Current Track: Blabb

Invane: Chaotically Rescue


We all gathered at the front door. Believing for sure that our dragoness was inside. As such, Haziyo and Horizoki were afraid of getting in. Mainly because of the darkness that awaits for us inside. With our eyes pulled upon the attention of the door, I heard Huzizu growled and stepped forth from our line. He stepped forth into the front door, raising his paw and started for the knob. He grabbed it and pulled the door to the side, opening the door suddenly while the rest of us watches him in silence. With the door creaking suddenly and already opened, Huzizu smirked with the confidence he had before shuffling his attention back towards the rest of us. “What are we waiting for?" “Santa claws?" Haizyo finished that sentence, unaware of the joke settled inside as the rest of us simply walked by Haizyo and stepped to Huzizu before entering inside the door.


One by one, we entered inside and plunged ourselves into the settled darkness that awaits inside. With our pupils widening to see in the darkness inside, we gazed around the first area that we were in. The room was large. Empty with no one inside. Yet two sofas stands to our sides. Adjacent to them was a lamp and a microwave. Both of which were unable to turn on. Another door stands in front of us which Huzizu opened that one also. He exited out from the large room we just started in and closed the door behind himself. “Hey guys." He hollered, “The place is not bad at all. Although it is abandoned however." “Abandoned?" Shuttered Horizoki as his fur stands on one end, “Why is this story horror all of the sudden?" Commented Harkell, tilting his head to one side as he glanced at me in silence. I shrugged before fixing my gaze upon the door.


“We should join Huzuzi then." I started, “What why? This place has everything we need!" Cried Haziyo as he whimpered, although no one answered him. With the short brief silence that was carried, we walked ourselves out the door. Joining Huzizu upon the hallway that awaits for us. It had seemed he was waiting for us as well, since of course he was sitting down on his tail. Shifting his attention back and forth through the hallway that we were in. After we gathered, I turned my attention towards the white walls in front of me. “Why are there small windows." “To see outside of course." Snorted Haziyo with his snout raised high. But everyone scoffed at him and turned their attention to the halls again. I gaze away from the walls and back upon the halls also.


As always, the hallway was long and wide. Big enough to find many people inside and still not get crowded. The windows parallel the doors and go off upon one direction. Eventually meeting up upon the brown door on the other side of the halls afterwards where a green sign emerged upon our eyes. Once again, the halls were empty and boring except for us being upon the halls. Silence was brought upon our ears as Huzizu flickered them anxiously. Haziyo and Horizoki kept silent and still, unaware of the ringing that was echoing their ears. Eventually, Harkell spoke “We should split up. Half go south. Half go north. Hope we eventually meet somewhere along the halls." “Do not forget about our objective being here however." I reminded everyone as they turned to me and nodded, “Pizza for everyone!" Blurted out Haziyo which was sealed by Huzizu who clapped his mouth with his paws while he growled at him suddenly, I rolled my eyes at them and motioned my pack. They split up suddenly. Half and half like it was intended as we went our separate ways.


I am together with Harkell and Horizoki. One of the wolves that I should not be together with however. As I moaned and silently growled to myself, I just kept staring at the hallway horizon instead. Doing my best to ignore Horizoki talking behind me. We walked the length of the hallway, ignoring the doors and windows on our sides. Yet sometimes I never knew why we had to avert our eyes away from them and just looked straight at all. Maybe it had to do with something outside beyond the windows? With all these questions in my mind, the more curious I had become however. And I growled because of that. Horizoki and Harkell turned their attention towards me. Yet neither of them were of interest since they paid more attention upon the steel silver door that was in front of us. A stripe of color combination was in front of us, which I do believe it was red and white with almost invisible gray strips running parallel against the red and white block of colors.


I stared upon them. Harkell and Horizoki did so too. As silence fell upon our ears, I made a frown and shifted my attention to Harkell and Horizoki. “How are we suppose to open a seal door?" “We stripe off the seal and opened the door." Started Horizoki while Harkell argued, “We do not have opposable thumbs." “That does not stop us from being able to open the door however?" He commented back at him. The two wolves continuing bickering against one another until it had detailed onto something personal which I paid no attention to. For I walked to the sealed silver door in front of us. I gripped upon the edges of the seal door and tried to peel away the paper. It had however, taken a few frustrating tries to do so. Especially a wolf who had no opposable thumbs however. As I grunted frustratedly, I had managed to peel off the paper successfully from the strip seal and casted it to the side. The doors opened suddenly as I stepped back from the doors, getting back onto line with Horizoki and Harkell as their attention turned from their argument towards the opening of the doors.


“Guess you did it huh?" Harkell replied, surprise. I nodded towards him in silence, a bright smile emerged upon my snout before shifting attention towards Horizoki who too held his snout high before boasting, “I told you two that the peeling paper would work. Even though we do not have oppo- ow! Hey what was that for?" “Shut up." Responded Harkell with a low growl before turning his head towards the path revealed in front of us. Indeed, the path was revealed beyond the doors as a sign emerged before our very eyes. I tilted my head to one side in ponderance before speaking to either of the wolves beside me, “What does that sign says? It is impossible to read from where we are." “Either one of us have a far sight trait, I guess." Commented Horizoki although his voice reduced to a mutter. We ignored his comment and kept squinting upon the sign in front of us. Eventually, we just gave up and stepped closer to the sign for reading. With steps heading forth, we stopped to the point we were able to do so and read the words very carefully in hopes of understanding it.


“Warning… Robot is dead ahead."


“Well, the robot is dead." Horizoki started, taking the meaning to a whole new response while I shifted my attention to him and with raised eyes questioned him, “What makes you think that the robot is dead?" “It literally just says 'the robot is dead.' “ “Ahead, Horizoki." Interrupted Harkell with a paw over his snout as he growled silently to himself, “Forget it. Let just see if this robot is dead or not." He grumbled angrily to himself before walking forth ahead of us. Me and Horizoki turned to one another in the following silence before hurrying up to catch up to Harkell. We went through the large pair of silver doors and thus, entered another hallway with no doors or windows on either side of us. In addition, the hallway was also pitch dark. Making things harder for us to see what was even ahead of us. We walked down the length of this hallway, fur standing on one end as our eyes shifted from the white walls surrounding us. But deeper into the hallways we had venturing forth, halting our advances as our ears perked up upon the sudden sounds of someone screaming and eventually followed by weird robot noises.


We blinked and shifted our attention towards one another in silence before we walked a few steps forward and round the corner, we settled our eyes upon a single room standing in front of us. The door was also opened surprisingly as we could see what was on the opposing side of the door. Inside, we saw the second group of the Hunter pack. It had seemed it got itself on a bind somehow. As more screams came from the room, I heard crunching sounds adjacent to me. Me and Horizoki turned our attention to the source, surprise to see Harkell munching on some popcorn that he found nearby. His snout was literally covered with melted butter, oil and bits of the popcorn that he had just ate. I groaned, Horizoki gagged nearly vomiting while Harkell raised his shoulders at us defending himself, “I was hungry." “Should had told us to hunt something for you then." I growled at him before settling my eyes back upon the room which to our surprise, everyone was gone suddenly.


“Wow that is a record." Commented Horizoki while I muttered angrily at them, “Come on. We need to know where they went." I argued before revealing myself to the empty hallway and room that stands before us. Horizoki and Harkell done the same. Together we stepped as one and entered onto the hallway before shifting our eyes towards the paths available to us. Two paths on opposing sides were perhaps leading to the same place however. I would not know, I never designed the place anyway. Ignoring that second part of my sentence, I motioned towards the two wolves who nodded in kind and silent towards me. Temporarily we split up and heed our own direction. Around the corner was when we stopped and turned our heads towards the path ahead of us. “This path is long?" I heard Harkell exclaimed, I nodded in acknowledgement responding towards him “Mine is too." “What your sheath?" Commented Horizoki before being slapped by Harkell who growled at him.


I pretended to ignore that last comment made and kept my eyes down the halls. It was a long path down the road. To things that went blurry at the horizon however. With brown doors, green lockers and windows off to the side, I pondered what kind of building this place was however. But shaking my head, I exhaled a breath and spoke towards Harkell. “Howl if you see anything in your path. Do not go far from here." “Same goes for you." He responded in kind, a fainted smile emerged upon his snout as i nodded at him back before we disappeared from each other's sights. We headed down the paths. Walking closer towards the things mentioned above. While I gaze my attention towards them, I saw how detailed they look. The doors had a black smoke mark upon their surfaces. The green lockers was spray painted with different other colors making it almost hideous or something ugly along those lines. The windows remained the same. But I noticed the palm trees were standing erect a few steps from where I was standing however.


Keeping my eyes upon them, I tilted my head to one side. I suddenly found myself walking forth towards them even without my brain ordering me to do so. Closing in onto the palm tree, I reached out and grabbed upon one of the leaves. Then pulled it back, ripping it off from the rest of the tree. A loud whirring mechanical sound filled the air and my ear as I blinked suddenly and turned my attention behind myself. I was curious as to what that sound was, but also at the same time afraid of what the source of it became. I find myself taking a step back, the another before turning around and made a break for it. Why? Cause fear. And like some wolf said in the earlier segment of the story, why is this horror? I kept running down the halls, bypassing everything that I had seen in my path. While my eyes were paying attention to the horizon beyond me, my ears continued hearing that sound echoing deep inside my ears.


My mind pondered as to what that sound was. But at the same time, I had wanted to escape from the sight of the sound. I kept running. Down the halls towards its end where I turned the next corner and continued moving through. Eventually hitting with the other wolves that were gathered around. I slowed down and stopped, spotting them already. Their attention was towards me in surprise, yet neither of them said anything while their eyes were trained at me. I growled at them, they faltered and looked elsewhere while my ears stretched out from my head and listened to the soundless ringing echoing. 'Nothing.' I thought with a small hidden smile escaping my lips before that died down suddenly and I spoke towards them,


“Any of you got caught running from that robot?" A couple of nods came from some of the wolves as Huzizu raised his eye at me and replied, “What robot?" “The robot that was guarding this building." Commented Harkell. Horizoki nodded his head suddenly and rapidly. He exhaled and shook his head, his eyes closed suddenly before shifting his eyes to me and questioned, “What are we suppose to do then?" “Fight him off." I growled. “Best yet, fight fire with fire." Argued Haziyo while the other muttered and nodded their heads, “We need a flamethrower then." Horizoki started, seeing everyone agreeing for once. Although at his comment, many of the wolves found themselves turning to Horizoki with eyes raised. He shrink and said nothing more while the conversation was deterred towards the robot to the point that we were settled into making lots of traps.


At the breaking point, Huzizu and Harkell turned their attention to me. Dropped their voice to a whisper and muttered something that only I could hear them, “I do hope you know what you are doing however." I exhaled and nodded in agreeance to them before muttering something in response as the three of us split off once again to gathered with our groups. I together with Horizoki and Haziyo while Huzizu and Harkell went with Havlut. Horizoki and Haziyo shifted their attention to me as I caught up towards them. With faint smiles upon their snouts upon close to me, I gave nothing back but a serious look upon my face. They hide their excited marks and replaced it with one that mirrored mine as we all turned away and started forth through the rest of the halls. “The plan is quite simple… at least for this group." I remarked, piping my voice up as they turned to me confused and wonder. I went on to explain about the plan that we had come up with and as they nodded their heads to me, I exhaled a breath. Feeling the pounding on my heart against my chest at the excitement that this will bring. Along with the raging stupidity that comes along afterwards too. With another breath escaping my lips, I whispered just they could hear me, “Then lets begin."


We gathered up upon the end of the hallways. Planting our feet upon the grounds while we gazed our attention towards the other hallways that interconnect towards ours. A huge door stands in our wake, but we paid no attention towards it while we set ourselves upon it. “First things first…" I growled, getting their attention when their ears perked up upon my voice, “Here is some rope; Tie it to the two ends of the door." Doing as they were told, they knotted the two ends of the door tightly while Haziyo gave me a thumbs up and a smile to go with it. I gave nothing away to them but turned my attention upon the door then towards the beyond. Upon which where darkness resisted onto my eyes, I closed them and huffed. Flattening my ears before shifting my attention downwards to the grounds beneath us where Horizoki and Haziyo were setting up their preparations. “Afterwards, here is some invisible paint. Pour some upon the rope." I ordered, they nodded and grabbed the invisible paint can by the handle. Then setting their paws upon the bottom of the can, they tilted it pouring it upon the invisible paint below them.


We watched as the paint dripped to the floors below while the entire rope was covered by the pouring paint. We found ourselves smirking confidently while we watched. Ears erected upon seeing the paint dripped to the floor below the rope. I simply grabbed a paper towel from somewhere and wipe it off from the ground. In hopes of no one noticing it. “This seems good." I heard Horizoki responded with a comment while Haziyo break into a grin and met Horizoki's eyes with his own before nodding. I clapped my paws together to gain their attention before responding, “Alright. This trap is done. Now onto the next." “Where should we set the next few ones?" “Somewhere far from the other traps and our own, of course." I started, nudging my head towards the right as Haziyo looked over to where I was pointing at then nodded in answer, “Alright. Lets go, Horizoki." “Gotcha." He acknowledged before the two wolves headed off onto their own.


Leaving my sight, I huffed a breath and shook my head. Thus turned my attention elsewhere while heading down the hallway in front of me. Our semigroup split into two more; me on my own and Horizoki together with Haziyo. I heeded down the halls. Questions lingering in my mind while my eyes shift down the length of the halls. Staring down onto a brown door that is in front of me. It was close. Yet somehow slightly opened when I drew closer to it. A tilt of my head came while I unknowingly became interested in such one that I grabbed onto the knob. Pulled it out and poke my head into the room. I found myself inside a huge room. But before I could go exploring more about the room. Something hit me against my head, leaving white dust or something along those lines between my ears. Growling in irritation, I raised my head to the near low ceiling above me. Noticing the lights shining dimly above. I saw no one there. Not even a wolf. So I retreated back into my mind as I closed the door and went on my way.


It did take some time. But I did make it to the second group. Harkell and Havlut were talking amongst themselves. Their conversation loud and clear for anyone to hear unfortunately. As I joined them in their conversation, they turned their attention towards me. Waved slightly before filling me in with the updates so far done. I smiled upon my snout in response to the traps already set and poised that I found myself nodding back towards them, questioning “What traps have you set up?" “A T. rex." “E…excuse me?" I blinked in surprise, eyes finally widened while staring at the two of them in disbelief. “A T. rex? What is that going to do against our enemy…" I growled at them, before noticing something in the corner of my eye. A white posterboard, blank as it was. I figured something was written on the other side. 'Blueprints?' I wondered before heading to the poster board. But Harkell stopped me and shook his head, “That is for later." “How are you going to hit a enemy with a poster board?" I growled at him, trying to get through his stupid logic. “Cartoons." He simply said, “What?" “Cartoons." I narrowed my eyes at him before shaking my head, stomping my way while retreating to the previous hallway again.


Several hours into the silence and I gathered around with the other wolves in the pack. Huzizu, Haziyo and Horizoki all stared at me while Harkell and Havlut stayed silent. I stared at them, meeting their eyes before exhaling a breath. Before I parted my lips, I stray my eyes elsewhere upon the hallway we had picked then turned my attention back to them. “Alright. All of our traps are set up. We are confident that we can successfully beat whomever lives here and rescue the dragoness." “It is what we had came here for, after all." I heard Huzizu muttered while shaking his breath. Horizoki and Haziyo nodded their heads and smiled beaming their warmth up right upon me while I glanced away from them. “Thus, I should be the one leading our target straight here." “I think we all should lead him here." I heard Harkell growled, taking a step forth while setting his head to me. I gaze at him, eyes met. But my ears were pulled back while I shook my head. “No." “Yes." He growled in response, “We are a pack. We should do everything together." A pause of silence came which meant the ringing echoed my ears.


A exhaled breath came from my snout while my ears perked up again, I nodded with close eyes responding “Alright. Normally the plan that I projected for myself would only be suitable for myself. But it seems that I bear-" “Quiet." Huzizu growled, walking up onto me and placing his paw upon my snout. Shutting me up as I gaze at him in surprise, “Just leave everything to us. And I do mean everything." I nodded and the paw withdraw back, slammed upon the grounds underneath us. I turned around, nudged my head forth and the wolves of my pack started moving. It was a quick, a very quick session. Before I knew it, everyone was already gone except for me. I closed my eyes, shook my head and said nothing else upon the silence accompanying me while I trailed behind my pack. Hoping against hope, that they would not ensure failure upon my strategy that I had crafted mentally for myself.


I walked down the length of the hallway. Keeping my eyes up front to the horizon and watching the darkness that came forth from its depth. The doors windows and lockers on my sides were all locked. Shivered up and remained frozen as if an invisible blizzard had came and filled the halls with sheer coldness. My ears perked up, listening to the ringing in them as well as the silence that was now surrounding me. My muscles were tensed and stiffed. It felt as if something had tightened it up preventing me from even moving anymore. While I bear the fangs and marched forward, I heard noises. My ears perked upon them and I found myself rushing through the halls. Straight to the end in hopes of the other wolves are doing exactly as I had planned them to do. But on the other half of my brain ponders about the failure of such a thing. Ignoring the doubtful thoughts in my head, I reached the end of the halls and suddenly turned the corner where I spotted a large empty room before me.


Immediately, everything had gotten silent. I stepped through the doorlines. Entering into the large empty room. I shifted my head to the sides, glance my eyes upon the little details of the room. But sadly I saw nothing there. My heart raced in my chest as the thoughts entered my mind wondering about the other wolves and the enemy we were suppose to capture. But remembering about my wolves, I growled and shot a look upon the doors behind me. I raced out of the room, went a short length through the whole hallway just to enter back upon another hallway. I finally raced it down. Straight towards the end where I found myself upon the same familiar room that every wolf was in. It was chaos. Harkell and Havlut were controlling the T. Rex that they had built out of metal things that they had found elsewhere. Horizoki tripped onto the wire. Pulling himself up into the ceiling above, eventually disappearing. With Haziyo whimpering and crying for him while lifting his eyes to the ceiling. And lots of metal scraps, tissue and other junk were scattered all over the room.


I facepalm. Growling something to myself. Closed my eyes for literally a second before opening them back up once again. I had remembered something. I shifted my eyes towards the side of my body; just as frying pan came out of nowhere. Missed me and started hitting the wall behind me for some reason. The sound was loud enough for the alarm system to come on. Thus what followed afterwards was a set of sprinklers that came from the ceiling. Damping our furs to the point that we our running speed were reduced. Meanwhile, the robot that we were fighting against somehow got a suit for keeping itself dry. It was literally just ripped opened bags of plastics which the rain was deflected away. I grumbled to myself, frustrated and pissed that the robot was prepared for such an even. Keeping itself above us in motivation. The wolves in my pack, scattered when they realized their forces had crumbled. The robotized T. Rex was burning and twitching when raindrops seep through its cracks. The rope was literally gone from Haziyo still whimpering with his tail between his legs, fleeing from the room as well as Harkell and Havlut too. Which left me by myself as I faced the robot on my own.


Who literally turned its attention to me and started coming forth. I quickly grabbed against the side of my fur; clawing against it just to find one thing that was needed for a desperate emergency. I eventually found it however. Thus dialed the emergency number. Oh yeah, the thing that I had needed was a cellphone. But it does not have all the cool gadgets and such that modern kids or parents have. Oh no, it was just one red button which pressed would bring in the…


The wall crumbled behind me and I turned around. A river flow of army and navy came forth from the huge hole that they had created where the sunlight invaded upon the darkness stored inside. I heard loud heavy footsteps marching from these soldiers as they had the whole room occupied. All guns pointing towards the robot then. A series of bullets were sprayed against the robot as loud sounds and flashing lights emerged from the darken room. It went on for seconds that turned into minutes then hours until finally, the light show was done. Tickets sold out. And we, Hunter's pack, made a lot of cash… Yeah, you are right. That never happened anyway. Although I wished for it to be since we needed the money to operate this story however… At least you know.


Anyway, with the last of the bullets clacking against the bullet suit vest that the robot was wearing however, the army and navy retreated. They poured themselves out into the outside world. Still keeping their loud annoying sounds intact until everyone disappeared seconds later. Worst of all, I was still stuck facing the robot in front of me who came forth. Its eyes trailed upon me as if I was some sort of prey or target for the robot's logic to exterminate or something along those lines. As I stepped back and hit against the wall behind me, my ears perk at a sudden faint sound and I blinked in sudden before hearing that sound grew louder until it was almost yelling. Shifting my attention towards the beyond, I spotted my pack running for the robot with an extra large pail bucket in their paws. It was full of water, mind you. And as I watched in disbelief, knowing full well that it would not work. I still watch with heighten interest. I just do not know why however.


The pack charged forth then dumped all that water upon the robot's back cause they were not tall enough to reach its head. The water splashed against his backside heavily, knocking him a few feet straight towards me which I immediately reacted by sidestepping it. Allowing it to crash against the wall behind it and… buried underneath the piles of bricks while twitching and also being set on fire for some reason alone. Seeing this, we all shrugged in silence and decided to head deeper into the halls. Hoping to find our dragoness. Sadly we had not spotted her and we had wondered if we had taken too long into the search. Pondering over that logic, we had guessed that she had somehow escaped somewhere and was hiding out until the entire thing blew right over.


Knowing that she had escaped and was safe and sound, we had decided to flee from the building site and back upon Kivizoki Forest where we had our rest. It was a wild one however, but I am glad we had survived upon the end.


And I groaned, remembering full well about the end of the year's celebration. Or as what the R7 and the Vaster Police Department like to call it. The Midnight Festival. “Oh boi… This is going to be doozy…" I muttered to myself, shaking my head and exhaled while I watched the other wolves excitedly grinned to themselves and prepared for the upcoming party.