Current Track: Blabb
Author's note: Holy crap, Roommates is BACK! Unfortunately, in my abscene, it seems that there has been another story series... so now's I gotta make sure I pick the right one... meh. I'll survive.

Anyway, I just really hope that you all think that it's worth the 2-3 month wait for this... again, I apologize for taking so darn long getting this bad boy out.

Couple things: if you read it and like it, leave a comment! If you read it and HATED it, leave a comment! I would dearly like feedback on my stories... if you can give it, please do! Also, I do have a mailing list. Comes out each Tuesday, and if you want on it, send an e-mail to [email protected] saying something to that effect. Inside are the lastest on the progress of my writings, some interesting tidbits of info, and what, exactly, are some of the ideas I have for future stories. Anyway, disclaimer time!

Legal crap: You probably should be 18 or older, 21 in some areas, to read this story. Morticunata and Morti are (c) of her player, and all other characters are (c) to me. Void where prohibited, contents are sold by weight and not by volume, some settling may occur.

On to the show!

Roommates 10: Have You Ever?



My paw remained on the alarm for a bit more as my mind caught up with my reflexes. I sighed. The alarm didn't seem to have disturbed Sem or Morti, who were still sleeping peacefully, Morti curled into his prone form. Taking my paw off the alarm, I slid it over my body, gently stroking his side, watching him move into it. I did need to get ready for class, though. Kissing his forehead, I got off the bed, shivering slightly at the feel of the sheets on my body. I... had to. I couldn't not. Standing, I closed my eyes, running my pawtips slowly down my body. I gasped, trembling, feeling the slight thrill run all through me. From my shoulders... to my breasts... to my stomach... and down, down. It always happened after a really good night. I became... so sensitive. And... I just had to touch myself. I suppose if anybody were to pay attention, they would look for me to do this, the morning after.

Now I had to get ready for school. Taking a shower was not even an option for me. I wanted the world to know I had just slept with Sem. I even went as far as to rub his fur on my wrist so I had something extra to remember him and this night by, while in class. I stopped, though, just as I was about to do this, wondering, questioning myself if I had... but there was no other reason for it. I had never done this before, never wanted to keep anyfur around so bad, never been so reluctant to leave for just one reason: I love him. Maybe it was a little soon, though. But then, isn't there such thing as love at first sight? However... as much as I wanted to stay with him, I did have to get ready for school. Besides, he needed his sleep. I dressed as silently as possible, then wrote him a note, propping it up where his jacket hung on Morti's chair. After taking another moment to gaze on his sleeping figure, I gave him a kiss on his forehead.

"Bye, love."


"Bye, love."

The words reverberated through my thoughts, bouncing back and forth in my cavernous mind, in that foggy area between asleep and awake. Sleep, however, was the strong force, pulling me back down with those words in tow. "Bye, love..." I knew that voice, just as I could identify that soft touch on my forehead. A kiss...

I floated upward through the sea of unconsciousness and felt... a small chill. It felt like I had slept without covers and the heaters hadn't kicked in yet. Something was to my left. A source of warmth... nice. Images of last night surfaced by bits and pieces. I found myself curling into the warmth, feeling a paw on my body that gently stroked me.

I opened my eyes a little now, and I saw black with splashes of red and pink, then a sliver of white and green in front of me. I heard movement, felt something lick my nose, smelled... lavender. Lavender? Lavender... I got a small nagging feeling about lavender.

"Hey, cutie," said a voice that was familiar and not Kiyara. Very familiar, and very not Kiyara. I blinked, and everything came into focus.

My tail really hurt, and there was something still in there, and had been there for a while. My wrists ached slightly. Both paled in comparison to the shock I received of not finding who I had expected to be in bed beside me. I screamed, flailing, falling backwards off the side of the bed and slammed my head against the back of the wall. Now my head hurt, too, and in more ways than one.

She looked at me, peeking over the side of the bed, confusion clear in her features as she blinked. Then a smile spread. A familiar smile.

"Wh-who are you?" I gasped, my mind reeling. I knew her.

She giggled. "You don't remember me, Sem-stranger?" I flinched. She smiled THAT smile again. I knew her...

"Wh-?" I began, the stopped. Last night. There were two voices, two bodies, two females. "H-how do you know Kiyara?"

"We're roomies," she said simply, still smiling. She settled herself on the bed, her tail waving lazily in the air.

The pouncing panthress. How did s–? Roommates? When? But... I had a clue. I just didn't see it. "Finally got you," she had said. Finally freaking got you. Well... now she had me, too.

"You okay?" she asked, jolting me out of my reverie. I looked up at her. She had her head tilted to the side in an incredibly endearing way... but there was this glint... what is she...?

Déjà vu. This time around, it was a lot more embarrassing.


I think I was awake on some level when Icarus got up to get ready for class. If nothing else, I remember him kissing me on the cheek, whispering that he'd see me later. I know that I woke up with a nice, tingly warm feeling... which progressed into a small amount of pain.

Maybe it's me, but I don't get morning wood all that often. It really only happens after a yiff, and, with my exhaustive yiffing, it ends up hurting from soreness. I usually see that as an indicator of a good night... and judging by the throb, it had been a VERY good night...

Speaking of which, sometime during the night Aniryl moved on top of me. I opened my eyes and found her awake, with a small grin.

"Good morning," she said softly.

"‘Ey." I yawned.

"Oof..." said Ani, moving her head away. "Croy, your breath stinks..." She waved a paw in front of her face.

"Well, yeah. I just woke up."

Settling herself slightly below my head, she went on. "And how was your night?"

It took me a moment to figure out what she was talking about. Then I smiled. "Heh... had a fantastic night. Don't think I came so much in a weekend."

She smirked, giggling. "You certainly smell like it..." She covered her nose. I rolled my eyes.

"Please, Ani... I know you like it." I yawned a bit more. "Leo left for class already?"

"Yep. We had a nice goodbye yiff."

I blinked, then sniffed a bit, not smelling anything that would indicate that. "You did?"

She shook her head at me. "Even though your nose tells you different, you still actually entertained the thought of us yiffing," she said, poking me in the nose. Snorting a bit, she smirked, pushing a bang out of her eyes. "It's really amazing."

"Well, I'm sorry, but last year I walked in on you two so much, the idea just sorta burrowed in my head." I smirked right back at her.

"Please," she said. "You only walked in on us, oh, what, fifty-three, fifty-seven times?"

"Fifty-sevenish. And that's only the number of times I walked in on you guys and a threesome broke out. I found you guys goin' at it and didn't say anything at least a hundred times."

She pulled a face, then shrugged. "Well, whatever. We still don't yiff as much as you think–"

"Or you'd like to," I countered. She hit my arm, and I chuckled, my sore cock throbbing.

Shaking her head at me, she pushed that bang out of her eye. "So how come you're single, Croy?" she asked suddenly.

"Hm?" I said, subsiding.

"I said how come you," and here she poked my nose, "are single?"

"Uh... I dunno. Guess I just haven't met the right one yet. ‘Sides, I'm not looking, terribly." Where's she goin' with this?

"Have you ever had a mate before?"

I blinked. "Uh... yeah, actually. Had a mate in high school. Why do you ask?"

"Male or female?"

"Fe... male. A skunk, actually. Had these adorable brown eyes. I was upfront about my preferences with her, and she let me fool around some with males. Where are you going with this?"

"What was her name?"

"Lana, whe–"

"Just realized, while watching you sleep, that there was some stuff about you I didn't know. Thought that should change, since you hooked me and Iccy up."

"Huh. Well, if truth be told, I got a good vibe about you two critters being together. Impulse."

She laughed. My paw, again, on impulse, glided down to cup her ample rump. "You work on that a lot, Iccy tells me."

A squeeze. A smile. "I do." My shaft throbbed from pain and excitement, the eager but weary soldier rising to attention.

"And what's your impulsive mind telling you now?" Ani asked softly, placing a paw over mine, making me rub her. I caught a hint of arousal... nothing more.

"That a very voluptuous, very naked doe wants a ride on a wolf pole."

She hadn't removed her paw from mine. I gave it another squeeze and...

...and she sighed, gripping my errant paw and moving it away. I lifted an eyebrow. "Not now, Croy. Trust me, it isn't you in the least. But... we do have class. This time, I'd rather not be late to class reeking of wolf or lion and sex."

"But isn't that a good scent?" I asked, smirking.

"Yeeess... but I want to have time to fully appreciate it, alright?" She pulled back, shifting her weight back to her hind parts. "Besides," she said, grinding into me a bit, "I gotta give you a couple hours to recoup your losses, so to speak." Bending to give me a quick peck on the cheek, she got off the bed, stretching. I watched for a little while, then slowly got up to dress myself, aching all the way.

I wouldn't be able to sit comfortably for a while...


Covering yourself with our paws while naked is an almost futile thing to do. First off, the sensation of touching yourself there means that, no matter what your mind may be screaming, your erection won't subside entirely. Secondly, everyfur that sees you knows exactly what you're hiding, and, depending on how fast you catch on, has already seen it.

There weren't any bits of spare clothing I could use to cover myself at paw. Well... there was the one thing that I wouldn't dream of using... but... desperate times...

"Gonna use my panties to cover up?" asked Morti, smiling impishly.

I pulled my knees up to my chest.

She rolled over, looking at me with her laughing emerald eyes. "Why're ya tryin' ta hide it anyway, Semmy? I saw it last night! Mmmm, I even had it in me last night..." She closed her eyes, wriggling a bit. I didn't quite know what to make of that. "Why're you freaked out anyway?" she asked, going on. "I'm not scary, am I?"

I didn't answer immediately.

"Am I?" Her mobile features rearranged to show a saddened expression so utterly miserable that... it was ridiculous, cute, and funny. I just couldn't continue staying shocked at a face like that. It was impossible.

"N-no!" I stammered, shaking my head quickly. "Really, don't cry, that's not it at all! I mean... I just didn't expect to wake up here, um, naked and, er, next to you. I mean... I was blindfolded last night!"

The sad-yet-cute face evaporated into a smile, making me blink. "Oh, right. Sorry ‘bout that. Forgot it was your first time with the Treatment" She laughed a bit, looking over her nails. "Usually when we give the Treatment, the fur taking it knows everyfur involved.... just not who's doing what." Her tone was so unbelievably casual... She rolled over, then caught my wince. "What's wrong?

"Um," I began, then stopped. How do you explain that your butt is hurting because something is in there?

Morticunata spotted the problem, adding fuel to the growing fire in my face. "Does it hurt at all?"

"Er." It didn't hurt so much as it was simply there, throbbing a bit inside me. Or maybe that was just my reaction to it... How did it even get there? Actually, I'm not sure I want an answer to that...

She smiled, and I could tell that a giggle wasn't far away. "How ‘bout I just take that out for you..."

YES! Yes, please do so! "Um... no, really, i-it's alright..." What? What am I saying? Yes, take it out!! "I, uh... I'll find a way..." Now is not the time for polite niceties!

Catching my semi desperate look, Morti rolled gracefully off the bed into a crouch. She quickly closed the distance between us, getting really, really close. Her face had to be less than an inch from mine, her body almost touching me. I felt her paw slide slowly over my rear, then to the foreign object embedded within. "You sure you don't want me to take this out?" she asked, the last few driven home by taps. I shivered. That... that happened to me last night... I shook my head, keeping my mouth shut and eyes closed. "So you want me to take it out?" she pressed, now grabbing the thing. Still not trusting myself to answer truthfully, my mouth remained closed and I nodded.

"Heh... alright, then. You just sit tight..." Softly, she inched herself between my legs, which I relented after blushing heavily. I think, at this point, I had blushed more in this past weekend then I ever had in my entire life...

And then she started pulling. I grunted softly, feeling the... whatever-it-was press against me from inside. My instinct was to push, and I did... but it felt just at the edge of pain, like... well, something big was coming out. A small grunt later and... it was over, Morti holding the... thing up. It was blue, stubby with a smooth tip, then got gradually wider at the end before abruptly becoming thinner. It had to be about... a couple inches in diameter at it's widest, and around five or six inches long. I felt... empty. How did–?

"Loootsa lube," said Morti, answering my expression with her laughing eyes. I composed it, looking down. Throwing on some pajama pants and a shirt, she padded out the door... butt plug in paw. "I'ma go clean this off, be back in a bit." She closed the door with her tail, and I rose gingerly. Curiosity still burned at me, and I felt around, and I was still... stretched. I grimaced, looking around for my clothes, so I could at least be dressed when I went back to my dorm.

There was a note on the chair that held most of my clothes. It was addressed to me. From Kiyara, maybe?

I opened it.


You should probably stretch before every exercise, but for whatever reason you just can't do it before yiffing. Damned if I know why, but it just never happens. Of course, the consequences of not doing so is a lot of soreness. But it hurt so good, images running through my mind of how every ache was gotten as I more or less limped toward bio. It was a cross between a grimace and a smile on my face...


I turned, seeing the rat rush up to my side, then stopped, looking demurely down. "Sarah... honestly, you gotta stop doing that," I said to her, tilting her head up. "There's really no reason why you should be shy, especially around me."

"Well..." she began, her white fur reddening with a flush that matched her eyes, "I just... I don't know. I guess... that's just the way I am..."

"Yeah, but you don't need to be that way around me!" I chuckled a bit. "Seriously, I'm not a mean wolf!"

"Yes, m–" She caught herself, the word unsaid.

I sighed. "You can feel free to stop that, as well. I like you, Sarah... but I'm not really looking for a mate right now... or a pet."

She nodded, then wrapped herself around my arm. "I know... you told me when we met... and again before we, um, yiffed... and... and again, after, that night. I'm fine with that."

"Are you? Why do I get the feeling that you're not?"

She nuzzled into my chest, breathing deep. "...You smell like Icarus... and Aniryl."

"I was with them last night. They're my friends, too."

"...I know... I was... busy, anyway..."

I couldn't help but smirk. "Should I call you next time to see what you are doing beforepaw?"

She blushed. "W-well... um..."

Laughter tumbled out of me, and I shook my head. "Well, those two should get some alone time, anyway. I'm free later on, you wanna meet up and do something?"

I felt her nod into my chest, then look up at me. "'re so good to me..."

"Don't see any reason why I shouldn't be," I said, shrugging easily. "Now, c'mon and let's get to class before we're late."


"Dear Sem," the letter said, "Sorry to leave you, but I did have class. I did want you to know that I had a fantastic time last night, and if you ever want to do it again, you only need to ask." I blinked at that. Well... that... didn't sound like such a bad idea... provided that what happened today didn't happen again... I shook my head and read on. "Feel free to play with Morti; I know she'll want to. See ya in lit class. Love, Kiyara. P.S. Don't shower."

Don't shower? Again? And... does she mean what I think she means by "play"?

I got that sudden feeling... the one you get where the fur on your neck prickles because you're being watched. I turned and saw Morti, who by the looks of it, just finished reading the letter over my shoulder. I grabbed a shirt, covering my lower half. "Do you mind?"

"What?" she asked innocently. I was about to reply with some heat when I felt a rude squeeze on my backside, making me jump. She giggled, a smile blossoming on her face to my increasing embarrassment, her paw roaming and rubbing. She leaned closer. "She was right, you know."

"Er...A-about..." I swallowed, feeling another grope. Morti seemed to be extremely close to be all of a sudden. "About what?" Why was I asking? I knew the answer.

There was this certain, almost paralyzing look in her eyes, piercing me deep. My ears pricked, hearing a soft sound, whether purr or growl, I couldn't quite tell. I took a step back. "Me wanting to play with you," she said softly, almost whispering. I wasn't sure if I was excited or scared. Before last night... before then night before, I know I would have been scared. Whatever I was, I couldn't look away from her eyes, I couldn't move except to step backward, away from her. And... she was slow close, something about her... indefinable, my body responding. For once... I swallowed and did nothing.

Her paw had been resting on my waist when it went into motion, stroking my side lightly. "Have you ever been late to class, Sem?" she asked me.

I blinked, my eyes thankful for the confusion. "Uh... no..." The stroking paw made my senses thrill, my heart beating faster, instinct leaving me behind.

Morti stepped closer, her arms slipping under mine and around my waist. The shirt fell from my suddenly nerveless paws. Her head lowered just so, our noses touching. "Do you want to?" she whispered.

My heart thumped wildly in my chest, threatening to burst from it. My mouth had suddenly gone dry. Still, Morti stood there, our noses lightly touching. I stepped back once more– or tried to. The sudden feeling of the bed caused my legs to buckle, and I fell back, bouncing a bit. She was on top of me soon after, smiling that smile of hers... and licked my nose, giggling. "I think," she said, rubbing her nose against mine, "that I'm asking a bit much. I'll leave you alone for now, okay?" I nodded dumbly, then jumped as she kissed me, feeling another grope on my behind. Clambering off me, she started gathering some clothes and a towel. "Gonna go take a shower, I'll see ya in a bit!" She left, but the door was closed for no more than a moment when she peeked back in with a wicked grin.

"Or do you want some breakfast?"


Thanks for reading! Again, please leave a comment whether you liked it or not, and more importantly, tell me WHY you liked/disliked it. Also, if you wanna join the mailing list, send an e-mail to [email protected]. Thanks again!