Current Track: Blabb

Invane: Special Survices


A day of competition.
Never thought I'd see this day however. A sense of pride had washed all over my
furry body while I had find myself grinning unconsciously. I turned my
attention up front, staring down onto the horizon before me and prepared to
crouch down. Tail up in preparation for the yearly race that was about to
start. But as I do, my ear flickered upon the sudden sounds of something being
tied behind me. I had tried my best to ignore it and focus upon the race. Yet
perhaps it was already too much when I started hearing more noises than the
sounds of something tying. The sounds of protest and guilty pointing at someone
which I had presumed was my pack somehow.


In no hesitation, I just
rolled my eyes and shook my head. Completely oblivious to the antics of my
fellow packmates and just growled at the protesters adjacent to me while their
eyes turned towards me and glared. Face darkened as if they were angry about
how unfair this was however. But I remained silent and just turned to the
horizon and stared. Ears perking upward from my own head; awaiting for the
sounds of the starting point to echoed from the other side of the line. But all
I hear was the sounds of silence and constant ringing. I exhaled a breath and
releases the tension that was in my body; shifting my head about towards the
sources of protest. My face was a bit lightened upon seeing the white invisible
strings tied to my competitors' feet Tying them altogether somehow without the
use of shoes and something else.


So today was the yearly
race. Our goal was to find something inside of a random forest. I think it was
a secret meeting or something along that line. For afterwards, we are to report
back towards this white line and expose the culprits that was holding such a
meeting. It was an easy task for most canines; including myself as well as I
find myself smiling for whatever reason was onto my head. With the blue skies
above us and the sun beating its ray to illuminate the grounds beneath us and
all around, the starting point was heard and we sprinted from the white line
before us. Down a few inches away from the starting white line was the forest
entrance which I entered in immediately, disappearing before anyone else had
entered right onto in.


I was a bit surprise that
I entered in first. I would had suspected to enter in somewhere down the
ranking line. But I had ignored my thoughts for the moment and just focus my
attention on just finding that secret meeting instead and get myself out of this
forest. Did I ever mentioned that the forest was a bit unknown and foreign for
me? It was not like Virkoal Forest however; which mind you was adjacent to the
forest that we were inside of. The trees within this forest was clustered
together much like a sandwich. It was rather impossible to get through either
one of the trees without getting yourself stuck in one of them or even in
between them much like one of the canines behind me. I shook my head upon
hearing the struggles of a canine trying; so much so that I sniffled a laugh
from rising into my throat. But I did not come here for an entertainment


A bit further down the
line of forest trees, I spotted a brown road a few inches away from where I was
standing upon. That brown road was heading northward. Yet somehow I could see
from nearby that there was a fork in the road; two paths were split off from
the main one and headed their own directions. One towards the left, the other
the opposing way. A bit further onto the right path was a small gray cavern
that seems pitch dark, impossible for anyone else to see however. That cavern
itself was perfect for any form of ambushes and secret meetings so I had
decided to head towards there. A few minutes after taking my decision, my ears
flickered and warned me about something hissing loudly behind. I had turned
around and glance; spotting my packmates riding a red rocket as they whizzed on
by; waving at me and looking a bit surprise at my own surprise face. But there
was no breaks on red rockets, so they bypassed me and hit something a few
meters away from where I was standing. So much so that I just shook my head and
just resumed my walk forward. Ignoring the fire that breaks out within the
forest as the wolves of my own pack disappeared from my own eyes.


I walked towards the
cavern. I stopped in front of it as my ears stretched outward and listened for
anything within the cavern's entrance. But I find nothing there. A bit surprise
by this; I had decided to head right onto in. Completely forgetting that there
was a brown sign adjacent to the cavern that stated 'bear hibernation season'.
I disappeared from the outside view and entered into the darkness that had
awaited for me. The footsteps hear echoed around my ears as I propelled myself
forward and looked around the cavern itself. Staring down onto the walls that
were adjacent to me; staring at the strange drawings that were there that I had
wondered if ancient writings and drawings were created here before our time
however. But a head shake returned me into reality while my ears picked up
something at the far distance. For I turned around and stared at the horizon;
looking onto the pitch darkness horizon that was before me. I take a step
forward; then heard something nearby.


“Hey Hunter." Ack!" I
screamed; flinching surprise while i turned my attention towards Horiozki who
smiled brightly at me. Adjacent to him was Harkell who seem to be burning
somehow. His glare was towards Horizoki however as I had wondered what was the
beef between them. But a head shake later and an exhale following afterwards
had me return my attention back towards the horizon while I motioned the two
adjacent to me. We continued moving on. Following the straight lighten gray
path that was underneath us; straight towards the other end of the cavern where
we find ourselves at a dead end however. A switch was in front of us which
Horizoki grabbed onto suddenly and pulled it downard. The entire cavern rumbled
suddenly; something splash over to our right side which had forced all three of
us to look over and spotting some water rushing out towards us. A bit surprise
by it; we turn tail and ran. But were caught up to the roaring waters. Exiting
left of course.


We were spatted out from
the hole in the ground. Water gushed out; moistening the surroundings around us
where plants and flowers grew suddenly from where the water sinks into the
grounds. They wilted and grew darker as the flowers realized that it was getting
colder around the forest grounds. We landed upon the grounds following
afterwards; Horizoki sat onto one of the flowers however. Picking ourselves up
from the grounds, we all shake our fur. Yet Horizoki and Harkell's puffed out
that they had started looking like cubes now. I laughed briefly at them; before
returning myself upon the reality of things and reminded myself of the race we
were doing. So quickly, I rose from the grounds and sprinted across the fields
of trees. Northwards in hopes of catching up towards the other competitors. As
I ran, I had noticed how the peaceful silence was surrounding me while i find
myself waving from one tree towards another. This had concerned me a bit too,
by the way as I had wondered where the other competitors was at the moment in
time. I was considering of raising my head; tilting it back to look towards the
skies above me. But I had remembered that the forest leaves blocked my visions
from even seeing what time of the day it was. Yet the cold winds had reminded me
otherwise as I find myself shivering while I ran forward.


There was an odd sense of
tranquility and peace around me; for all I hear was the constant ringing in my
ear. I wore the face of concern; worried sick about my rivals that a thought
popped onto my head pondering about them and what had my own packmates done to
them however. While I had begun to think deeply and predicting the alternatives
of what perhaps had happened to them, I had not realized that I had bypassed
another fork in the road and ran passed it into the fields of grayness and pale
where the grass was no more to be found. My eyes widened at this while I
gradually slowed to a stop; I turned around and walked a few steps back towards
the fork in the road before glancing towards both sides of me. There was
literally no roads; all I can find were the grayness and paleness of the
fields. I pouted in response and frowned; but shifted my attention back towards
the road and the fork in the road. Spotting literally a silver fork in the
road. I blinked in surprise; gazing at the transparent fork in front of me. I
even stepped closer to that fork and sniffed it a few times. It had smelt like
something furry; a canine most likely however. But the question did lies if it
was a fox, wolf or other canines that I was not aware of however.


But the sounds of someone
running down the road in front of me and stopped my investigation and thinking
altogether while I rose my head high towards the horizon and blinked. Spotting
now the rest of the pack rushing forth towards me. They all seem panicked as
the eyes of them widened to a degree however. WIth tongues sticked out of their
snouts; they also seem to be having fun for some strange reason. Upon this, I
had tilted my head to one side before lowering my eyes following it and gaze at
their feet. A bit surprise upon seeing speed skates upon each of their feet as
the wheels rolled onward. But not all of the wolves had the same set of wheels
however for one of them was left with nothing at all. Just a regular shoe. That
wolf was Huzizu who seems to be using Horizoki's rocket at the time being which
was strapped onto his back; the fire was already sprouting from behind the
rocket, furthering him from the competition at hand as he called out towards


“Hunter!" I waved
responding at them. A bit happy and please to see them. Yet concern of why they
were using roller blades and speed skates and rocket for this time only?
Shaking my head to rid that thought inside my own mind, I returned another wave
just as the pack whizzed by me. The red orange glow from the rocket itself was
the last thing I had saw however while I turned to them in response, shouting
out towards them. However they were too far from me to hear my voice.
Additionally, they could not stop either as they find themselves disappearing
from my own visions, heading further down the fields of trees. Disappearing
into the horizon in front of me. I exhaled a breath responding and shook my
head. Though I had nearly laughed upon this; I was a bit concern for them
however. So throwing away the mind of competitiveness, I ran after them.


Rushing through the
fields of grayness and pale, I waved through the trees that stood in front of
me. But I was a bit surprise upon seeing no leaves upon the branches of the
trees as all of them had perhaps piled up upon one another somewhere close by.
The talk about piles of leaves had indeed sent me memories of when I was a pup;
but my head shake afterwards and thus returned into reality once more again.
For a few minutes later of me running through the fields of emptiness, I had
caught up with the other wolves whom were struggling to get themselves out of a
predicament however. Horizoki, Huzizui and Haziyo found themselves struck upon
the hole of the tree with something banging onto their head suddenly which I
perceived as a bird living in the winter times. The two british wolves sank
onto the riverbed nearby. As they grumble, their narrowed eyes were turn
towards the fishes in the water; jumping around them mockingly as if they had
found a wolf wet upon their home amusing somehow. Or was it because that the
two wolves wanted to eat them for lunch? I closed my eyes and turned away from
Harkell and Havlut. Fixing my attention to Hazzor and Haioh; both of which were
off towards the side. Minding their own business however.


Their attention was drawn
towards the red stove between them. Their head were hanged gazing at something
that was frying upon. Something that I never knew. But the smell of it was
delicious however. It smelt like crispy and juicy with the smell of vinegar and
seasons splashed onto the surface of it. My stomach growled which caught the
attention of the two wolves over to my left side as they turned their attention
towards me with a big smile plastered upon their face. “Hunter! How was the
race?" “Why are you two here deeper in the forest grounds? We do not live
here." I started as the pair looked upon me; then towards one another and shook
their heads “Well following you and the other competitors was difficult. So we
decided to set up shop and leave the four wolves into leading you straight
here. Seems like it worked." Haioh remarked, something that I smiled about
nodding in confirmation before turning my attention away from the pair and
towards the other four wolves who rose themselves from the grass or water. The
two british wolves shook their bodies; reminding the excess of waters that was
around them before they jumped onto lands and raced to rejoin the rest of us.


Horizoki, Huzizu and
Haizo fixed their attention towards me while I gave them a nod. Hazzor, on the
other paw, returned his attention towards whatever he was doing and flipped it.
Haioh spoke when the silence was looming over us which had forced me to turn
towards him in response and concern as I had wondered what he was going to say.
For he turned towards me suddenly; eyes interlocked with one another just as
his mouth split and he started talking towards me.


“Hunter. This is not easy
for any of us to say." He responded, getting all serious now for whatever
reason now as soft but tension suspensive music started playing in the
background. “The competition is indeed shrinking." “How you know?" I questioned
him, tilting my head to one side while he fell to silence and turned his gaze
away from me. “The rest of the wolves had noticed it and informed me about it.
I am not sure if this competition is a scammed or something to catch canines
from our realm or from Virkaol Forest however." “Guess we got to find out eh?"
Responded Haioh, butting in as the two of us turned towards him and nodded our
heads. The sudden serious in my eyes sparked into flames that it engulfed my
entire eyes completely. Haioh and Hazzor fixed their attention towards me and
frowned; one of the two spoke with hesitation in their voice “Hunter. Your eyes
are… Heated up suddenly." “Huh?" I questioned him again before realizing that I
am seeing red all of the sudden. Thus smiling faintly, I closed my eyes and
shook my head; to return my vision back into it once was.


For upon this moment in
time, we turned our attention towards the sudden shrinking of competitors. I
had not noticed it until this late in the competition however. Even this late
into the story too which was something that I was rather surprise about. But
letting not that get to me, not when I needed to focus upon finding out where
the others are. I nodded my head towards six wolves of my pack as they
acknowledged me and nodded; splitting themselves apart and running Southeast to
Southwest which left me alone upon the North. But gazing down onto the Northern
side of the forest grounds; staring at the grayness and paleness that were
there. I just frowned; shook my head and just completely ignored it however.
For I turned tail and ran Southward where Harkell was heading forth upon and
sprinted down the fields of trees, catching him up in no less time at all. He
was rather surprise by this that he turned towards me; slowing himself down to
match my speed as we remained neck to neck of one another. Around that time was
when he muttered about something. But I had ignored him.


We retrace our steps back
towards the road of the forest where a literal fork was upon the road. As
Harkell lowered his head, sniffing the strange foreign object; he rose his head
and glanced at me. I tilted my head to one side as he shook his head responding
to me and thus I exhaled a breath and frowned. We both sprinting again, me
taking the lead this time as we headed further into the forest grounds.
Bypassing the forest trees where birds were found chirping stressfully for some
reason, we ended up upon the other fork in the road with two paths split up
amongst one another. Harkell had decided to visit the cavern that I had just
found moments ago and split off from me to investigate. This does leave me with
the other path however as I turned towards it, tilting my head in response as I
had wondered where does it lead.


With curiosity upon my
side and my head tilted to one side too, I headed down the foreign road.
Walking slower than normal while my head was held high into the horizon, gazing
down towards the path as it stretched further. Kissing the horizon at its point.
Besides me were the forest grounds; trees shook shiveringly amongst the cold
arctic winds that had somehow gently blown by however. How I had not felt this
winds at the earlier time is concerning to me. Yet I had tried to ignore the
thoughts that was buzzing in my mind. For instead of pondering about it; I just
sprinted down and ran hoping to find something there.


At the very end of the
roads; I found nothing but a huge stone in front of me. It was blocking the
path of which I had needed to head into and I frowned responding because of
this. Just as I turned around and started looking for alternative ways to bypassed
the stone in front of me, I heard a destress howl which caught onto my
attention while I responding immediately with one of my own. The other wolves
howled which were perhaps in my pack. But there were a bit too many of them
that it was a bit hard to count. Regardless; I sprinted away from the stone.
Heart pounding in my chest in wonderance of what had cause Harkell stress so
suddenly. The ponders and thoughts filled my mind with flight as I find myself
whimpering in stress about my own packmate. Yet I never had to go on far when I
had noticed Harkell running towards me; eyes widening in both fear and surprise
as he had noted me. He called out; I responded before he flicked his ear back.
Pointing towards something that was tailing him from behind. I rose my eyes to
the horizon, away from Harkell however. Which widening my own eyes in fear and
surprise; disbelief was written all over upon my face. Yet I never had any time
to comprehend the situation around me as quickly Harkell fled from my side,
sprinting across towards the stone that was a few steps behind. I called out
towards him. Yet he had responded immediately and turned towards the right as I
turned back towards the creature that was chasing him down.


So remember how insane
our stories were? Chased by unusual creatures and animals; causing trouble
wherever we go and all that jazz? Well this takes the cake of the unusual
creature category. Something that I had believe would win the costume of the
year too however. But right in front of me was a bear; he had a foreign hat;
something that I never recognized at all. But it was the color of red upon its
top; a strange symbol at the center with something black sticking out from the
hat. It had looked strange and weird however, considering that none of the
animals wear any hats at all… if I had recalled correctly however. But never
minding that now; the bear came close in front of me. Yet he was not walking at
all. Rather his lower body was covered by a green steel something which I had
recognized as a tank. Its cannon was aimed for me as the bear growled and
extended its paw outward; drawing fire to me. I yelped; too panicked as my own
mind started racing suddenly and sprinted down the road; turning left while the
tank with the bear overtop of it started chasing me down.