.
For just as it stopped, a white sign appeared upon the front to which I
squinted my eyes reading a set of words.


“Coming soon in six


“What the heck does that
mean?" Started Harkell as he and Havlut stuffed Horizoki with their own stinky
sock. Horizoki spit it out which shoot onto Harkell's head causing it to ring.
Harkell growled at the wolf and proceed to tackle him onto the ground. Bunch of
other sounds erupted from the two wolves as me and Havlut ignored it suddenly,
keeping our eyes upon the white sign in front of us. “Maybe had to do with
something in the near future." “Like what?" I questioned Havlut who raised his
shoulder, flattening his ears too and keeping well into the silence. I said
nothing, but grunted and proceed to heed out the door with Havlut dragging both
Horizoki and Harkell out from the interior of the building behind us. With
such, the door closed on its own and the white sign slowly faded away. I raised
my head towards the skies, realizing that it was nighttime already.


“How is it midnight?" I
exclaimed with a shriek, surprise by how much time we had spent inside the
building. “Maybe the building's time is a bit slower than the normality?"
Started Horizoki, despite being punched in the cheek by Havlut who continued
growling at him. “Were there a clock or something to tell the time?" Harkell
asked Horizoki who said nothing, “We did not see any clock or digital things in
the kitchen." I admitted with Harkell nodded his head, “Yeah. The basement did
not have anything either." “We should go." Havlut started, interrupting the
small peaceful silence between me and Harkell as our heads turned towards the
wolf who narrowed his eyes, “The story would not reach its end if we just dwell
here you know." “Oh right." Sparked Harkell as I tilted my head to the side
questioning him, “How you know we are in a story?" That kept his snout shut as
he never explained anything else however. With that in mind, we left the
building behind us and head towards a nearby town. If there are any.


After about thirty
minutes or perhaps more later on, we eventually found a village we could ask
question for. We were overtop the hillside, staring in the general direction of
where the nearby village was. It was smaller than we had expected however,
which was a bit surprising even for us. Despite that, I heard Horizoki breathed
deeply and spoke towards the rest of us, “Lets go! The faster we questioned
them, the faster we can go home and forget about this whole trip." “And ending
the story faster too!" Added Harkell as I exclaimed at him responding, “How the
heck did you know we are in a story?" But he never responded to me. For
instead, I watched him joined up with Horizoki as they fled down the hillside.
Tripping over their own feet and now rolling the rest of the way, straight into
the entrance of such said village where they both have disappeared. I groaned,
mentally facepalming myself with Havlut giggling mentally to himself. He
stepped to the side of my frank, drive his head against my fur as I turned to
him. “Come on." He whispered and I nodded slightly at him. We followed them
down the hillside very slowly and carefully. Reaching the plains afterwards as
we ran across the fields, straight towards the entrance of the village.


For by the time we had
entered in, we were surprise into seeing that the village was packed. Everyone
was busy doing their own thing. Some tending to the garden. A few feeding some
animals. The rest on the streets selling whatever was their stuff. The village
was even noisier too which was a surprising thing to see too. Though I shook my
head and slightly nudged the shocked Havlut. He turned to him, I motioned him
forward. Thus he nodded afterwards and takes the lead with me following just
behind him. We walked across the golden bricked road, following it down towards
the deeper end of the village where it stops upon a hut in front of us. We
stared at the hut and gaze at one another in silence, before heading right onto
in. We were welcomed to the pitch darkness inside as we entered through.
Finding ourselves inside a small cramp room, I whimpered and stepped back from
Havlut's line. Anticipating that there might be five of us here, all gathered
inside one room.


But to my surprise, I
spotted my pack gathered around the center with a villager at the middle. He
seemed pleased and excited to see us that he started chatting about some random
things and topics that perhaps would be of shared interest with us. Although my
pack nodded, they were unsure of what he was talking about however. But kept
their eyes meeting up with him as I stepped forth. My footstep making myself known
as my pack and the villager turned their heads towards me. In an instant, I was
tackled onto the ground. Horizoki, Haziyo were overtop of me. Licking with
their wet tongue all over my face as I growled at them. They backed off before
I got onto my feet. Raising my eyes towards the villager, we met shortly after.
A short silence was created between the two of us while my eyes narrowed and
stepped forth. Stopped when I felt someone pulling my back, but I ignored it
knowing that it was perhaps either Horizoki or Haziyo.


“So." I spoke, starting
the awkward conversation between us as I heard the villager gulped nervously
and laughed awkwardly. Lowering his arm to his side with the other gripping ont
it, he turned his head away from him. Staring perhaps at the wall or something.
I said nothing but shifted my attention towards the other wolves, “He does not
provide anything useful. I perceived that it was all just a laughing joking
matter?" “Perhaps." Concluded Havlut with a nod, “He is kinda new." Commented Horizoki,
“New?" Exclaimed the villager, his voice raised filled the air surrounding us
as I turned towards him, “I am guessing you are a young boy. New towards this
responsibility of whatever it is." He nodded slightly, though the silence seems
to consumed him. I exhaled a breath, calmness runs through my body while I
nudged my head back. “Come on then. Lets find someone else." I started as the
other wolves gathered around me, proceeding out from the tent.


Once we were out of
earshot, I spoke towards the rest “We should find them very quickly. But this
village does look like a good spot to start." “Despite Haziyo throwing us using
his state-of-the-art cannon." Sarcastically spoken Havlut with his eyes darting
angrily towards such said wolf. Haziyo growled threateningly back at him,
protesting “Hey! That cannon cost me a fortune! You are lucky it is on sale as
of today!" “Who you buy it from?" Pressed Havlut, glaring at him who responded
back with his own muttering at his dead face, “Your mom." “What?" “What?" Both
wolves said afterwards, with shocks as silence fell between them. I facepalmed
and shook my head with a sigh before turning my head over to Horizoki, Harkell
and Huzizu “Alright, you three head towards the left and ask anyone there. I
will head rightward and straight." “What about those-" “A fight is brewing
between the two. Best to leave them alone for now." Though with quietness
erupting responding from the three wolves, we all split up amongst ourselves.
Fleeing from the predictable fight as the two wolves head against one another
and a roaring crowd gathered amongst them.


In summary, we questioned
the folks here. Questions that were relatable in our quest into finding about
the dragons and their whereabouts. Most of the folks here commonly answered
about the caves westward from where the village was. Although the other folks'
answers were really unique that it sometimes bewithered me. Although ignoring
the initial shocks and trying my best to follow up questions. It had prove no
good and it did left me with something to think about. In the admits of me
walking through the patches of green grasses underneath me and my ears
constantly hearing the faints of fighting echoing far, I had came across an
isolated hut. Far away from the others gathered. My head was tilted as I soon
approached. Heading forth, I entered into the tent and looked around. The small
same room reemerged before my eyes. Although I never mention remembering a
brown table in front of me that is surrounded by weird looking candles. As I
approached curiously, my ears flicked upon a sound that entered my ears.
Forcing me to turn around and look, but was surprise to see a villager behind
me. At the entrance, the villager was taller than most. He was dressed in weird
fashions that would perhaps mistakes him for something from early fourteenth
century or something farther than that.


As I looked upon him, we
were silent. Then he grunted and bypassed him, walking across the length of the
table where he sat upon the chair. His hands folded with his eyes staring back
onto me. A long tense silence fell between us. I drew a breath, flatten my ears
and spoke rather quietly. I questioned him the same questions I asked around
the village. But unlike the others, he never answered back for a grunt was his
only sound. Continuing making that sound, he stopped after ten seconds or so as
I stared at him back, widened eyes and such. Before it all returned to normal.
But the tense atmosphere still loom over us. A shake of my head, I turned
around. Headed for the entrance behind me. Thus, I had disappeared from his


Reappearing upon the
outside world, I drew a deep breath and silence fell around him. I shook my
head and glance at the horizon whereas I stretched my ears and listened to the
peaceful atmosphere around me. But the faint sounds echoed my ears and I
flatten them again, worried about my packmates. Thus very quickly, I returned
to the golden road where a bunch of wolves were running left and right with
villagers rushing at them. A bunch of screams, yells and laugher erupted from
the atmosphere as I pondered with a tilt of my head, wondering what had
happened during my absence. Though wishing that I could keep the chaotic
atmosphere a bit, I closed my eyes and howled which luckily stopped the wolves
and villagers a bit. With all their eyes pointing towards me, I narrowed my
eyes towards my packmates whom strolled their way over to me. One by one, the
wolves whispered what information they had gathered. I acknowledged it with a
nod before the whispers faded afterwards. For thus, we left the village to its
own ruins.


“We know where the dragon
is!" “Yeah you sure told me, Horizoki." I growled back at him. A typical
dawning morning approaches us with the cold temperature pelting against our
dense fur. We were all gathered at the plains, far away from the village we had
ruined and asked about. Once again, I was arguing with Horizoki. Huzizu was
adjacent to me, sitting back to enjoy the show between us. Haziyo was fixing
his cannon with Havlut and Harkell groaning mentally, having remembered about
the cannon from the beginning of the story. “Do not worry Harkell and Havlut!
This time…" Haziyo reminded the two wolves behind him with his paw above him as
he grinned faintly towards himself, “...This time, the cannon is upgraded."
“That makes it worst!" Screamed Havlut despite Huzizu's laughter. Our argument
was interrupted by his laughter and we turned our attention towards the three
other wolves, gathered around the cannon.


“Oh no." Responded
Horizoki with a whisper, I nodded back at him. “ ' oh no', indeed" “What is he
planning this time? What upgrades?" Horiozki asked, turning his head to Huzizu
who shrugged and wagged his tail in interest, “Not sure. But it will be
exciting." “Why? You like flying?" I teased him a bit, mirroring his tail wags
as he turned to face me and smiled brightly, “Maybe." Both me and Horizoki said
nothing as we just stared at him for a moment, shaking our heads and continuing
the argument. For when the sun rises from the peaks of the horizon and sent its
rays down upon the plains, our ears perked upon hearing Haziyo bursted, “It is
time! To go to a far away journey, far from the three realms. Far from any sort
of comfort zone. We may not-" However he spoke in a fast voice. It almost squeaks
and talks in high pitch voice, almost like a certain character. Despite hearing
Haziyo speak really fast, I turned my attention to Harkell and Havlut. Both of
which were holding a gray remote; on the surface was only three buttons. Fast
rewind, pause and fast forward. I am sure you audience can guess which one they
had pressed.


After skipping through
the monologue, they pressed pause and allowed Haziyo to continued speaking. He
rose his paw above his head as he spoke, introducing his latest invention. The
cannon which was behind him. Crickets started chirping in response as his head
turned from the cannon to his audience, which was us by the way. As I rolled my
eyes, I spoke towards him. “So we are just going to be fired out from the
cannon? Is this how the gag works?" “Not just fired out!" Exclaimed Haziyo
ignoring the second question, “But flied!" “How is this not invented in
medieval times." Complained Huzizu who frowned. “Because the people there are
dumb." Commented Haziyo as he chuckled at his own joke. We all look at him as
if he was crazy. He coughed and shook his head before stepping in line with the
cannon behind him. Grabbing the rope, he spoke towards us “Whose first." But no
one volunteered.


Immediately afterwards,
we all found ourselves stuff inside the cannon. Including Haziyo himself. The
inheritor of the cannon was pitch dark with only one hole hanging from the
other end of the cannon. Think of it like a deep hole or crack on the ground
with only the daylight skies hanging above you. Yet darkness surrounds you. Or
better yet… A cavern. Yeah that is better. Anyway, while I was trying to bring
visionary for you audience at home, Haziyo pulled the white rope attached to
the cannon. Everyone closed their eyes, anticipating that they would be in the
air. However, we found ourselves still inside the cannon squished and
compressed. I growled at Haziyo, “Great. Thanks a lot that we are stuck inside
here!" “We might have to end the episode temporarily." Suggested Huzizu with a
couple of nods coming from Harkell and Havlut. “But I get first crack at Haziyo
being beaten." No one complained at that.