Current Track: Blabb

Venturing: Bronx Beat

Early dawn had arrived for us as we had entered onto the crime zone before us. Surrounded by yellow light tape that I had perhaps presumed either Natty or Yang had started using it before they were blinded by the light. I gave a sigh and shook my head before entering through the tape and into the zone where I stepped forth to the sidewalk. From here, I stopped and leaned forward staring onto the surface of the sidewalk in silence, pondering and arguing myself mentally as to what had caused the blindness. As everyone had already know, and I presumed the readers too, that Vaster's sidewalks light up whenever some dragon walks along the surface of it. Making it almost like a dance floor. However, it does not brighten up this much according to the notes that another dragon had given to me. As I pondered and frowned, still staring onto the sidewalks for a moment before detesting what I was about to do. I gave a sigh and brought one of my feet up into the air, slowly moving it into the sidewalk before placing it down. I prepared for the worst.

But nothing had happened. The sidewalks remained dead! Surprisingly and shockingly too. That I had my legs remained spread like that. My eyes blinked a couple of times and tilted my head to one side before lifting up my foot that was upon the sidewalk. That was when it started to brighten. And just as it was about to lighten up, I quickly turned my face away from it and gaze onto the brick wall of a side from one of the closest buildings I could find. It worked perfectly and in accordance to plan. That I started to smile faintly just as the lights from the sidewalk had started to die down. Regrouping my feet together once again, I scribbled some notes upon the yellow notebook I had in my claws with a pen. Would not want them modified of course by anyone else when I return to the station once again.

Oh. You must be wondering where I am right? Well I am somewhere between two brownish walls of two buildings. In between them was a pair of sidewalks. One adjacent to the wall before it. After the sidewalk was the road, that was where I was. Surrounding me was a square shape of a yellow blackish thin and long tape. If you look to my left. No your right, you would see how short the sidewalk and road was. It stretches towards that intersecting street over there. That street is horizontal. At the end of that intersecting streets was a red octagon shape sign. Four big letters were struck against the surface of it. The buildings stretched and filled along the side of the roads. All the way towards the sign at the end. A bunch of trees were there also. In addition, across from the red sign was a black fence. A dog house at the corner of that fence. A white bone in front of it. You may be wondering if we dragons own any pets. Unfortunately, we do not. I was not sure what kinds of pets we have currently in Vaster city. I will try to check on that for you eventually. As of the moment, we got a crime to deal with! So turn your attention over here.

Now that you already know the general layout of a part of the city. Let me tell you my findings so far. From the citizens that told their stories from the timeline of last night, they kept telling me about a brighten light that washed over their windows. Blinding them! Luckily it was only temporarily for them. Not much for those officers that were upon the sidewalk walking past them. I do wonder who they were. Considering that Yang took Natty and Kyro out for something. Was it a dinner? A party? Or a surprise? Guess I would never know. Moving on… They said that after the brighten lights had faded, there were loud talking amongst the silence of the streets. Then shortly afterwards, some screaming and someone was calling the police number from one of their cells. One of the family members from that building in front of me revealed itself from the opened window and peaked outside. Spotting a crowd of dragons surrounding three unconscious dragons. The three were dressed in light blue. Hats were fallen from their heads. Eyes closed. And one of the crowd dragons were muttering about something. Although hard to see who it was amongst the crowd that gathered; he presumed it was the brown dragon closest to the unconscious dragons. That was the dragon, I needed to talk to.

In case you were wondering how were the three dragons, however. They were fine. It was surprising to see that Yang, Natty and Kyro were they that the crowd was talking about. But it left some interesting questions however. Such as, what was inside the sidewalk? Did the maintenance check the power grid to see if it correctly distributed an equal supply of power to those sidewalks around the city? I continued to ponder deeply in my head. Answering questions mentally to myself while I started walking down the street towards the end of it. Where I met up with the black dragon, Zander who came running in this direction, stopped in front of me and saluted in silence before asking, “Ling! It is so good to see you again. Did you jolted down everything you needed to know?" “Not yet unfortunately." I remarked sadly, glancing at him in sudden silence as his face wore a surprise before nodding afterwards and crossed his arms looking away, “Regardless…" He replied, seconds after the silence fell between us, “What do you need?" “A crowbar." “A what…?" Zander asked suddenly, shifting his head back to me while I repeated myself again.

“Why do you need a crowbar?" He started, narrowing his eyes at me as I started pointing to the sidewalk behind me. “I need it to open the sidewalk." “You cannot do that." Zander replied and continued after, “The maintenance will be angry with us." “Are we not higher than them?" “no." Zander deadpanned remarked, facing me again with that scowl of a face before bypassing me and stared at the sidewalk once again. Looking for anything that I had missed, I turned myself around and watched as the black dragon continued scouting around the sidewalk for any clues. Even bringing out his magnifying glass for some help as I sighed and placed my claws upon my sides. “Zander. Stop that instant. You are not a fictional character from a show or story." “And how do you know that, Ling?" Zander argued back, I shook my head and turned around again leaving him to his own search. When silence fell upon my shoulders again and the sweat scent of a peaceful morning came upon me, I decided to have a chat with the dragons that lived near the streets where the incident had happened.

And carefully shifted my eyes over to the buildings adjacent to me, I called out to Zander. Telling him about entering into a building before heading into the leftmost one. Where I knocked upon the green door, it opened. But no one greeted me from the other side. I frowned, tempted to head into the darkness before shifting my eyes away and gazing at Zander for a moment. Thus calling his name, he stopped whatever he was doing and shifted his eyes over his shoulders. Our eyes met suddenly and he got up; walked over to me and crossed his arms growling, “What do you need. Ya blue balled." “First, I am not blue balled. I am Ling." I countered, “Second, come with me inside the building." “Why?" Zander asked, before turning his eyes over to the opened door before us. Thus sneering afterwards remarking at me, “You are scared of the dark? Wow. You are not a dragon. More like a-" “I get it I get it." I said, voicing overtop of him as he growled at me again before heading inside. I followed after him.

Darkness reappeared before our eyes. And I shivered in response feeling the cold touch my hard scales. As we looked about, we had noticed that the place was empty and silent. The room we were in was big. Three or four white tables surrounds us. But no chairs were there. A stairway towards the second floor remained visible before our eyes and when Zander pointed it out. We stopped when we heard footsteps descending from the floor above. And a flick of the switch sends our eyes screaming upon the lit room. We blinked a couple times and had gotten used to the fainted lights that flooded the room. Turning my attention towards our host, I realized that it was a young adult male green dragon. He was naked from bottom to top. His wings were fat and wide. Horns were pulled back. He glanced at us, but more importantly me before brightening up his face and motioned us over to him. We did so as planned.

Quickly taking about my notebook, I asked him some questions and he answered the best he could. The green dragon told us his recounts of the event past. Telling us that it was sunset when the lights had brightened up; three dragons unconscious and a crowd of dragons hovering over them. “How about anything before that?" I asked, abruptive with an raised eye staring at him. He shook his head in response, having no recounts on the event before this happened. Resulting me in a sigh of defeat and shook my head before turning around facing the door behind us. However, the dragon spoke and shattered the silence as he called in after me. Saying about some object, shaped like a mirror shard, was underneath the sidewalk.

“A mirror shard?" Zander asked, repeating the words that the dragon told us. The dragon nodded, Zander crossed his arms and raised his head in disbelief, “That is unbelievable." He muttered, mostly to himself. I wondered with thoughts, faint smiles unconsciously crossed my face as I stared to Zander for a moment before grabbing his arm and headed down the stairway into outside. For by the time I had let go of his arm, he growled at me while rubbing “I cannot believe that you believe him. A mirror shard? What on realm are they, we or whomever is going to use that?" “I do not think it is a mirror shard, Zander." I started, a brighten smile emerged upon my face. As he looked back onto me, he shook his head and growled afterwards. “No way we are going on a digging hunt for this stupid shard. For this stupid answer about our realm." “It is important you-" “Important. Issumpartant. I do not care." Zander interrupted me and left me to my own dismay.

I had a theory, mind you. And it does pertain to the mirror shard. What if a thief had stolen it from a museum or a jewelry store somewhere within Vaster city and hid it inside the sidewalk. That thief must be a dragon considering that there are no other animals living here besides us scalies. Just a what if… I am honestly, not that quite sure if I am correct on the subject matter. But while my mind was bursting with false and real information in my head, I decided to pay a visit towards the nearby hospital to see if my fellow teammates were awoken from their coma.