Current Track: Blabb
Author's Note: Here it is... chapter 12. It came out relatively close to the previous episode, so all is well on that respect. Hopefully, the next roommates chapter will come out with similar quickness!

Also, I have a mailing list. I'll send out e-mails on occasion with stuff involving Roommates as well as other stuff.

Aaaaaaaand I also got an FA page. Check out there for sneak previews and such of coming attractions!

Disclaimer! Nobody under the age of 18 should be reading this story. It's full of adult content and such.

Roommates 12: Making Passes


I can't believe I did that.

Granted, I was forced to by necessity, but.. still, I can't believe I did that. Then again... recently, I've done a whole bunch of stuff that I didn't believe I would do. Well... I mean, yeah, I thought I would eventually, you know, get... um... have sex, but... I didn't expect to do so in college. And that was because I knew myself. I'm not outgoing. Not at all. On my own, there's absolutely no way I would have even gone to that party, never mind go home with somefur... and definitely not sleep with them... I mean... and then, the Treatment? Why the hell would I willingly go into that? I mean, I know there would be some furs out there that would definitely go into that, not me. I wouldn't do that... I'd be too scared.

Well, I would have been to scared. Jeez, I'm talking about myself in the past tense, here...

Look, call me lame, call me a prude, call me whatever you can think of, I just didn't expect to do all of the things that I've done in the past week. (Jeez, it's only been a week?) And now, here I am, walking out of literature class, reeking of the scent of yiff, catching the jealous or lustful (and quite often both) stares of my classmates, paw in paw with my new girlfriend, Kiyara. I don't even know who I am anymore. Am I even the same person? Or... maybe I just need to relax, see how this will go.... Or maybe I just think too damn much.

"Hey, Sem," said Kiyara as we walked out of the classroom and down the hall of the Hooker building. I jumped, having once again been lost in my thoughts.

"Um... yeah?" She just giggled in response, an action I had to admit was as cute as it was puzzling. "What?"

She shook her head. "Nothing, nothing... just... you looked so cute, with your head in the clouds. You're kinda mysterious like that." She grinned. "I like mystery males." I blushed a bit, looking away. "Besides, I was wondering if there was ever a chance you would let me know what you're thinking, someday."

I blinked, glancing at her. "You wanna know my thoughts?"

"Well, yeah, sure. Would be interesting, knowin' how you tick."

That grin of hers widened, forcing me to look away. "My thoughts... I'm not that interesting. Really."

"Oh? The other night, at the party, you seemed interesting enough to me. Interesting enough to sleep with, certainly." And again I blushed, yet was annoyed. But then... why was I annoyed? "Sem, why don't you let me be the judge of whether I think you're interesting, hm?"

"I, well... yeah, sure." I felt stupid.

I felt her paw pull my face over to look into her eyes, stopping me. "Okay?" she said again, smiling softly. I completely forgot why I was annoyed at her.

"Y-yeah..." I said, nodding. And now I was blushing for a different reason.

"So," she began again, us walking across the quad. "We won't see each other for the rest of the day."

"We won't?"

"Nope... we don't have any more classes together. I've paid attention." The remark stung a bit, but it was tempered by her ready, if teasing, smile. "Wanna get together later, after classes?"

Well, why not, I thought, and was about to answer as such when I remembered... I still had that study-thing with Croy. So, I told Kiyara about that.

"Oh?" she said. I stopped. Somehow, that word held more meaning than I had ever heard a word hold before. I looked at Kiyara, whose face told me nothing besides a brief twitch of her eyebrows, her eyes telling of all the amusement in the world.

"Is there... something I should know, Kiyara?"

She shook her head. "No, no... just remembering something Croy told me."

"Which was?"

She chuckled. "Nothing."

"Now who's keeping secrets?" I managed as smile, but I still wanted to know. We shared a laugh, though, by this time, we had reached where we were going separate ways.

"So, since today seems out of the picture, how about we do something later this week. Say... this Friday?" She held herself coyly, teasing. If it weren't for that look in her eyes, I would have been convinced she was being apprehensive. My smile widened a bit.

"Sure, sounds like a plan." She smiled back, then leaned forward. I thought she was going in for a little peck, so I was immensely surprised when her muzzle opened slightly, sucking me into a deeper kiss, her tongue wriggling around with my own.

By the time I had gathered myself, she was finished, leaving me standing there, completely dumbstruck. She gave me a little finger wave. "Bye, Sem..." she said, and walked down the hall.

It took me a second to realize exactly how erotic that moment was. So, now I was dealing with that, and reactions to my scent.

This was going to be a long day...


I turned slightly, walking away from Sem so I could catch his glance... and his reaction to my very suggestive walk. My tail was perked up, about bent halfway, both exposing and hiding my rump. He gulped, visibly sighing, then went on his way. Of course... he should know that this is his. Any time he wants it, he can take it. I'm going to have to let him know that. Back to his reaction, though... I caught his nostril flare, saw him blink rapidly, then go off to his next class, flustered. I giggled.

After class, I got back to my dorm and waved hi to Tristan, the ferret or whatever-he-was once again on duty, and walked up to my own room. It had been a bit of a rough day; the Treatment ended up taking precedence over a few assignments, but I had managed to luck out on two of them because they hadn't been checked. Two out of five, though. I flopped out on my bed on the left side of the room, on my back, placing a paw on my forehead as I just relaxed for a moment. It was about the only opportunity I would have.

The door unlocked, and I sighed, smiling a little as Morti came in and flopped in a similar, if somewhat exaggerated fashion, on her stomach. I managed a chuckle, and she said nothing, but stuck her tongue out as if pooped. We didn't really talk for a couple minutes after that, just lying on our beds, staring at the ceiling (me) or at some kinda spot on the floor (Morti).

"Long day, pussy cat?" I asked her, breaking the silence.

"Yeah... plus, not 'xactly lookin' forward to work today, either."

"Oh? Why not?" I turned slightly to look at her, and she grinned.

"Mm... It's Dilly's day off. Havin' him there makes things a lot more fun. 'sides, when he's there, BB doesn't hit on me nearly as much."

I chuckled. "He's still pursuing you, that arrogant badger?" She nodded, her tail hanging over the side of the bed along with a leg, the tailtip twitching idly. "Why? Haven't you told him that you're not the remotest interested in him?"

"He takes it like it's some kinda invitation or... maybe I'm some kinda prize f'r 'im, like... OH! Maybe he thinks that I like him since I smack him around all the time!"

"Isn't that because he's hitting on you in that rude and vulgar way that he does?"

We laughed together, and talked a little bit more. Morti, for all her energy, is actually pretty nice to talk to, and usually good for a ready quip or something. Also, she's a bit of a neat freak, surprisingly; most, myself included, thought she would be messy. It's how we got to be such good friends as while being lumped in the same room together by chance last year.

"Yeah, well, Dilly's cute and all," she said later, "but I just don't think I could see me with him. Really with him, yanno?"

"Oh? Heh... well, who do you see yourself really with, then, hm?"

She pursed her lips comically then grinned. "Hm... maybe... Sem," she said with a hint of a purr.

"Sem? My Sem?" I asked her, a shadow of a laugh hanging around my voice.

"Yesh. He's such a cutie! And he's so shy... we'd totally be the awesomest opposite couple ever."

I laughed and threw my pillow at her, shaking my head as she started to roll around with the pillow as if it was attacking her. That's Morti for you. So I decided to actually attack her with it, leaping onto her bed and wrestling with her for a brief moment before finally coming to a stop. The pillow lay between us, and I leaned on it, catching my breath. Again, the thought that I'd had for a while came to me, so I decided to voice it.

"Hey, Morti."


"Do you think it's smart for me to... well, you know, try to open up Sem a bit for Croy?"

"Who's Croy?"

I stuffed the pillow into her face again, and she flailed around a bit before I took it off and smirked at her, her face matching mine. "Oh, you mean Sem's roomeh. Or maybe it was the famous actor..."

I rolled my eyes and she giggled for a bit. "Yanno what, Kiki?"

"What?" I rolled off her and got my pillow as well, retiring to my side of the room.

"I think that you are a kinky bastid to begin with, heh. Besides... if you're any judge of character, I think that you think Sem may just be a boo-tay call for the wuffy. If he just wants to bag 'im, then there's no real threat to your relationship, is there?" She got up and padded over to my side, pushing me to my back and straddling my legs. "It'd be like me... with you." With a smaller, more sultry grin, her paws slid over my breasts and gave them a squeeze. As I caught my breath, she leaned over and licked my nose, pressing hers right up against it. Her fingers came up to start to tweak on my nipples... and... without warning, she started to giggle, her paws shifting to either side of me.

"What, what is it?"

"I was just thinkin'... booty call... that's such a funny phrase..."

With a groan I pushed her off me, shaking my head. We had work to do, anyway.


I was right. It was a long day. A long, long, long day, filled with more stares, smirks, and rubs up against me than the study session the other day. It was more attention than I had ever gotten... ever... and it was even more embarrassing because I knew exactly why so many were attracted to me. And so did they. So many eyes, directing so much heat at me... it made me shudder. I thought I had gotten somewhat used to it during one class until the professor started making passes at me. Then, there were the males...

Maybe it was just me, but the males who looked at me... their eyes seemed more intense, more heated. I could read more of what they wanted to do with (or to) me, could almost picture it in some cases. And... to be honest... I'm not quite sure I wouldn't like it. I think that was the part that disturbed me the most.

Needless to say, I was glad when classes were out and I could just walk (or... run) back to my dorm in some measure of peace. I planned on taking a shower as soon as I could, then resting for a few moments and attempt to come to terms with what happened. Then I remembered, again, about Croy's thing. Hm. Well, it's not like we had to start immediately. I would just tell him that I needed a shower.

I was tired, stressed, and generally out of my element, once again. So, when I opened the door, I was completely taken off guard by what happened.


I wonder about myself. What the hell is with me and Sem? Part of me wants to know why I haven't just got him into bed yet, another part is curious as to why I'm even going after him... Though maybe that part is railing against that whole, "forbidden fruit" factor. But damn, did Sem look tasty...

Eventually, my mind returned to where I was actually going, which was back to the dorm, and what I should be planning for, which was the study session. I mean... I didn't know where to go with this, since I was going to have my ulterior motive. Plus... even though my body wanted his something fierce... he was shy, and I wasn't entirely sure what I was doing to him. My drifting mind thought back to a cute girlyboi I ran into a while back at a party... I pushed, and he blushed profusely, but pushed back. I wonder what happened to him... Reeling my mind back in, I pulled out my cell, calling Icarus. I figure he could probably help me out...

The phone rang for a bit before somebody picked up. "Hello?" said the lion in a somewhat sleepy voice. I heard a soft moan, then a voice ask who it was in the background.

"Yo, Leo. It's Croy."

"Croy? Oh, hey there." There was the sound of some bodily shifting, during which the same, decidedly female voice mumble something.

"What's goin' on over there?" I said, grinning.

"Heh... I'm pretty sure you know perfectly well what's going on over here. Oh, and Ani says hi, Croy."

I chuckled a bit. "Still goin' strong, huh?"

"We're goin', that's for sure," said Icarus. Ani said something else to him, and Iccy laughed out warmly. "And Ani says that she wants to see you soon to try out that strap-on again, since I won't let her."

I winced a bit, shivering. "You tell that doe that I'm still recovering from last night, 'kay, thanks... yeesh."

He chuckled then, a soft purr to his voice. "I'll let her know that. Now, what's up, dude?" I heard Ani ask what she was gonna be told.

"Well, you know about my crush on Sem, right?"


"I got a little study session with him later today... not sure what to do with him."

I think Ani was doing something to the lion, because I heard him say "Stop it" followed by a playful giggle. "Ahem... now, what are you trying to do here, help him study or help him out of his pants?"


"Oh, for cryin' out... alright. What you wanna do is, again, not scare the poor panther away, here. So no to him opening the door and finding you nude on his bed, pawing off, okay?"

That made me snort with laughter. "Worked with you..."

"Yeah, but I am not Sem!" I could picture him shaking his head. "You gotta do something to get him to loosen up before you pull something like that. And even then I wouldn't advise it until you guys have made out or something."

"Something to loosen him up, eh...?" Cogs started to turn in my head...

"Hey, no secret muzzle jobs in the night, either. I mean that one. And can you," he went on, obviously turning on the naughty deer, "just wait five minutes for me to finish this phone call? No? Alright, that's it..." I heard them struggle, Leo's short grunts, then Ani's squeals. The squeals suddenly turned to moans, then heavy breathing. I snickered, almost to my dorm by now. There was some fumbling, then: "Yo, Croy? I--"

"Gotta go, right? I unnerstand, heh. Go on, get that yiffy deer, I'll talk to you later."

"You got it, buddy... later."

"See ya."

I started to hang up when I realized that the lion had just dropped his phone instead of turning it off. There were some decidedly wet noises, then Ani's voice: "Oh, gods, Iccy, I love it when you do that with your to-- oh! Oh!!"

Hanging up finally, I grinned, then set about preparing the apartment for my plans.

Sem wouldn't know what hit him...


I had about a second to react when I opened the door. In that second, I saw that the table that took up the living room/dining room pushed to the side, with all the chairs too, leaving the floor open. I had tilted my head in that second, before the next second, when something hit me in the stomach, driving all the wind out of me. The next thing I knew, I was on my back in the hallway, the back of my head hitting the floor. My backpack was on the floor next to me, some of the contents spilling out. There was something on top of me. That same something gave me a long lick on my cheek, then said, "Hiya."

"Ow... Croy?" I blinked at the wolf on top of me.

"Heh... welcome back." He grinned at me. I'm not sure I liked it.

"Lemme up, will ya?" I said, and started to get up, only to be shoved back down and roughly. Croy still grinned at me. I was beginning to not like it, now...

"Hm... yeah, no," Croy said, shaking his head.

I frowned. "Why not?"

He grinned wider. Okay, now I was seriously starting to hate the damn smile. "'Cuz, roomie. This is where your study session begins." He poked his nose against mine. "You, sir panther, are way too uptight. You need to learn how to relax, cut loose. With that in mind, we are going to wrestle for one half-hour."


"You got a problem with that, kitty?"

Okay, now he was getting racial, and this was pissing me off. I started to growl, and show my teeth, and then I stopped, taking a step back. I was taking this way too seriously. Wasn't the intent to loosen me up? Wasn't I just defeating the purpose by taking all of his jibes seriously? Maybe he was trying to rile me up but he was also trying to be cute about it, evidenced by his tail wagging like a puppy. Wait... why was he trying to be cute about it... Okay, stop, Sem, stop... getting ahead of yourself.

"Yeah," I said, "You're still on me!" With a toothy grin, I curled my legs under his body, placed my foot paws in his stomach and pushed. He stumbled backward, and with all the grace of my instinctual heritage, I rolled forward and pounced him into the room, wrapping my arms around his stomach to bring him down. With a grunt, he came down, and then I shifted to hold him there, pinning him by holding his wrists down and kneeling on his legs. "So, wolf, what happens when I pin you?" I shifted forward to leer down at him.

"Nothin'..." He pushed with his legs, enough to throw me off balance, and I careened over him, landing on the floor with a grunt. He quickly scrambled over to me, though this time he pulled my arm behind my back, twisting it. He leered over my shoulder, grinning. "Just means it's more interesting this way."

The pain shot through my system, adrenaline quickly following it. I got to my footpaws, then slammed him backward against the wall. His grip loosened, and I pushed away from him, flexing my arm. It hurt a bit, but nothing more than that. Croy shook himself, then went into a crouch, smirking. I grinned right back at him, assuming a similar position, when he charged me, grappling.

I admit, I was starting to have fun with this.

We wrestled around for a bit... well, I had no idea really how long we were messing around before the RA came up and told us to stop, because we were making too much noise. After I helped him up, I got a reminder that I still stank of pheromones and yiff when I caught Croy's erection. It took me a second to realize that, during which the wolf was probably wondering why I was looking on him. We shared a laugh, and then I went to take a shower. I wonder, though... was I really smelling that bad... well... not bad, but heavily, so long after the fact? If not, how'd he get that boner?

I'm probably thinking about this too much again. Meh.


I think I'm having fun with this.

On the one paw, it's me and Sem, play fighting, being close... his paws touching me, grabbing at my clothes and body... To this day, I still shudder when I think about that moment. It was so highly erotic...

But on the other paw, there was absolutely nothing from Sem that was playful, you know? I mean... yeah, he was playing with me, wrestling with me... but there was no... romance or lust or anything to suggest that he even found me the remotest sort of attractive. I had the physical, just not the emotional, and the whole thing was just one ginormous tease for me.

Regardless, we kept wrestling, which by this point was simply becoming more of a struggle for me to pin him. He had the lithe grace of big cats past, and he kept managing to wriggle out of a lot of my pins and holds. Combine normal frustration with sexual frustration, well... at one point, I was so worked up that when I finally pinned him, I licked his nose. He blinked at me. Shit.

"What was that?" he asked me, a quizzical look in his big blue eyes.

Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit! "That, uh," I said, my mind racing, "was the, um, lick of the conquerer!" There's no fuckin' way he was going to buy this... "Yeah, see... when my brother and I were younger, we wrestled – a lot --, and when one of us pinned the other, the conquerer, as we called it, would lick the vanquished, um, nose... heh." Beat. Fuuuuuck!

He tilted his head. "Really?" No way... he's not buying this, is he? "Well, that sounds like fun." He bought it?

I guess I was so distracted with the fact that he actually bought that I didn't realize that I had all but let my guard down. Which he took advantage of. In short order, I found myself on my back and staring up at him, as his rough tongue passed over my nose. He smiled down at me. His crotch was almost touching mine... my heart was pounding... It took all of my willpower not to make out with him right then and there.

"You okay, Croy?" It took me a moment to realize how hard I was panting.

"Huh? Oh, yeah, um... yeah, I'm... I'm doin' good... a little winded, heh... ha..."

He grinned, then gave my nose another lick. "I win."

Both of us jumped as we heard a pounding on the door, then the voice of our RA. "HEY! Stop wrestling or fucking or whatever it is that you're doing! You're making way too much noise! And close your door, dammit!" He closed the door with a slam.

There was a moment of silence where the RA stomped away. During that moment, I swear I could hear my heart pounding in my ears. "Oops," said Sem, chuckling a bit. "What time is it, anyway? We should get to studying..." I nodded a bit, chuckling also and silently relieved that he didn't react negatively at the RA's implication. Or at all, really. Dammit.

Sem helped me up, and I controlled my breathing as best as I could, since it'd be freakin' weird for me to be panting for no reason that Sem could see. So it sorta caught me off guard when I realized that the panther was staring at me. Well... lower on me? What's he--


Of course, with all the wrestling and closeness, I just had to react with a raging fucking hard on. Which could have possibilities. Granted... most of them were pornographic. I mean, it's not ever that two friends wrestle, one pops a boner, and the other says "You need help with that?" in a sultry voice, then proceeds to pounce and suck him off, twirling his tongue around the tip as he fondles the balls... Oh, gods, thoughts making things worse! Unlikely as it seemed, I still held out hope for something... something that wasn't Sem staring at it/me and frowning!

His facial expression changed. Was he...?

"I'm sorry, dude." Fuck! Dammit all to hell! All my wet dreams came crashing down... "I haven't taken a shower yet and I probably still smell yiffy, heh." Wait, what?

"Huh?" I said, bewildered.

"Your, uh..." He gestured downward. "That."

I knew damn well what it was and what state it was in, but I played the part and looked down, managing a small "oh" noise and then a false embarrassed smile. He smiled back at me, scratching the back of his head. We shared a nervous laugh.

"Anyway... I'll go shower and then we'll start studying, okay?" I nodded, a very fixed smile on my face as that unintentional tease of a panther walked past me. A scent that was musky, sweaty, and undeniably him with a tinge of latent sex that made him infinitely more appealing wafted in his wake. The moment he left the room for a shower, I went into my room, closed the door, and pawed off. Twice. First time I came really quickly, thank you much wrestling session, and the second I used my toy, a relatively featureless phallus that I imagined was Sem's kitty-cock. Oh, gods, if it was anything like Leo's... I was fucking exhausted after the second time, during which I actually hit my face.

Damn him and his attractive and frustrating innocence... I want him so bad...