Current Track: Blabb

Venturing: Beby


Knock. Knock. The door
opened for us. Kyro frowned and glanced away, no one else said anything besides
I while I stepped forth. Motioning for everyone else to follow me down, they
all trailed behind me. Not a single one said anything with the silence hanging
over our heads as we all entered into the main room and I glanced about,
wondering where the owners were at. The place was entirely dark. Pitch black,
making things hard to see. This sort of darkness reaches through every room
that this building had which made it hard to maneuver about. Not without


As if thinking the same
thing, Kyro and the other officers in my unit brought out their flashlights and
pressed the button. Whereas the light shines brightly in the total darkness
surrounding us, everyone turned towards me. I immediately motioned them all and
they nodded. Spreading themselves apart. Zander and Kyro headed to my left;
Natty, Takaki headed towards the right. Ozkun into the kitchen when left me
upon the stairs. No one needed to be reminded of why we were here however for I
guessed they already knew what sort of clues we were searching for while
staying upon this building. Giving off an exhale of a sigh, I shift my
attention towards the stairs adjacent to me. Brown pale steps laid upon my
eyes, rising high into the horizon and disappeared as if swallowed by the
darkness thereof. Another sigh escaped my lips before I raised myself up the
stairs. Heeding each step which became loud as I went on. Rising myself in
elevation while I had pondered about the sort of clues that would be found


Step by step; each one
creak underneath my heavy weight and with each one, I had became more afraid of
my life however. But eventually I had made it towards the top; reaching the
second floor thereby. I glanced around the floor, staring down onto the single
door that laid in front of me. White was it, different than the previous other
doors however while I moved forth towards it. Grabbing the knob and twisted it
towards the side before hearing a click, I pushed upon the door. It opened for
me and allowed me inside which I entered immediately and glanced around the
room. It was a bedroom. A single bed was in front of me and closest to the door
however. The room was smaller than the one outside. Towards my right was a pair
of windows. Both closed to prevent anything from entering into them. Although I
had wondered if they had preferred darkness than sunlight however. With my head
shaking, I make my way towards the other side of the bed. I turned my attention
towards another white door in front of me which I had presumed was the closest
door. Opening it up, I noticed that the closest was empty. Nothing was inside
of it however. It was rather a surprise for me that I decided to close the door
back again. But before I did, I lowered my eyes noting something upon the


A pack of glue sticks and
glue. My head tilted to the side in wondernace of why this was here. When in
fact, it should be at the kitchen or craft rooms below me where the others were
at. I reached out to snatch the pack and glue, retracting my claw afterwards as
I closed the door. Raising myself to my feet and returned towards the other
door of the other side of the room. Exiting out, I returned to the main room
where Ozkun and Takaki were standing by, their eyes were turned towards me. I
met them in silence before holding up what I had found inside of the room. Both
of them suddenly nodded, before holding up what seems to be the same sort of
items that I found which came as a surprise for me as I stared onto them. “Why
were they the same items? How much items did our owners buy?" Questioned Ozkun
with a tilt of his head, frowning. I shook my head, unable to answer that
question much. “Not without a recept, we are out of luck." I added upon the
short pause of silence that came which made Ozkun frowned more but said nothing
more other than a nod.


With another pause of
silence, I questioned Takakri “What about the other officers? What they-" “They
are still going through the stuff as of right now." Takakri responded without
hesitation while I just stared at him in silence, before nodding afterwards.
Turned around and glanced at the door behind me which was close at the time.
“That was where you came from, Ling?" Takakri asked, I nodded “Yeah. The place
does not have a lot of stuff. It was a bedroom, missing its bedroom stuff from
the closest. Yet I had already seen this inside. Wondering why it was there." I
explained while raising my claw to show them the stick glues and glues I had
found there, Takakri tilted his head frowning.


With nothing more between
us, I had decided to head downstairs in hopes of finding something there
instead. As I descended the stairs and reached the first floor below me, I
turned my attention towards the left. Heeding right into the kitchen room
instead. As I had figured, the sticks and glues were only located in some
restricted places. Some of those are the kitchen area or crafts area which this
building does not have at all however. I had wondered why the owners never took
in a crafts area, it would make sense to use it for their creations of robots
or something else in mind. But shaking my head, I never minded it however while
my feet started for the kitchen. For only a few steps later was when I entered
into the kitchen.


It was a big bigger than
I had suspected. Perhaps a big bigger than the bedroom, main room upstairs
however. A brown table was in front of me; filled to the brim of a collection
of glue sticks and such. Yet one item stood out from the rest and it had seem
that I had already noticed it by now. A glue gun. It was paler than the rest of
the glue sticks surrounding it and had a pointy end sticking upon its end. I
walked over towards the gun, grabbing it with my claw and raised it into my
head. It was smaller than my claw! I frowned and shook my head, putting the gun
down laying it back upon the table surface of where I had found it last. Before
turning around and glancing at the other things here. Another brown table was
adjacent to the white door; a sign was shown hanging at the center of the door.
Red words were written onto it. Splatters were surrounding the words too.


I had wondered if the
words were made of ketchup. A mirror of the blood that every creature has. It
would make sense to use it however to at least intimate those who invaded your
own home. Causing them to flee and head back outside, crying towards their own
homes. That image caused a smile to erupt upon my own face and I nearly
chuckled because of it however. As a shook returned and my eyes closed at a
result, I heard my own name was called out and I turned around towards a dragon
whom was in front of me. An own smile was upon his face as he held what seems
to be a gun. Yet it was smaller; a same thing that I had found earlier on upon
the brown table at the kitchen however. But I never mentioned it towards the
dragon at all. I just kept stare at the gun momentarily. As a pause came
between us, the dragon called me again. I snapped back into reality and raised
my head towards him. Meeting his eyes while he questioned me. I just waved it


“Something about the glue
guns makes me uneasy." I heard Ozkun responded lately while I shift attention
towards him suddenly hitting him at his comment, “What do you mean? The glue
guns are perfectly safe however. They would never burn or hurt anyone if not of
proper use." “You just got that from the manuel huh?" Ozkun responded, a smile
returned to his face and I shook my head, chuckling after him responding, “No.
Just made up." “You totally mesmerized it did 
you not?" But I dropped the conversation here.


Another pause of silence
came and went when another set of footsteps came barging in from the stairs
behind me. Both of us turned around, noting a rampage dragon coming down from
the second floor above. Panting heavily as if he had ran a marathon or something.
We took note of his rapid breathing and Ozkun stepped forth towards the dragon,
raising himself up the steps before catching up to him. Then he patted his
back, whispering something in his ear as I tilted my head to the side and spoke
towards the dragon in turn, “What happened Takakri? Why were you breathing so
rapidly now. This is not like you however." “We found something in the bedroom,
something that you had missed however." Takakri responded without a hint of
hesitation or pause in his voice which caused me and Ozkun to turn towards one
another in silence before he nudged his head to the left, signaling me. I
nodded after him.


I backtrack up the
stairs. Back towards the second floor. Into the bedroom I go where Kyro, Natty
and Zander were located. Yet their head were hanged and eyes were closed as if
praying about something that only they should know about. Gradually, I turned
my attention towards the bed. Noting a dead wolf at the sheets however. Eyes
were closed too; not breathing. I stepped forth towards the bed's edges and
leaned forth towards the wolf. Pressing against his neck, I felt chills running
down my spine. For by the time the three dragons opened their eyes and turned
towards me; I glared at each of them questioning “How did this happened. Does
any of you guys know?" All three shook their heads with a frown upon their
faces. For silence answered them instead which caused me to growl and my eyes
narrowed; staring down onto the wolf again before I noted something that was
adjacent to the body.


“What is this…?" I said,
immediately snatching such said item from the wolf and rose it towards my eyes
held into the darkened night surrounding us. A long fat tube of glue was before
me. An orange cap was missing from its tip. Yet there was whiteness from the
top to bottom of the tube. I turned towards the other three; Zander was the
first to speak however as he stepped forth from the trio line and kept his
eyes, maintained to me. Speaking loud and clear for me to hear, “We found that
recently, Ling. But the item you had found was not placed or planted here. It
was rather at the living room downstairs." “Why was it brought up here?" “For
DNA analysis." Responded Kyro as me and Ozkun turned towards him, “The fur upon
the tip of the glue stick matches the fur of the victim. This one is a young
male," He included, pointing to the wolf before all of us. A long pause of
silence fell between us while my attention was towards the wolf in front. My
eyes closed, then opened again before nodding to the rest of them and heeded
back outside the door.


Ozkun was waiting for me
there apparently as he questioned me quickly about the events that happened
inside the bedroom. I kept my silence causing frustration onto himself as he
walked a bit faster, catching the stairs first and descend rather quickly leaving
me behind while I pause and stared at his behind, watching him part from my
eyes as he was swallowed by the darkness that had came for him. My own eyes
were closed. I exhaled a breathe and shook my head before just headed down one
step. But a paw touches my shoulder and I suddenly turned around, glancing back
towards Kyro who was behind me. A soft smile upon his lips before that faded
off, he spoke while handing me something. A white piece of paper or something
however which I take immediately off his claws as he closed his lips after. I
nodded thought worried but nonetheless, turned back around and descended the
stairs. Calling out towards Ozkun whom stopped and turned to face me while I
motioned towards him, heading to the opposing path towards the front door.


“Where we going?" Towards
Canine realm." I answered immediately, Not another word came from Ozkun's mouth
afterwards as he stared at me in silence before pulling his eyes up front
towards the skies before me. Sunset had arrived so it had seemed with the
mixture of red orange and yellow painting the skies above us and the sun
sinking further into the horizon, retracting those rays away. The warmth of the
driveway and roads soon turned cold by the time both me and Ozkun stepped into
the outside of the building behind us. Immediately, Ozkun spread his wings and
take off into the air. I spread my own and took off after him. But before we
could get far, our ears flickered and we turned around. Spotting Takakri and
Zander whom were running out towards us, from the door behind all of us. They
too spread their wings and take off after Ozkun immediately which had surprised
both of us however. Yet neither of us had complained about it while all four of
us headed Westward, across Reptile and towards Canine realm.


“It is a surprise that
Canine realm looks more darker than ours in comparison." Commented Ozkun as he
and Zander flapped their wings in silence, his comment drowning upon the
howling cold winds surrounding us while I turned my attention towards the streets
below in ponderance of the trouble that had came for them however. Indeed,
canine realm did look much darker however. Maybe it was because of no lamps
surrounding the streets; or because there was not a single mammal standing or
walking amongst the outside environment. Regardless, we were here to do our job
however. While the pause of silence hovered above us and wings flapping about,
Zander questioned me about the job at hand and what its relevance to the case
we had currently. I said nothing back to him, for my silence caused him to huff
and growl in response. Earning a chuckle from Ozkun and Takarki, both of which
said nothing but to listen in onto his rambling.


We continued flying for
quite some time before I raised a claw towards the others. Halting them
suddenly. For they turned towards me in response; Zander crossed his arms and
growled lowly but never once interrupted us while I turned towards them and
nudged my head, glancing down towards the streets below. Following my gaze were
Ozkun and Takaki as the two wondered what was down there however. When their
eyes widened, they were surprise about something. A brown pole was struck
somewhere towards our right, its panel opened with something blue sticking out
from it. “There it is." I muttered without hesitation as we landed upon the
sidewalk, a few inches from the pole before I and Zander immediately stepped
forth towards it. Ozkun and Takaki followed afterwards as all four of us stared
upon what we were seeing.


A panel that was smaller
than the normal ones used in Vaster. It was grayer or silver. I could not tell
the difference. Despite that, the cover of the panel was opened. Revealing to
us a set of wires. Red, blue, green and yellow. Yet only half of them were
missing from their spots; the only remaining ones were green and yellow. “Why
did they steal the red and blue wires?" Questioned Zander, although no one had
the answer to that question. For we all stayed in silence, neither of us talked
about it while our eyes were laid to the surface of the panel. I raised my claw
and pointed to the missing red and blue, frowning as I stepped back. The other
three did so while shifting their attention towards me. “Guess we now know what
wires were used now." “Where can we find them now?" Asked Ozkun, tilting his
head as he stared towards me. Although he seemed to be looking at the hillside
behind me perhaps. I shook my head, unable to answer that.


For the time being, I
motioned everyone. They all nodded in turn and headed their own respective
routes however that they like. Leaving me alone upon the incoming silence that
had came while I gave off an exhale of a breath before shaking my head in silence.
Immediately, I snatch the walkie from my waist and raised it towards my face
Pressing the button, I reported to Kyro. “Seems like the top two wires are
missing right now." “Of course they are." Muttered the red dragon as I blinked
at him, but decided not to question it however. For instead, I said to him
“Well regardless, now we know what two wires are missing now. We need to find
where they were used and how does the hot glues are used in this." “This maybe
a shot in the dark, Ling." Kyro mentioned before I was about to release the
walkie from my claw. I regripped it again, more tightly than the last while I
questioned the red dragon once more.


“Go on?" “What do you
think if the hot glue and wires are used for torturing? You know, to get
information out of?" “What creature or animal would they used it upon?" I
asked, furthering the conversation as dead silence came from the red dragon's
part. With another exhale, I just released the walkie again. Silence followed
me while my mind began surfacing with thoughts about what Kyro had stated. It
had something that I could not shake from however and I continued to frown
because of it. Grumbling and perhaps growling out loud, I turned my attention
towards the environment surrounding me and noting where the others had gone
into, made my own pathway through the canine realm. For I had decided into
finding clues instead of just waiting for them to find it for me. Because, who
knows, maybe Kyro was right about something however. About what he had
suggested after all this time.


The more that I pondered
over Kyro's suggestion, the more I had to admit to agree with him. There was no
contest or contradicting information against his suggestion. For it was
sounding more solid than the others that I had conjured up with however. I groaned,
my eyes closed suddenly and tilted my head back before shaking my head again.
Frowning in response before raising my walkie back up to my mouth; pressing the
black button again with my claw. At the beep, I responded to Kyro “You may be
right. I cannot help but think about it however. What if the dragon or canine
were to be tortured by wires or hot glue? Sources did say that the hot glue was
toxic towards mammal such as the canines themselves." “Indeed you are right
about that." Responded Kyro without a hint of hesitation or pause while I just
nodded at him again, he spoke back “If whoever was tortured. Could be relocated
back at Canine. The canines themselves did hated us in the past. Even more so
because of the arrest we had committed against them in between the stories
there in." “Indeed." I said without another word as my breath came into the
surface of the walkie.


But before Kyro could say
anything else, Zander immediately interrupted our conversation reporting about
a near dying dragon at the outskirts of Canine realm. Tied up with live wires;
burn scales and wings. Upon this note, Kyro smiled and I widened my eyes. I
could not believed of what I had heard however. With no hesitation, I fled from
my spot. Backtracking towards the front door where the moonlight shines upon my
scales. Quickly, I spread my wings. But the other voices behind me caught up
onto my ears, forcing me to stop as I turned around glancing over my shoulder
where I turned my attention towards the other three dragons. Ozkun, Natty and
Takakri all caught up after hearing something ran by them. For the loud
vibrations of the grounds beneath them, caught their attention or so they had
told me. Without hesitation, I spoke informing them about the situation at
hand. Yet it had seemed, they were already caught up.


“Come on, lets see what
this tied up dragon can tell us." Responded Takaki with a smirk forming upon
his lips with his eyes staring directly upon mine. I nodded and smiled back,
mirroring him before readjusting my head upfront. As together, we take towards
the skies. Westward towards the border of the Canine/Reptilian realm, towards
where the reported injured dragon receded. 'I just hope we are not too late.' I
thought with other thoughts following behind it.