Current Track: Blabb

Venturing: Just Gaming


We stand in front of the
door. Staring right upon it as Kyro raises his claw and knocked onto its
surface. With the sound traveling in our ears and all around on the silence, I
frowned. But said nothing in turn while Kyro shift his attention to me and
shook his head. “Not home." “Wonder where they are at." Commented Natty as she
frowned, her wings dropping. Kyro and I turned towards her. But remained
silent, saying nothing in turn before I pipped upon the silence “We should go
around back. Find something there." “Hopefully a window or something we could-"
Kyro trailed on, but the words were loss afterwards as we moved ourselves away
from him. We rounded the corner, the edge of the door. Straight through the
alleyway where all we found was darkness and some trash about. Towards the back
of the house, a door was suddenly opened much to our surprise. “Interesting."
Responded Natty as her words traveled to our ears. I just nodded saying nothing
more other than to walk to the opened door. Stepping inside. Kyro and Natty
followed behind me otherwise.


Once we all had entered;
we found ourselves inside the living room. It was much bigger than any of the
rooms back home however. Much bigger. A fireplace was towards my left. Two
sofas sits adjacent to one another with the fireplace between them both. The
walls surrounding the room was pale or grayish. Could not tell because a lack
of light. As Kyro walked across the room, entering into the hallway where he
had disappeared, me and Natty walked around the living room and searched for
anything there. Within the first few seconds, we had spotted a pile of letters
underneath one of the two sofas. Both of us were lying onto our underbellies at
this time, seeking through the cracks underneath the sofas however where we had
spotted them. Natty immediately grabbed them and pulled them out from the
crack. Revealing them towards the world around us, as we stared at the letters
for a moment before raising up towards one another.


Neither of us said
anything else; other than to keep the silence between us however. But as we
lowered our eyes back upon the pile, Natty was the first to snatch one letter
and held it in her claw. Raising it up towards her face as she read the title
that appeared written upon the surface of the letter. 'Love letter'. “Are all
of these romance?" “Lets see." I answered her, going through the pile. We had
found out that the pile was a variety of titles with no specific genre attached
onto them. As we looked through the titles and piles, we both exhaled our
breaths and leaned back. Raising our heads to the ceiling above us as the white
fan rotated in the silence. We had not known anyone touching the fan while we
had gone through the pile of letters however. But had that matter right now? I
shook my head to rid that thought inside before diving back down upon the pile.
Shortly stopping when something interesting caught my eye.


“Jackpot." I breathed,
forcing Natty to snapped to attention and turned her head towards the letter
that I was holding. It was the missing and found letter. About a kit who was
gone missing from the surface of Reptilian and Canine realm a week ago. “Yup.
That is what we are trying to find." Natty commented with a smile, please upon
her face while her wings flapped. Driving away the other letters back onto the
couch afterwards while I got up onto my feet. Following Natty afterwards. As we
driven ourselves back onto the backdoor of the house, Natty grabbed her walkie
and pressed the button. 'Talked' to Kyro thereafter whom radio backed to her
before we heard some rapid footsteps coming forth. Thus in a few seconds, we
spotted Kyro coming to us. We had regrouped upon the entrance of the backdoor
and we were starting to head out ourselves.


Back upon the outside, I
motioned Natty again who nodded. Repeated her earlier actions and 'talked' onto
the walkie once more as we had drifted from the alleyways then. Upon the
entrance of the house's front we had stopped upon while me and Kyro's eyes were
raised towards the skies above us. Noting the blue pure skies therein. As we
stayed in silence, Natty turned towards me and nodded her head before reporting
what had been conversed however. “A box of chocolate and a pair of knives were
discovered at someone's home. Upon the bedroom where a trail of blood was found
heading into the bathroom. Though it was a long winding trail however.." “Guess
that means that the perpetrator is an stranger. Unknown to the familiar house
however." Kyro commented, I nodded responding to Kyro before pitching in.
“Yeah. However, this stranger could be the one looking for a mate. A kit with
its mother must be out of the equation however." “For it to be complete…" Natty
trailed, finishing my sentence as she hang her head. With her silence, Kyro and
I splitted up. Each heading our own way however.


I started heading
Westward where Zander was following the trail of blood that he had discovered
and reported to Natty however while Kyro started heading upper North towards
graveyard with Takaki, Maujur and Ozkun. The trio of dragons whom seem to love
graveyards for some strange reason. I shuttered. But remained in silence there
after as I was unsure why they had loved it so much. But as much as I wanted to
delved into other dragons' views and kinks however, my attention was turned
back towards this missing report as I began pondering about the three clues we
had found however. I flew westward. Wings stretched far and out. Flapping them
often to keep myself into the air. The other citizens were about as well.
Gathering and chatting amongst themselves like everyday business however. They
were about their day like my own. Although ' my own' was a bit different than
theirs however. But I turned away from that conversation in my head, sooner
than I realized that I was closing in onto the building where Zander was and
had reported.


Diving onto the streets
in front of the house in front of me. I folded my wings and raised my eyes
towards the front door. Walking forth, I knocked onto the surface of the door
which opened immediately. Coming out was that black dragon whom smiled upon my
arrival as he stepped to the side and allowed me in. I took it without
hesitation and entered. As my feet walked through the entrance of the building,
Zander closed the door behind me. Locking it. Then turned his eyes towards me
as I met them in response. A short few seconds came between us before Zander
spoke first than me. “I found out that the trail of blood leads not to the
bathroom. But towards the basement below us." “Did our perpetrator forgot where
each of the rooms are?" I asked him, a bit surprise that he went that far
instead. Zander shook his head, “No. I think he knows where they are however.
Hear me out onto this: But I am starting to believe that our perpetrator is a a
relevant to the victim at hand." “But if that were the case: What about the
kit? Surely he or she would be-" “Happy?" Zander cut me off as I found myself
hanging onto that word. Upon that silence, Zander just chuckled and shook his
head. Closing and opening his eyes afterwards before responding to me.


“I highly doubt it."
“Meaning?" I questioned, with a tilt of my head for emphasis. “Think about it.
Why was the kit missing? Why were there a trail of a blood all around the house
and some leading to other rooms?" Zander explained, nudging his head to the
side. Pointing straight into the basement adjacent to us. I, on the other claw,
fell silent. A soft hum vibrated my throat before I slightly nodded at him. But
before I could confirm it, I counter questioning Zander. “What about the
victim? Was she alright?" “She is dead. Check the basement floor." Zander
started without hesitation. I flinched, wings stretched behind me as I look
towards him with a widened eye stance. Yet he himself looked so pale and
hesitated as if he never wanted to talk about it however. With another pause, I
committed to Zander's suggestion and followed me down into the cold chambers of
the basement where our feet made contact to the grounds underneath us.


He and I shivered for a
moment in time, before we raised our heads high and glance at the horizon
before us. Staring back was that vixen. Decapitated. Chains were upon her arms
and legs. Dry blood seeps from her shallow and deep cuts while her womb was pry
opened. Weapons laid surrounding her: a silver saw, a white hammer, a nail that
was attached to her forehead after 'delivery' it had seemed. I nearly vomited.
Yet my cheeks turned to green while Zander looked away. Sad was written upon
his face while I manage to choke out. “What the hell happened here?" I nearly
screamed. “Seems like our culprit/perpretrator likes to do experiments or
something along that line." “Seems like someone wanted to be a doctor. But
failed medic school." I started as Zander turned to me suddenly, “Indeed." “But
other than that." I say after swallowing the vomit and shuttering then
afterwards, “What do we know of her?" Zander stayed silent before speaking,
answering my question.


“She is a young adult
vixen. Happily married and move out from Canine realm. Her husband/mate was a
dragon. Though Yang was able to give us that information however." “Her mate is
a dragon?" I started with a shock written onto my face as Zander nodded his
head, frowning “Her parents and original mate found out afterwards. Perhaps a
week after their secret marriage. Who knows where the dragon had went: But for
the vixen, she was here." He sniffed the air, “With two others as well." “The
brothers?" I asked him, sniffing the air too. Getting that familiar sense as
Zander nodded his head gradually, but said nothing in response to me. “Thus
using that tools they were able-" “Alright enough." I growled, stopping him
immediately as he turned to face me. Grumbling while complaining “Come on. I
was getting to the good part." “That murder/torture was a good part to you?" I
asked with raised ridges, but he remained silent and gazed away. An exhaled
breath escaped me, I shook my head and turned back towards the dead vixen
before us.


In the following silence,
I motioned Zander who nodded and turned around. Trailing behind me as we
climbed the steps again. Heading back up towards the first floor. To our
surprise, we had spotted Kyro already back from the upper north. Returning to
the surface of the first floor as we met up with him. “What have you found?" I
questioned him, hoping to find some interesting things to get Zander's mind of
the murder underneath us. Kyro countered us, asking about the basement. But I
shook my head, refusing to comment before growling another time. This time,
Kyro relented and revealed about four graves. Three were filled. A fox, vixen
and a brother were buried inside. “And the fourth?" I asked, dreading of what
was to come. But Kyro shook his head, a small smile appeared upon his face
indicating that there was still time. Upon this news, I smiled brightly. Zander
stayed silent; but smiled periodically as he could. Though most of the time, he
just fell to silence instead. At Zander's silence, Kyro questioned me. But I
silenced him before anymore could be said and done as once again, I nudged my
head back towards the door adjacent to us as Kyro turned to give a quick look
at the door. Then towards me.


He departed. Entering
through the door. Me and Zander fled to the front door. Back towards the
outside where the spring air and winds were fresh upon our noses. Wings
outstretched once again as we fled Southward back towards the station.


Upon our arrival, we
landed hard upon the grounds. We turned our attention back to the doors behind
us before entering right onto in. With another blast of winds hushing down our
spines making Zander shivered however, we walked through the pair of gates.
Entering now onto the main room before us. Natty was there. Station in front of
us. Her claws were holding a pile of papers. She seemed content with herself,
humming happily as she goes about her day. Zander stepped forth from my line
which Natty stopped immediately and turned to face him. The two conversed for a
while; Natty nodding all the time however as she wore that little smile upon
her face. Although I grew worried for her. I had wondered if she had taken desk
work instead of working on the case with us however. But my head shook removing
that thought otherwise as I stepped to Zander's line again, getting my
acknowledgement while Natty turned towards me suddenly.


“We had found out that
the kit was alive." Zander said, after much built up however. “The kit is
alive? Do you have prove where?" Natty asked, feeling a bit skeptical about his
news as I frowned and spoke for the black dragon instead, “Kyro was the first
to report it however." “oh really?" “Yeah." I answered her, a smile mirrored
her. “ “Stating about four graves found upper north. THree were already filled:
The fox, vixen and the brother." “So the kit is the fourth?" A nod came from
both of us while Natty pondered and raised her head towards the ceiling a bit
before nodding at us. “I see. This will be a great report for Yang!" “Indeed it
will. Although we are not sure however if the brother is involve into this.
Mainly because Zander had reasons to believe that…" “The second brother was
behind all of this. He was familiar with their family home. Although he did try
to throw us off by leaving a trail all over the home. Indicating that it was
indeed a mate whom the vixen had married with however." “But it is not." “No."
Zander stated, “The mate was gone. The vixen is dead. Yet that brother is still
alive somewhere. We do not know whe-" “Try canine realm." Natty blurted out
without thinking which had caused us to flinched suddenly as we looked to her.
Natty smiled faintly just to cover her embarrassment. Yet the rosy cheeks
remained visible while she cough gaining our attention while me and Zander


For with that, we fled
from her sights. Heading back out the door towards the front of the station
where Zander commented, “What Natty said was outright blurts. How does she know
that he would be there? Is it because he is a fox? He is a dragon right?" “The
mate is the dragon." I stated, remembering the report. “Our brother must be
that fox. The one who fled to Canine realm. We must really head straight there.
Just to find one important item." “And that is…?" Zander questioned, turning to
me. But I already turned away and walked down the sidewalk, my walkie in my
claw. Poised to pressed the button while Zander ran to catch up to me. “Hey!
Wait up!" He exclaimed in surprise, running.


We all gathered in one
spot. Upon the corner of the alleyway and entrance to the main room however.
Where four corners stand on either side of us, each of them heading out through
the alleyway and towards their own entrances to the roads. Me, Kyro, Zander and
Natty all stick together upon one. Ozkun, Takaki and Maujur sticked to the
outer edges of our circle. Arms crossed as if poised to do something. Within
the silence, all eyes were upon me as I noted it and smiled. Shortly before
speaking what I had to say onto my own mind. “Our last clue is somewhere in
Canine. We will have to split up to find it ourselves." “Where could it be?"
Ozkun questioned me, a raised claw held high as I answered him “Somewhere
inside the buildings." Then continued, “Just watch out for the canines that
lived there. They never like any other species other than themselves to be
pursuing around the streets of their own realm." “Seems like they are self
centered in their own way." Commented Maujur, muttering while Ozkun nudged her with
a growl silencing her afterwards.


A wave of nods came in
follow while we all spread our wings and started heading out into the air first
of all. Running westward, straight towards the realm adjacent to us. We had
noticed right off the bat at how pitch dark the place was however. I motioned
for the rest of the team; pointing straight to the rooftops hanging as each of
them nodded their heads. Diving straight down towards where I had pointed at.
As the last of them had fled the air, I stopped mid flight and hovered for a
bit. Scanning the streets and alleyways for anything however. They were all
empty. Nothing was about which had me concern for a bit. Though shaking my head
at the last thought; I waved my claw into the air while the rest of them nodded
their heads. Rapidly heeding towards the silver door at the rooftops of each
building, disappearing swiftly from my eyes like rats. Upon that time, I
drifted forth towards a nearby building. Landing softly as I could before
folding my wings then after. Laying back, I stared at the buildings in front of
me upon the silence as I smiled faintly.


Perhaps it had taken some
thirty minutes or more before the walkie opened up with a fizzle. Startling me
as I woke with a start and blinked before lowering my eyes back towards my
waist. I listened to the fizzle for a moment, relaxing my muscles as my wings
flapped upon the silence surrounding me. I yawned. Remembering that I had dozed
off to sleep for some strange reason and shook my head afterwards to rid the
sleepiness. I got up onto my feet, heed to the edge of the rooftop just as
another fizzle came from my walkie. Yet this time a sequence of beeps came. A
familiar one which I responded with my own codex. A conversation of sounds came
afterwards as I had noted each one. 'The building was too large. Many floors
there. Lots of hiding spots to discover.' 'Exposing the last four floors from
the rooftops, came up as empty. Heading down towards the next floor.' A pause
of silence came while I held my claw to the bottom of my chin, staring out
towards the buildings in front of me. Staring at them in the silence, bored out
of my mind. My ears perked upon hearing another fizzle and some words instead
of a series of beeps.


“We found it. Though I
was expecting something else however here." “Great. Everyone head out now." I
growled with little worry as my relaxed wings were spread out again. I took
towards the air and hovered again just as I had saw the other dragons submerging
from their respective houses and buildings. Joining me up into the air, I
shifted my attention towards Ozkun. Spotting a white box with a red ribbon tied
around it. “Open that up now." I demanded, pointing at the 'present that he was
holding.' Thus at the command, he managed to do so. Opening the lid came a
shallow hole which the rest of us came closer towards him as he held the bot
tilted towards himself so we would be able to see what was inside. A piece of
paper and a head of the dragon.