Wolfie Steel.
Assassin/Bodyguard for hire.
Written by Vinnie Van Daz.
A/N: My continued thanks go to Linkin Doberman and kashito91, for agreeing to allow me to use their characters in my humble story.
The character of Linkin Doberman appears with the kind permission of the fur himself, LINKIN DOBERMAN, the character of Matt Bond appears with the kind permission of kashito91, please do not annoy them by using their characters without their permission, the same goes for the rest of the characters as they are owned by me and again should not be used without my permission. The mysterious fur is back, solely known as no.87, please help me thank the fur for agreeing to appear in my humble story, by not upsetting them by using their character without their permission.
As this story contains references and scenes of a homosexual nature, if you are not old enough to read such literature in your country, then DON'T. If you are not old enough and read it anyway and get caught, I will deny all knowledge. With that warning given, to the rest of you I say ENJOY!
Chapter 19.
It is now some eighteen months since our run in with the shape shifter, eighteen months of hospital surgery for Michael T Nash. Though he now has a new heart and lungs, and most of his injuries are pretty much healed, the mental injuries may never heal. Nash's Military Hardware Store, is no longer in existence, it is now a trendy wine bar. The signs of what happened eighteen months ago have all but gone, but in my mind, I still have some unfinished business.
Senior Doberman, Wolverine, Todd, Matt and Jane Stanton, have all been fantastic friends to myself and Tony. We have both managed to somehow continue to function with regard to our everyday lives, we work, we eat, we sleep. As for our love life, gone. By mutual consent, myself and Tony have sworn a pact, that once our.....unfinished business is finally finished, then and only then will we begin our sex lives again.
As for JT, he is now a permanent London resident. He has had his own sad story to tell, his mate of ten years, Stellar, finally passed away ten months ago, her loss has hit us all hard, but it has hit JT immensely, only this past month has he been able to begin living his life again, he now has a new purpose, a new reason to live. He along with myself, Wolverine, Senior Doberman, Tony and Matt, are about to set a trap, to hopefully capture and kill the shape shifter that ended two young lives, and nearly ended a third.
It is now three months since the plan for the trap had been hatched, and now, on a dark and cold September night, the plan was brought into action.
Julius walked down the street where it all started, the street where Nash's old shop once stood, he begins to yell out 87's name.
"87, I know that you are here, you thought that you were cool by taking on the two tigers and Nash, lets see how cool you are after taking me on, take me if you dare".
Suddenly, 87 appears in front of Julius in his wolf form, he has three faces, he changes through each face, finally ending on his Rottweiler face, he speaks.
"So, old wolf, which of my gorgeous faces would you like to see?".
Julius now spits and lets out a barking chuckle, then gives his reply.
"It doesn't matter which one you use, cos I'm gonna smash all three!".
Julius begins to take slow steps towards the shape shifter, he is now but inches away, and a fight ensues. After ten minutes of fighting, 87 manages to overwhelm Julius and begins to torture him.
"Okay old wolf, where is Wolfie?".
Julius barks out a belly laugh.
"The question you should be asking is, where Wolfie is not?".
At that precise moment, two bullets strike the Rottweiler's footpaws, sending the rott down to the ground, hard. With the rott dazed and on the ground, Julius seizes his chance and takes out his twin, iron handled, ceremonial daggers and takes 87 in a choke hold, with the blades of the daggers pressed against his throat.
After seeing that JT has 87 subdued, I stand clear of the shadows and walk towards JT and 87, with a huge, evil smile on my muzzle.
"You looking for me 87?, well, here I am, thing is though, this is going to be the last time you see my face. Now, I'm going to cover your head, then we are going to get into my car, and I'm going to drive us to a place that holds a very special memory for me, it is the very place where me and my friends rescued my boss. I guess the bodies of the two unfortunate idiots that we had to kill are still there, though probably unrecognisable by now thanks to the maggots. Just think no.87, this will soon be your fate".
I take out a balaclava with the eyes and mouth sewn up, from my overcoat pocket and place it over no.87's head, just as planned Tony arrives at the scene. Just as he does, a bullet whizzes past me, startling me, I turn to see a group of furs dressed in black suits, giving chase, firing indiscriminately at myself and Julius, I lift no.87 to his footpaws and cover Julius. The four of us make it back to my car, Julius and I bundle 87 into the back of the car with Tony, then we get in the front and I fire up the 6.5 litre engine, I select drive and put my paw down hard on the gas peddle.
The car pulls away amidst a hail of bullets, after a few seconds, and some fancy driving, we lose the furs in black. As planned, we now head to 87's final resting place, the disused warehouse, just outside of London.
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Wolfie Steel, Assassin/Bodyguard for hire, part 19.
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16 years ago
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