Current Track: Blabb

Venturing: Calling Music


“Surprise that there is a package already at our front door." I heard Yang spoke out loud to herself while her eyes darted to the front door. I blinked and turned towards her, “Are we expecting a package?" “No. I did not even order one at all since we had work the last few weeks ago." I nodded in response, but said nothing else to keep up the conversation. As my attention was towards the front door, there were millions of questions in my mind. Some of which were related to the package while others were about the sender. Although I had a good idea as to who it was, I had to be sure regardless. So with that, I rose to my feet and started for the front door. Grabbed onto the knob and pulled the door back before looking outside.


A beautiful day was what awaits for me. I inhaled and smiled briefly before shifting my attention towards the pale grounds below me. For upon our deck likes an unknown package. Brown and dark it was. A long tape was attached upon all sides of the block. There were some written words upon it. Some that were hard to read. Disregarding everything inside my mind, I grabbed the package and pulled it closer towards my home before locking the door afterwards. “What you find?" Questioned Yang as I hollered back towards her, “A package. Unknown sender however. Must be an fan or something." I muttered the last part as I heard footsteps coming forth from the kitchen behind me towards the  front door. Her attention was to the block in between us as we raised our heads and met each other's gazes. Neither one of us said anything in response for we were afraid of what was hiding inside.


Though I was the one who made the first move and Yang stopped me immediately afterwards. I darkened my face, stared at her with narrowed eyes as she growled back towards me. Her claws upon the top of the box. Tape already ripping off. I stepped back and allowed her to do her thing as she ripped apart the box like nobody's business. Rather, it was kinda of amusing for me however. Shaking my heads of the kinky thoughts I turned my attention towards the opened box and questioned here, “What was inside of it?" “This apparently?" She responded, holding up what seems to be a note. I blinked in response, but said nothing else while taking the note from her claws and turned it over. For me to read towards myself. Upon the note, a bunch of words were string together to make a sentence. However the paragraph was not kind towards us. Rather, it seemed to be some sort of hateful message.


“What is the context of the note, Ling?" I heard Yang spoke through the silence of the air. I flinched in response but lower my eyes towards her. She raised her head to me as she repeated her question once again as if I had not answered her the first time. Opening my lips, I responded “A hateful message. Seems to be some sort of terrorist attack towards Order. Mainly VasterTown. Who is the culprit is a bit unknown as the signer did not give his or her first name at once." “An immediate write up." Yang commented, her voice stern and serious while she picked herself up from the ground. I nodded in response to her, “Yeah. But first things first. We need to know who this signer is and where was he from." A bunch of other personal questions were upon my mind, but I chose to ignore them for the primary one. The most important one of course. As Yang nodded with a smile upon her face, she ran towards the kitchen and  started calling some familiar friends. All the while, I turned back towards the front door. A soft growl escaped my lips.


The start of the afternoon was when the Vaster Police Unit had gathered up upon the closed front door. Kyro, Zander and Natty were there together with us. So is Ziorui, Kivyu, Arislo and Naiera. Zellio and Kumir also heard our call as well and came quickly towards our home best they could. There were two additional dragonesses on our team however. Maujur and Abavina. Both of which were newcomers Abavina is the daughter of  Natty and Kyro. She is a lighter pink scaled dragon with a red underbelly. Me Zander and Yang usually joke calling her a 'cupid' as a nickname despite Natty growling at us for demoting such a nickname.


“So what is the problem?" I heard Ziorui questioned, his arms crossed suddenly while looking at both me and Yang in turn. “We got a suspicious package with no sender attached to it. Was sent to us by a package. Delivered upon our front door in the morning." “A suspicious package?" Immediately interrupted the short conversation was Naiera who pulled her wings back with a surprise pale look upon her face. Arislo nodded his head in agreement, yet mutter something underneath his breath. “Yeah. Yang ripped opened the package before I could…" I went on, a couple of chuckles came afterwards in response. “Which pops out a piece of paper. Yang." I recited and upon her name, Yang stepped forth towards the center of the circle. Revealing the paper that was in her claw which was the note that we just saw before.


A couple of eyes widens emerged upon the faces of our coworkers. Yet none of them commented or questioned us. Seeing the sudden quietness, Yang stepped back and spoke towards us. “Anyway you guys are needed. Find this culprit using the clues you have found during your investigation. I want this guy found no matter what." “Where should we look?" Questioned Kyro while Ziorui and Arislo nodded their heads in turn, Yang smiled brightly upon Kyro and immediately answer him. “Through the website. Or libraries or anything. The only confirmed clue that both me and Ling can give was that it is within our friend circle. So look through your contact for anyone that is mutual between me Ling and yourself also." A couple of nods came afterwards, wings spread and shuffling in response as silence suddenly died down. All stares were upon Yang and me. But neither of us were deterred; rathered, we welcomed this acknowledgement. As the ongoing silence persisted on, the numbers within the personal meeting dwindled until it was just the normal group of five. Me, Yang, Kyro, Zander and Natty.


“The best way to search for it is through the internet. I am betting this culprit bought his boxes from a certain company that me and Kyro had used to shop around for." Natty immediately responded, Kyro smiled but something red appeared upon his face. He felt hot for some reason which me and Zander took to notice. Yang already left the group to head back to the kitchen to find something. All eyes were upon me now. “So." I responded out of the blue, shattering the silence around us as attention spike to me. “We know our assignments then? Where we are suppose to go this time around?" “Free roam is what you and Yang give to us however." Remarked Kyro with a slight smirk upon his lips. Zander nodded afterwards in agreement but said nothing else as I nodded also and added, “Yeah. Free roam. But search through the internet for things. In addition, check the houses for any packages delivered to them. Look for one that is pale brown and sometime dark with strange words written upon it." A series of nods came afterwards as the officers spill from our front door, spreading their wings and taking it towards the skies. Disappearing as they left us alone.


With a breath of a sigh, I closed my eyes and turned around. I started for the kitchen wondering what Yang was doing. Finding her later upon the white desk in front of her, digging upon the screen for something interesting. I blinked at her for a couple of seconds then shook my head exhaled breath turning towards the other half of the kitchen to which I walked upon. Grabbing onto the pan and started our Lunch. However, I was preoccupied with the thoughts in my head leading me mentally towards the note and the box that came with it. In addition to, something else that was inside there besides the note. I was surprise to see that Yang had not saw that. Considering that she was the one who saw the depths of the box however. But pushing that thought to the side, I exhaled a breath and shook my head. Turning my attention towards the pan as drips of hot oils jumped onto my scales.


Although I flinched upon the contact, I was surprise it was for another reason. For I turned myself around rapidly and fixed my attention towards Yang who had her claws into the air above her. Her lips curved into a smile, her face eased and light as if she had won something that had interest her. Urging on the desire to find out what, I coaxed her questioning. “What happened?" “I think I found our culprit however." “That was quick." I commented out loud while she smirked at me in response but turned her attention to the computer thereafter. Curious, I urged her on. She explained this in response. “It is from a site that neither of us have heard off however. An unpopular site to be exact." “ 'An unpopular site'? “ I echoed her in response, my voice somehow getting higher in interest while she nodded and continued on.


“This website is for foreigners who wanted to send gifts straight to the locals inside of town. At least of this year, there had been hundreds partaking in the purchase of items online." Yang explained, I kept quiet which allowed her to continue, “It had seemed that our culprit alone had purchase only a box. It is the exact same one as the one we have in real life." She says, “So what is this website anyway?" I questioned her again. Her eyes drifted to the top of the screen then responded to me in an uninteresting voice “PetAmark." “Weird title." I commented, “Weird store." She explained and silence replaced our voices once again. As the smell of food drifted onto our noses causing our stomachs to growl suddenly, A walkie roared to life which startled Yang as she turned around and got up from her chair. Heading a short distance towards a nearby table that was in front of her. Snatching the walkie from the surface, she pressed the button and called.


“This is Chief Yang and Captain Ling, who is speaking?"


“Ling! Yang! Finally. I was wondering why you guys are not calling at short notice." We heard Zander's voice through the speakers, “You are not going to believe this. But the citizens of VasterTown had reported that CEOs of different companies are also targeted. There are some of the same packages delivered upon the front door. A few of which had already taken inside."


“Seems like you are right after all…" I responded to Yang who grinned childishly and said nothing while we listened.


“We perhaps had guessed that the packages contain the same types of items that you pair have. So we had requested them to not open it at once until we have apprehend our culprit." “Different CEOs of different companies ey?" I responded when the dead silence of the walkie rang true in our ears. Yang turned to me with that same smirk grin upon her face, nodding slightly as she got up onto her feet. “I will take care of our lunch, Ling. See if you can regroup with Zander and found out about these packages. They are bound to be from the same direction." “My guess… Northward." I commented with a laugh before heading out the front door as Yang takes over the cooking for the time being.


No later than the evening was the time I had arrived upon Zander's position. Yet to my surprise, he was not alone. Together with Maujur and Abavina. The trio of officers were gathered about upon the edges of the sidewalk and the road itself. I spotted them there from the skies above before diving down adjacent to them in an attempt to scare them off. Only the girls were surprise to see me, Zander just smirked back upon me. I laughed in response to him before folding my wings afterwards and stayed by his side. “Well hello there Ling. Fancy upon meeting you here. Yang sent you out?" “More like she kick me out." I started, Zander chuckled before silence took over his face as his attention was towards Maujur and Abavina, the two girls stared upon me. Thus allowing me to speak my mind for the trio as the silence was forgoing.


“So have you trio found anything yet? Beyond the houses and building, the roads and-" “Well we did." Zander interrupted me with a quick wink as he got up onto his feet and grabbed his backpack from his behind. Throwing it upon my feet, I went to pick it up. Curiosity was upon my mind as my face changed slightly. With my claw automatically grabbing upon the handles of the backpack itself, I hoisted it into the air and unzipped the bag. Looking into the context inside, I spotted what seems to be a bunch of paper. “What all this now…!" I trailed, my voice jumped in tone as I looked surprise by the papers inside. “They are the mutual contacts of everyone we have on our phone. It was not easy however." “Considering that we have millions of contacts that are mutual only towards the Vaster Police." I interjected, Zander chuckled and shook his head, “I kinda meant, other than the two police departments. We have friends almost all over the realm. And that includes our enemies as well." “Indeed." I finished with a smile then pulled the papers out from the bag. Tossing it over to Zander who snatched it in midair, I shuffled and reorganized the pile of papers before shifting from one page towards another.


I stared at the contents of the papers. Reading the short bio from each of every one of them before reaching the end of the page. For from there, I turned to another page. Repeating the process once again. It nearly takes ten minutes, but I had already reached the end of the pile. As I took it to Zander, he spoke towards me. “Found anything interesting?" “A lot." I started, “Although there are some questions involved upon the pile of papers as well." “At least we can contact them anyway we wanted to." Zander commented, his tone lowering while his wings dropped and folded behind him. I nodded in response to him, but said nothing else. As the silence fell between us, I continued pondering about the case we have and the huge box that was found upon the doorsteps of the CEOs.


“Who do you think setted them?" I questioned Zander, who looked up to me and frowned. Shaking his head afterwards in response before replying to me. “Not sure. Although we should keep looking. I will head back upon the station later." “Alright." I concluded before spreading my wings and take to the skies once again. Having not realized that the skies were already turning dark. With the sun already sinking below the horizon line and the moon hovering above it. Stars twinkling in the young night as I felt the cold breeze washing over my scales and brushing against the tip of my wings, I released an exhaled sigh and continued pondering about the events. Wondering how all of this was connected somehow.


I arrived back upon the house where Yang was already awaiting in the front yard. Her arms were crossed, wings folded behind her while her head was tilted upward. She seemed to be staring at something. But I was not sure what however. Ignoring the tempting thoughts in my head, I landed adjacent to her. Mirrored her and looked up onto the skies. A short silence fell between us before I spoke, splitting my lips. “Beautiful night is it not?" “Ling?" Yang replied, flinching as her head dropped to gaze at me. I lowered my head and met her eyes as she nudged me off with a chuckle before responding, “Find anything useful yet?" “No. The officers cannot find anything at all. It had seemed to me that this case was lost." I scratched my scale head, “It had seems that a large number of our contacts could be the culprit behind this. Behind threatening every CEO with that letter. “A large number?" Yang echoed me, I acknowledged her and added, “A large number whom to be our mutual contacts alongside our officers and allies. It is deemed impossible." “Even so, they are all our friends." Yang started, her voice dropped to a serious tone while I nodded after her, “No one would want to break the police trust. We would arrest them on the spot. No matter the verdict."


“So should we deem this as a lost cause then?" I questioned her. But her answer had not came. For her eyes were staring onto my face and not my eyes. Her wings flapped curiously while I tilted my head to the side, before turning around and looking behind myself. Staring down upon a black pole at the end of the sidewalk, leaning against it was somedragon. I blinked several times in ponderance before whispering down towards Yang, “Who is that?" “Not sure. Want to find out however?" “It could be a trap." We whispered a short conversation, a funny feeling was deep upon our stomachs as I felt nervous for some strange reason.


As our attention was towards the foreign dragon, I motioned towards Yang and walked. Taking the lead as she was brought up behind me. We walked down the length of the sidewalk, keeping our eyes pointing straight towards the foreigner before us. I raised my walkie and started a falling/close formation which the officers from the other end were surprise about at the call, but none the less comply with it however. As I heard flaps of wings and landing about, we stopped adjacent to the figure to our side. Yang stepped to my side and grabbed her claws together behind her. We waited. But the figure standing adjacent did not move. I squinted my eyes suddenly and turned my head towards the side, looking a bit angry yet calm at the same time. Yet before I could muster a response, someone shouted inside the walkie.


“Ling! Yang! That is a cardboard box! Get out of there now!"


“A cardboard box?" Started Yang, a bit surprise as she flee from the scene. Her claw already yanking against mine as I was dragged from behind. Cut across our yard and headed straight for the front door where we entered in and locked the door. A tense peace of silence settled between us as our eyes laid out upon the front door before us. As we waited in silence, I stretched my claw outward towards her. And growled slowly, she nodded. We stepped back, putting the distance between the front door and ourselves before we sprinted for the stairs several steps later. We rise in elevation, heading towards the other floor above us. Thus upon reaching it, we stopped upon the top of the steps and settled ourselves down. Sweat were already running down our faces as the heat emerged from the back of our necks. I growled weakly while tired as my face eased itself towards a neutral stance. Yang was in the same level as me as she panted rather rapidly. Her chest rising and folding as she breathed. Her eyes staring upon me before pulling them back, gazing down onto the steps below her.


A settle of silence was between us. Ringing echoed upon our ears while Yang whispered, “Go get the pistols." “Someone is coming?" I questioned, a bit intrigued. Yang nodded. I acknowledged her before parting from her. Heading eastward towards a pair of doors where I opened the door and started going inside. I found myself in a small room. A bed was at the center of the room. Behind it was a closet, its door was opened revealing the pistols that we had needed. However, I never circled the bed and went around there. For instead, I ducked underneath the bed and the closet and grabbed something hard underneath. Pulling out from its hiding spot, I opened the silver large case. Pulling out two pairs of pistols. Both of which were color coded however.


With a flickering sounds coming from my own walkie, I got up rapidly and returned to the door. Opening it up before tossing the pistol straight towards Yang. She snatched it in midair and kept her gaze upon the stairs in silence. I lined myself up with her, gazing down upon the flights of steps in silence. We were like this for a few minutes. Tensed that our muscles felt like screaming. Receiving a tensed headache because we were ponding about the near future. I growled while Yang scowled. We both remained still, never moving as we waited until the walkie came to life.


“The cardboard box is nothing but a fake, guys." I heard Zander respond over the walkie. “It is effective however." Yang replied, “Yeah, you pair of dragon couple had fled the scene rather quickly. Having suspected traps from the enemy forces should there be one." “or ambushes as a matter of fact." I commented, settling my two cents in while a brief silence followed before Zander spoke again, “Regardless, should we settle this case as dud? I do not think we should spend the resources finding out the culprit behind the threat." “Should they do it again, we will trace them down." Yang growled threateningly, “This kind of behavior does not fly within the Order realm. No matter what species it is." “I guess even dragons themselves huh, Yang?" I commented, poking fun at her quote as she turned her head to me and smiled briefly, “Yeah. Even dragons. Regardless if this was a special birthday party or something."


A sharp gasp and breath collection was breathed through the walkie startling both me and Yang. We flinched before Yang spoke into the walkie, “What? Something I said?" “No. Nothing." Started Kyro, “Y…Yup.", Answered Natty. “Disregard everything please…" Ziorui trailed off which greatly confuses us. Though without any sort of hesitation from either of us, Yang and I decided to drop the case and be on our way for the time being.


“Hopefully it is not too serious…" Yang finally commented shifting her gaze to me while I nodded back, “Although their gasps and breath collection through the walkie did pick up on something however…" “Which was…?" Yang questioned with a raised eye at me, “What if the case was fake and they are settling something for us? Like a birthday or a celebration or anniversary…." I trailed off becoming quieter with every suggestion while Yang stared at me for a moment then shook her head laughing, she answered me “If they had decided to throw such one… they would had to consult with us first. Or else it is a misconduct and misleading of information." “Right…" I trailed off as we prepare for the night routine.