Current Track: Blabb

(This was written early just to give you guys a taste of what's to come. Written by Soven.)

Ember yawns loudly and lazily stretches out her arms.

“Morning, honey.” Shes says, stifling the yawn.

Snow leans over and kisses her cheek. Ember responds with a soft smile.

“Morning.” Snow replies happily.

“Oh, look at that cloud. It’s beautiful.” Ember says, pointing outside the window.

Snow nods and looks over. He sees the hooded man outside the window. He appears to actually be facing forward but the sun behind him prevents Snow from seeing his face. A bolt of fear shoots up his spine. W-what? He thinks to himself. He closes his eyes and shakes his face.

“Hey, I’m going to go take a shower. How about you go downstairs and make us some breaki?” Ember asks happily.

“Yea, no problem.” Snow replies.

Ember rolls over and hustles over to the bathroom, dropping her bathrobe outside the door.  Snow gives a slight chuckle and gets up, walking out into the hallway. As the door closes behind him, he hears a thump from downstairs. As he glances over, he notices blood at the top of the stairs.

“What the fuck...?” He  says quietly to himself.

Snow walks to the top of the stairs and looks down only to see a horrifying scene. At the base  of the stairs he sees Flare’s crumpled body lying in a heap. His neck is obviously snapped and blood leaks from his dead lips. He can’t move and paralyzed by fear and confusion. As he takes more of the seen in he sees Xavi and Xene’s bodys half in the doorway with the door wide open. They’re throats are cut deeps and they’re laying on their backs. Snow looks over at the couch facing him. Vapruros body sits slump, his head drooped. His chest is completely eviscerated and his organs have been forcibly torn out and lie on the floor. In the middle of the room Vanille’s, Serah’s, Felix’s, and Yuris body are piled up on the coffee table. Blood streams off it’s edges. All of their faces are bent in such a way that their eyes are all on Snow.

On the couch facing away from him, he sees the hooded man sitting casually on the couch. Snow stares at the back of his hood and breaks down.

“W-what the fuck!?” He yells, stumbling backwards.

As he moves back he feels his hindpaw knock against something. He trips and falls back, landing hard on the floor. He looks up at what he tripped on and realize it was Embers body. She’s slumped against the wall and here lower jaw is completely gone. Here tongue lolls downward and blood waterfalls out over here mangled body. Her dead eyes stare at blankly into Snows.

Snow panics and pushes himself away. He slides up against the wall and curls tightly into the fetal position. Tears stream down his face onto the floor.

“N-no... Please just leave me alone!” He pleads while choking back tears.

The sound of steps can be heard coming up the stairs. Snow squeezes his legs tighter.

“Stay the fuck away from me!” Snow yells angrily, keeping his eyes closed tightly.

They steps get closer and Snow sobs loudly to himself. The steps stop next to him and he refuses to open his eyes. He feels a soft leather glove make contact. It gently moves his arms off his legs. Snow feels unable to resist the movement. With his arms loosely against the floor he lets out a muffled sob and tries to turn his head away. He feels the paw come down and rest against his chin. It guides his upward so he’s facing the hooded man. Snow hears a familiar voice.

“Snow... Look at me.” It says calmly.

Snow opens one eye but it’s blurred from the crying.

“W-who are you?” Snow manages to choke out.

“With both eyes...” It asks.

Snow opens both and takes a second for them to adjust. He flinches back at the horrible face in front of him. It’s Flares’ but it’s scared and blood leaks from his eyes, nose and mouth.

“Snow... Why did you let this happen to us?” He asks solemnly

“No! No! What’s happening? I didn’t do anything!?” Snow sobs angrily. “This can’t be possible!”

He tries to look away but is unable to move. Flares maw starts to open and it doesn't stop. The audible sound of his jaw bone snapping and spine bending can be heard as it keeps hinging open. Snows eyes become too blurred with tears again before Flare lunges forward at his face.

The last thing Snow sees is darkness and he opens his eyes a few seconds later only to find himself standing outside of Ember’s door. He sinks to the ground and pulls his legs tightly against he chest. Tears stream over his knees as he rests his forehead against them and sits there sobbing.

He hears the occasional laugh from downstairs and a few moments later he hears Ember’s shower turn on. Slowly, he composes himself and gets up. He rubs the tears from his eyes and slowly walks down stairs. Flare is in the kitchen cooking up breakfast for people and Vanille is sitting on the couch wrestling with Felix and Yuri.

“Ah, Morning Snow.” Flare calls out happily.

Snow gives a weak nod and walks over, sitting down at the counter.  He rubs his eyes again and Flare notices.

“Something wrong, Snow?” He asks with a concerning tone.

Snow shakes his head and sniffs deeply.

“No, it’s fine. Don’t worry about it.” Snow lies.