Current Track: Blabb

Author's note: *sighs* This has to be heavily disappointing for followers of this series, waiting months for the next installment only to find that there's no yiffing in it. I sympathize. However, the focus with this series is not on yiffing, but on the story. Yiffing is a by-way. Anyway, I'd like to thank the furs from the Tub for supporting this here story, and one in particular for graciously allowing me to try and depict her accurately here. And once again, thank you one and all for reading this here story, and commenting if you so wish to. It's the feedback that pretty much keep me writing... that and the desire to finish this damn story.

Legal crap: Morticunata, and Morti is copywrited to her player, who's enthusiastically allowed me to have her appear in this story. All other characters are copywrited to me, pyrostinger.

EDIT: Aw... even though it's all unrated and such, I still get views.  Woo!

Roommates 6: Awkward Study


I had opened the door to my room, leaving with an arm around Ani's shoulder when I saw Sem bolt out of the door. Ani, who also glanced the streak of panther before the door slammed behind it, blinked. "Was that Sem?"

"Well, yea-whoa..." I stepped back, catching a huge wave of Sem's scent. Who in the hell convinced him to leave like that? The only one with him was... I glanced at the opening of Sem's room, where Kiyara stood, leaning on the frame and looking at the now closed door. She wore nothing but the tight teal shirt she had on last night. "Did you tell him to leave like that?" I asked her.

Her eyes slid from the door to look at Ani and me. "You two are really loud, gettin' it on," she remarked conversationally.

I blinked. "...That doesn't answer my question."

She smirked. "Yes, I did. He's running late for a study session, so I convinced him to go without a shower. Besides," and here she had a sort of look in her eye I couldn't place, "we're meeting up later, and I want him to smell as sexy as he is."

I snorted, shaking my head. "...You got any idea how much attention he's going to attract?"

"He does smell nice..." broke in Ani. I didn't have to see her to know she had a bit of a smirk on her face, too.

I gave Ani a look. "You're not helping." She grinned at me as Kiyara spoke again.

"Oh, very much so. I think it's a good thing. A little attention never hurt anybody." She shrugged. "Not like you can do much about it now. He's gone and you're near as bad yourself."

"Yeah, but I'm not exactly parading around the fact that I just had sex," I countered, looking levelly at her. She smirked, a paw gliding over her sex before she stretched, reaching up.

Ani nudged me and I blinked. I hadn't realized that I had been staring at her... "You want her?" she asked me quietly as Kiyara went back into Sem's room. It seemed less of a question than a statement.

"Sem has good taste," I responded, to which Ani grinned. "Anyway, you hungry now?"

She nodded. "You guys have anything in here?"

"Uh... no food, no. How about we just head to the cafeteria?" She was cool with it, so as we headed back inside to get dressed, I paused and invited Kiyara along, since she was meeting up with Sem there anyway.


I'm faster than I thought. Despite carrying a somewhat heavy backpack, dressed in nothing that one would normally run in, and having to cross most of campus as well as dodge traffic, I got to the library in around five minutes. I was out of breath, but I barely broke a sweat. Guess Track in high school paid off...

After a brief respite on the front walkway of the library, I staggered in, heading for the elevator so I could compose myself more. They were notoriously slow, but it was a chance to fix my clothing. Finally, the doors opened, and I made the short walk to room 302. Without warning, the door burst open.

I saw a flash of red as something hit my chest, knocking me violently off balance as I fell to the floor, my head smacking against it. "You. Are. LATE!" said a voice playfully. Whoever it was lay on top of me as well, so I slowly opened my eyes.

Green eyes stared back at me, quizzically. She leaned back, taking a good look at me while I took one of her. She was a panther, like me. The red I saw earlier was her head fur, dyed so and spiked. She also wore a spiked collar around her neck, with a bunch of necklaces, and a white t-shirt which loudly proclaimed "I like boys." "You're not the professor..." she said, sniffing. She blinked, then sniffed again, leaning close to me again as a slow smile spread over her face. I became painfully re-aware of my scent, which had been amplified by my sweat. "Mmm... you smell nice... You must be Sem."

"Uh," was about all I could manage.

"Whasisname, Terry was talkin' aboutcha. That, and there's only two furs late, and you're not the teacher..." The last four words came out in singsong as her nose actually touched mine. My eyes flicked downward as I felt her breasts on me. My body was starting to respond in a way that made my fur darken. This was getting quickly out of paw. I tried to speak again, but she had started to sniff my cheek. "You smell reeeeeal nice, Sem-stranger..." she said softly, starting to purr.

"Morti?" came another voice. She turned, looking behind her. "...what are you doing?"

"Nothin'," she said innocently. I started to breathe.

"Who is that under you?" Terry's mousy face poked out from over the pouncer's shoulder as she glanced at me again. "Sem?"

I gave a weak smile. "Hi."

"Yeah... Morti, you kinda need to get off Sem. Prof said he won't be coming, so start without him. Let's go." Morti got off me and started to follow Terry into the room, allowing me to get up. I picked up my stuff and felt a pull on my shirt. A half-second later, my lips collided into Morti's, as she
sucked my tongue into her mouth and nipped it. I felt a shiver up my spine as she broke it, her tongue brushing up against mine as she pulled away.

"To be continued..." she said, sauntering back into the room. She threw me a look in the doorway, and was inside. I twitched.


It took me a bit to compose myself. I don't think I had ever been faced with a situation that had so much potential for embarrassment... Guess I just had to stick it out. "Mornin' everyone!" I said, walking briskly into the room with a slightly forced smile. Most were already studying in groups of two and three, Terry and the pouncing pantheress included. There were few open chairs, so I took a seat by Terry, who slipped me the handout of everything that could be on the test. "Um, I think everyone got the handout... so, it's kinda self-explanatory," I said, digging out my notebook, textbook and some pencils. "If you need help, feel free to come up and ask me." I then started to concentrate on making sure that I knew everything, brushing up on a few of my own weak areas.

Looking back, I wish I hadn't said that. Immediately, the pantheress came up, placed her notes on mine, and started looking over my shoulder, pressing her body against mine. She asked a question or two, was given an answer and was off. I took a breath... and then another female was up here, doing much the same thing. I felt a claw caress my backside as she left, causing me to sit up straighter and stare after her for a moment. Things like that kept happening... females kept draping themselves on me while asking me questions, some coming up multiple times. Touching me... stroking me... it was humiliating, and my fur seemed to take a permanent darkening. The pantheress was the worst offender, coming up no less than four times, each worse than the last. It was like they were feeding on my embarrassment... or, gods forbid, my scent. Though... on the plus side, it... did feel kinda good, getting all that attention. It was almost... flattering, as well as humiliating.

Things got out of paw as a MALE came up to me, asking a question, getting close... stroking my backside. It disturbed me... that, and the fact that my body seemed to react to it as well, my already hardened member giving a throb. It was too much. "Okay!" I said loudly, standing up. The male was knocked back a bit, probably confused. I didn't know, I was staring straight ahead. "Well, you guys seem to know everything for the test, so I think we're good! I'm gonna go now." Without any further ado, I left, stares and furs packing up things behind me. I needed to get away, taking refuge in the slow moving elevator. Gods... where they really...?

The doors opened. I looked up and saw the pantheress, red hair, black fur, her boy-liking shirt and all. I also saw that she had on a pair of black cargo-pants. Of course, I only had a split second with which to view this. Upon noticing my presence, she promptly leaped on me. "Are you dating anyone?" she asked me, smiling cutely.

There was nowhere to run. My head hurt. "...N-no..."

She giggled. "What're you shakin' for, silly? I'm not gonna yiff ya!" There seemed to me, however, to be an implied "yet" at the end of that sentence. I took a deep breath, trying to calm my frayed nerves. She took this opportunity to sniff closely at me again... this time at my neck, then my cheek.

"What--?" I began.

She pulled away, chuckling. "...Finally got you, huh?"

"Wh-what are you--?"

"Never mind!" she said, half-singing, getting off me. She turned to go, then looked at me. "By the way... My name's Morticunata... but you can call me Morti." She skipped off, giggling, and I was left to wonder what the hell just happened.