Current Track: Blabb

Author's Note: EDIT: ooo, spur of the moment editing!  Mostly technical, so no major story reconstruction.  Cuz that sucks.



Roommates Two: Socializing






I cleaned up the TV room with some paper towels I found in there.  It was a bit of a mess, and I could only hope that the smell wouldn't stick around.  After a moment, I decided to toss them out the window.  It was littering, I know, but...  I think it was for the better.  When the last one hit the pavement outside with a splat, I started to look around for Sem.  I found him shortly after in the kitchen, leaning with his back to the counter and looking decidedly uncomfortable.  Had he seen me?  Best not draw attention to it, I thought.  "Sem, you ready to go?" I asked him. 

"Yeah," he replied, still looking a bit uncomfortable.  A perverse part of my mind noted that if he really did see me, I needed a girl more than ever.  Hopefully, I'd be able to get one for him as well. 

"So, um, where is the party, anyway?" he asked as we left the dorm room. 

"Not too far away.  Within walking distance, if that's what you're wondering," I told him, looking him up and down.  "You clean up pretty nice.  For a shut-in, anyway." 

”T-thanks,” he said, averting his eyes away and down.  I embarrassed him?  Oh, crap, was I still giving off musk?  Dammit, dammit, dammit!  I started to regret that moment of passion.  Now, more than ever, I didn't want him to revert back into his room.  Fuck, I shouldn't have done that...  Then again, it could be simple apprehension from going to his first college party.  At least, that's what I hoped it was. 

It was getting much too awkward; I needed an icebreaker.  I wanted him to open up to me, to be his friend, if nothing else.  "So, Sem," I began, "we've been roomies for a couple of weeks now, and yet we know very little about each other.  What say we change that?”  I looked over at him.

He shrugged, good.  "Sure, I guess.  What do you wanna know about me?" 

"Actually, I want you to ask me something."

"Uh, okay.”  He considered a moment.  "How old are you?"

Well, that's an easy question.  "Twenty, you?"

"I'm still nineteen, but my birthday's in October."

"I guess we're not too far off.  Mine was in August.  So, you got any plans after college?"

"Well...  I was thinking about being a writer.  I guess I have a talent for putting words on paper."

I chuckled.  "Remind me to get you to help with my next paper," I told him, grinning.

His ears flattened against his head.  "Not that kinda writing.  I was talking more about fiction."

I really couldn't resist taking another shot at him.  "So, what, you're gonna fictionalize your entire college experience, baggin' females left and right?”  I asked him, a big grin plastered on my face.

"Oh, hush," he told me, once again rolling his eyes and shaking his head.  Then he cut his eyes at me.  "Maybe with your help, I won't have to."

I didn't think he'd be comfortable enough to banter with me, so this comment surprised and amused me greatly.  "HA!  That's the spirit!”  I said, clapping him on the back and laughing.  "Carpe Diem!  You 'n' me are gonna tear UP this party!"

Sem grinned back at me.  There it was, his smile.  I hadn't seen that in a long time.  I gauged he was about ready to hear what I had to say next.  "Hey, Sem, make sure you know the way back, okay?"

"Why's that?" he asked casually, his eyes betraying his sudden shot of fear.

"Because you're lookin' better'n me right now, and I'm probably gonna hold you back!" I told him... which wasn't far from the truth.  He HAD overdressed slightly, but he looked damn good.  He chose a light blue button up t-shirt that complimented his eyes, and some slacks.  Maybe he thought he'd make up for the formality with some sneakers.  Myself, I was wearing a black, short-sleeved deal that I wore open, a white undershirt, and some jeans.  He might just stand out...  I hoped he could handle it. 

"You think so?" he asked me, apparently still a bit insecure.  As he was worrying about his looks, I didn't think my little stunt had any lasting effect.  My musk must've subsided by now...

"I know so.  I also know that we're here," I replied, stopping in front of the house.  It was clearly the place, as bass notes were softly audible from the outside.  As the party was unofficially sponsored by the school, there were no drunkards or potheads hanging out of the windows.

"Point of no return, Sem.  You ready?" I asked him, giving him a sidelong glance.


Ready?  He's asking me if I'm ready?!  I am way too wound up right now to be answering that question.  My heart was beating like a jackhammer.  However, despite my nervousness, I heard myself answer casually, "Yeah.”  He smirked at me, and in we went. 

Croy was in his element.  He was everywhere at once, and dragged me along with him.  I shook more paws, saw more faces than I think I ever had before in my life.  The music was pervasive, so much so that everybody had to talk a little loud to be heard.  I didn't mind it so much, especially when Croy did most to all of the talking.  When I did open my mouth, I was able to avoid making a fool of myself and no sound like a babbling idiot.  The couple jokes I told even went over well.  As a party, it was pretty good.  Everybody was smiling, laughing, having a good time.  There didn't seem to be any hard stuff in evidence, even when Croy took me around to the bar. 

"Leo!" he cried out to the lion manning the bar.  "Wassup?"

"Croy!" called out the lion, annoyed.  "You know damn well my name's not Leo, it's-"

"It's Icarus, I know, I know," interrupted the wolf, the trademark grin plastered on his face. 

"Why do you insist on calling me Leo, then?" asked the big lion, crossing his arms?

Croy shrugged.  "You seem--"

"Like a Leo, I know," finished Icarus, shaking his head and chuckling a bit.  He nodded in my direction.  "Who's this?"

Croy threw an arm around my shoulders, pulling me closer to him and still grinning.  "This is Sem, a soon to be party animal."

"Ha ha," I said humorlessly.  I held out a paw.  "Nice to meet you...  Leo.”  I couldn't help myself. 

"Oh, don't you start, too!”  Icarus took my paw, sucking me into a one-armed hug.  Very suddenly, he whispered in my ear.  "Croy treatin' you alright?"

"Uh...  I suppose...”  What was he talking about?  The way he said it made me think as if he was talking about something... else.

He clapped my back.  "Good.”  He let me go then, leaving me still very much confused.

"So, Icarus, what do you got for drinks?" asked Croy as soon as the lion released me.

"Oh, I got drinks in all the colors of the rainbow.  None of the hard stuff, though."

I blinked.  "No alcohol?"

"Nope!  Most here aren't 21 yet, so no beer or any hard stuff.  Besides," he continued, grinning widely, "orgies are more fun when you remember what happened the next morning!”  He chuckled at his own joke, then looked at us again.  "So, what'll it be?"

"Yeah...  I'll just have an orange soda, then.”  I said, a touch relieved.  Croy wanted an iced tea, so the lion was off, fetching the drinks. 

"So, you havin' a good time?" Croy said to me.

"Yeah!  I gotta say, this beats studying!”  I told him, grinning.

Icarus came back around this time, carrying the one drink in each paw.  Setting them down, he gestured with his head down the bar.  "Hey, Croy, the vixen down the way wants to speak to you."

We all looked down, and sure enough, a very foxy vixen (pun intended) gave us a little wave.  Without further ado, Croy picked up his drink and was on his way, smiling inanely.  That lucky bastard.  He wasn't even trying, and already he picked up a female.  I frowned.  Now how was I going to get one?

"Ah, don't worry about him, he'll be back," Icarus told me, sliding closer.  He started giving me a very strange look.  There was a peculiar odor about him I couldn't place...  "Unless, of course, you guys are open, like me.  In that case, I wouldn't bet on him coming back.”  He leaned forward conspiratorially.  "...Are you guys open?"

Let it be known here that I had absolutely no idea what he was talking about.  I blinked, mystified, then started to stammer for a reply.  That was about when I heard a burst of laughter.  It was Croy.  He said something else to the girl, then was came back, still chuckling.  He calmed himself enough to say, "Dude, she wants to speak to YOU.”  He even pointed at me with his cup. 

"This is exactly what I was talking about, dude," he told me.  "She wants to talk to you!"

"Huh.  I... guess I'll go... talk to her, then.”  I took a drink, wishing slightly that it was alcohol, to steady my nerves. 

"Carpe Diem!" exclaimed Croy suddenly, slapping my ass and pushing me forward all at once.  I stumbled, hesitated, then kept go-- waitaminite, did he just grope my ass?


I just couldn't help myself, really. 

Sem looked back at me, confusion pasted on his features before walking forward, stopping next to the vixen. 

Icarus blinked, crossing his arms again as he leaned against the counter top.  He pointed at Sem. "Fill in the blank for me, Croy, cuz I'm confused.  Sem is your...?"

"Roommate," I answered, "and one hell of an uptight virgin who I'm hope has an open mind.  That way, he'll accept my advances, cuz he's damn sexy.”  I cut my eyes at the lion, who nodded, agreeing.  A smile played at my lips as I continued.  "Where's your girlfriend?  Sem got me all heated earlier and I need to take it out on her."

Icarus chuckled.  "Well, I'll agree with you on your roomie.  He's got me all in a male-ish mood just bein' around him, so I won't be needing Aniryl tonight.  Last I checked, she was over by the stairs, looking for a likely candidate for a threesome we were planning on having.  Kindly tell her that will no longer be necessary.  I'm sure you won't need any help after that charming your way into her pants."

I smirked.